#botw mipha x reader
imababblekat · 2 years
Mipha/Revali X Reader; Making Them Laugh HC’s
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Anon Request; “Heya! Firstly I would like to request that you remember to drink water and take care of yourself 😌. Secondly, could I request a reader making Mipha and Revali laugh? Like with some joke or just straight up tickling them? It's up to you, but I would really like to see these two happy with all the angst I've been seeing lol. Thanks so much!!”
* Her general laugh is soft and sweet, like the sound of a gentle stream on a beautiful spring day
* But if you can get her to really laugh it’s snorts galore
* She’s very embarrassed by it unless the person who made her laugh that hard is someone she’s close to
* As the Zora princess she has to maintain a certain air of pristine to her, which she doesn’t mind for the most part but it can also get very tiring
* Having an s/o who can help her relax her shoulders with a silly joke or some other hilarious non-sense is like a breath of fresh air
* Definitely remembers any jokes you tell her to say back to young Sidon
* It’s so goofy and she knows it but knock knock jokes are her cup of tea for comedy
* Don’t let her find out you taught her father dad jokes, it will be game over for everyone
* Getting this champion to laugh with you and not at you can be very difficult
* His laughs are most commonly snide or cocky chuckles followed by some statement about how whatever made him have that reaction is why he’s more superior
* Cheese jokes usually result in an eye roll and how Hylian humor is so un-sophiscated
* You’ll be at a loss like most others in figuring out how to get him to genuinely laugh, until you remember you have an advantage others don’t
* Being Revali’s s/o allows for open boundaries others aren’t allowed to explore, but for you, you’re lucky enough to cuddle with the egotistical Rito
* Which leads to finding out just how tickelish he actually is
* His laugh is airy and with a slight chortle to it, and Revali can not believe you made him laugh that way
* Doesn’t get a second to stop you though and his cheek feathers poof from your onslaught of tickles to his sides
* Better hope he doesn’t escape, because then it will be his turn to give what you gave and due to him literally being covered in feathers to the tips of his “fingers”, it will be ten times worse for you dove <3
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mytemporarycomfort · 2 years
Dearly Devoted
A/N: Thank you all for being patient with me while I was away. I hope you all enjoy
Summary: The Champions reminisce their time with you and they know for sure you are their end game.
Champion x Reader
The cup of tea managed to refill itself once again.
Zelda was in her study for another long evening and you could tell how drained she was.
No matter how many times she apologized for not spending enough time with you or that you must be stressed from being around her in this state more than anyone else, you always stated "Its my pleasure to help you Zelda. I will be by your side, you are not a burden, you are doing your best. "
She cried when you said that. It felt like a mountain was lifted off her shoulders.
Seeing you asleep in the chaise in the study always left a blush on her face.
Another night of studying means less personal time with you, but she was always grateful to have you near.
After this was all over, she plans to travel with you. She makes that clear to you. Just the both of you, no knights, no books.
Link was behind you on the horse. He held you tight like you might slip away if he loosened up a bit.
You let him rest his head on your chest and your heart beat slows his mind right down.
His duty to Zelda means he isn't always with you. So he gave you one of his shirts.
You wear it whenever you miss him deeply. He came home early one evening and found you cooking some dinner in his shirt.
BOOM bright red.
He snuck behind you and hugged you with a quirked eyebrow.
"I missed you Link, I happened to cook some extra dinner just in case. Want some?"
His heart bursted right out of his chest. Ugh, he is simping.
As you two ate dinner, he noticed, your left hand seems a little empty.
If you would accept, a ring on that hand would suit you nicely,
She saw you getting attacked by some Yiga members and who is she to not help, until she noticed...
You fought back with fire and fury in your eyes.
Despite that, she was not one to let any warrior fight alone if she can help it.
You thanked her. You spoke to her as a person who helped you, not as chief of Gerudo.
She saw you as another Zelda, but also different. You were strong, full of heart, but you were also innocent, naive.
She wanted to help you grow, and grow under her care you did.
Urbosa's softer side became clear to you when she was training with you and her hands guided you unlike the others.
You have grown to be seen as equals yo Urbosa. You can truely handle your own.
Even if it ment you would venture out for your own journey now, you was grateful that you were apart of her story and her yours.
"You have helped me Urbosa. You helped me grow and I hope to continue to be by your side."
She smiled one full of relief. Of course you can stay.
You always protected her much like her brother. But you were not her brother so why did you fight so fiercely to protect her.
She always found it strange that you didn't mind all the fighting despite the wounds you got by the end.
She always healed you with no hesitation.
Mipha worried about you quite a bit, and it showed how often she was with you.
She found safety and comfort in your presence. A kind of feeling that made her want to be by your side for as long as fate would allow.
It was common to find you two together. A princess and her protector.
She didn't like not being by your side for long stretched of time. She's afraid of not being there to heal you fast enough if anything happened.
"I will be there for you, like I know you will be there for me. We got this."
You two held each other. This is what safety and comfort is. You two keep each other grounded.
He looks down at his hammock as you laid there reading your newest book.
Revali is a bit of a brat sometimes and yet here you are still here.
2 years.
You stood by him for two whole years and you're still here.
He was so dedicated to his bow, when you held his hands fot the first time, he stopped breathing.
He looked like he turned into a statue.
Then his feathers puffed up and he frowned.
Whenever you show him affection his feathers would puff up,
He would hide his face in his wings then hug you as tight as possible.
He's still learning to show his emotions in a less agressive way, but you know he means well.
Sometimes he thinks hes too much, he'll accidently push you away.
"I don't regret a thing 'Vali. I love you regardless of your little quirks, you know that right?." You told him after a long day of making you watch him in the target range.
He loves you so much. He puts his beak on the top of your head. This was the most gentle he's been with you.
You are so soft, this man is crying
He remembers his first sleep over at your house, boy was nervous! Your house is so cozy!
He enjoyed his time at your place, hopefully like you enjoyed his.
He was so happy when he saw that you kept all the little gems he gave you, but why wouldn't you?
He wants to spend so much time at your place. He might as well move all the Gorons over to your little town. JK....but what if?
He just doesnt want to hurt you by being so big.
"I feel so safe around you" You told him after you two returned. to death mountain after his stay at your place.
He's keeping you safe then. He decided.
He doesn't know all the details yet but that is sure.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Could you do Yandere BOTW Champions or TOTK Sages x Reader who has the Mask from Majora’s Mask? The reader is Hylian. But they have the usual four mask, Plus the Fierce Deity mask.
As head cannons preferably.
This is a mostly Linked Universe Blog, but sure! I'm not overly well versed on the whole Mask deal, so please bare with me.
I went with the BOTW Champions, since not everyone knows the sages.
Champion of the Masks
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・❥・So, if you know the Champions, there's a good chance you are a knight or warrior in your own right.
・❥・You are someone powerful, probably because of said masks. For Hylia's sake, you have the Fierce Deity looking over you. You are practically untouchable.
・❥・And the other Champions are well aware of this fact. But that doesn't change anything.
・❥・Because you are still so vulnerable. What happens when you're separated from your masks? Then what? Hm? You are just so vulnerable, can't you see that?
・❥・You don't have any powers of the wind, not any form of protection. You can't control any elements, nor can you heal. You certainly don't have any part of the triforce. You are powerless.
・❥・Which is why they needed to be there to protect you!
・❥・Now, Revali. My loveable douche-bird. He tries to keep you at a distance, but still falls. And he falls hard. Revali is the only champion who wasn't born with his gift. He had to build Revali's gale into what it was from scratch.
・❥・Reader probably recognizes all of his hard work, because (and this is from my very limited research) to get all of the Masks in their possession? A bitch and a half. They weren't gifted these masks. Not without a price. So they can recognize a situation where you are pitted against these...demi-gods eons beyond your own abilities and forced to catch up or fall behind.
・❥・And Revali absolutely cherishes this. Having someone not look down on him, but instead stand on the very same footing he was? Man's is down bad.
・❥・He is particularly fond of your Breman Mask because you just look so pretty in feathers. And while yes, white looked nice on you, blue looked better.
・❥・I HC that every race has their own form of courting rituals, Rito included. They probably make their intended betrothed some sort of snow-quill headpiece meant for the cold, lined with their feathers and intricate braids of fine silks and expensive ribbons.
・❥・You just know that Revali, as a champion, would make a nice courting present. And you just know he is purposefully difficult and makes everyone else come to him in the Rito village (He is their best warrior and is shown to lead their army in AoC). You just know that he demands the princess bring her two best knights, which begrudgingly means Link, but it also means you. You who wears the snowquill bit with pride-- even if you don't know what if means really.
・❥・It doesn't matter because the others do.
・❥・The next one to fall is Urbosa.
・❥・She falls after seeing you in battle. The Gerudo, regardless of gender, can respect a Warrior when they see one. And you are a warrior. You with your sharp wit and insane reaction times, parrying a blade aimed for her.
・❥・Your strength alone makes her swoon because out of everything she can respect that.
・❥・Her favorite mask of yours is the Garo's mask. Not only does it fool these supposed Garo (You are so smart, did you know that? With all of your stories and journeys.), but it also fools the Yiga. The Mask of Truth does as well, but the thought of spilling her guts to you makes her uneasy.
・❥・Not because she doesn't want you to know how constantly you're running through her head, but she doesn't want you to know how deep these thoughts delve.
・❥・When you're able to fool the Yiga and get back to her about an ambush planned on her people, she knows you're the one.
・❥・I like to imagine the Gerudo focus more on jewelry for a courting action. Not rings, no. But intricate pieces of armor lined with gems aimed to aid in battles.
・❥・Brigandines lined with topaz; Gorgets lined with opals; spaulders ordained in rubies; Poleyn decorated in sapphires. Even your own Scmitar enhanced by diamonds. All of it custom made to you to show her devotion to you.
・❥・Now, with this being all useful items you can wear in battle, you're seen in it often.
・❥・Daruk is next. He falls for you after seeing you in his, coincidentally, favorite mask. You tell the tale of the Goron Mask after he asks, weaving this intricate legend that had him hanging onto every word.
・❥・The Gorons show their love through food. So Daruk makes it a point to constantly share his food, both sedimentary and otherwise. He loves knowing that you are well fed and cared for because of him.
・❥・I feel like the highest form of love that can be shown through food for a Goron is a Prime Rock Roast. And while he knows Hylian's can't eat rocks (Link excluded because...it's Link), he looks for the next best thing.
