#the only thing that’s 100% clear about them is Kou’s expressions
minamotosousuke · 2 years
To keep in heart with the romcom theme of my prince diary au…
Okay the moment that gets caught on camera is the horseback riding lesson… where Mitsuba’s so scared that he insists on sharing a horse with Kou. So there’s a snapshot right there of a couple on a romantic horse ride. And then there’s them getting off and goofing off… in the woods at a pond or something (looking happy and in love 💥 snap💥 snap 💥) and then there’s when Kou’s trying to help Mitsuba back up on the horse (since now there’s no convenient stairs to climb to help him), and Mitsuba’s so scared of the height that he sinks back down and clings to Kou for dear life (‘nother suggestive snapshot)
anyways so when Teru sees these photos he think’s it’s his brother borderline… yknow, making a home run, so he dials up kou with a generic lecture about falling in love and needing to find the right one (he means GIRL but not clarifying this will be his downfall) and waiting until the perfect moment to do anything…
and Kou is on the other line of the phone going 😳 my brother is so cool and intelligent it’s like he knows that I’m falling in love with Mitsuba and desperately want to be with him
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mguvmii · 2 years
Akane(boy), Yamabuki (Lemon), Teru and Kou when their S/O ex flirts with them :O
hi anon! Omg I can't believe I got a request to include Lemon! He's such an underrated character I love him so much 😭 he's a total mood too I kin him. Hope you enjoy! Lots of love from Beth ♡!
characters ; Akane (boy) , Lemon , Teru , Kou , gn!reader
note; unless you send in a specific gender, I write gender neutral readers
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- he knew you had a terrible ex and hated them. Didn't even try to hide it. He promised to protect you if they ever showed up again. You didn't give him a name.
- surprise! The next day , his s/o's ex showed up! Turns out your ex was also a student in a grade above you. The only reason he knew it was your ex was because of your expression.
- he glared at them, hoping to scare them off. It didn't work. Your ex isn't worthy of being in your presence.
- when your ex approached you and had the audacity to FLIRT with you in front of him? Oh he was so mad.
- he immediately embraced you. He pulled you far away from your ex and got upset with him.
- " Don't think you have another chance with them, they're MY s/o now not yours. You didn't treat them right what makes you think you deserve them now?"
- after he was done yelling at the guy , he dragged you off somewhere as far as the school would let him. Protectiveness 100% you're his love.
- you found the way he stood against your ex cute. To see how much he cares made you happy.
- long story short, he pretty much issued a restraining order on your ex 💀 not actually but he made sure your ex didn't see OR approach you at all.
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- at first glance , you didn't think he'd care. I mean, he's almost always on his phone posting on social media about his daily life.
- don't let that fool you! Lemon actually DOES care! He cares a bit too much that it can be kind of overwhelming so he tends to pass things off nonchalantly.
- it happened after school. You both were in the gardening club tending to some flowers together. It was a special time where Lemon WASN'T on his phone. You two were talking, sharing smiles and laughs. He held onto your hand it was nice.
- until this person approached you and smiled a little too friendly. Of course , Lemon knew you knew this person. It wasn't until your ex said "Y/n I'm sorry about treating you horrible" that he realized this was your ex.
- yes he rolled his eyes at the other. He found your ex's words insincere and it made him upset.
- Lemon didn't immediately get super angry though. If anything , he squeezed your hand and tugged your person to his side to ground himself.
- your ex knew Lemon was your boyfriend. It was clear. What made him even more upset was how your ex was flirting with you in front of him.
- compliments , sweet nothings you name it. Of course , you were uncomfortable and upset yourself.
- bring out protective boyfriend. Lemon HATED seeing you like this so he pushed you behind him.
- he had a nonchalant attitude when telling off your ex, yet his words were scary.
- "You've already had your chance and blew it. You deserve as much attention as the dirt. Get out of here before I hurt you."
- Lemon will threaten your ex with slandering him all over the internet. This mf definitely found dirt on him and threatened to post it telling the whole world. Your ex was scared off.
- you're really grateful Lemon helped you :( he loves you so much. The boy will ask if you're okay and hug you tight.
- his threatening kept your ex away for sure. Lemon still ended up slandering them on the internet that night 💀
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- I feel like he'd have a similar approach as Lemon , except he gets a bit more protective and just a tad possessive. (Not in a yandere way 😰)
- you two were organizing papers in the classroom for student council while eating some half decent cookies Teru tried making the night before TT
- someone knocked on the door and your ex showed up. Teru knew what they looked like because you told him in great detail.
- your ex asked you to talk in the hallway for a moment or two.
- "No. They're not going with you."
- Teru was super quick to shut them down 💀 you reassured him though that it was okay and you'll be back.
- Teru wouldn't let you go but eventually he caved and allowed you to leave.
- doesn't mean he didn't eavesdrop. The boy immediately stood next to the door and listened in on your conversation.
- your ex ended up apologizing, saying they were dumb to let you go , they would like a second chance bla bla bla
- your ex will tell you he regrets it , throwing in compliments. They'll flirt without shame in hopes you'll take them back.
- you said no 🙄 you already had a beautiful amazing boyfriend. Your ex hated that. Your ex made the fatal mistake of saying he wasn't good for you (fucking hypocrite.)
- Teru will be there quicker than you can blink, shielding you behind his body. Oh boy he has that scary glare on 😰
- "Unlike you I don't have a poor sense of judgement. Its not nice saying something when you're the same. It makes you a pathetic hypocrite."
- his icy tone man is enough to scare anyone away.
- he'll threaten them, even casually mentioning that he comes from a long line of powerful people. He'll also throw in how amazing you are and you deserve to be happy after the bs you went through with your ex.
- eventually your ex leaves without putting up a fight. You wrapped your arms around Teru's waist in a back hug. You loved him. Definitely chose the right one.
