#the only reason it stopped is bc ashe was so emotionally shocked by his mom’s death after all
enderspawn · 2 years
GOD I’m. Thinking abt Mark. He never hated Ashe, he loved Ashe to the point of suffocation. He wanted to keep him safe and alive so he locked him away. Even if he was miserable, he was here. After losing his wife, he couldn’t take another death and projected all that fear onto Ashe. It didn’t matter if he was a shit dad, he was keeping Ashe alive and safe and clothed and fed and everything else was the cost to pay to achieve it.
But god, after Ashe’s mom died, he didn’t blame Ashe— he blamed the book. He hated the book, hated what it could do. It would’ve been so easy to hate Ashe for it too, but he didn’t. Despite all that, he trusted Ashe to still be able to control it. He let Ashe help the PD initially with the spirit world bc he trusted Ashe to keep himself safe too, he told him that! It was after Ashe got shot that he realized it didn’t matter what Ashe did, he wasn’t going to safe at all bc of the situation they’re in and tried he to make Ashe stop and leave, but Ashe told him he wanted to be a hero.
Do you think anyone ever told him what happened to his son? That he was a hero? Or did he go to prison forever unsure. Do you think him trusting Ashe that first time and letting Ashe help haunts him?
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