anniebeesknees · 9 years
I wish I could literally eat a dim sum version of this song. Who knew that finding songs on Reddit could be a thing? Well, now I guess it is, for me. I found this lovely jam while putting off writing about a cheese festival in NY that I won’t actually be attending. The description of the song when I found it is, “perfect summer jam.” I challenge anyone to find a more apt description of a song.
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anniebeesknees · 9 years
If you can only listen to one album today, maybe you'll make it this one... #jamiexx #humpdaymusic
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anniebeesknees · 9 years
Ok, so I’m just sitting here minding my own business, searching for some music I can listen to while writing, and what do I come across but Ms. Natalie Imbruglia and she’s apparently recorded a DAFT PUNK cover of “Instant Crush” one of the best songs (IMO) from their 2013, Random Access Memories. Happy Friday? Yes, Happy Friday.
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anniebeesknees · 9 years
What a great day for a new Alabama Shakes album :-D
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anniebeesknees · 9 years
Woah listen to this right meeoowww
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anniebeesknees · 9 years
As Action himself, would say... FUCK, that's DELICIOUS!
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
this song all day everyday
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
And you thought The Weeknd was the only sexy, dirty, sweet singing producer. 
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
Oh my goodness, sing it girl, sing it!!
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
BANKS! She was pretty good, but there was something missing for me. You can read about it if ya feel like it or something.
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
UrbanOutfitters.com: Awesome stuff for you & your space
OK yeah, feelin’ old and maybe I need to stop shopping at Urban Outfitters… They call this backpack “vintage” and I was carrying this shit around in middle school. C’mon people!!
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
With so many bands coming out of Nashville today, it can be hard to sift through it all. One band worth your time and checking out this Saturday at Chicago’s Beat Kitchen is Daniel Ellsworth and the Great Lakes. Their latest album, Kid Tiger, is filled with highly energetic, synth-heavy rock songs that provide is a …
a short one about a cool group of dudes who play music together. i really, REALLY like these guys and think they are so talented. but unfortunately, i'm just not a huge fan of this album and I really wanted to be. it's ok to still have mad respect for musicians even if you can't get obsessed with their music. a lesson learned.
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
[Editor's note: Every Wednesday, New York City's own Andrew W.K. takes your life questions and sets you safely down the...
"Discomfort is a small price to pay for brilliance." - Andrew W.K
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
One album that is an essential for any collection is Stiff Little Fingers’ Inflammable Material. Released in 1979, Inflammable Material introduced the world to a quad of high energy boys from Belfast, Ireland who had something to say about their home during a time of major political conflict which was often violent and lasted three decades. …
In which I get totally schooled on live music production and vinyl by the legendary Ali McMordie of Stiff Little Fingers. What an honor!
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
one of the best things about moving back in with my parents aside from the consistently full fridge, is that they just started watching Breaking Bad from the beginning and now i get to re-watch it with them and see all of their reactions to everything. that is the best.
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anniebeesknees · 10 years
PHOTOS: BRIGID GALLAGHER | Sunday of Riot Fest, or what I had been referring to all weekend as “Pattiday,” was easily my favorite day of the weekend. It was no secret that I was really excited for Patti Smith. My expectations were high, to say the least, and I had to resign myself to basically …
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