- Teru will make sure you're okay first and then gently lead you inside the classroom to continue.
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• He's the sweetest boy fr.
• you didn't mention your ex simply because they weren't worth mentioning. You had Kou now and you loved him.
• You found a note in your locker asking to meet them at the rooftop. Of course that's where Kou, Nene, Hanako and you eat lunch so you went.
• turns out it was your ex asking you to meet💀
• I head canon that when Kou finds out this is your ex, he'll be a bit insecure and doubt himself. Its just how he is.
• he will glare at them, hovering by your side as your ex spouted bs about wanting you back. Kou was sulking the entire time.
• he believed that you'll always love your ex, especially if they were your first. Hell no 💀 someone tell Kou your ex is trash.
• your ex knew Kou was your boyfriend, yet they decided to flirt with you shamelessly in wooing you over.
• Kou was shocked. He couldn't believe this person was flirting with HIS s/o. Nah protectiveness x10
• "You shouldn't flirt with someone who's already taken! Besides you don't deserve them there's a reason you're their EX. S/o is mine so hands off!"
• he'll use the 'im more powerful than you' card and flex on how he's much better. He'll also try and threaten them but it doesn't work. He's just too wholesome.
• Eventually he drove your ex off. You were grinning the whole time.
• he was so precious you felt like you didn't deserve him.
• give this boy reassurance. He's a little insecure and scared your ex somehow made your heart flutter again. Tell him your ex means nothing you have no feelings. You love Kou so much he's precious:(
• kiss him on the cheek for him to grow bright red! A kiss on the lips to make him malfunction.
• you were so grateful Kou was there to confront your ex and drive them off.
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vhenanshiral · 3 years
On the Topic of Seiya Kou.
This is a Sailor Moon post rather than a Dragon Age post. Shocker, I know, but Sailor Moon is another one of my loves. This will focus on the 90s anime adaptation of the manga. So do not come at me with “but in the manga,” because the 90s adaptation and the manga were incredibly different in multiple ways. Seiya will be referred to as she/her because the male form was a disguise. That being said, any interpretation of Seiya’s gender is valid and I love them all! Anyway. I see a lot of shit talking about Seiya and it’s honestly ... super tiring. So many of the “negative” points against Seiya are misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misrepresented for the sake of making her look like a dumpster fire. 1. “Seiya is creepy towards Usagi and stalks her.” Except ... she doesn’t. They meet by accident numerous times, and in fact Usagi even seeks Seiya out. They develop a friendship, and it’s normal and natural for friends to seek each other out. Usagi and the girls actually, literally stalk the Three Lights more than once during the season. 2. “Seiya thinks Usagi is weak because she told Mamoru to take care of her when they left.” This honestly makes no sense to me. It is repeatedly shown that Seiya admires Usagi’s strength, both as Usagi and as Sailor Moon. It is natural to want the people you love to be protected, and that does not mean that you think they’re weak and incapable of protecting themselves. Seiya knew Usagi was capable and strong because she had seen her demonstrate these traits multiple times. Throughout the season, Seiya repeatedly lifts Usagi up with her confidence in her capabilities. This is even before she knows she is Sailor Moon. Let’s not forget that when Galaxia kills all of the Inners, they ask the Starlights to protect Sailor Moon, so saying that Seiya telling Mamoru to take care of her means she thinks she is weak ... that must mean everyone else thinks she is too, right? It’s absurd. 3. “Seiya can’t take ‘no’ for an answer, always hits on her, and is constantly pressuring her into a relationship.” It is true that Seiya repeatedly quips about “having a chance” with Usagi. It’s also true that Usagi repeatedly reminds Seiya that she has a boyfriend. But it isn’t true that Seiya repeatedly attempts to coerce her into a relationship. It also isn’t true that she does it all the time. While she shouldn’t have done it even more than once (when she was unaware of Usagi’s relationship status,) it’s obvious from the context that she isn’t being serious. Seiya repeatedly making quips is an issue, and while those kinds of situations can and often do mean someone is being a “Nice Guy,” a predator, an abuser, etc., we know from everything that we see that it is not the case with Seiya. Let’s take the “date,” for an example: Seiya throws it out there (literally, just time and place and walks off) and Usagi willingly shows up the next day and is even irritated that Seiya is late. Usagi is not forced or coerced into the date; she retains all of the power regarding whether or not she shows up. She would not have gone if she didn’t want to. Actually, let’s look at these instances of Seiya hitting/making a move on Usagi. - In the “date” episode, Usagi thinks that Seiya is going to make a move on her. Some suggest that Usagi thinks she is going to kiss her, but the language, Usagi’s expressions, and her reaction to the truth seem to imply that she thinks Seiya is suggesting something more intimate. - In the episode with the beach monster when Chibi Chibi opens up the door and pushes Seiya over on to Usagi, Usagi is the one who, again, assumes Seiya is up to No Good, despite it being a complete accident and innocent on Seiya’s part. - In the episode where Seiya spends the night at Usagi’s because she’s alone and Seiya very nearly confesses who she is to Usagi while they’re in her bedroom, it is Usagi who believes that Seiya is going to confess to having a crush on her. - Later in that same episode, when they are hiding in the cabinet and Seiya again thinks about confessing her true identity to her, it is Usagi who thinks Seiya is about to suggest something intimate. In fact, throughout the season, it is everyone from Usagi, to the other girls, to single-episode characters, to even Luna who think that Seiya is going to suggest or attempt illicit activities with Usagi, and not Seiya. It is all but explicitly stated that Usagi is attracted to Seiya. Not just because of the implications of her assumptions, but also because she is scolded over it. In fact, Rei tells her that she needs to sort her feelings out. Haruka and Michiru forbid her from seeing Seiya because she has Mamoru. She may not love Seiya the same way, but she is attracted to her and she does love her (and Usagi being attracted to other people is not a new thing.) Let’s look at the softball episode, because it’s ... pretty problematic and people often point to