#the only one i'm still completely undecided on is my starter
there's still two weeks left (and a bit more for me) but I've already designed a method for naming my pokemon on violet; i'll just randomly choose from this list :)
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Meet Mist-Jun's Cinderace, nicknamed Scorbunny!
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(Using this picture cuz it's the only coloured drawing of Scorbunny I've& ever made, even though it doesn't represent Scorbunny well.)
OKAY, THIS POST WAS LONG OVERDUE. But, to be completely honest, I'm& still working on my& brazen self-confidence so I& didn't feel comfortable posting about my& au until recently. (God, I& had to delete a few disclaimers just after writing that… I'm& trying my& best.)
So Mist-Jun pokémon premise is that he is from our world (as in, Mist is from real life) and they've somehow found themself in the pokemon universe (specifically Galar) with their trusty bestie, Cosmicco. Got it?
So Mist-Jun and Cosmicco were offered starter pokemon by either Leon, Professor Dan, or Champion Justin - undecided but probably Dan and Justin. (If this goes over well, I& will ramble about Professor Dan but y'all have to give (positive) feedback! U-U) The choices were the classic g8 starter set: Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble. Mist-Jun immediately fell in love with Scorbunny and literally shoved Cosmicco aside to get the first pick.
When Mist and Cosmicco were told Scorbunny is a fire type, Cosmicco freaked out and insisted Mist could not choose the fire type because yk, she's a reactive elemental and something as reactive as fire can make her literally implode. (Okay yeah, so Mist and Cosmicco aren't really from our universe but a universe close enough I& could make that comparison for simplicity xD)
Anyway, Mist insisted he was choosing the fire type and Cosmicco choose the "puppy," grookey. Yeah, she was informed grookey was a monkey but she is too stubborn to agree xD.
AND HERE IS WHERE SWSH PLAYS OUT! Or well, excluding the zaican and zamazenta stuff… and the Team Yell stuff… and the chairman-Rose-is-evil stuff… uh, actually, this actually all takes place years after the events of swsh... so ig it's just a galarian gym challenge, coming to think of it. xD
(Um, okay, I& will be honest. There is another crisis in exchange for the zaican and zamazenta stuff but… again, I& am really trying to improve my& brazen confidence and im& already sharing everything about Scorbunny so… if y'all would be interested in hearing this entire new plot, you must let me& know or I& won't be sharing it anytime soon.)
Anyway, this is about Scorbunny and not Mist-Jun so I'll& skip to the important parts and, if you wanna hear about Mist's and Cosmicco's adventures in more detail, let me& know!
So yk how Scorbunny's shiny colouring is very similar to its non-shiny colouring? Mist-Jun did not know his Scorbunny was shiny (plus, Mist and Co obviously wouldn't even know about shinies xD) but you know who did? Team Rocket! (So this is the part where I& am really hesitant about sharing because it probably sounds cringy and doesn't even make sense because TR is a Kanto organization and… so please, just push past if you think I'm& being cringe…)
So Team Rocket wants Scorbunny because he is shiny, right? Well, obviously Mist, Co, Scorbunny, and Grookey don't want Scorbunny to be taken! So throughout their gym challenge, they have to keep kicking TR's butts.
Oh, right! And did I& mention Scorbunny is basically the Let's Go partner? Grookey too, except Grookey is (significantly) less powerful. For example, Scorbunny somehow learned Pyro Ball just before the opening ceremony. You know, Cinderace's signature move? Even Hop was taken aback xD.
When Mist and Co got to motostoke for the opening ceremony, Scorbunny and Grookey ran off into one of the shops so Mist and Co naturally chased after them and found their pokemon looking at everstones! So that's how Scorbunny and Grookey got everstones :D. Alternatively, Scorbunny gave Mist-Jun this little charade about how he didn't want to evolve but Mist-Jun just could not understand what Scorbunny was trying to say. (that said, as time went on, Mist grew to understand Scorbunny better.). Funny thing is, Cosmicco knew exactly what Scorbunny was trying to say but just… didn't care enough to tell Mist xD.
Anyway, at some point in Mist's and Cosmicco's badge-collecting, Mist-Jun and Scorbunny were alone for some reason and saw a Team Rocket member (okay, okay. It was James; don't make fun of me&, he's literally just one of few TR members we know about.) on the beach desperately looking for something.
Against Mist's and Scorbunny's better judgement, they decided to find out what James was looking for. James said he wanted to surprise Meowth with an everstone but couldn't find any. (Let's just… pretend everstones can apparently be found on beaches. Also, don't ask why James doesn't just go steal one. Idk either-)
So Mist reluctantly agreed to help, despite Scorbunny's complaints. (Remember, Team Rocket was/is trying to steal Scorbunny!) But alas, in the end, neither James nor Mist could find an everstone. However, long story short, Mist agreed to trade James Scorbunny's everstone for an item that let a three-stage-evolution pokemon skip its second stage. (Yeah, it's not a real item in pokemon but like… None of this follows canon. Still haven't decided what the item should be called; any ideas?) Also, this makes Mist-Jun sound like a jerk but I& assure you, that was not my& intention xD.
Despite this, later in Mist's and Co's adventure, bam, bam, bam, something bad is happening and it is affecting Scorbunny. I& can't decide whether this "bad thing" has anything to do with Team Rocket, or if the gang just assumes it is TR's doing, or there's a third-party (which would be foreshadowing if I& decide it is) that's causing it and Mist is fed up, or w h a t but the bottom line is: Scorbunny very clearly isn't safe with Mist at all and has to move on.
So Mist-Jun sadly releases Scorbunny into the wild. (well, in a cave with a bunch of other Scorbunnies. Was this relevant to mention?)
Now, this part… is really hard to explain without giving a lot of premise and insight into Mist’s and Cosmicco’s gym challenge plot thingy. So… I’m& just going to break it down to what’s important. If yall want me& to share the rest of the au, tell me&. But I’ve& been rambling for ages and I& doubt anyone will even read this so…
Anyway. Basically, days/weeks/months after Mist released Scorbunny, Mist-Jun is about to get dramatically killed by some kind of ball of evil matter or smeth. But, oh look, Scorbunny soccer-style hit it back cuz he’s a soccer player who somehow mastered Pyro Ball as a kitten (did you know baby bunnies are called kittens?) and evolved into Cinderace in the progress *surprised pikachu face*. (Look, it’s late at night and I’ve& been writing this for h o u r s. I& don’t have the energy to write this properly, k?)
Oh right! I& drew something relating to this part a while ago!
Um, so yeahh, that’s the end! I& don’t think there’s anything else to say about Scorbunny… oh right! Mist-Jun never stopped referring to “Scorbunny” as Scorbunny because why would he change what he has been referring to Scorbunny the entire time? Yk? If that makes sense? I’m& just tired, okay? Er, like I& said, tell me& if you’re willing to listening to my& rambles about my& au! But you’ve gotta mean it :/.
I& have to say: I’m& proud of myself for sharing this! :D Brazen self-confidence! Feel free to ask about anything! (No really, please do; it makes me& happy to know people are interested--)
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