#the only thing Daruk's a yandere for is food
mytemporarycomfort · 2 years
Yandere Champions from BOTW
A/N: Please don't read or interact with this if you are not 18 yet. This is for 18+ audiences only!
Summary: Would they trick you into being with them? and how
Warnings: Yandere behaviour, Implied abduction, Forcing reader to do things against their will, Implied smut for some, manipulative behaviour
Champions x reader
Yes, no doubt
You think you can hide from him? Baby, you must be new here
Look, he's a lil shit. He is a bastard. He will take what he wants.
Will terrorize you to some degree or another.
Makes you travel with him. Boy went into your house and packed all your stuff and took it with him so you had little to no choice.
You begged him to give back your stuff but nope, youre his now. You belong to him.
He has a knack for cooking elixers and he has just the right one to make you sleep a lil deeper.
He goes a little harder and hopes so hard you would become pregnant.
He wants to trap you so that you can be part of the family hes dreamed of.
You will scream and yell once you find out whats going on. Youre so scared and alone, you dont know what to do.
Will have you under lockdown in Gerudo.
Chains you to her bed a lot
Will instruct all the other guards to treat you coldly so she's the only sense of warmth in your life.
If any of the guards take pity on you, she can and will set up an elaborate scene where the guard is forced to battle in a colosseum stye battle to the death.
See, they cant protect you, only she can.
If she cant have you, no one can.
She's doing this so you can have a happy long life with her.
Youre as precious as the heirloom. Will walk to the ends of the earth and destroy every last bit of it to make sure you're with her
Youre the only stable thing in her life.
She had to be strong for so long, youre the only one who can make her feel like she is allowed to rest.
She's the princess of the Zora people. The Zora people love Mipha, they will do anything she ask and anything to keep her happy
And you make Mipha the happiest
Guilt trips you honestly
What if you left and got hurt and she wasn't there? She will be so so sad, and you don't want her sad right?
Only she can heal your wounds
Only she can fill in the gaps that you didn't know you had
Shes physically soft, but mentally she has a strong hold on you
~Oh, shes been through so much, please dont leaver her~ kinda manipulation
Hold her like she wants you too. Cuddle her. Kiss her, never leave her.
The chances of you two having children is slim, very slim, but she doesn't care.
Clever bird. Cruel bird.
Will trick you by giving you all of his attention to make you feel special
He will tuck you away in the Hebra mountains, somewhere only he can reach with his gale
Those mountains are cold and its so tiring being up here, cold and alone
He brings you food and gifts often to try and cheer you up
you are as stubborn as he is, but his patience is wearing thin
Accept his love! Do it and he'll bring you back to the village, just love him back!
One day he snaps.
He strips you of your clothing. See! You cant do this with out him.
Pathetic, look at you shivering.
He holds you down until you give in. It didn't take long, its cold and you have nothing left. Nothing but him.
He sees you as an offspring of some sort.
Dude doesn't even try to hide it.
He strait up kept you in a cave by the mountains?
You're his pride and joy and he cant bare to see you hurt or lost
You're like a little child to him. In his head, you're to pure and good to lose.
If you dont act happy around everyone, he will keep you locked up even longer since he thinks being around people makes you sad
You protest, telling him you need to go home and hes like... This is home? Are you okay? you need to rest more, here, i'll carry you since you dont feel well.
You will try to fight him, but good luck fam.
Daruk has this amazing thing about his charisma is that no one suspects that he is keeping you against your will.