it as being one of the episodes that paint Seiya as some creepy stalker who can’t just take a hint and tells everyone that Usagi is her girlfriend. It is Rei who thinks that Seiya training Usagi in softball is inappropriate (let’s remember that it is Ami who thinks that something illicit is going on with Seiya and Usagi in the bodyguard episode...) because Mamoru is Usagi’s boyfriend, not Seiya. It is Sonoko who insists that Seiya’s “relationship” with Usagi isn’t acceptable, and it is her that places the bet that if Seiya’s team loses, she’s not to associate with Usagi anymore. Seiya agrees because she’s competitive, hates to lose, has confidence in herself and Usagi, and knows that Sonoko is wrong. When Usagi tries to interject about the actual nature of their relationship (that they’re not dating,) it’s the girls who shush her because they’re expecting Seiya’s team to lose and that will give them the opportunity to make Seiya feel better. I want to touch on the “Seiya knows Sonoko is wrong” part. I think what a lot of people don’t think about is that when Sonoko placed this bet and openly stated her disapproval of Seiya spending time with Usagi, Sonoko was attacking Usagi’s worth as a person. She was openly saying that Usagi wasn’t good enough to be hanging out with Seiya in any capacity. Seiya took issue with this because she obviously believes and knows differently. She values Usagi as a person. Who is Sonoko to decide who is and isn’t good enough to spend time with her? Seiya is not approaching the situation with entirely selfish motives, unlike the girls who fed into the Seiya/Usagi romance for the hopeful eventuality of them being able to comfort Seiya after a loss when she’ll be forced to stop hanging out with Usagi. She uses this situation to help bolster Usagi’s confidence in herself. That doesn’t change the fact that the bet is stupid to begin with, but it is what it is. Oh, additionally ... Seiya doesn’t tell the school that she and Usagi are dating. Them dating is an assumption that Seiya simply doesn’t correct. It’s worth noting that if she did correct that assumption, it would feed into Sonoko’s declaration that Usagi isn’t good enough to be with Seiya. 4. “Seiya tried to make the rooftop scene about herself and used it as a way to try to take Mamoru’s place in Usagi’s life.” This whole entire scene is consistently misinterpreted and has all of the context ripped from it, because that is not what that scene is. No, it 100% was not the best time for Seiya to ask that question (and no, it is not “can I take his place?” that she says,) but people tend to forget that Usagi is not the only vulnerable person in this scene and it isn’t just about her. It is Seiya who triggers Usagi’s emotional breakdown on accident, and in these moments she is watching the person she loves crumble into pieces. The rooftop scene is about both of them and the context makes that clear. Up until this point, the only person who knew that Mamoru wasn’t keeping in contact with Usagi was Seiya. None of the girls knew, none of them. Imagine the amount of trust Usagi had to have in Seiya in order to share that incredibly sensitive information with her and with no one else, not even her closest friends. Usagi had told Seiya a whole 13 episodes before this one, and since finding out Seiya tried her best to make Usagi happy and to keep her mind busy. It isn’t until a few episodes after this that everyone including Seiya finds out that Mamoru is dead. So Seiya spends all of this time believing that Mamoru ditched Usagi when he moved overseas and that he’s a horrible boyfriend who obviously doesn’t care about Usagi. This is naturally hurtful to Seiya, who grows to genuinely like and love Usagi through the season. She cares for her and doesn’t want to see her in pain, which is why she does her best to help Usagi feel less alone. There is no point in the season where Seiya’s intentions are to maliciously shove herself into Mamoru’s place in Usagi’s life. She has no idea who Tuxedo Mask is. She had no idea that throwing the red rose - her own personal trademark - was going to trigger such an emotional response from Usagi. So here they both are on this rooftop in the middle of the pouring rain. Usagi’s breaking down over how alone she feels, and Seiya’s suddenly faced with the realization that not only did she cause this breakdown, everything she had been trying to do to help her wasn’t working and she failed again. She couldn’t save her system/planets, 99.9% of her people are literally dead because she wasn’t strong enough to save them, and she and the other two members of her team had no idea where their princess was or even if she was okay until the episode before this one. Immediately after the destruction of everything they knew, the Starlights had to flee to an alien planet with alien people, disguise themselves, and pander to a bunch of complete strangers that salivated over, stalked, and harassed them, all while searching for their princess  and fighting the minions of the person who ctrl+a ctrl+x’ed their home system. She had no time to process any of the unimaginable loss and failure she had suffered through. When people talk about the rooftop scene and about how Seiya “makes it about herself,” this is everything they’re forgetting. When Seiya is asking Usagi if she isn’t good enough, it isn’t Seiya trying to weasel her way in, it’s Seiya both coping with her own numerous losses and trying to remind Usagi that she’s there for her. In the end, Seiya is the one that Usagi credits with being able to get herself through everything she was dealing with.
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iwaasfairy · 4 years
uwu i am jus a liddle blog... u do not kno me... but here r som taro-nii hcs 4 my gorgeous wife: - will 100% yell at you (in feigned disgust) for wearing a skirt too short - avoids you at all costs before he caves - youll be sleeping on the couch, little skirt riding up ur thighs - he so mad. how DARE you, his little sister, sleep so vulnerable - any1 could take advantage of you. especially him - pins you face down on the couch - will not prep you. loves hearing you babble about how its too big
shush you big tsundere just say you adore me very mych and go >:( but thank you very much, this was very sexyyy. the idea of getting kou nii really mad somehow stuck in my mind and i ran with it
tw incest, hairpulling, noncon, threats
“Taro niisan!” you whine, pounding harder on his chest when he keeps you pulled so tight to his chest it’s hard to breathe. “Let go now, I want to move. Gotta start dinner soon, so hurry up.” Your lips are pouty and so cute, he can’t help himself from laying a few more kisses on them. While you’re sat in his lap, large cock kept inside you, he leans down to press his face into your tits, burying into the soft, doughy skin with a drawn-out sigh. “Please?”