・❥・Intricate pasties filled with only the finest of whipped cream and dusted with powdered sugar; dripping roasts just oozing juice that practically fall of the bone; grilled fish where the smell alone is enough to make you sallivate
・❥・All of it are gifted to you to ensure you think of him whenever you feel hungry. That he is your go to.
・❥・Now, next is a tie between Link and Zelda.
・❥・Zelda probably falls first because she sees you interacting with the others and watches you. In fact, you watch her back. But the difference between you watching her and Link watching her, because her father has allowed you to take over for Link on the rare occasion, is that you give her space. You allow her to disappear into the divine beasts, waiting patiently for her to come to you.
・❥・You entertain her with stories upon stories.
・❥・You listen to her woes with a careful ear and offer your own advice.
・❥・You even braved her cooking.
・❥・She loves all of your masks and cherishes each story about them. But when you wear the Great Fairy Mask and let fairies tickle her cheeks?That's when she swoons the most.
・❥・Link falls during all the time he spends with you chasing after Zelda. You're able to hold your own, which is always appreciated, and you're okay with silence. Silence settles between you two often while waiting for Zelda and you don't push it.
・❥・And you don't look at him like he's anything other than a Hylian. Not the wielder of the sword that seals the darkness.
・❥・Not this random knight that was handed a legacy on a plate.
・❥・Not an annoyance that needed to be shook off,
・❥・He was just Link to you. And it made his heart sing.
・❥・Unfortunately, neither are quite in the position to court you. Not with Calamity on the horizon, nor with their standings in the royal council. And it tears them apart in the inside. Seeing you decked out in jewels with feathers woven into your hair, eating some of the finest things Hyrule has to offer, all of it makes them bitter and hungry. Hungry to show how you belong to them.
・❥・You get prefential treatment in the castle. The finest of rooms with the softest of sheets. Plump pillows and too many locks on the door to keep you right where she wants satin pajamas, all just for your enjoyment.
・❥・Or the best weapons and shields available to the royal guard. Bows re-strung just for you, or the lion's share of arrows provided. Want that Shield that Jimmy Whosit has? Give Link three minutes. No, there's no blood on the shield, what are you talking about? You must exhausted if you're seeing things, maybe you should just skip training all together?
・❥・It's all yours.
・❥・Now, the last person to fall, is Mipha. She's very hesitant to lend her heart out to you, but you know who isn't afraid of showing their emotions on their sleeves for everyone to see?
・❥・Sidon, in all his little fishy glory, loves you when you come around. when you dawn the Zora mask and swim with him. You play all the games that Mipha won't because they're 'too dangerous'. So when you come around he's ecstatic, dragging his sister down to see you alongside him.
・❥・Mipha tolerates you for the time being, probably still in love with a different knight, making him his own armor. But after she finishes it, it's no longer shaped to Link's form. No. Somewhere along the way it went from being formed to his broader shoulders to being shortened to your own narrower set. It no longer was long enough to fit his torso, instead fitted to your own.
・❥・Her heart had tainted her hands, making armor for you before she even knew what it all meant. The only reason the rest of her catches up is because she sees you with Sidon.
・❥・She watches you swim on you back, with Sidon clinging to your chest, laughter bubbling up from both of you.
・❥・And the last of them falls.
・❥・She aims to give you the armor after the fall of the calamity, but...I'm sure we all know how that'll play out...
・❥・Anyway, between them all, you get very little time to yourself. They are all constantly hovering over you.
・❥・You think you can get away with one of your masks?
・❥・Nice try.
・❥・Your precious Stone Mask? Gone. Confiscated under the order of Princess Zelda King Rhoam.
・❥・Think you can fight your way out?
・❥・Not even the Fierce Deity mask can save you from the champions, their Divine Beasts, and the Triforce of Wisdom and Courage, nor their wielders.
・❥・You wanna run and hide?
・❥・There is not a single inch of Hyrule that one of them doesn't know about.
・❥・You are well and truly trapped under their hold, just where they like you.
・❥・Trapped like a fucking bird in a cage while they fight amongst themselves to see who you stay with.
・❥・ Let's hope they decided quickly before the Calamity decides he's done being patient.
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
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— 🌊 Yandere Mipha 🌊 —
"My wave, you must be more careful. I urge you to stop stepping out of Zora's Domain."
"You'd prefer it if I never went anywhere, princess."
"I just want you safe! My healing magic can only go so far..."
"I understand. I will be more careful."
"Yes, you will. You will have a Zora guard escorting you wherever you step."
"Either a guard or me. It is obvious that you cannot keep yourself safe, so I have to take your safety into my own hands."
"You can't do that! You shouldn't be acting so irritational, Mipha."
"You are acting irrational! You run off playing hero and get yourself hurt. Not even my armor can protect you from every danger out there. You aren't Link. You aren't a guard. You aren't a champion. You are simply a fragile traveler. I can't have you getting yourself killed."
"This is insanity!"
"This is love."
( @sunset-peril )
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spicyicetea · 1 year
My Forest Spirit
A legend of Zelda BOTW/TOTK Yandere x Reader. This is obviously cannon divergent. Fem!Y/N is short and Curvy in this, and is often described with long hair. This story will contain NSFW! scenes, violence and profanity. MDNI
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Chapter 2: Campfire cuddles
Link ran fast through the grass with the others chasing behind us. He had shifted me so he could carry me with both his arms, sheathing his sword on his back. With a grunt, he jumped down from a ledge and continued to jog.
“Link! Wait up!”
“You can't have her!” he yelled back.
I looked up at him in shock, not having heard his voice before. The woman he was shouting out said he only speaks around people he trusts. Does that mean that he thinks I'm his friend? Do I have friends? I could feel my ears flick up and down in excitement and I puffed my cheeks out trying to stop them. Link just poked one of my cheeks as he stopped behind a rock, panting.
“You should put me down, catch your breath!”
He just grunted and placed me down, still holding me close. The others ran past the rock he had hunkered behind as I pried myself from his arms. His eyes narrowed as he reached out to grab me again and I pushed his arm down with a smile.
“Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere! Get some rest, I'll go get your friends.”
His eyes widened as I stood up fully and stepped on top of the rock. I could hear him start to speak but stop himself as he looked up at me from where he had crouched down. My skirt of leaves gathered by the Koroks was slightly messed up from his grabbing so I re-adjusted them before jumping to grab their attention. The blonde woman ran over quickly and grabbed my hands.
“Are you ok? It's starting to get dark we should set up a camp before heading back to Hyrule Castle tomorrow. We can use this as an opportunity to get to know you better!”
She smiled at me and pulled me towards the others as they began to set up tents that they must have been carrying with them. Her grip on my hand was just as tight as Link’s as if she was scared id leave. Link grumbled under his breath as he set up a campfire. It wasn't long until they were done and sat around the campfire.
The women went around the fire introducing everyone. I could only smile to myself as everyone began talking. Friends, I have friends that look like me now. Zelda just showed me the strange device she had, showing me the “camera” on it. Eventually, everyone went silent as I fiddled with the device, looking through the various places captured within.
“So, Y/N, if it isn't rude to ask, what are you?” Daruk asked.
I raised a brow at his question before the fish woman beside him spoke up.
“We know that the Koroks said you were a forest spirit, but you look rather similar to Hylians, like Link and Zelda. We're just a tad confused about if you're a type of forest spirit or a Hylain raised by forest spirits.”
“Oh, it isn't rude don't worry. I'm... Not sure. I've never left the forest before now, Hestu usually told me stories of their travels but I've never left myself.”
“Oh, you poor thing! We must take you around Hyrule and show you how wonderful everything is!” Zelda exclaimed, hugging me tightly.
“Dont bother, Rito village will be so impressive she’ll never want to leave!” Revali spoke confidently.
I just smiled and laughed. Daruk soon began laughing as well.
“You say that but the hot springs have a great power! I never want to leave them when I go!” He laughed.
The others began laughing as well, and I felt Link’s hand grab one of my fingers. I looked over at him and he rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. His eyes never left our stare until he faltered and glared at Zelda who was still hugging me. A strange feeling of dread settled in as the others grew silent and looked around. I was unsure what had alarmed them but I felt the wariness that sat heavy among the group. A strange red slip of paper landed on my lap and just stared at it, confused. It felt like someone was breathing against my neck.
“Hm, intresting, so the Princess has recruited another. I wonder what’s so special about her? What do you say, do we tell Astor?”
“She doesn’t appear to be a threat Master, but he will be angry if we don’t notify him.”
“True, let’s go.”
The slip of paper disappeared along with the voices. I looked around in shock as the others seemed to relax, had they not heard those voices?
“We should get some rest, goodnight!” Zelda said, crawling into her tent.
One by one they disappeared into their tents and I sat on the grass watching the stars. I didn’t wish to intrude on their sleep, that would be so rude. Link shuffled out of his tent and motioned for me to join him. I shook my head, his tent look so small, there would be no space between us. He just sighed and sat beside me, pulling my head to his chest while rubbing my back.
“Link? What are you-“
“Shh, sleep. I’ll keep watch.”
I went to speak again but something about his warm chest and scent lulled me to sleep faster than I had ever experienced before. It was like I was being hypnotised.
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Oh, I wonder what those voices were aha ha... I made it so obvious I'm sorry-
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nightttoon · 10 months
Who fell first/who fell harder? Love language Pet names
You fell first, but she fell harder. She has Sidon already, so it took time to accept your feelings. But if you fell for both of them it makes everything easier! She adores you and Sidon so much!
Her love language is physical touches. She gives you the warmest hugs and sweetest kisses! And if it's Sidon x Yona x you, your days will be full of physical affection from both zora. You better be ready :) She also loves to give you cute little things she found, bought or made. (Like necklaces, corals, shells and everything she finds beautiful! Maybe something to remind you of her)
I guess pet names are.... "Dear, sweetie, love, pearl, my sunshine"
She fell first, but you fell harder. Gerudo shief is so deep in love, so she is all around you. I bet she taught you how to deal with Sand seals.
Her love language is gift giving. She probably bought you every jewelry from Gerudo's masterpieces and everything you looked at in the shop. She will definitely try to master the hobbies that you love so that you can do it together!
Most of time she calls you by affectionate form of your name. But she also can use "Darling, cutie, sweet one, cupcake"
You fell first and you fell harder. This strong, independent lady will fall for you with time, but then she does.... My god. You can't get enough of her love.
Her love language is quality time. She will spend all her time with you. Sweet talks and a lot of shared interests are here! She will be interested in things you like just as much as she would like to show you what she is mad about.
Pet names she uses can change depending on her mood and situation. But her personal favorite ones are "sugarplum, beautiful, precious, lovebug" Maybe she will call you "kitten" at times.
