#the only swsh one i can remember clearly is piers because of how much of a let down it was
maxaroniiiii · 7 months
i dont think i like any of the gyms from the switch pokemon games.
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pikachu78109 · 5 years
Idk, I feel like writing something dramatic or maybe something depressing. Some of the topics are not suitable for Wooloo, so if you feel uncomfortable or anything, then by all means skip this headcanon/reader insert/long read post. Anyway, there’s not really a specific theme, but if I had to pick one, it would be abusive relationships. This will be if the Galar characters were being abused and their s/o trying to help them out.
On a side note, I am taking break from writing any requested SWSH headcanons, seeing that my inbox has a lot right now. I’m trying to post as many HC’s as I can, but it will take awhile given that I am busy with upcoming finals in college and other things outside of social media. So, ask for your patience as I am doing all that I can to get more requested SWSH headcanons out and finished. With that said, let’s get onto the post.
-You didn’t really suspect anything happening much to Milo. I mean, Milo is a very sweet guy who loves to tend to his farm and his flowers. His Pokémon always feel relaxed around him and, so far, nothing really interesting has happened until a few months later. For some reason, you started to notice a few things that you knew deep down wasn’t like Milo. For starters, he wasn’t going outside as much. As a farmer, Milo has always been working outdoors, tending to the fields and the Wooloo alongside with his Eldegoss and Yamper. So, it didn’t sit right with you that Milo wasn’t present during the day time. Regardless, you try to think up a reason as to why he isn’t outside. Maybe he’s been dealing with a lot of Gym Challengers? Perhaps he’s caught a nasty cold? However, over time, these assumptions started to fade out and you clearly tell that something was wrong. Surprisingly, you spotted Milo the other day out in the fields, carrying bales of hay. Strangely, you noticed he had a blank, almost too concentrated look on his face. Which is out of the blue, because Milo always smiles when he works.
Taking an even closer look, you noticed how tight his scarf was tied around his neck, almost too tight that you started to worry. His mannerisms were another that drastically changed. Milo has gotten to be very quiet, almost too afraid to speak when being approached by someone. He wouldn’t even look at them in the eye. It suddenly dawned on you that Milo has been trying his hand at dating, something of which you could remember him saying to you once. Apparently, he met someone who has the same interests as he does and, not too long after, they became a couple. It happened so fast that you started to wonder if Milo might be having relationship trouble with his partner. After all, whenever you see them go on dates, you can tell there was something...off about the person Milo was dating. They wouldn’t pay attention to Milo and would get annoyed pretty quickly over the most trivial things that Milo do. You tried asking Milo if everything is alright, but he would reply by saying, “Everything is fine. They just had a bad day,”
Which, deep down, you know is false. Their sudden annoyances with Milo suddenly turned into something dangerous. While you would take your nightly stroll through Turffield, you could hear audible yelling coming Milo’s house just a few blocks away. Outside, you could see Milo’s Eldegoss and Wooloo huddled by the door, quivering in fear of what’s going inside. Knowing that Mill always puts a spare key underneath his welcome mat, you quickly opened the front door and dashed upstairs to Milo’s room. Upon opening the door, you could see Milo on the floor, holding his neck protectively as his partner looms over him, a belt in their hand. Immediately, you pushed the abuser away from Milo and stood over the gentle giant’s body. Before the abuser could do anything, you got out your Butterfree and told it to use String Shot, which luckily tied them down instantly. After calling the cops and getting Milo’s now ex-partner our of their life, you can only hope for a speedy recovery for Milo. When Milo comes to, you noticed the bruises implanted on his neck and understood why he tied his scarf so tightly. All you could for Milo was help him get up and move him towards his bed to get him to lie down. Milo looks at you in a tearful gaze, but mutters his gratitude. He also apologizes for not being honest about his situation and blames himself for not doing so sooner. However, all you tell Milo is that everything is okay now and they are here to help him in whatever they can. Appreciating this, Milo reaches his hand to caress your cheek and smiles gently as he wants to kiss you badly. Knowing this, you bend down to give him a kiss on the cheek and promise to stay by his side no matter what.