“Niichan’s had a long day, just let me sit like this for a little while. You’re warm.” But again you wiggle, clearly too impatient. It has been a while since he came home long enough to fuck you silly, but you don’t usually act this bratty. You pry your little hands between his grip on your hips and push them lower so you can lift yourself up on your thighs, then drop yourself back down. The lewd squelch of your pussy around him isn’t the thing that makes his eyes shoot open though, it’s the way you talk under your breath. Filthy little words he definitely didn’t teach you, and jealousy bubbles up in his chest so quickly he leans all the way back from you. “What d’you say?”
“Said: want your fat cock to break open my womb, niisan! So move already! Damn.” You used to be so sweet, so innocent. Couldn’t even refer to his dick without going totally hot, head to toe. So what the fuck is this? The idea that you did something behind his back, without your big brother’s permission only adds to his stress, and it pulls a line deep between his brows. He reaches up to tangle his fingers in your hair and pull it back, glaring at you from under his lashes. He leaves for a few weeks of training and all of a sudden you’re too grown up to even address him properly? Not happening.
He lifts you off of him by one thigh, as you grab at his wrist and cry when he yanks you down on the bed, kicking your legs at him. “Aw, aw, that hurt!” Your eyes are closed and frown deep when he crawls over you, pinning your squirming legs down with his knees, but not letting go yet. “Niisan, not so hard, you’re strong!” your voice starts to wobble now, softening with the second. When he tilts your face in his direction by your hair your lips shake too, and then you’re crying. “So m-mean, niichan. That -ah- hurts, please.” That’s when he lets go of the tight hold, and grabs your jaw in his large hand.
“Who taught you all of that stuff, huh?” Your lashes are clumped together because of the thick tears rolling down your temples, legs spread and pussy dripping onto his clean bedsheets. “Sure as hell wasn’t me.”
A few blinks and your doe-like expression isn’t enough to calm his raging heart. “My boyfriend,” you mumble. You must seem to think you’re in the clear because you’re already pulling at the edge of his shirt to bring his body back to you, but no. ‘What?’ he blankly says, and you stare at him. “Don’t be so upset, Taro nii. It’s just Akichan! You know he’s nice. And I haven’t told him about our secret yet.” All of this so casual, like it isn’t supposed to upset him at all. But it does. Why are you so unfair, why would you do this to him? Don’t you know how much he loves you?
It makes him so mad and sad and overwhelmed he feels like blacking out, but instead it’s you who he clings to. Hauling you over and holding you down into the bed, he shoves his cock into you— or tries to, because you’re clenching so hard around him it’s almost impossible to push in more than half. “Ah, niichan, not so hard! It hurts! Aw, aah-stop!” He doesn’t want to. And it’s a bit mean to work out his anger at his friend on you too, but who do you think you are? Getting a boyfriend without asking your brother. Getting fucked without asking Taro nii, when all he’s ever done for you was be good. “Niichan, you’re too big!” you cry, squirming when he pushes in all the way, your walls spasming around his fat cock when he bottoms out.
“Why would you do that to me?” he suddenly pouts, pulling out and pushing in again, too hard. The head of his cock pumping against your walls too aggressively, as he lays down onto you. “How could you do that? You’re mine! Mine.” Each thrust into you makes you sob more into the blankets, and it seems like you’re almost as heartbroken as he is. His eyes sting as he rests over you, arms able to cage your head as his hips smack against your ass each time he fills you up.
“‘M sorry, niichan! I’m sorry, didn’t know-ah ah,” you sob, reaching back to run your fingers over his waist to soothe him. “Too big, Kou nii— please, hurts! I’m sorry.”
“You’re not sorry at all,” he sniffles as he says it, pulling you back into his cock without mercy. But your slick cunny clenching and creaming all around him does help, so he only speeds up. “Why do you want to hurt niichan? Why?!” Your moans are distracting, but the distinct whine you do when you’re feeling unfairly treated makes his tears spill over. Why don’t you get it? “I should be your boyfriend, I’ve always been there for you! I took your virginity! You wanna try to abandon me?” He suddenly stops moving entirely, to pull out and turn you back over. Then he grabs your face to kiss you, ignoring the way your eyes look a bit puffier.
As he pulls back he pushes his elbow onto your chest until you let out a pained noise, then leaning into it more. “Call him and tell him you’re breaking up with him, right now. That you only love Kou nii.”
You shake your head wildly as you try to push against him with your thigh, but obviously there’s no moving him. “Kou niichan, please, stop!” He ignores you to lead his cock back to your dripping slit, and pushes inside halfway through your clenching ring of muscle.
“Do it or I’ll crush you.” He won’t, but with the way you cry and squirm at the bit of pressure already, he knows you’ll give in. Of course you will. You love him.
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aobakukkii · 4 years
Wanna hold hands?
Bokuto x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Bad jokes
Male Reader
Word Count: 1748
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You shouldn't have to worry about this. You shouldn't act like a 12 year old walking next to his first crush... Wait were your feelings actually much different?  
Anyway Bokuto and you decided to go to a Christmas Market together to fulfill some foodie dreams of yours and only a few minutes separated you from your date destination. Well it wasn't one officially, but this couldn't stop you from dreaming, because all hope for not hopelessly pining on the owl boy was gone for a long time. So it was only natural to indulge in your feelings.