She fell first and she fell harder. No doubt about that. Poor princess can't handle with herself, then you are around. She is so shy about her feelings, so you will know about them from her father or if you confess first.
Her love language is quality time. She will learn about everything you like, so you had things to talk about. You will do a lot of little things together, like hand crafts, swimming together, gazing at stars at night from top of domain. She will teach you about holidays, traditions, courtship of Zora if you are interested.
Pet names are "Cutie pie, sweetheart, muffin, sweetie, my hero" And yeah, I am sure about last one. She wants you to feel strong even if she is champion here :)
Part with male characters is here!
Requests are open! Write me if you wish to make one!
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
Saria, Hilda, Mipha, Zelda and Link e. relationship with the reader who possesses the healing power. However, this gift carries collateral damage: whenever the reader performs a cure, he himself ends up getting sick and feeling bad. (Zelda and Link from Breath of the Wild)
S/O's healing power has bad side effects
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Hilda, Mipha, Zelda, Link ]
[ A Link Between Worlds ] [ Breath of the wild ]
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Cuteeee I loved writing this a lot!! It gives me some comfort too so thank you A-chan ❤️
I had to left Saria out, so sorry for it but I hope you like the ones i wrote!
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Lorule is a really hostile land, not only the monsters and world itself but also the people tent to be aggresive, and Hilda is the one on charge of taking care of the kingdom, even if most people don't care about the royal family that doesn't stop her from wanting the best for her people
Having to rule a kingdom infested with dangers and that most of the time doesn't respect her title it isn't easy, the weight she has to carry on her shoulders is inmense that is why she rely on you and Ravio in her more vulnerable moments, only you two are able to see all of her, and that is why she despises your hability
Honestly, having the power to heal all kind of injuries are a really good one, and she wouldn't blame you if you want to use that power to help others, something like that could bring a little bit of light to everyone's life and thats good, the problem is the collateral damage, everytime you use your power you are the one feeling bad, either just feeling bad or really getting sick equivalent to the wound you've healed
Hilda despise the fact that you are the one feeling bad, you become someone so precious for her and she hates seeing you suffer like this, she will totally understand your wish to help, she feels the same but she rather take that pain herself than watching you suffer by trying to help
Lorule is suffering a lot, everyone lives with the fear of being attacked, they are just try surviving before the inminent collapse of the kingdom, destruction is in Lorule fate and Hilda can't help to cling onto the little hope she has, and you are part of that hope, because of that she is terrified by the idea of losing you
Hilda had asked you more than once to don't use your powers, but is probably that she doesn't fully explain her reasoning and just ask it as a favor, but if you insist on using your power to help other she will become more angry and will be more agressive, demanding you to stop, what lead the two of you to argue because she just don't tell you why. Still, at some point she will explain how terrified she is, how much it hurt her seeing you feeling so bad because of your power
Even after, thanks to Zelda and Link, Lorule has it's own triforce again she will still be uncomfortable with you using your power, it would take a long time before she feels more comfortable with it, but will never like it (but at least this time she can take the time to take care of you herself, and won't accept a no as answer)
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Mipha is a really caring and loving person, she is always looking after the well-being of her kingdom and specially for those who she loves, and that includes you
At first she found quite funny and even a little cute the fact that you have a healing powers just as her, but soon she will undestand the side effects that you have to carry with yours she will grow really worried imediatly. She wants to ask you about it but is nervous, so she'll just end up learning about it by watching you and asking you as much as she can, but will do it gently and assuring you that you don't have to tell her everything if you don't want, in case is something that you don't like talking about
Mipha finds herself worring a lot about you for this side effect but won't really stop you from using your power if that is really what you want, she can understand that feeling of wanting to help since she feels the same, besides she doesn't feel with the right to tell you to don't put yourself at risk with your power since she usually does put herself in danger for being a champion
Despide how worried Mipha is about you, whenever you use your power she can't help but also feel proud of you, wanting to help even if you are the one who end up feeling sick, she can't stop smiling at you whenever she sees you or she gets to heard about you helping others, but always make sure to ask you how do you feel afterwards
Everytime you use your power Mipha always tries to be there for you, asking you how do you feel and if there is anything she can do for you, even if you don't feel too bad she is still worried about you, it would take her a while to get used to the side effects and to learn to identify when it has affected you too much, and when the effects are too bad she offers to heal you herself
As much as worry her she will let you continue using your power if you really want, she will only ask you to please stop when it start to affect you too much, either by you getting seriously sick or hurt by using it or that you been using your hability too much, also if you don't let yourself have a proper rest to recover, even if is just when it causes you small discomforts she will try to be more stern and ask you to please stop, at least for a while to let your body recover, she is just really worried for you, she loves you and hates seeing you in pain
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Zelda is a really caring person but the idea of failing at her duties as the princess stop her from opening with others, most of the time she shows herself only to the most closest ones and even when she tries to keep her composture with the champions (her friends) and you, you can easily see through her
Thats is why pretty much all of them can see how bothered she is with the side effect of your hability, Zelda does admire your healing power and think is really useful but the fact that you have to suffer from it makes her feel uneasy, she tries to say that its okay, is your hability and you must use it as you please but you can see that she is just lying
For Zelda is difficult to feel comfortable enough to open her heart to someone, even when she isn't the best to keep a facade when she starts to feel more comfortable she doesn't say it directly, but since you two are dating she feels like she can actually show you her true self, and that carries a insecurity, fearing that you either leave her or something happen to you and the side effect of your hability only trigger her insecurities
Honestly, she would be jealous of you if it wasn't because of the side effect, you can use your healing power so naturally that would make her feel even more as a failure if it wasn't because you have to carry a collateral damage everytime you use it, having to suffer instead of the other person, she finds it completely unfair and she would prefer if you don't use your hability anymore because of it, but she won't say it right away
Everytime you use your power on her she feels really guilty, even if she never is the one asking for help and is you who insist on doing it she feels like if, somehow, it were her fault, feeling impotent since now you have to suffer the consecuenses of her inexperience and foolishness, and even when she doesn't say how she feels you can tell from the look on her face
Despide being busy Zelda always tries to make time for you two or keep you close, so everytime she sees you using your power she ask you how do you feel afterwards and always makes sure you take proper care of yourself, and whenever the damage it causes you is worst than the usual pain she will force you to stop and take time to rest, trying to be herself who takes care of you, and you can see how anxious she feels about all of this
Sometimes she thanks you for your hard work, thanking you for being selfless and helping people even if that means you carry with the pain, she just wants you to know that despite how much it bothers her seeing you in pain she does appreciate the sacrifice you are doing
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Link express himself better by actions rather than with words, so, despite being busy or in the danger, he tries to keep you close to him, it is kinda comforting for him to have you around and he always tries to let you know how much he loves your presence
Link finds fascinating your healing power, it really can come in handy sometimes, and finds admirable the fact that you decide to just endure the pain it causes you having to use your power, however that doesn't make him less worried
He is in the disjunctive of being worried for you and your own safety (since puts at risk for trying to help others) but also finding admirable that you are willing to endure that to help others, even if you don't use your power frequently still the few times you do it you still have to endure pain
Link hates seeing you in pain but doesn't think that he has the right to ask you to don't use your power, is your hability and you must use it if you want, so he decide to help you in other ways, making sure you are always safe and taking care of yourself, as well as protect you from anything else
Even when he doesn't say anything you can see how much Link actually worries about you for the way he look at you everytime you have to suffer from the side effect of your hability, how he holds you close to him or how all his attention in on you, trying to come with a way to help you out but without wanting to take his eyes out of you
He feels bad everytime you use you power on him, it makes him feel slighly guilty, thinking that maybe if he wasn't so reckless, if he payed more attention or reacted faster, maybe you wouldn't being here healing his wounds, even when it isn't the case he feels like if he was the one inflicting you that pain, even if is just a little bit (he sometimes insist on you not helping him when he has bigger wounds because he doesn't want to inflicting you so much pain, but most of the time just give up when you insist)
However, this whole situation will affect him more if it is after the cataclism, after waking up Link feels like a stranger in the world, he doesn't have anything because all he once knew is far long ago, and worst because he doesn't even remember it, so right now he just cling a little to the comfort your presence brings him, having someone to love and who love him in return despite everything helps him feel less like an stranger, that is why it makes him really anxious everytime he sees you in pain because of your power (or in general)
In that case he would prefer if you don't use your power because it makes him fear that something will happen to you and take you away from him, and at some point he will tell you all his worries, he knows he is stronge but he doesn't has the same confidence on himself as he used to, so he just fears that someday maybe he won't be able to protect you
In this case he feel even more bad about you using your power on him but never fails in thanking you, but grows more clingy afterwards, wanting nothing but hold you close to him to reasure him that nothing bad will happen to you (and he makes sure to take good care of you, sometimes over react a little but he does it with the best intention)
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frickingnerd · 11 months
being in a poly relationship with zelda and mipha
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pairing: zelda x gn!reader x mipha
tags: wholesome fluff, polyamorous relationship
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zelda and mipha are both princesses and at first, it might seem as though those two had been fighting for your attention, when it was quite the opposite
those two weren't rivals for your love! after all, they were dating each other before you even met them
for a long time, you were just a friend to them and the three of you spent a lot of time together, until it began to feel like you were more of a throuple than a group of friends
slowly, you began to get closer to the two girls and win their hearts, something they hadn't expected to happen, but weren't opposed of
the three of you still get mistaken for just friends occasionally and with you around, people always assume you're either dating just zelda or just mipha, neither both or that they are a couple
it's a little annoying, but with time, the three of you learned to laugh about it! 
both mipha and zelda are very kind and loving girlfriends, who like to take care of you and each other
due to her healing abilities, mipha often takes care of you two when you get sick or injured, while zelda tries to cook to impress you two! 
she isn't that good at it, but over time she gets a lot better! 
mipha and you always accompany zelda on her expeditions, whether it's research on the sheikah or zonai, or simply studying herbs, flowers and the wildlife in hyrule
the three of you quickly move in together, somewhere between hyrule castle and zora domain, so that both girls aren't too far away from their home
zelda is a bit messy, always letting her books and papers lying around everywhere, but luckily mipha knows how zelda sorts those and supports her with that, making sure to neatly put them away and keep the house clean
mipha and zelda both aren't jealous people! however, since those two were a couple first, you might envy their strong bond… 
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thezoraprince · 1 year
A Fairytale - Champions x Human!reader
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“Hi could you do let's say a Human Reader from our world somehow got teleported into Hyrule and found by Urbosa, Mipha and well the Human knows a lot about them some secret things they have never told anyone and about Hyrule and thy ask them how do they know all this information and the Reader tells them that where thy come from Hyrule is like from a fantasy story and such?” - anon
hi hi!!!! i apologize for taking 50000 years to get this one out. it took me a little bit to figure out what i wanted to do with this request, but i ABSOLUTELY loved writing it!
enjoy! <3
the lands of Hyrule are vast
the open fields feel just like a dream
like home in a way
and though you know how this story goes
you wander around for a while
and at some point you find yourself laying in the soft grass
you look at the blue, partial cloudy sky with a smile spread across your face
faint laughter can be heard close by
you lift your head up and peek from just above the tall blades of grass to see a bird, blue in color, preening about something you didn’t quite hear
Urbosa spots you peeking just before you duck back down
‘I knew that I wasn’t home… but how did I get…here?’