-As a Dark type user and singer, Piers has attracted a few fans. You were one of them who enjoys listening to your friend’s music and would stop by to help write new songs with him. Unbeknownst to you, there was news spreading around Spikemuth that Piers was in a relationship with someone. At first, you were confused, because Piers made no mention about being in a relationship. Still, being a supportive friend nonetheless, you feel happy for him. It wouldn’t be until a few months that you started to see less of Piers. Even Marnie herself told you that Piers has been coming home late at night and wouldn’t bother telling anyone where he was or what he has been doing. However, you manage to brush that off as something typical that Piers would do. You and Piers would sneak off all the time late at night to see any concerts that were playing. So, it didn’t bother you much when Marnie told you this. Instead, you would reassure her that this is Piers and that he always comes home late. Fast forward a few more months and you suddenly got word from a Team Yell member that Piers has cancelled one of his upcoming concerts. Assuming that he might have a caught a cold or might be busy with anything relating to the Gym Challenge, you also brushed that off.
After awhile, you finally come across Piers as he’s making one of his late night excursions. You catch up to him and, for some reason, he ignores you. His body language appeared tense, stiff even. Getting a good look at his face, you noticed how his eyes have bags underneath them and that he looked a lot more pale than usual. What caught your eye the most was the bandages on his hands and a few Band-Aids on his cheek and chin. You wondered to yourself: “Did Piers get into a huge fight with someone?” Asking this, you were met with a sharp tongue from Piers who tells you to piss off and that it’s none of your business. Feeling a bit hurt, you took a bold step forward and grabbed Pier’s arm, preventing him from walking away. You start ask questions, which Piers stubbornly refuses to answer. With each reply, you could pick up hint of fear and urgency in his tone, which prompts you to wrap your arms around Piers’s skinny waist, hugging him tightly. This was unlike you. You weren’t the most affectionate person nor someone who begged or pleaded. But seeing Piers, a close friend whom you hold near and dear to your heart, act like this...it scared the hell out of you.
Piers would gently remove your arms around his waist and turn to look at you. This time, his eyes were pleading for you to stop and to leave him alone. Before you could say anything, Piers runs out of sight. Not wanting to give up, you followed Piers deep within Spikemuth, until eventually you saw Piers enter an abandoned building, not too far from the city’s exit. The building looks really dilapidated but it still harbored a few Galarian Zigzagoons and neighboring Toxals. You entered the property and could hear a few muffled voices coming from upstairs, along with some headache inducing music. Walking up the stairs carefully, you could smell a faint scent of something foul, which you immediately knew was marijuana. Spikemuth has its fair share of drug dealers so the smell shouldn’t come to a surprise. What did surprise you was the fact that you saw Piers enter a unlocked room, where he was greeted by shouts and some slurred speech. Treading behind quietly, you peered through the doorway to see Piers being shoved down harshly on worn mattress, the shirt off his back exposing his skinny frame.
Moving your eyes, you noticed someone standing over him, their voice loud and dominanting over the metal music. Putting the pieces together, you realized that this Piers was messed up s/o, someone who hides their time getting drunk and high while treating Spikemuth’s Gym Leader like a piece of sh*t. You noticed the bottle they were holding in their hand, the contents of which were emptied. By the time your eyes blinked, you heard the sound of glass breaking and a painful cry being let loose being followed up with insults and swearing. Not wanting to listen to this any longer, you grabbed your Pokéball that you always carried with you and brought out your Morpeko. By opening the door with just your foot, you immediately tell your Morpeko to use Nuzzle, which manages to paralyze Piers abusive s/o. Taking a look at Piers, you noticed the glass shards on his body and the specks of blood that appeared on his arms, chest, and bottom lip. After calling the police and having them arrest the abuser, you cleaned up Piers and waited beside him for an ambulance to arrive to take him to the hospital. Piers looks at you with a saddened yet grateful expression, his eyes locked onto yours. He grips your hand tightly until your knuckles are turned white and apologizes profusely as you held him. You shushed gently and brush his bangs out of his face while saying he’s safe and that he needs to stay still. You give him a kiss to soothe his nerves and quietly wait for help to aid Piers. With all that had happened, you never regretted following Piers that night and you certainly will always take what concerns people may have into account.