Bokuto and you first met on a mutual friends hang out in a park many months ago. Just after you arrived however, your friend who came a bit earlier soon volunteered for the "Oh f*ck we don't have anything... Let's get some drinks!" group mission to the nearest supermarket which left you awkwardly standing at the sidelines. Two small groups had already formed, involved in whatever topic they were talking about and you being to shy to disturb anyone just played with your phone for awhile. At least until a guy way too big to go unnoticed plopped up besides you.  
"Hey you're friends with f/n aren't ya? My name is Koutarou."
You just nodded for the first statement "I'm y/n" you quietly responded.  
"Oh cool where did you meet them?"  
Introducing yourself was normally an incredibly awkward situation, but somehow it felt natural with this guy. He kept a flow of conversation, getting to know your daily responsibilities and hobbies among other things. It didn't feel forced or like he just wanted someone to yak at or anything, he kept everything on a level that made you feel comfortable although you barely knew him, except for the few things he mentioned like his huge interest in volleyball.
The spiky haired boy was genuinely interested in anything you told him and even hyped some of your interests as well.
With him you were more or less smoothly introduced back into the (luckily) small group he left earlier and despite the fact that you felt uncomfortable with all the attention of the others in the beginning, his huge presence while talking quickly took this burden away from you. For socializing with new people, it was an incredibly alright experience.  
As it turned dark he offered you to join them go and play video games at his place and even if you would have normally declined such a request from new people, "Yes" felt just right.
Looking back at it now, the massive amount of praise you received from Bokuto for your skill made the decision even better. Especially when the praise came from a guy who would deserve the title pro himself.
In general Bokuto became your hype man in no time. You could just breath and he would still be like "Yas that's my boy!".  
This wasn't anything special in particular, he was supportive of the people around him and especially his friends, but to you his intensity towards felt special. He made you feel special. And now you wanted to be his special one and make him feel just as special and happy as he made you.
However you were worried that you misread his kindness towards you. Because he really treated everyone that he liked amazing, that's just the kind of person he is. This big chunk of love called Bokuto's heart is the reason why you fell for him, but it was also was where all your anxieties came from.  
Back to the present at hand, Bokuto's hand was what you were drawn to in particular. You never wanted to grab anything that badly in your life. The thought of holding his hand made you all giddy.  
Focusing on it was another challenge you had to face, since that guy swung his arms around a lot when he was excited to go somewhere, which happened quite often. Luckily, he was focused on the story he was telling you and looking at the illuminations so your starring went unnoticed.  
That until one of his swings touched your arm and more importantly, your hand.  
"Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention" Bokuto laughed. He stopped his movements and slowed down his step a bit.  
"It's fine" you giggled to hide your massive inner panic. His hand just touched yours!  
"Hey hey hey we should focus more on the lights there! You see those around the tree over there? They remind me of your eyes bro."
You just hummed and mumbled a silent "thanks" in response, being blessed with the chance to look towards the lights on your right to hide your face from him.  
Stuff like this wasn't usually included in the all-inclusive hype man package for you. And it made your cheeks heat up even more than his usual compliments. In the past Bokuto loved to tell you that you were cute, saying that you're shy reaction to the compliment just made you even cuter.  
Honestly Bokuto crossed the line to teasing hype man a long time ago and threw really flattering stuff at you like spikes at the opponent in a game whenever he felt like it, but this was a first. He never said anything directly about your looks. In fact you never heard him point out anyone's looks like that. You heard "handsome" and "pretty", but never something specific.  
"I mean it, I never saw someone whose eyes were sparkling like yours."  
This was straight up flirting at this point.  
You hid your face behind your hand, still looking away.  
"Kou seriously stop it."  
"Can't help it if it's true."  
You knew Bokuto was good in reading you, but you thought your crush and the insecurities with it were a secret. At least until now. This setting, this compliment, the smooth delivery. You were maybe anxious about the topic of love, but not that dense. This was his sign that you were special to him.  
He did his part, so now it was time to do something yourself.  
A mix of the compliments' confidence boost, your newfound view on his feelings and the still present panic and shyness robbing you of the ability to think or act like a normal human being, you drew the most genius conclusion you had in a while. If you swing your arm a bit and touch his hand again and again, he might read you once again and notice your wish to hold hands and you guys can live happily ever after.  
"100% risk free strategy dude" you thought to yourself.  
A comfortable silence was in the air as you continued your walk. You could already see the market, but it was still far enough away to be heard clearly. Bokuto was admiring the view around you, the illuminations being his favorite part of each December.  
You tried to give it a shot. You slightly swung your arm and hit his hand with yours, so slightly that it just seemed like something that would happen normally.
Bokuto didn't react in the slightest and you were not sure if he even noticed it, but you weren't giving up just yet. Your childish tactic deserved some testing before being discarded. So you did it again with the same force and the same result. Time to step up your game.  
You planned on a slightly increased force for the next one, which your body executed as "Tackle that hand like it's a Rattata." A now fainted Rattata at that, because Bokuto suddenly stopped walking and looked directly at your face. You had just enough time to conclude that you can't read his expression at all before avoiding your face. Your mind worked on a quick list on of how often you should apologize for this awkward moment, hoping that he would interpret it as a mistake. Judging by his face and the awkward pause right now however, he noticed what you were going for, which was honestly impressive from this stupid plan. You really wanted to apologize right away, hoping that the embarrassing gesture didn't ruin your chances with him.  
Before you could say a word however, you saw a big hand around yours. You couldn't possibly believe your eyes, if not for the squeeze you felt and a small motion upwards, bringing your face to a happy and slightly pink Bokuto.  
"Geez all I wanted was a small confirmation from you before starting anything, but I didn't think you would be the type to go all the way" he said his voice although more quiet than his usual one still matched the grin on his face. "You could have asked as well you know?"  
"I just... Didn't feel like it?" you laughed between your words, being overwhelmed by the sudden confession.