“What’s wrong Urbosa?”
Mipha’s concerned
yet Revali and Daruk shrug it off
Urbosa’s now standing above you, hands on her hips, giving you a stern look
Mipha seems pleased see you though
“A Hylian? In this part of Hyrule?”
and you shake your head as you stand
Urbosa looks you up and down
“Couldn’t be. [They] don’t have pointed ears.”
Mipha tilts her head
“Pardon my manners, but… what exactly are you?”
“No forgive me, Princess Mipha, Lady Urbosa. My name is y/n. I’m a human from a VERY distant land. I’m actually not quite sure how I ended up here…”
Urbosa’s not sure about you yet
but seeing as Mipha is already willing to help you, Urbosa takes you under her wing
you walk with them to meet Revali and Daruk
“What took you both so long? I’ve been losing feathers with how long we’ve been waiting.”
“Looks like we have a new member joining us!”
you’re happy to be tagging along in their journey to the castle
they’re going on and on about their plans, stories, etc.
and they’re confused, yet amazed at how your piping in every so often to share little bits of info about theirselves 
“How do you know that?”
Revali looks a little heated that you cut him off
but he doesn’t say anything
“And I though you were a know it all, Revali!”
you laugh at Daruk’s statement
“Say, how DO you know all these things, little bird?”
“Your journey and the Calamity is sort of… a fantasy story in where I come from.”
Revali rolls his eyes in disbelief
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Mipha smiles at you, however, fully trusting you
“Can you tell me how it goes?”
you nod and start from the beginning
and once you reach the end of each of their stories, you hesitate
Revali cuts you off
“So how does it end?”
and you’re silent
“Do you not know?”
“I know, Revali. But why tell you how it ends when it’s just beginning?”
“And maybe this little bit of information could, you know, change that ending.”
Revali tilts his head
“You could be onto something there.”
you reach the castle, watching your new friends enter the gate
“Are you coming, little bird?”
and you take a deep breath
“I’m afraid not. I have a feeling it’s my time to leave.”
“But you’ve only just arrived.”
Mipha gives you a soft smile
“I’m sure we’ll meet again someday.”
“I’m sure we will.”
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imababblekat · 1 year
Botw Characters W/ A Crush; HC’s
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@xxrainmxx​ ,” Hello, can I request headcanon of the corjection methods that Sidon, Mipha, and Revali would use to let their crush know their intentions? (gender neutral if possible)”
Anon Request, “ Hello, can I request headcanon of Mipha, Revali and Sidon trying to flirt with their crush?”
when Sidon has a crush on someone it goes one of two ways depending on how deeply he feels for that lucky person
if it’s in the beginning stages of him realizing that he likes them, he actually becomes a bit timid whenever they’re around
it’s not that he’s scared of these new found feelings, he’s just new to the concept of actually liking someone as opposed to being the object of affection like he is to so many others
once he gets past figuring things out and really starts having it hard for his crush, he’s back to his extravagant self
will absolutely boast about great qualities he sees in them, not just in private but to others as well
was already a huge supporter to begin with, but becomes even more so and always finds ways to be there for his crush
absolutely takes no shit from others talking about his crush behind their back
overall Sidon’s way of flirting or letting his feelings be known to his crush is grand action and devotion; he wants them to know how much they mean to him and how much he’s willing to do for them should they except him
this feathered butt head is such a pain when he first realizes he has a crush on someone
absolute tsundere if you will
he’s just not used to the idea of being that fond of someone, that someone could hold such a power over him to make his heart feel like it’s falling from the sky by just walking into the same vicinity
once he gets past his complicated feelings about the ordeal, Revali starts to accept the ideas of why he developed feelings for this person and it turns into honorable admiration
he isn’t going to just fall for anyone of course
the Rito takes note in impressionable skills his crush possesses, such as how swift they are with a bow or how they’re able to finely put ingredients together to cook the perfect meal
if you don’t know Revali very well you probably wouldn’t be able to notice when he’s coming on to his crush; it’s all subtle compliments that could be mistaken as ire for the other
the closer he gets to his crush, he’ll actually start giving them small gifts as he finds it easier than trying to express how he feels with words, which is a shock to not just his crush but him as well, since the Rito Champion is known for having a colorful vocabulary
Mipha’s had crushes before, so depending on how close she is with the person she’s crushing on will determine whether or not she pursues those feelings
if she does, her crush can expect to be spending a lot more time with her
she’ll go out of her way to spend time with them when not swamped by her duties as not just the Zora Princess but also their Champion
much like her brother, she’s very supportive of her crush, just not in such an extravagant manner
she’s much more subtle with making her feelings known, almost in a shy kind of way
is always making sure her crush is safe and protected, and much like she had with Link in the game, she promises to always be there to heal them if they need
the further things pass on, she might start to also gift her crush small trinkets
gifts that remind her of them, such as shells that match their eyes, or some jewelry that accentuates their lovely smile
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dorayakimanjiro · 1 year
I headcanon Revali being the type to keep a smile on his face just for you despite hurting from the midst of a battle. (Giving "As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face" song vibes). AND I'M LIVING FOR THAT AAHHH.
Just imagine the both of you are exhausted, probably covered in bruises and a little beated up; and he would constantly gives you small grins to let you know that he's fine and you both can get over this battle.
If the battle was too intense or violent and you end up getting a little emotional and tear up a bit, he'll definetely cover you up with his wings and gulf you into a warm hug. He'll probably stay silent cuz he's not used to comfort people and clueless, but definetely wants you to know that you can save those tears, because it'll be okay, you're here with him.
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the-whole-shebang · 2 years
Hellooooooo! I wanted to request a breath of the wild prompt if that is alright! Might I ask for Sidon, Daruk, Urbosa, and Mipha cuddling headcannons? (I left out Revali but I think you know why ;D)
I do know why and I don't blame you. Sidon's much better anyways.
Sidon cuddling:
My guy is the cuddliest thing on the god damn planet.
He's constantly picking you up, hugging you, spinning you around, etc.
He will find every opportunity to cuddle and gives you puppy dog eyes whenever you're busy.
He likes being the big spoon and gets so many butterflies when you fall asleep.
He's always happy to cuddle whenever you ask.
He gives the biggest bear hugs.
Will often just pick you up and carry you around for no reason.
She won't say anything when flop down next to her, she'll just put her arm around you and let you stay there as long as you want.
Picks you up bridal style when you're hurt, even if it's not serious.
Helps you feel safe when you have trouble falling asleep.
Picks you up from behind and laughs when you get startled.
She's constantly trying to be near you; hugging you, holding your hand, clinging to your arm, etc.
Kisses on your forehead, your cheek, the back of your hand
Fusses over you and refuses to let go of you when you hurt yourself.
She always seems to know when you're tired or upset. She'll pull you into a cuddle and kiss the top of your head.
Also thinks you're adorable when you're asleep.
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breathlesslink · 1 year
Chapter 2 — Kimi
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[chapter warnings: rude bitches, panic attack]
t.o.c ; << | >>
"Do I know my way around Hyrule? Do you not?" You gazed at the boy's pointed ears. "You're Hylian, you should know your way around. You're from here."
Link looked away from you. "I don't remember." He mumbled.
"I don't remember." He said a little louder. "I, uh, got injured. And now I don't remember anything. I need to talk to Impa, but I don't know who that is or where they are here."
Impa. What a familiar name. She was the elder of Kakariko when you were still young, and you supposed by the sound of it she was still kicking. Good for her.
"I might be able to show you to her, but that's as far as my knowledge goes." You smiled sheepishly. "I don't know Hyrule either, except for Gerudo Desert. The rest I've only seen through maps."
Link raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you a traveler?"
"This is only my first week of it. I left on my twentieth birthday a few days ago." You shook your head, not wanting to delve further into why you didn't know anything about Hyrule and grabbed Link's wrist. "Come on, let's go see Impa. I think I remember where she stays.”
If the elder Sheikah remembered you, she didn't show it. Instead, she focused on the man in front of you, ushering you upstairs with a girl named Paya as quickly as you had entered.
Paya was around the same age as you, yet seemed completely different. She was nearly spastic, moving around her room with no purpose other than to fidget. She answered your attempts at conversation with one-word answers, only reciprocating when she wanted to turn it towards the stranger downstairs.
"Link, you said his name is? Is he your boyfriend?"
At the question, you awkwardly laughed. "Him? No, I just met him not too long ago and he asked me to bring him here."
"Oh," Paya sounded relieved. Your tight smile turned into a real one as you sensed a wonderful opportunity.
"Yeah, he's real cute, isn't he?" You subtly tried to tease, "He might be into you. I saw him looking our way when we were leaving."
Paya turned a bright red, matching the accents of her outfit nearly perfectly. "R-really?!" Her voice raised a few notches, "I- there's no way! Maybe he was looking at you, you're gorgeous!"
"I'm nothing like you," You made a face, slightly playing it up to see how far this would go while simultaneously rejecting the compliment, "If there's any gal Link might be into, it's you."
Paya seemed to swoon at the thought, but before she could respond Impa's voice called you both down from her room. Link stood where you left him, but this time with a different wardrobe. He had a bright blue tunic on, matching his eyes nearly perfectly.
You weren't the only one who noticed, though, as you noticed the red on Paya's face returning.
Link thanked Impa and glanced at you— a silent way of saying "let's go". You followed him out and began your trek back to the hotel.
"What did she say?"
"She said that I could maybe get my memories back by going to places that I have pictures of."
"Pictures? Do you have a camera or something?"
"Or something." Link reached for his belt and grabbed some device— you recognized it as a Sheikah Slate, old technology you learned about while scouring the poor excuse of a library in the Yiga hideout. They weren't the smartest, so books were uncommon. "This isn't mine, it's an old friend's. She has these pictures of places we've apparently gone together, but I have to go to Hateno to get it fixed."