-You knew that Raihan is a popular social media star when he isn’t taking on Gym Challengers. With every app, you follow him on every platform and like his posts, which mostly consisted of him taking selfies or blogging about the latest fashion trends that he came across. Being a close friend, you would joke about Raihan’s fashion choices or selfies because you knew how ridiculous Raihan’s hobbies can be at times. However, in this particular instance, you were pretty shocked to see a photo with an update that Raihan suddenly acquired a s/o thanks to whatever dating app he’s been using for awhile. You’re not against Raihan dating, since you know that being a Gym Leader can be pretty hectic but, regardless, you thought nothing of Raihan surprising announcement. With the weeks that followed, you noticed a lot of selfies of Raihan and his s/o, mainly consisting of cute couple poses, matches outfits, and just general romantic moments that can make you say ‘Aww!’ or make you eye roll. You were both. This string of selfies continued for a couple of months until they started to slow down unexpectedly. By the time another months has passed, Raihan somehow stopped updating his social media and hasn’t uploaded a selfie in days. This started to worry you because Raihan isn’t the kind of person who do this.
Not wanting to assume the worst, you figured maybe that Raihan was dealing with Gym Challengers, maybe he lost his Rotom Phone charger for the umpteenth time, or perhaps he might spending more time with his s/o, the latter of which you went with. Over the weeks, Raihan’s lack of presence started to gain some traction to the fans that follow him, including yourself. Because of this, you tried calling multiple times in hopes that he’ll pick up, even texted him twice a day since you were beginning to get more worried than ever. Unfortunately, your calls and messages would fail to come through because, for some reason, your number has been blocked. This was strange to you, because Raihan doesn’t block any close friends and relatives that he talks to regularly. Unless they did something wrong... But haven’t seen Raihan weeks, so there is no way you did something wrong in front of Raihan that was deserving of a blocked contact. Wanting to get to the bottom of this, you headed over to Raihan’s place to be up front and direct about it. You were worried, but also kind of ticked that he would block you without a giving a reason why.
As you approached his place, you could hear awful yelling coming inside his apartment that was accompanied with Raihan yelling back. His voice sounded off, like he was in pain and on the verge of tears, which didn’t sit right at all with you. You hesitated a bit but knocked on the door twice loudly. A brief moment of silence ensued. Stepping back, you heard the door open but only half way. You looked up to see Raihan peeking from behind the door, his face suddenly turned surprised to find his close friend standing opposite to him. You ask if he was doing okay and why he unexpectedly blocked you on his phone. From the background, you hear scuffling and sharp voice coming from behind Raihan. He winced at the tone and looked back you, flashing a smile that hardly looked genuine. Raihan apologized for the blocked contact and promises to unblock you soon before shutting the door completely, leaving you standing in the empty corridor. You nearly cried when Raihan did that...
That evening, you laid in bed with your Rotom Phone at your side, waiting to be unblocked by Raihan. As minutes turned to hours, you decided to look through his social media again, hoping to see if Raihan updated his selfies. As you did, you heard a loud banging coming from downstairs that caused you to jolt out of bed. Hurrying downstairs, you headed for your door with which the banging continued. Opening it up, you were surprised to see Raihan standing outside, breathless and shaking tremendously. Not wanting him to stand in that spot for too long, you pulled him inside and quickly closed and locked the door. As you turned around, you were greeted with Raihan hugging you tightly in a Bewear grasp, shuddering breath after breath in mixture of fear and relief. You asked what happened and Raihan confesses what has happened during the passed few months. Apparently the person who Raihan was dating was very controlling and domineering, who would constantly look through Raihan’s phone while he wasn’t present, and was the one who blocked you from Raihan’s contacts. Realizing this, you asked Raihan where this person was. He replied that his s/o went out after another one of their yelling matches, which caused Raihan to get hit on the face more times than he cared to count. He managed to get his Duraludon to knock his s/o out and contacted the police to arrest them on the account of domestic violence.