Bokuto quickly pulled you to the side of the street, not wanting to accidentally block the path of anyone else right now and to give the two of you a tiny bit of more privacy.
"Y/n I really wanted to confess to you for a long long time, but I didn't dare to say anything before I could be sure that you were interested." He started rocking your arms slightly.
"When I have my moods and try to hide from the world, you're the first to come to seek me and pull me back up again. When I'm loud, you're the one who listens to my rambling anyway. I discovered so many cool games and shows thanks to you and, most importantly, I can count on you whenever I'm at my low and my highs. You make me feel special y/n, and I really didn't want to destroy that without a clear sign of you feeling the same way."
The rocking stops as he slowly starts to stroke your hand with his thumb.
"This wasn't the one I expected, but again that makes you special. Just like you make me feel." he chuckled. "Man I can't really explain it, can I just show you?"
His unoccupied hand pressed against you back, pulling you closer to his body. You were glad that he took the lead from here on because you were complete lost in the moment. He bent down to capture your lips with his. It was bit clumsy due to your excitement, but still sweet and it definitely showed what Bokuto intended.
You pulled away with flushed faces, both unable to hide your smile.
"This is what I had in mind"
AN: So this completely self-indulgent fic is actually based on two dreams I had. When I already dream like in Fan-fictions, I might as well write them.  
Feedback would be highly appreciated. Thank you for reading ❤️
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mythicamagic · 5 years
DL oneshot: Sleeping Beauty Shenanigans
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Writing commission for @s-e-kwan
The vampires attend a play of Sleeping Beauty during the school Cultural Festival. The stars turn out to be Kanato, Ayato and...Yui?
Rated T - humour and some Ayayui
Warning: Lotsa crack, don’t take this one seriously 
The day of the culture festival arrived, much to the delight of some and the dread of others. Yui had been one of the delighted, getting ready backstage while the other students from her class arranged the stage behind a red velvet curtain.
They were to perform a play of the famous fairy tale; Sleeping Beauty.
From within the audience, a few less than impressed Sakamakis sat, Shuu snoring quietly in his seat. Reiji tutted in disgust, arms folded. Subaru was sincerely trying not to get pissed off with all the chatter from the crowds, but if one more person bumped his leg when walking by the aisle-
“OI!” He roared, glaring up and up and…up.
Yuma looked down, raising a brow and grinning toothily. “Heh, didn’t know you guys were watchin’ the play too.”
Reiji bristled at the sight of the four Mukami brothers casually taking seats next to them. “Why exactly are you here?”
"We came... to see Eve," Azusa stuffed some spiced popcorn into his mouth.
“Yes. Do you happen to know which role she’s playing?” Ruki asked.
Green eyes danced. “We don’t~ though Ayato and Kanato wouldn’t tell us either. They all looked so flustered fufu.”
“Laito?! Why are you here!” Subaru glared. “You’re in the same class!”
“I am?”
Laito chuckled. “Ohh, that’s right. I performed a little service for the dear teacher and she let me off the hook. Such a kind woman.”
Kou cut his eyes to the ceiling, texting to his fans on twitter, before the lights in the hall dimmed. A single spotlight turned to the stage. Everyone fell quiet and expectant as the curtains drew back, revealing a typical castle scene made up of props.
Ruki opened his program, blue-grey eyes briefly scanning the list of names and roles. No one else had bothered to get one. His gaze briefly alighted with a sadistic shine as he read Ayato’s role, before quietly folding the program away. It therefore came as no shock to him when after the parents were introduced at the party, Kanato kicked the cardboard door to the set down, dressed in a long cloak. The sleeves fell past his hands, but they didn’t deter him from snarling loudly:
“I-it’s the wicked fairy, come to curse us all!” The Queen wailed.
“NEVER MIND THAT, YOU WORMS. I’ll never forgive you for this! TEDDY will never forgive you!”
The King leaned across his throne to the Queen, whispering; “Teddy?”
“I CURSE ALL OF YOU! But uh…PARTICULARLY THAT BRAT IN THE CRIB. At 16 she’ll stab her ugly finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and DIE!” Kanato shrieked, holding Teddy up. Real flames burst to life on the curtains, though the audience only clapped and made noises of awe, thinking it part of the show.
Peering out on stage, Yui gasped. “K-Kanato! Remember our agreement, no fires! I promised you sweets didn’t I?”
The vampire glanced at her over his shoulder, expression blank. “Oh, Yui. Hm…yes I suppose you’re right,” he said, eerily calm once more.
Reiji sighed with vague relief when the fires died down, adjusting his glasses and glancing at Shuu’s seat, finding it empty. He rose a brow and looked down at his feet, where Shuu was curled up in the fetal position, rocking slightly.
“Uh…” Yuma leaned over. “He okay?”
“He’s fine,” Reiji dismissed.
The play carried on, with the curse being amended to a sleeping spell. Miraculously in the next scene, almost 16 years had passed and the princess had grown up into a beautiful-
“Ayato!” Subaru gaped, staring at the figure on stage standing in a pink frilly dress.
The vampire looked at him flatly, setting his hands on his hips. The Sakamakis and Mukami’s began to make strange, wheezy noises, holding back laughter. A random member of the audience sitting at the back burst into hysterics, throwing popcorn.
Reiji glanced at him, but didn’t recognise the student wearing shades. His feet were propped up on the back of someone else’s chair, sipping Guava juice.
How audacious, he thought with disgust.
“Ohh princess, you are so radiant! Be careful of your beauty though while attending the birthday party, a man might steal you away~” said the Queen.
Ayato tsked, folding his arms. “I reckon he’d steal you instead of me, D-cup.”
The Queen flushed red, and Yui hissed through the curtains. Something about making him takoyaki. Ayato rolled his eyes. “I mean, yeah. No sweat. The Great me will be careful,” he muttered, walking awkwardly offstage to go to the next scene.
