#the only parts of this i 100% believe is sam & shane & emily LMAO
specialbluehens · 1 year
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bachelor & bachelorettes deez nuts chart (explanations under read more for fun LOL)
ok so
harvey old <3
elliott doesn't NOT get it but also he doesn't GET it
leah will get it & laugh but it gets old for her quick
haley is a deez nuts joke hater & will say she doesn't get it to make the joke fall flat
alex will stifle his laughter but he thinks they're funny
emily finds them fucking hilarious
penny hangs out with sam & sam makes her laugh <3
abigail thinks they're funny but is more likely to make the joke. like, she & sam will just say it back & forth at each other
sebastian is the same, but he'll lean more than abigail towards making the joke. they both hang out with sam but sebby does a lot more. ends up getting in the habit of making the joke more often.
maru uses it as a joke bc she knows sam makes penny laugh with it but she finds it mildly amusing & does it sparingly
sam is the DEEZ NUTS™️ joke KING!!!!
shane? shane usually rolls his eyes, almost always. but every once in a while he'll make the joke, look sam dead in the eyes, & tell him "no one will ever believe you" (made them a lot when he was in gridball)
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