Together? Were they together? Goddess, that would suck if Link had a girlfriend he didn't even remember. Poor chick.
"So you're going to go to these places and just... what? Hope for the best?"
Link shrugged. "If I have the time, yeah. I have more important things to do right now."
Link didn't answer, instead opening the door to the Inn and letting you in first. He went to his bed and sat down, pulling out the slate and swiping through it. A while passed and Link continued to just stare at the screen, brows furrowed in what was probably some attempt at remembering his past.
"You're gonna get a headache from looking at that."
"I already have one."
You stood up and went over to his bed, slipping the slate out of his hands and turning it towards yourself. "Why is the map blank?"
"I have to go to certain towers to get a map of each region."
"Ohh, those weird super tall glowy things?" You grinned like a child in a candy shop when Link nodded, "They just showed up a little bit ago. What, were they made specifically for you?"
"Kind of? And those shrines are too. I just wish I knew where to go and where I am."
"Goddess, you must be mighty special for a bunch of ancient technology to just work for you." You joked.
Link looked at you with a look you didn't really recognize. "You said you just started traveling. Do you have a paper map?"
"I do." You turned and dug into your bag, pulling it out and unrolling it in between you. You also grabbed a pen, just in case. "Where do you need to go next?"
"According to Impa, first Hateno. Then Zora's Domain, Eldin, Rito Village, and Gerudo in no specific order."
"Hm," You looked at the map, "That order seems to be the most practical— starting close and then traveling to the further ones. It just works out that Hateno is first on our way, I need to go there too."
At that, Link paused. "Our way?"
"Yeah, I'm coming with you. I need to go to those places too, so it works."
"Uh, absolutely not." Link shook his head and took the pen from your hand, "My journey is way too dangerous for you."
"What?" You grabbed the pen back, "We have the same journey— we're going to the same places. How is that too dangerous? If anything, it would be safer to travel together."
"I just wouldn't be able to protect myself and someone else, you know?"
"Who said I needed you to protect me?" You were a little offended. Was this because you were a woman? "I can handle myself."
Link raised an eyebrow as if to challenge that. "Y/N-"
"Listen, you don't remember anything, right? You need someone who at least knows a little bit. I might not have actually traveled but I read books and know people who do. I know the monsters and the cultures of the regions and all that shit. You need that. Let me come along and help. I'll stay out of whatever shit you have to do."
Link seemed to think about it for a moment and then sighed. "Fine."
You cheered and looked back down at the map, marking the locations you needed to go to— the main towns in every region, stables, smaller villages, and Hateno itself. "First, Hateno. Then, to East Necluda to Zora's Domain."
"Why do you need to go to Hateno so badly?"
You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "If I tell you my mission, you have to tell me yours."
"...We'll see."
"My little sister lives there. I haven't seen her in four years, so I need to visit. As for the rest of Hyrule, I'm looking for my brother. We all got separated." Link looked as if he was going to ask questions, so you interrupted. "You?"
"I have to tame the Divine Beasts."
You couldn't contain the loud laugh that erupted from your throat. "I'm sorry- what? Ganon controls those beasts, nobody can tame them except for the Cham...pions..."
You trailed off, suddenly putting two and two together.
Link's name was familiar to you. You'd heard it numerous times.
The Hylian Champion, destined to destroy Ganon with the Sword that Sealed the Darkness.
The Yiga drilled it into your head that he was a bad guy. You didn't believe them when they said he'd return, and yet you sat in front of him, talking as if he was a long-lost friend.
"I thought the Champions died 100 years ago."
"They did. I almost did, but I was put into a healing shrine on the Great Plateau. I woke up about a week ago. No memories, nothing. Just the Sheikah Slate and the ghost of the King telling me what I have to do."
"That's— wow. That's a shocker." You didn't know what to say. The traumatized part of you was conflicted— riddled with guilt. Guilt for betraying the organization you grew up brainwashed into, but also guilt because this guy seemed like a great dude. And yet you were trained to kill people like him. Or more specifically, just him. "So what if I just joined you on this little adventure and didn't fight the Beasts with you? Would you feel better then?"
"I definitely would."
"Deal." Link held out his hand and you grabbed it, feeling the rough callouses on his palm and the warmth of his skin that seemed to seep into your own. You were both definitely holding this handshake for too long.
You coughed awkwardly and pulled your hand away, rolling the map back up and tucking it into your bag before sitting in your own bed. "Wake me up when you're ready to leave. Goodnight, Link."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
"This is fucking stupid."
"You're fucking stupid. Drop the attitude or I'm leaving your ass."
"You're the one who woke me up at 5am, Link! You can't be mad at me for that when we didn't go to bed until 1."
"If you're gonna adventure, you gotta get used to running on little sleep. From here on out, it's tough."
You huffed and crossed your arms, focusing on Taz's mane as Link rode his own horse beside you. "Shit sucks."
"Imagine having the fate of Hyrule on your shoulders along with that."
You cut your eyes at him. "I liked you better when you were quiet."
At that, Link let out a little laugh. It was the first time you'd heard him laugh and it was a pretty sound. You smiled back, ignoring the slight tinge of heat in your cheeks.
"Thanks for this, by the way. Letting me tag along and all."
Link didn't look at you, choosing instead to focus on the road ahead. "It's no worries, really. I enjoy the company. I've already figured out how lonely traveling gets, so it's nice to have someone to keep me away from my thoughts for a while." He let out a dry laugh.
"It's gotta be tough-- being destined to save humanity. I'm glad I can help in any way.”
Link finally looked up at you and flashed a wide smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Hateno is a few more hours. How about we take a break here for lunch?"
You nodded and pulled Taz off of the road into a large patch of grass, watching as Link pulled an axe out of an extra weapon holder on Epona and started going towards a patch of trees a few yards away. Patting Taz's nose, you pulled out a pot and some vegetables you had bought in Kakariko and met Link, starting a fire and placing the food inside to cook. After a while, you were able to pour the soup into two bowls and you began eating.
"I didn't know you knew how to cook." Link hummed, stuffing his face with the veggie cream soup you had made.
"You don't know a lot about me in general," You joked, "but I've known for a while. I guess I've become good since you just finished your second bowl."
"Super good!" Link put his bowl in his lap, seemingly finished, and looked at you. "So tell me about you."
You raised an eyebrow, pausing from your soup. "What?"
"You said I don't know a lot about you, and you're right. So tell me more. I think I have a right to know who I'm traveling with."
You internally cringed, wondering what all you could give away without letting Link know the truth. You know, the truth that you were actually raised by an organization created almost specifically to kill him.
"My mom was Sheikah and my dad was a regular Hylian, so I grew up in Kakariko with my brother and sister. We, uh, got kidnapped and taken away for a while. Eventually, we escaped and I ended up in Gerudo Town and I didn't know where my siblings were. As you know, I found out my little sister is in Hateno. So now I'm here, traveling and looking for them." You shrugged, feigning nonchalance as Link raised an eyebrow.
"You glossed over the kidnapping pretty quickly. That's scary."
"It was, but they kind of just kept us there. No clue why." You looked down at your soup, finding both it and talking about yourself unappetizing. "What about you? Do you remember anything from before?"
Link shook his head. "Nothing. Impa said to go back to her after I've remembered something, but there's nothing so far. I was Princess Zelda's knight, and I apparently failed at defeating Ganon."
"Yeah, no shit." You snorted. "This time will be different, though."
Link glanced at you with a face you couldn't describe. "I hope so." He stood up suddenly, taking the bowl and putting it back in Epona's pouch. "Impa said something about there being someone in Hateno who could help fix my Sheikah Slate. Let's go so we can get there before sundown."
"Halt! Who goes there!"
You skidded your horse to a stop, Taz's hooves digging into the wet dirt road beneath you. Link stopped shortly after, eyes wide at the pitchfork being brandished in front of the both of you.”
"Uh, I'm Y/N. That's Link." You backed Taz up a bit, not trusting this random short man outside of the village. "We're travelers."
"Travelers, eh?" The man looked you up and down with a scrutinizing gaze. You felt like shrinking under it. "Hylian?"
He lowered his pitchfork, but not by much. "General Store is right ahead, same with the Inn. Don't go nowhere else causing trouble in my town. I'm sworn to protect this place with my life."
Link raised an eyebrow at the man. "Thank you, uh,"
"Right. Thadd." You interrupted, "Could you tell us where to find a girl named—"
"You're askin' the wrong man. I ain't one for giving tours."
"We're not asking for a tour, I just need to find Kimi-"
"If you want a tour, go talk to Seldon right at the boutique. He's real nice."
"I— okay." You resisted rolling your eyes, "Thank you."
You continued forward, sharing a look with Link before finding the boutique and a smiling man out front. He waves you both over, "Hello there! My name is Seldon, care for a tour of our wonderful town?"
"Uh- we're just looking for one thing." You replied, feeling a little bad to deny his offer.
"Wh- so no tour?" Seldon sighed loudly, his shoulders dropping in disappointment. "What can I point you to?"
"Do you know where a little girl named Kimi lives?"
Seldon raised an eyebrow. "Kimi? She's too young to be having random visitors without her parents knowledge—"
"I'm her sister. Before she came here. She somehow found me and I just want to see her." You pleaded.
Seldon seemed to think for a second, then sighed. "Alright, but if it turns out you're lying Thadd's gonna have at you both."
Without waiting for a reply, Seldon turned his back to you both and walked up the main road of Hateno towards a small cluster of houses near the top. After leading you a few doors down, he stopped at one with a bright red door and gave it a knock, only stepping back once it opened to reveal a woman a bit older than you.
"Can I help you?"
"Uh yes," Your heart was pounding, "A little bit ago, I started getting letters from my little sister, who you took in—“
"Y/N? Is that you?"
A meek voice came from behind the lady, and then out peeked a small head of hair. Suddenly, the girl grinned widely and pushed past the woman, running to you with her arms wide. "Y/N!"
You smiled as well and crouched down, engulfing her in a tight hug, fighting to keep tears back.
"Kimi..." You pulled back and held her shoulders, "You've gotten so big!"
Kimi giggled and fiddled with the edge of her dress before gasping and turning to the older woman. "Mom! This is my big sister, Y/N! She finally came!"
"That's wonderful." The woman smiled. "I'm Ameil, and my husband— who'll be out in a sec— is Laslow! Kimi has said so much about you. Come in!"