Hes just your chill dad friend, this is so cute! No one suspects that youre so lonely
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going-fancognito · 4 years
Hey i got a ask what about the other champions for jealous yandares (sorry if im buggin u)
You’re totally not bugging me @batmanisepic, thank you for taking the time to send me a request :D  Ok, so it was only after I finished writing this that I  noticed the jealousy part in the request. My bad, haha. Hopefully this is ok though. If you still wish for a version that focuses more on the jealousy part, feel free to send me another ask and I’ll be happy to do it :)
(Warning; minor mentions of death in Urbosa’s section)
Is the obsessive stalker type
Good luck avoiding him
Being Zeldas personal guard has made Link a professional at tracking
You’d be one of the reasons he hasn’t gone off to fight Ganon right away
You’ll always feel like you’re being watched, but can never seem to find  anything whenever you check
Little do you know, there’s little shadow hiding out of sight, as it follows you home
He even has his own private viewing spot near your window, to watch you go to bed
He doesn’t need to sleep much himself, so he’s can watch you all night without trouble
If anyone opened his sheikah slate, they’d see his album was completely filled with photos of you
He seems to lose the ability to speak whenever he tries to talk with you
So for now, he settles for simply admiring you at a distance
If he overhears you mentioning something you want, you’ll find it lying on your doorstep the next morning
Just hope that he never hears you complaining about someone
It could be over a spat with your friend or a minor slight from the neighbours
It doesn’t matter to him.  Whoever it was, they hurt you
Link’s not going to let that slide
Your town might suddenly become a bit quieter after that
Consider it a favour from the champion, whether you wanted it or not
He’s happy to dispose the trash that dares bother you
The projective restraining type
The death of Zeldas mother takes a larger toll then she thought
It doesn’t really show though, until one day she spots you visiting her town
Your resemblance to her late friend was striking
You later receive a personal invite to dine with the Gerudo chief that evening
It’s a bit perplexing that you were being invited by the Chief herself, but who were you to pass up the opportunity?
The night goes surprisingly well. Urbosa explains that she enjoys welcoming new visitors whenever she can find the time
(Psst. Spoiler alert, she’s lying.)
Many noble pursuits later, you somehow find yourself sharing your entire life story with her, down to the very last detail
If you weren’t so tipsy, maybe you would’ve noticed how your drinking buddy was listening a bit too intent-sly
It’s not too long after that you black out
When you wake up the next morning, you’re in an unfamiliar room
There’s only one door in the room, but find that it’s locked when you tried to open it
After pounding on the door and shouting for help, the door finally swings open, and Urbosa steps inside with a tray filled with your favourite foods
“Ah, I’m glad to see you awake little Vai.” She winks at you. “I was worried the drinks may have been too strong for you last night.”
She doesn’t give any straight answers to your questions, just telling you to “Enjoy your time here.”
In truth, you were locked in a hidden room located in Urbosas private quarters
No one but the current chief knows about its existed
It was the safest place in the desert, and only she had access to it
She lost her dear friend once, and doesn’t wish to repeat the experience
Provides you with whatever you request for
The only exception is your freedom
In exchange, you become a kind of comfort doll to her
Dresses you in outfits the late queen favoured, and talks to you about old memories of her until you have them memorized by heart
There's no escape from there. The only exit's either locked, or being blocked by an 8 ft. Gerudo fives times your strength
At one point starts telling you about Zelda, and how she’s fared growing up
She also mentions that she looks forward to reuniting you with “your” daughter
That day never comes, as she falls later to the Thunder Blight on Vah Naboris
No one else knows about Urbosas secret room, or of the Hylian trapped within
You’re left to rot inside, trapped for the next century or so
(See, this is why there should be royal therapists guys)
(Oh sweet cheese and crackers, why am I corrupting the sweet bean?)
Nope, can’t do it
I physically cannot see this girl as anything but a sweetheart
Like, she’s a badass. But a pure-hearted badass nonetheless
If she was a yandere, she’d probably be a harmless type
She’d still be obsessed with you like a typical yandere, but her main desire revolves around your personal happiness
Won’t do anything crazy to those close to you, because she knows that would cause you heartbreak
Her mantra is basically “As long as they’re happy, I’m happy”
(Can-I’m sorry, can someone please give this girl a hug? Because Dear Hylia, she deserves so much better.)
(You’ve done Mipha wrong, Botw. I love you, but you’ve done her wrong.)
The other Gorons try to talk Daruk down as they slowly approached him
“Take it easy boss, we just wanna-”
He just swings his boulder breaker around at anyone who starts to get too close
“None of you are getting ‘yer grubby mitts near them, so BACK OFF!!”
The group gets nervous. No one’s ever seen Daruk act so aggressive or hostile before
Even Link can’t get through to the mighty Champion.
Daruk just holds his breaker out again, pointing it towards him in warning
“I’m sorry little guy, but you gotta understand why I can’t back down.”
Link tries to push forward, but his friend’s too far gone at this point
“Just leave us alone, brother. No-one needs to get hurt.”
Eventually, the young champion gives up.
He figured if he couldn’t get through to him, no one can.