As Raihan is still shaking, you guided him into the kitchen where you got him a glass of water. Taking him upstairs to your room, you lied him down on your bed and took off his orange headband and unzipped his hoodie. You never seen Raihan like this before and it deeply upsets you that someone so confident and strong was being harmed by someone else behind closed doors. You gently kissed Raihan and told him that he did the right thing and that he is safe. Raihan asks if he could hold you, which you obliged. By being wrapped in his arms, you feel Raihan starting to calm down, but still feel tense and on edge. You rub his arms and pepper him with kisses with which he welcomes. Raihan vows to never use dating apps ever again because of that experience and wishes that he could’ve been more wary and careful with his actions. But, in the moment as he held you close, Raihan realizes that he made the right choice of seeking your help when he needed it most.
-You knew Hop when the two of you were younger and started on the Gym Challenge together at the same time. You two were pretty close and had the same interests. When you were apart from him, Hop would text you updates on what he was doing and how his journey is going. You know, the usual Trainer stuff. So, it would come to a surprise to you that Hop announced that he was dating someone. At first, you were hesitant to believe this because you have been harboring feelings for Hop for quite awhile. But seeing that Hop did not pick up any of your signs, you decided to not be bitter about this and congratulated Hop and his first relationship. You kept wondering to yourself if Hop told Leon as well, seeing that the two brothers would talk about to each other every now and then. Still, you went about your journey and decided that Hop’s relationships were his business and not yours. You would meet up with Hop at times to battle and you would notice a sudden change in attitude towards him. At first, he would appear pretty amped up and ready to battle but recently, Hop has been more... subdued. His battling technique was starting to falter more easily and his usual can-do attitude no longer felt present during the battle. You assumed if Hop was defeated by either a Gym Leader or another Trainers, possibly Bede, who knows? Hop would tell you not worry about it and to keep pushing forward.
For a moment, you accepted what Hop said and that he can shoot a text to you at any time. Further along into your journey, Hop wouldn’t text as often and this continued well passed the Gym Challenge after you saved all of Galar and defeated Leon in battle. Your phone would remain dead silent and wouldn’t be bombarded with any of Hop’s texts. It started to concern you on what was going on and if Hop was doing okay at all. You decided to try calling him but he would never pick up. Figuring that maybe Leon might know what’s going on, you asked him via text if he noticed a sudden change in Hop’s behavior. Surprisingly, Leon has picked up on Hop’s change of character and has multiple times tried to get Hop to talk to him, but Hop wouldn’t be responsive and would shut everyone out, including their mum who was greatly worried. With this fount of information, you headed over to Hop’s place in hopes of getting him to open up.
Upon arrival, you immediately scaled the stairs towards Hop’s room and opened his bedroom to find him in bed with the blankets over his head. Walking over, you lightly tapped his covered head and told him to show himself and that they needed to talk. Hop refuses and pulls the blanket tightly around him. This causes you feel frustrated and you manage to wrestle the blanket off of him. What you didn’t expect to see was Hop’s tear streaked face and disheveled hair and rumpled pajamas. His Rotom Phone laid there next to his pillow, the screen displaying an in text conversation with which seemed endless. Hop tells you to go away and that he is busy, but you ignored his wishes and quickly grabbed his phone. Scrolling through the conversation, you noticed how the messages started to become vicious and hard to read. There were many insults made about Hop, comparing him to his brother and even messages pointing out his flaws and insecurities as a Trainer. Looking back at Hop, you noticed that he pulled his blanket over his head again and could soft, choked sobbing underneath. Sitting down close to him, you gently tugged the blanket down to see Hop’s weeping face and gently tilted his face to look at you. You asked who he was texting and when he answer his s/o, you immediately blocked and deleted the person from his contacts.
Hop asks why you did that, with which you responded that this person has no right to insult or berate him like that. That all the things they said to him were lies and nothing more. Hop looks at the phone, his eyes fresh with tears, as he mutters self-deprecating comments about himself and that everything his now ex-s/o had said about him was true. You put Hop’s phone down and cup his face and gave him a kiss on the lips. Surprised, Hop pulls back and asks why you did that just now. You reply by saying that relationships are supposed to be loving and genuine and the relationship that Hop was in had none of that. You also confess your feelings to Hop, saying that you knew him for so long that you know who he is and the kind of awesome Trainer he has grown to be. Hop will doubt your words, but does try to see the trust in what you just said. He knows you do mean it, he just hopes that he’s able to see it for himself after dealing with so much.