You smiled at Ameil and stood to walk in when your wrist was grabbed by a gloved hand. You turned back to the owner— Link— and raised an eyebrow.
"That research lab up there on the hill— Impa said I needed to go there."
"What do you want me to do about that?"
Link snorted, "Nothing. I want you to catch up with your sister, so I'm going to head up there and see who I can talk to about fixing my Sheikah Slate. I'll be back soon."
"Oh, okay." You smiled at him, "Be careful, it looks like it's going to rain soon. I don't want you getting sick."
"Yes ma'am." Link fake-saluted and turned away, heading towards the research lab.
You, on the other hand, followed Kimi and Ameil inside. Sitting in one of the living room couches was who you assumed was Laslow. Ameil joined him on the couch while you and Kimi sat on one across from them.
Ameil continued to smile— it was getting a little strange at this point, but you shrugged it off— while Laslow put down his book and paid attention to you.
"So, Y/N, we've heard a lot about you." Laslow began, "But one thing we've never understood is how she came into our care in the first place. One minute Ameil and I are traveling the Taobab Grasslands, next we're picking up a little girl unconscious under a tree and taking her home. How did that come to be?"
Your breath caught in your throat and the world began to spin, but you tried not to show it.
They really went in for a first meeting, didn't they?
"Honestly," You steeled your voice and looked down at Kimi in a silent way of saying 'I will not tell'. "There was an accident. Kimi, our brother, and I were in Gerudo when a sandstorm hit— that Divine Beast is no joke— and we got separated. I couldn't find them, so I went to Gerudo Town and stayed, trying to find them. It took four years for Kimi to finally reach me. How did you find me, by the way?"
At your redirection of the topic, Kimi perked up. "At first, I just asked every traveler who came into Hateno if they knew you! None of them did, but a Rito suggested that I send a letter to every town asking about you and describing you, and if they found you then you would write back! And you did!"
"I did." You laughed, "I told you I'd always be there for you, I keep my word."
Kimi threw her arms around you once again and you felt a shift in the atmosphere. You looked up from your little sister to see Ameil, still sitting in the same spot, still smiling. She folded her hands in her lap and took a deep breath.
"I just think it's rather irresponsible for you to have your younger siblings out in the harsh elements like that in the first place." Ameil shook her head in disapproval. "It's common sense for sandstorms to happen in Gerudo."
You tried not to roll your eyes and reminded yourself that Ameil didn't know the truth— you might have to be the bad guy and take blame that doesn't even exist to save your identities. "We didn't have much of a choice. I can't go into all of it but—"
"But what? What could you have possibly put little Kimi through that required you to trek through potentially deadly weather and risk her life? Do tell."
Ameil was obviously pushing your buttons, trying to reveal things that you were sure she had pushed Kimi about before. "I can't."
Ameil threw her hands in the air. "I am Kimi's mother. I have a right to know what goes on."
You opened your mouth to respond, but Kimi beat you to it.
"Y/N, are you going to look for Hiro next?"
"Yes!" You were relieved, "Have you heard from him?"
Kimi's face dropped. "No, but I want to come with you-"
"Absolutely NOT." Ameil interrupted. "You are not going on some dangerous trip with strangers.”
"But Y/N is my sister. My REAL sister. You're not even my real parents!"
Ameil gasped, and Laslow sat up and practically growled, "Go to your room!"
Kimi stood up and ran to her room, slamming it hard enough to make the house shake. You could only watch as she left, the atmosphere getting even more uncomfortable in her absence. You didn't want to look back at Ameil and Laslow, but when you did Ameil was already looking at you with a look you couldn't recognize.
"You do see where we're coming from, right?" She asked gently, as if you were some toddler who needed talking down to. "Our sweet Kimi is our pride and joy. We can't possibly let her go back into the hands of the person who lost her. Who knows, she could go missing a second time. We don't quite see you as a responsible big sister. After all, why did it take so long for you to come find her?"
Condescending. That was the look.
At Ameil's words, you realized her feelings towards you. Ameil hated you. She looked down on you— blamed you for "abandoning" Kimi. But she doesn't know the truth.
How you risked your life for your siblings.
How you turned and faced the Yiga Clan head-on to give them enough time to escape and survive, even if you didn't.
How you fed them, defended them, took care of them while you were all imprisoned in the desert, working every day to get stronger and stronger to one day escape and create a better life for Hiro and Kimi.
You stood up and walked to the door, ignoring Ameil's fake protests and questions about why you were leaving, and slammed the door hard enough to shake the house once more. Tears blurred your vision as you walked down path, heading nowhere in particular except away from that house, and in your rush you accidentally bumped into a body.
"Goddess," You wiped your face, "I'm sorry-“
"Y/N, what happened?"
Link's voice sent a wave of comfort over you, and his hands gripping your shoulders gave you enough stability to collapse, tears streaming down your face more as your knees hit the ground.
Link fell to his own knees in front of you, quickly pressing you into his chest and gently shushing you, waiting until your sobs ceased before talking.
"What happened?"
"They-" Deep breath. "They blamed m-me for Kimi going missing. And my brother. And-and they said I wasn't a good sister, and I know that I'm not— who leaves their siblings for four years? I couldn't help it—"
You started to cry again, coughing out your words and wheezing in breaths in between. Your hands trembled, yet you couldn't stop it. Eventually it spread to the rest of your body, shaking like a leaf in an emotional storm. It was hard to focus on one thing when everything crowded in your vision and overwhelmed your senses.
Breathe in. You couldn't.
Breathe out. No.
In. Please.
Out. You can't.
Was this it? Was this the end? Just like that?—
He's still holding you.
His hand is laid atop your head, rubbing soothing circles into your hair. Your face is in the crook of his neck, finally able to breathe. His smell was comforting. His other arm wrapped itself around your torso, holding you close to his chest. When did he pull you onto his lap?
"It's okay. You're okay. Is Kimi upset with you?"
"No," Words struggled to escape, "Just her parents."
"Then who cares? You still have your sister. She still loves you."
You stayed quiet for a second, contemplating. Link was right— you still had Kimi. Ameil and Laslow were the issue. You just had to somehow prove that you were responsible enough to be around Kimi again. But how?
Find Hiro. Reunite your family.
Your muscles unclenched, and you slouched into Link's warmth a bit more. In your thoughts, he had begun to rock you gently and laid his cheek upon your head.
"Yeah." You yawned.
"C'mon, silly." Link shifted and stood you both up. "Let's go to the inn and rest, then. We'll figure out the next step tomorrow when we're fully rested."
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beestriker015 · 4 months
Mipha x male Hylian s/o
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(Non-calamity AU)
Mipha’s feelings for s/o go all the way back to when she was young, having been introduced to him by her childhood friend Link.
“Wow! I’ve never met a Zora before! My name is s/o, what’s yours?”
Being the shy and timid girl she is, Mipha responds to him with a voice barely above a whisper.
“I-it’s nice to meet you s/o. My name is Mipha.”
“Same here Mipha!”
He flashes her a smile that makes the young Zora blush a little before she begins playing tag with him and Link, kicking off a long lasting friendship.
As the years have passed, Mipha and s/o have grown continually closer to the point that they started to see each other as more than just friends.
Mipha of course was the first to realize her feelings, and not knowing what to do, went to her friend Princess Zelda for help.
“I see. While I’m not much of an expert on romance, my advice is to tell s/o how you feel Mipha.”
“B-but what if he doesn’t feel the same way? Revealing my feelings to s/o could ruin our friendship, and I….I could bare it if that happened.”
She says sadly as the Hylian princess places her hand on the Zora girl’s shoulder.
“You’re assuming the worst Mipha. S/o cares about you greatly, and I doubt anything will change that. In fact, I happen to know that he has feelings for you as well.”
Mipha’s eyes widen slightly at this revelation.
“R-really? He does? Are you certain?”
She asks as Zelda nods with a small smile.
“Yes. Link told me that s/o confided in him that he is in love with you. Now that you know this, there isn’t a reason for you not to confess Mipha.”
“H-he loves me?”
The beautiful Zora blushes while holding her hands over her heart.
“Yes, and you love him too don’t you?”
“I…I do! Please excuse me Princess, but I must find s/o. I cannot contain my feelings for him any longer!”
She bids Zelda farewell before rushing off to find s/o, whom she runs into after he finished doing some sword training with Link.
“Hey Mipha! Link and I were just talking about you! There’s uh…something I wanted to say to you.”
“Oh? I was looking for you for the exact same reason s/o. M-may I go first?”
He nods as she looks at him with a flustered expression.
“S/o…you mean a lot to me, and through our time as friends I became developing…feelings for you. What I’m trying to say is that I’m in love with you s/o.”
When she finishes speaking, s/o blushes profusely before moving closer to her.
“Mipha, I love you too! In fact, that’s what I was going to tell you, but you beat me to the punch.”
A brief moment of silence follows as the two lean in and share a kiss as Link smiles at his two close friends finally getting together, thus marking the beginning of their relationship.
Naturally a very sweet and caring girl, Mipha is an amazing girlfriend to s/o, who is equally as great to her.
“How is your day s/o? Did you sleep alright? Have you eaten enough? Is your family doing well?”
She bombards him with questions thanks to her motherly nature when it comes to those she cares about, which s/o finds quite adorable.
“Yes, to everything Mipha. How about you?”
“My answers are the same as yours s/o, thank you for asking.”
Needless to say Mipha and s/o have a very cute and wholesome relationship, which Princess Zelda secretly gushes about to Link, who she has recently gotten into a relationship with thanks to some help from her two friends.
Despite s/o being a careful person who rarely does anything reckless, he still gets hurt on occasion, to which Mipha wastes no time healing his wounds.
“Ahh, that feels so much better. Thanks for taking care of my injuries Mipha.”
“Of course. I will always tend to your wounds whenever you get hurt. Just promise me you’ll be more careful s/o.”
Jealousy does exist between the two, but it’s never anything major.
Due to being different races, Mipha and s/o often worry about their significant other finding another Zora/Hylian they like better.
Luckily, they always communicate these fears to each other, leading to constant reassurance.
“Mipha, I love you for you, and I would never leave you anyone. My heart is yours, and it always will be.”
He says while gently taking her hands into his as she smiles softly at him.
“T-thank you my dear. You never have to worry about me doing such a thing either. The only person I want by my side is you.”
Dates can take place anywhere, but Mipha’s and s/o’s favorite location is Lake Hylia, where they often take a late night swim together.
“This is nice. The way the moonlight shines on the water is a beautiful sight isn’t it s/o?”
“Yeah, but it pales in comparison to how breathtaking you are Mipha.”