Link starts herding the other Gorons out of the area
Reluctantly, they follow him back to town. A somber mood hangs heavily among them
Once they’re all out of sight, Daruk finally relaxes and lowers his weapon
He sits down and takes a moment to grin down at his prize. A few of the Gorons can still be heard in the distance
“Geez, he could’ve shared some with us!”
Daruk ignores their groaning and takes a large bite, savouring the fresh taste of mineral that warms his tongue
He should probably feel bad, but it was the best Rock Roast he’s ever cooked
He plans to enjoy every bit of it
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mytemporarycomfort · 2 years
Champions x innocent!Reader (BOTW)
A/N: Hello, Ive been having a bit of a tough week so this is super self-indulgent.
Content warnings: Yandere Themes.
BOTW Yandere!Champions x Innocent!Reader
Bruh, this man is so protective of you. This world is super fucked up. He knows it, but do you?
Keeps tabs on you. Like how he always manages to follow Zelda around? Yeah that.
You're his comfort person. He refuses to let you go.
He will pay for everything for you. Clothing, food, accommodations. You shouldn't strain yourself.
Will ask you to stay with someone he trusts like Sidon, Riju, or Impa. Will drag you there if you are defiant.
He cant keep you from seeing all the bad things going around because he is the hero after all, but goddamn does he try his best.
Does not like it when you see him all bloodied and beaten, so he will clean himself up all nice and proper for you.
Expects the same from you since he gets you all you need.
She is a well respected chief of Gerudo. People listen to her. She knows where you are all the time.
She doesn't want you to be jaded because of all thats happening around you.
Tries so hard to protect you from the outside world. So leaving the town? Only during the day with the best warriors, if she isn't able to do so herself.
At night, if you really insist on going outside the town, she will be with you 100 percent.
Will make sure you're well taken care of from the tip of your head to the bottom of your feet.
Gives you free access to a lot of the town accommodations but doesn't like it when you touch any weapons, or go into the tavern to get a drink. Alcohol is not good for the body and mind.
At night, she loves to have you close. It's when she can relax a bit more as chief, so she indulges herself in your presence.
She is so sweet, it's hard not to say yes to this lady. She also has a really good read on you so don't try to lie to her or anything like that.
Will dress you up in all her finest clothing and jewels. She wants you to look presentable, since you are her significant other.
She does your hair all the time. Zoras don't have hair so she is so invested in yours.
Always takes baths with you. It's such an intimate and vulnerable time, she uses this time to know you even better.
You cant tell me she doesn't think about having a domestic life you. Can't change my mind. She loves waking up next to you, drinking tea in the morning together, having cute dates together.
She is such a romantic, it's almost too sweet.
She'll allow you out of the domain, but if you so much as touch a body water when she's not around, she will be so upset. She's scared that you'll drown without her.
If you are not in this birds wings, you are in the village.
Your personal guard. The rito in the village better know how to treat you right or they will face some serious consequences.
Believes you're the only one good enough for him, and vice versa. He makes this known too! Everyone knows about your relationship. I mean why not? if anyone hurts you, he's there, if they can even hurt you of course.
Ironically, Revali is one of the softest champions in this senario, despite his front. This is mostly behind closed doors though.
Will only allow you to walk to the base of Rito Village. To be fair, you do have full access and accommodations in the village.
In the rare moments that you're allowed to leave the village is when its a special event with him. Like an anniversary date.
Makes your shared house super cozy for you. You're so close to the cold climate, he wants you well taken care of there.
If you find anything that reminds you of him, give it to him and he will never let it go. If anyone touches the gifts you've given to him, the person will have lost some feathers, unfortunately.
Strait up moves out of death mountain for you if he can, sort of. I mean he still needs to take care of his people.
If he can, he will get you all the fire-proof elixers he can get his hands on, on top of the fire-proof armour to hopefully allow you to stay by death mountain with him.
This man built you a fricken mountain house for you. The door is made out of rock so he can move it but you? good luck on that.
Hes not locking you in the house or anything but it helps him make sure you are where he left you.
No dogs allowed. Those things are too dangerous for your good.
Do you like gems? yeah you do! Here have 100 diamonds or something.
Has the whole town following you when possible.
nearly bone crushing hugs, cuz this man is something else when it comes to his strength
Understands that death mountain isn't for everyone, so if you do tell him that, he will move you to another city where he can easily meet up with you whenever possible.
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