-Being the former Champion of Galar, Leon has a lot of time opened up to him. Of course, he still gets recognized everywhere he goes, which is to be expected, and sometimes he attracts the media as well. You sort of expected this to happen to your friend and find it kind of hilarious that Leon is still prominent a month after his defeat. And given the time he spends at the Battle Tower, you haven’t seen much of him lately. It wouldn’t be until after a few months that Leon has texted you that he met someone at the Battle Tower and that they have been talking and hanging out quite a lot. You thought nothing of it and told him that it’s great. After a few weeks, Leon then released a text that he’s in a relationship with this person. You offer him your congratulations and carried on with your business. Knowing that Leon is a busy guy, you don’t get many texts from him. And since he has acquired a s/o, his texts start becoming a scarcity with which you find somewhat normal, if not typical for Leon.
That said, you often wonder what he was doing and question if he really is busy at all. Even so, you didn’t want to worry yourself sick about Leon’s whereabouts, because again, it wasn’t any of your business. During the weeks that followed, you suddenly got a surprising text from Leon asking if he could hang out a bit at your place. You said okay and, within an hour, Leon arrives. When you open the door to let him in, you noticed that he looked a bit...off? His hair was sort of messy (then again, it always looked messy) and the hoodie and pajama bottoms weren’t something he usually wore. You asked if he’s feeling alright, and he replies with a quick yes and comes in. He grabs your hand and leads you away from the door, heading into your bedroom. He flops down on your bed and curls up in a ball and...goes to sleep. Taking a closer look, you noticed that he did look more tired than usual and tucked him regardless of your confusion. By the time he woke up, Leon wonders where you went and begins to frantically search your place to find you. Eventually, he finds you in the backyard, gathering laundry with your Wooloo and you turn to see him standing outside the back door, looking a bit frazzled yet panicked. Coming over, you once again asked if he was okay, and once again Leon says that he’s fine and that he didn’t know where you were.
After a few awkward minutes of no talking, you went back to your laundry. Behind you, you heard Leon’s footsteps come closer and felt his arms wrap around your waist tightly. He leaned his head down to give you a kiss and by that point, you moved away. You told him that he had someone and that he shouldn’t be this close to you. Embarrassed, Leon begins to apologize profusely and says he didn’t know what came over him at that moment. Taking your laundry basket, you headed over to your Wooloo and picked the sheep Pokémon up and placed the fluff bean in your basket of warm clothes. You headed back inside where Leon quickly follows. By that point, you started to lose patience and placed your laundry basket down on your bed and turned to face Leon, looking a bit aggravated. Once again, you ask what Leon’s deal is; why he’s acting like this all of a sudden. Without wanting to further your annoyance with him, Leon begins to take off his hoodie, revealing a few bruises and cut marks on his shoulders and chest.
You are taken aback by these injuries and began asking him questions to what happened to him. Leon responds by telling you not to worry and that he can handled a few cuts and scrapes. On the contrary, you disagreed and hurried to find the first aid kit. As you began to leave, Leon grabs your hand and pulls you back to him, holding you still and gazing down at your with pleading eyes. He says that he can take care of himself and that he had a few disagreements with his s/o a few days ago, but backed it up that it was his fault for ticking them off. Realizing this, you urged Leon to not go back to them afterwards and to stay out. He initially refuses but hears your voice harden with worry. Eventually, he does what he is told. Placing Leon on the bed, you grabbed your phone and call the police to report a case of domestic violence and, after awhile, you hang up to turn your attention back to Leon, who was petting your Wooloo during this. His appearance was hard to look at, especially his face and how almost panic/frightened they appeared before. But, given that he came to you after dealing with his now ex-s/o’s wrath, you’re just glad that he’s here now, safe and sound.
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