He tells her as she blushes deeply and chuckles.
“That’s so sweet of you s/o. I must say that you are quite breathtaking yourself.
Now it’s his turn to blush as the two hold each other close and lay down on the grass together after finally leaving the water.
Should any Hylian or Zora say something negative about them being together, the two will firmly yet politely tell them off, and luckily they also have Link and Princess Zelda to openly support their relationship if anyone were to take issue with it.
Mipha loves so many things about s/o, but the thing that makes her heart flutter the most is how well he gets along with her little brother Sidon.
Watching her boyfriend play with Sidon so happy just makes her fall in love with him even more.
“Catch me if you can s/o!”’
“Ok! Careful not to trip Sidon!”
S/o says while running after the little Zora near the base of Lake Hylia.
“Thank you for spending time with my brother s/o, it means a lot to me.”
Mipha tells her boyfriend with sincerity and gratitude in her voice.
“No problem Mipha! I absolutely love this little guy!”
Hearing that just cements her belief that s/o is the one she wants to be with forever.
Some time later, Mipha brings her boyfriend to Lake Hylia as she has several times before, but this time being extremely special.
“Ok Mipha, you said this was really important. Is something wrong?”
“No, not at all s/o. In fact I have something for you.”
She hands him a set of beautifully crafted armor.
“Woah. This is for me? Mipha, I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much. I-”
Realization sets in as s/o remembers what this armor represents, his face going red as he looks at his girlfriend.
“Y-you want to marry me? A-are you sure I’m the one you want Mipha?”
Shaking off her own blush, she nods and cups her beloved’s cheeks.
“Yes s/o, there is not a single doubt in my mind that I want you as my husband. You are the love of my life, and should you accept this armor, I want to be with you forever.”
“I feel the same way Mipha. That’s why I’ll gladly take this armor. I love you so much.”
“That makes me so happy! I love you too s/o!”
Mipha exclaims with glee before kissing s/o passionately.
Watching him slowly put on the armor, Mipha smiles warmly knowing that the Hylian she loves with all her heart will soon be her husband, and there isn’t a single thing that makes her happier.
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bluesgrxce · 4 days
Yandere Link x Reader x Yandere Mipha Headcanons
Virgin Link x Reader x Zelda love triangle - Obvious ship is obvious, has been done a thousand times before, we all know the dynamic
Chad Link x Reader x Mipha love triangle - Rarely if ever explored, has more room for interpretation, involves THE superior ship of all time
I think we all know which one is better. (/j because I love the Link and Zelda triangle too)
Pretty much every yandere LOZ writer that I've seen has agreed that BOTW Link and Zelda would not be able to work together. At least not when they first met each other. And I totally agree. They're forced to spend time together nearly 24/7 by King Rhoam, which means they're also forced to share you, and that'll create tension. But Link and Mipha? They would definitely have an alliance. 
Their alliance is based on two factors. One: They share the same goal of wanting to give you the best life possible. Zelda uses you more as a coping mechanism, and even though Link does that too, he's especially focused on making sure that you're safe. Mipha desires the same, as well as making you happy. 
Two: Although Mipha is obsessed with you and priortizes your needs over Link's, she still admires him as a person. She knows how useful he can be. Link respects her as well. Not quite as much, but just enough to accept her into your life and let her help give you everything you want. 
In result, these two work together scarily well, even better than Link ever would with Zelda. They never had past resentment towards each other, and unlike Zelda who can be strongly adamant, Mipha would let Link take the lead and make big decisions.
That... isn't always a good thing. Link is willing to do anything to protect you, even if it includes doing things that would make you hate him. Mipha is aware of this, but she thinks Link is more capable of ensuring your safety than she is, so she'll likely remain silent. But that also means that they have less disagreements, making their alliance even more powerful. 
If you allow them to, they'll spoil you rotten. Mipha uses her royalty riches to purchase anything your heart desires, and Zora's Dormain is basically your playground. You've got just as much power there as she does in some ways. Because of that, this is the place where they'll keep you. 
Link is also putting in work. He'll use his skills as an adventurer to do multiple things in your name, like bringing back rare items from his travels or cooking your favorite foods. If you ever begin a sentence with "I want" then expect Mipha to drop everything just to hear you out. She'll tell Link about it and he'll run off at the speed of light to get whatever it is that you requested. 
Outside of that, the time you spend together as a group is generally quiet. They're both introverted and they would rather watch you do your own thing instead of talking all the time. Just being in your presence is enough to give them peace of mind.
Fortunately, neither are the type of yandere to keep you locked up. Not with actual chains. (Unless they believe you're in severe danger, but something insane like the calamity would have to be going on for that to happen) Link still loves to explore and he would love it even more if he could take you along on the journey. Mipha wouldn't object to that as long as you liked the idea! However, they both know that Hyrule is littered with monsters, so they're not about to let you leave without one or both of them by your side. 
If you ever argue with one, the other will try to convince you to make up with them. You'd think they'd want to turn you against them so they can steal your love, and trust me-- it's crossed both of their minds before. But this alliance has worked really well in their favor and they don't want it to fall apart so easily. 
That's not to say their alliance is perfect. Jealousy still exists in both of them, even if it hasn't been acted upon yet. And like I mentioned earlier, Link is usually the one who makes the big decisions on how to handle you, meaning that their alliance has a power imbalance. 
Plus, Link is stuck guarding Zelda most of the time. Mipha is more than fine with taking care of you by herself, but Link hates the idea of being away for too long. He'll try to convince Zelda to spend more time at Zora's Dormain to avoid getting in trouble with King Rhoam, but he's willing to sneak off if he must. 
If you're accepting, then your future is already laid out for you. It would be extremely difficult for Link to abandon his position as Zelda's knight just so he can become a normal citizen again, even after the calamity is over with. So the easiest way to get around that would be to transfer him to the Zora army instead. Except there might be issues allowing a Hylian inside their guard which is currently composed entirely of Zora... Until Mipha takes the crown and makes some changes. 
Either way, you're going to marry Mipha and be introduced into the Zora monarchy. Congratulations, you're royalty now! You're going to marry Link as well, but not officially, since some people would see it as scandalous to be in a relationship with your knight at the same time as your wife. But neither Link nor Mipha care. They know what your true feelings are and that's all that matters to them. 
But what if you don't accept them? Because as much as they spoil you, they still restrain you. You can't go anywhere alone. You can't do anything that would risk your safety, whether it's monster hunting or just going down a long set of stairs. And they're always second guessing you, especially Mipha. "Are you sure you're alright? I saw you frown for a second. Yes, it was only for a second, but you do know how I worry..."
So even if you like being with them intially, it'll get old after a while. Mipha will notice your discomfort first. She'll adjust those restrictions ever-so-slightly to make you think things have changed, when they really haven't. If you must leave Zora's Dormain without her or Link, then let a guard accompany you. If you must continue associating with that friend of yours, then tell her and Link everything about your relationship. Tell them everything about all of your relationships. They'll find who's good and who's bad for you. (Don't be surprised if they think everyone is bad.)
Link, though... Once he hears about this, he immediately shuts it down. He doesn't trust anybody to protect you but himself. And he's seething at Mipha for being so irresponsible. She's supposed to look after you, not risk letting you escape. 
Just the way that he glares at her is a silent form of gaslighting. She truly isn't fit to take care of you on her own, is she? She's too soft. She needs Link. If it weren't for him, you would have already left her.  
And now that Link has doubts about her ability to keep an eye on you, he'll enforce the rules himself. Now you can't even walk around Zora's Dormain without him by your side- when he's gone, you just stay put with Mipha. Not allowed to do anything until he returns. If you resist, he'll only make your life harder.
But you aren't totally screwed. There is one way to make their alliance fall apart: make them doubt each other. Link already doesn't trust Mipha enough anymore, so you need to manipulate Mipha into turning against Link. Usually that's impossible, but now that her confidence is low, you can appeal to her sympathetic side. Make her feel guilty for letting Link do whatever he wants to you. In this state, it won't take long before she cracks. 
Your best bet would be to trick her into thinking you want to run away together from Link. Actually taking her with you isn't an option. The Zora will go into a frenzy when their beloved princess disappears and if they find you, they'll likely blame you for convincing her to run away. 
Mipha wouldn't want to leave at first. She'd be too anxious about the consequences, knowing that she would have to abandon her father and brother. Knowing that Link would stop at nothing to take you back. She's just so obsessed with you though and she couldn't fathom the idea of you seriously tricking her. Besides, you only want to leave so you can be happy together, right?
She thought so. She really, truly believed so. But you went missing the moment she turned away to pack her stuff. Then... There was no other choice but to tell Link the truth. Because it's Mipha and she's simply not the type to lie, even if it might hurt her.
In this case, though? It isn't even a "might." Link had gotten used to being assured of your safety (or used to being in control of you) that it freaks him out once he hears you're gone. His immediate thought was to go find you, but his second is that how could he have ever trusted someone like her to protect you? He leaps to anger. He draws his sword. 
I can't say for certain what happens next. He knows how much trouble he'll get in for harming her, but in that moment, it wouldn't cross his mind. She probably wouldn't fight back much since she respects him so highly and feels awful for allowing you to take advantage of her. 
...If Mipha dies, the Zora will never forgive you. They'll be more pissed at Link obviously, but they'll blame you for indirectly causing this to happen. The whole LOZ fandom would never forgive you because we all love Mipha. I would never forgive you because I am the ultra #1 Mipha enjoyer. You might be able to live a content life if you can ignore the hatred and hide away, but just know that Link won't be the only one tracking you down. You'll be on the run for the rest of your life.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Tohru, Marin Kitagawa, Tamaki Suoh, Mipha, Natsuki, Kōsei Arima taking care of a very sick reader who can't even get out of bed.