With that passionate declaration came a scene change, and soon enough, Ayato was walking around the caste in a daze, fake passing out on a raised alter after pricking his finger. The narrator intoned in a bored voice that 100 years passed, the kingdom falling asleep right along with their princess.
Now Ruki raised his head, after getting in a short power nap. He smiled slightly when a petite woman padded onto the stage, tilting her chin up. She bore the title of ‘Prince’ almost admirably seriously. Reiji inwardly assessed her posture and quietly praised the foolish girl.
The other vampire’s stared at her with surprise. Even Shuu recovered enough to peer over the seats.
“She’s the prince?!” Subaru exclaimed, blinking.
"Komori is always so cute, but who knew she could look so handsome?” Came some whispers from the audience, a sentiment shared by the girls and boys alike.
Yuma tsked, grumbling in his seat. “Dumb kids. Don’t they get that she’s off limits?”
“Fufu~ adorable though isn’t it? Obviously though, I’m the one who’s going to steal little bitch away,” Laito mused to himself, blushing.
“GET LOST!” Subaru snarled, the words echoing through the hall. He then shrank in his seat a little, fuming as Laito grinned merrily.
Yui cleared her throat, turning to a dozing Ayato.
“Beautiful girl, I must have fallen into a dream upon sight of you, for I cannot begin to imagine such a person existing in the realm of men,” she bowed. “I will rescue you from this curse of sleep. This I promise.”
Ayato snorted, eyes remaining closed. She could practically hear his words in her head; “You look even flatter wearing that armour, pancake.”
Sending him a look, Yui focused on the task at hand when Kanato returned with a puff of fake smoke, glaring at her tearfully. She merely raised her sword.
“If you mean to pass me, worm, you’ll have to kill me!” He shrieked.
Yui wasted no time in charging forward, and a mini fight scene ensued, before Yui jabbed her sabre right into Kanato’s shoulder.
“AHHHH!” He shrieked, pressing a hand to the offended flesh and bleeding very real blood. The audience clapped right along with the vampires, looking vaguely satisfied. From the back somewhere, Shin cheered something about ‘death to all vampires!’
“I’LL KILL YOU ALL!” Kanato swore heatedly, before materialising off stage.
Yui blinked and awkwardly motioned for the fog machine to start, even though they were way off cue.
The stage was filled with a dreamy atmosphere, the smoke curling over the floor. She approached Ayato’s still body quietly, setting down her bloodied sword.
The entire audience held its breath then. The students invested in teen romance held in squeals, wondering if the couple would lip lock. The Sakamakis and Mukamis tensed.
“Ruki…shouldn’t we do something?” Azusa murmured.
“It’s up to Eve to decide now.”
“Heh, screw that,” Kou stood. “Imma stop this, she’s my Masokitty and-“
“Sit your ass back down!” Subaru snarled, grabbing him suddenly.
The two vampires started brawling in the aisles, while Yui pushed her blonde hair back from her face. She leaned over Ayato, finding that his features were inhumanly handsome for such a troublemaking, rude vampire. The position of her leaning over him,while the boy slept on- reminded her of when she’d first stepped foot in Sakamaki mansion.
So many things had happened since then. If she’d never awoken him then maybe she could have lived a normal life. Yui eased closer to him, exhaling soft breath over his pale cheek.
I can’t go back now though. I’m too different, too changed, she thought. Finally pressing her lips to his soft looking ones in a quick peck, she eased back.
Everyone was silent. Ayato did not stir.
She did it again, figuring maybe he hadn’t felt it. But nothing happened.
Yui blinked, before gritting her teeth. Oh you absolute jerk.
Grabbing the front of his dress, she yanked him up to the best of her ability and kissed him, frustrated beyond belief. Muffled laughter broke out against her lips, before Ayato yanked her closer, a tight grip around her waist that made her squeak.
The two barely noticed the loud booing coming from the majority of the vampires, or the two still fighting in the aisle. They didn’t even break apart when Kanato started going berserk backstage, the distant boom and crash of furniture hitting walls coupling with maniacal laughter.
Ayato broke away from Yui, grinning at the hazy look in her eyes. The flush of her crimson cheeks.
“Guess you’re not such a bad kisser, Prince Pancake.”
Yui smiled slightly, before Ayato was promptly knocked unconscious by a lone projectile Guava juice box.
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danielleslauter · 7 years
Another BoKuroo fic? Absolutely. 
Kuroo Tetsurou considered himself to be a pretty flexible person –he also considered himself to be an amazing boyfriend, but right now that was beside the point. Right now, Kuroo was wondering why he had ever agreed to let his whirlwind of a boyfriend Bokuto Koutarou plan their date night.
Usually, Kuroo did all the planning for their dates. Bokuto was more of a “spur of the moment” kind of guy, which meant planning wasn’t in his repertoire of skills. Bokuto liked to go along with whatever Kuroo had planned –it fit their dynamic incredibly well. Yet earlier in the week when Bokuto had called him up and started asking about their Friday night plans, he decided to throw Kuroo for a loop.
“Hey so…can I plan this week’s date night?” Kuroo practically choked on the water he was drinking.
“Really?” Kuroo asked, still coughing a bit. “I mean, sure. I’m just amazed you actually want to.” He was met with laughter on the other end of the line.
“Well, yeah! You always do all the planning, so I want to do something for you!” Kuroo was incredibly grateful Bokuto couldn’t see how much he was blushing right now. Sure, Bokuto certainly wasn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but Kuroo was touched he was trying to do something nice for him.
“Okay, go for it.”  
In hindsight, he should have never let Bokuto have that much free reign.
As the week went on, Kuroo began to press his boyfriend for details, but Bokuto was being surprisingly tight-lipped.