Sick!S/O can't even get out of bed
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Tohru, Marin, Tamaki, Mipha, Natsuki, Kousei ]
[ Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid ] [ My Dress-Up Darling ] [ Ouran High School Host ] [ Breath of the Wild ] [ Doki Doki Literature Club ] [ Your lie in April ]
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The last time i was so sick that i can't get out of bed was so long ago, and even if it was just one day I felt like dying 😩
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Once Torhu falls in love she start to get clingy and caring towards you, as well as little possessive (is more like her dragon nature). Even when she has some problem to comprehend your feelings if you don't tell her directly (specially if you aren't a dragon) she wants to have a relationship with you where you can rely and even depend on her, even if is just a little it will make her happy
Whenever you get sick she worries but her excitment quickly overcome that feeling, don't take her wrong she doesn't like to see you in such pain but it makes her excited the idea of being able to take care of you, and she will totally take advantage of the situation. Although the firsts times you get sick she is more worried and desperate for find a way to help you
When you get so sick that you can't get out of bed it scares her a lot, fearing that something really bad happened to you, mixed between despertly trying to find out what happened and how to help you and getting mad thinking that this may be someone's fault. Still is probably that you manage to calm her down enough to explain that you aren't going to die or that no one caused this, you will be fine with seeing a doctor
Tohru will be really hesitant of letting a doctor see you in such vulnerable state so is more probably that she ask Fafnir or Quetzalcoatl for help, she can even ask Kobayashi of what she is supoused to do and at the end she will try a lot of different things between dragons and humans solutions
Once you finally manage to calm her down enough to finally convince her to at least follow your lead on how to help you and take proper care of you she will totally go in nurse mode and even promise to make you feel better in no time
She will totally take advantage of this situation to fully take care of you and baby you all she wants, specially if normally you don't let her, as well she will cuddle you a lot, holding you close to her and even putting you on top of her with the excuse of helping you stay warm and comfortable
Tohru tries to follow the human medicine and the instructions the doctor give you but she can't help to think that the process is too slow (even when she is enjoying it) so she will try the healing methods of her world in hopes that it help you get better faster (she won't really tell you this if she knows that you will disapprove it)
Tohru cheerish for you to get better soon but enjoys every little moment of it
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Marin Kitagawa
Marin is really caring a loving, but she is pretty dumb too so if you aren't obvious or directly tell her about how you feel or when you are troubles for something she probably won't discover it herself
Marin is most of the time alone so she has to take care of herself, and even when she isn't the best to do so she is proud of what she knows to do, as well she tries to look after your well-being too, if she ever notice that you seem to not beem taking care of yourself she will insist that you have to do it, and that if she has to do it herself she will
Speaking of, anytime you get sick she gets really worried it doesn't matter if is just a little fever or something really serious she will be really worried (she could overeact a little), that is why the moment you tell her that you are feeling so bad that you can't get out of bed she gets worried sick and start overthinking everything, her friends has to calm her down at least enough to wait until she had the opportunity to go to see you, reminding her that you aren't alone or that at least you are already taking meds and resting
Still the very moment she is free she is already running to where you are, and when she finally get to see you someone has to stop her before she throw herself to your arms with tears in her eyes, and if she actually does it she will end up apologizing really dramaticly for hurting you again
She will bombard you with questions about what happened, how you feel, where it hurts and so on, after a while she will calm down and start to recover her cheerful self again and start to comforting you as well as promising to take good care of you
And as she said she will spend all the free time she has by your side taking care of you, and even if you try to tell her that she doesn't have to she will just giggle and insist on doing it. If you feel insecure for looking bad she offers to fix yourself a little if you want
Also she will take seriously her promise of take care of yourself, or at least tries to, so she will be making sure you are always comfy and don't overwork yourself, as well that you always take your meds and eat properly. She is a little ashame of it, but she is enjoying taking care of you a little to much, if you let her she will like to baby you from time to time
As well she offer you to watch some anime so you don't get all bored but you will have to remind her that you two can't cuddle right now or else she will end up getting sick too, she will be pouty for it for a while but if you promise to cuddle her when you get better she imediatly feels happy again
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Tamaki Suoh
Tamaki is pretty dramatic and spontaneos and that is showed in his relasionship, he is really loving and caring and he is always really open with his love for you (unless you feel uncomfortable with it he will try to calm down)
He doesnt worry much about you, or at least tries not to, and when he does it his reaction is always really dramatic, when you seem troubled by something he imediatly ask you about it but he tries to don't pry until is something really serious or that is afecting you a lot (or at least he tries to because most of the time he end up having a childish reaction), so when you get sick he tries to keep his cool and help you out (even when is just a little fever)
However you being so sick that you can't get out of bed make him worried sick, by the very moment he gets the news he is mixed between fearing the worst and trying to use everything he can to help you get better. He will try to get as soon as posible to your side and he practicaly throw to your arms dramaticly tearing up when he finally sees you (probably end up kneeling next to your bed with puppy eyes)
He tries to ask you what happened and how you feel but he is making a lot of questions so quickly that he doesn't give you time to even try to answer if no one stop him it will take him a long time to calm down, and even so is probably that he doesn't exactly calm down, will be more like changing his behavior in a more determinante to help you
Ouran High School is a school for rich people so is probably that you have the resources to afore a good medical treatment, and even if you can't he will make sure to provide it to you himself as well as make sure that you take your meds and proper rest, even if you have someone by your side in charge of taking care of you he will insist on taking care of you himself
You don't being able to move much gives him the opportunity to baby you, he hates seeing you in such pain and he almost cries anytime he hears you complain and that is why he start doing a little too much for you
You won't be able to convice him to leave your side, he may even invite over the rest of the club as long as he knows that it won't upset you. Also if you feel insecure or bad for being a mess while being sick he himself will makes sure to fix your hair as well that you use cute clothes and are wrapped in cute and fluffy blankets (is one of his ways to help you to feel at least a little better)
If you need comfort either for the pain or for feeling like a bother he is up to comfort you, you don't even have to ask because he is already giving you compliments
Is practically a miracle that he doesn't get sick too for how much time he spends close to you
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Mipha is really caring and sweet, is like a nature for her being so caring so that is going to be expressed in her relasionship too, although she tries to not be overwhelming or overcome your bounduries and respect your privacy, specially if you are a warrior or an adventurous, she worries for you but she doesn't want to stop you from doing what you love
Also Mipha has healing powers so everytime you get hurt or even sick she is inmediatly by your side healing you, she insist on doing it because it comfort her being of help when you need it, and you won't really be able to convice her otherwise always insisting that she is just caring for the one she loves the most, also if you ever try to hide it from her for trying to not worry or bother her she will scold you, even remind you that she is the leader of the Zora Kingdom is her work to worry for her people (even if you aren't a Zora)
That is why the moment she gets the news of you being so sick that you can't get out of bed she gets worried sick for you, if she had the opportunity she will drop everything and just go to your side, still there is the posibility that she isn't able to get away from her responsabilities (specially if you are outside of the Zora Kingdom, although in that case she is just even more worried)
When she finally is by your side she first asks you what happened and how you feel, she is eager to help you but first needs to know what exactly happened, she tries to waste not too much time before starting healing you and there is no way you will stop her, specially if you seem too uncomfortable or hurt for your sickness
Is more probably that she stops until at least what you have becomes a little annoyance, either because she end up exhausted or because you convince her to don't use all her strength on it, in any case she will still feel bad and makes sure to take care of you the rest of the time
Also even if she had helped you get better already she still feels uneasy about you so she prefer to stay by your side at least a little longer and keep a close eye on you, she knows you aren't exactly in danger but she can help but fear (seeing you in so much pain truly affect her). As well even if she manage to fully heal you she will insist on you taking a break and just rest as well as asking you to be more careful next time, although now you will be able to convince her to rest with you so she can recover her energy too
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Natsuki has a big problem with both trusting people and showing her emotions, that is why when she finally trust you and open up to you she becomes more caring and even soft with you
Whenever you are troubled by something or even sick she worries but always show it up in discreet ways, she could even ask you about what is happen though a message before asking you in person
When you get so sick that you can't get out of bed she gets worried sick, Natsuki tries to stay calm or at least seem calm but his mind is going crazy and if no one stop her quickly she will end up having an anxiety attack by fearing losing you. At the end the other girls of the club have to help her calm down
Once she finally has the time and had calm down enough she inmediatly make her way towards your house, but she still fears that will better to let you rest or even that you will reject her (if you two were texting it would help her feel more sure about visiting you)
She doesn't like seeing you so sick and in such pain, it make her feel frustrated and powerless, but she still wants to give a try, she ask you what happened and she may be a little harsh with her words (she may or may not call you idiot for getting sick) but is her worries and desesperation talking
She will try to pay you a visit in all her free time but she is still troubled for the frustration, it has to be their friends who give her the comfort and motivation she needs
Natsuki will be taking care a lot of you in discreet ways, when she is with you she handle you whatever you need and making sure you are taking your meds, she even stay by your side when you are napping and when she sees you sleeping peaceful is all the reasurance she needs to know that you will be fine. She also ask the person who is in charge of take care of you how are you doing and if there is something she can do to help (she may be embarrased for having to do it but she want to). As well she make sure to pay extra attention in class to explain it to you later while you are skipping classes, as well as taking extra notes for you of the most important, is the least she feels she can do
Once you are better she will make you some of your favorite cupcakes and may or may not write a poem expresing how much she missed you and how worried she was (if you tease her for it she will turn around the situation and scold you for getting sick on the first place and making her so worry)
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Kousei Arima
He is really caring of you and he is a little observant so after a while of knowing you (even before start dating) he learn to notice when you aren't feeling too well, so you won't be able to hide from him that you are feeling sick
Kousei can be pretty hypocrite in this part because for him is easy to get so invested on playing the piano that he forget to take care of himself, going as far as falling sleep in the floor next to the piano, but when it comes to you he always insist that you should take proper care of yourself
Anytime you get sick he worries a lot for you, specially when you tell him directly, it makes him feel uneasy is just that he can't help but remember her mother (or Kaori), but he always calms himself down, or at least never shows how worried he really is (although, as long as you don't have to go to the hospital he doesn't have much troubles). Even if you feel a little sick he insist that you should at least rest for a while
When you fall so sick that can't even get out of the bed is shocking for him, he will have to take a while to calm himself down or else he will have a panic attack or something, although if you explain to him that is just something not really serious, maybe just like fever or even cramps and you can't move much out of pain it help calm down more easily, but still make him feel uneasy
Even if you try to tell him to don't go to see you he will, he doesn't say it out loud but it make him feel more comfortable if he is by your side, and he will keep you company all the time he can, even when he is doubting if he is of help
It makes his really worried that you can't get out of bed for your sickness but everytime you look at him he has a smile in his face (although you could notice that when he gets more worried when his smiles are more forced), he just know that right now all your body hurts and he doesn't want to bother you with his worries
He will spend all the time with you until you finally feel better so he will be taking care of you, and if there is someone else taking care of you (like your parent) he will help them too, he just want to be of help for you and even if you still can move but you shouldn't he is the one making sure you stay still and just rest
If you feel insecure for him seeing you right now for the mess you are he calls you silly, is obvious that right now you can't do much for your appearance since you are sick but he doesn't care
Kousei has not problem with comfort you if you need it, and he talks a lot about what you two will do once you get better if it helps you
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