“Kou, I need some idea of what you’re planning,” Kuroo said during their nightly phone call on Thursday evening. “I mean, what am I supposed to wear, how much cash do I need to bring, should I eat beforehand?” Bokuto just laughed, dodging any and every question.
“Just plan for a normal date! I promise you don’t need to do anything special, Tetsu.” Kuroo could practically hear Bokuto grinning through the phone. Exasperated, Kuroo gave up.
“Okay, fine,” he groaned. “Just nothing too off the wall, right?”
“No way! I promise you’ll like it.”
It was now becoming abundantly clear that Kuroo would not like “it.” They had met at the train station near Kuroo’s apartment, and after changing lines a few times, Kuroo found himself at Akihabara Station. He tried not to look too annoyed.
“Kou, what are we doing smack in the middle of Akihabara on a Friday night?” Bokuto just grinned in response.
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late if we don’t hurry!” Bokuto grabbed Kuroo’s hand and began to pull him through the huge crowd of people.
As they continued walking, Kuroo was becoming more and more perplexed. They were passing all the huge, brightly lit buildings filled with restaurants, arcades, and shopping. Rather, they were winding through back-alleys and dimly lit side streets, passing shops with windows blacked out and signs that read “18+ only.”
“Uh, Kou?” Kuroo asked, slowing his pace a little bit. “Where the hell are we going? And for that matter, where the hell are we?” Bokuto’s eyes were still laser-fixed ahead, continuing to lead Kuroo through the mess of tiny streets.
“Don’t worry!” he said, turning to look back at his boyfriend. “We’re almost there!” Kuroo had no choice but to trust that Bokuto had something incredible planned for them.
Finally, the pair had arrived at their final destination. The sight in front of them was something not even Kuroo could have predicted. Right in the middle of all of these shady alleys and weird shops was a robot restaurant. Kuroo just stood there dumbfounded, staring at the giant replica feminine-shaped mech towering over him at the entrance.
“Tetsu, come on!” Bokuto said, pushing on Kuroo’s back. “We have to get in there and get our seats! The show is going to start soon!”
“Wait, it’s a show?” Kuroo continued to tried and protest, but his mouth was just opening and closing silently.
After weaving their way through numerous hallways and staircases, they walked into what essentially looked like a glorified basement. It was dark, tiny, and had kind of a weird smell. Bokuto lead them to their seats, which were entirely too small and close together. They were both at least 6 feet tall, so Kuroo’s knees were practically digging into his chest when he sat down. Bokuto slid into the seat next to him, which was the only bonus to the seats being so jam-packed –he got to be nice and close to his boyfriend.
There were food and drink carts in the middle of the room selling all sorts of things, and once Bokuto found out they had caramel corn, it was all over from there.
“Do you want me to get you anything?” he asked, getting up from his seat with some difficulty. “My treat!”  Kuroo nodded emphatically.
“Alcohol,” he said bluntly. “Any kind of alcohol.” Bokuto grinned, happily bounding over towards the carts. “I swear to god that’s the last time I ever let him do this,” Kuroo mumbled to himself.
After having a few drinks in him, Kuroo was feeling slightly less salty. Bokuto had offered to share his overpriced popcorn with him, who was occasionally jabbing his hand in the bag and grabbing a handful. They had been given glow sticks to wave during the show, and Kuroo was messing around with his, changing the colors until he settled on Nekoma red. Out of the corner of his eye, Kuroo could see Bokuto was literally bouncing in his seat from anticipation. (His glow stick was set to Fukurodani yellow.)  
“Oh my god, when is it going to start?” Bokuto groaned loudly, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair. “I mean, it said it’s going to start at 8:15 p.m., and it’s now 8:17 p.m. Like, at least be–”
Suddenly, the lights went dark. Everyone immediately started cheering, but Bokuto was so startled he instinctively grabbed Kuroo’s hand. Kuroo snickered.
“Ohohoho?” Kuroo asked, squeezing Bokuto’s hand. “Is someone scared?” Even in the dimly lit room, Kuroo could see Bokuto blushing.
“No!” Bokuto said, a little too emphatically. “I was just…caught off guard, that’s all.” Kuroo smiled at how ridiculous his boyfriend could be sometimes –it was absolutely adorable. He planted a kiss on his boyfriend’s hand, causing Bokuto’s pout to break out into a broad grin.
“You really do wear your heart on your sleeve, huh, Kou?” Kuroo asked teasingly. Bokuto stuck his tongue out.
“Yeah, yeah,” Bokuto said, waving his boyfriend’s comment off. “Now shut it, the show is about to start!”
Kuroo was 100% not prepared for what was happening in front of him. The expressions that crossed his face throughout the course of the hour-long show fluctuated between confusion, boredom, and forced smiles.
There were lasers and smoke machines and body paint and loud music and robots –so many robots. During this whole spectacle there seemed to be some vague storyline he was supposed to be following, but he wasn’t totally sure. It had something to do with dinosaurs and tribal natives and some vague evil force wanting to take over the world.
“But really,” Kuroo practically shouted to Bokuto over the loud music blasting throughout the performance, “if they want me to believe whatever the hell is going on here, there has to be some semblance of a plotline! The suspension of disbelief is too great!”
“…WHAT?” Bokuto shouted back.
“Never mind.” Kuroo sighed and resigned himself to the fact that he would essentially be alone for the evening, slightly disappointed he had been dragged to a glorified tourist trap.
But then he caught a glimpse of Bokuto. He was smiling and laughing and waving his glow stick around in tune with the beat. Kuroo was convinced no human in the world could be in a bad mood after seeing Bokuto smile like that, so he decided to go along with this charade as long as Bokuto was having a good time (although Kuroo wasn’t nearly drunk enough to actually have a good time). All he knew was that Bokuto seemed to be having the time of his life, which is all Kuroo really wanted.
The show continued on, and Bokuto kept urging Kuroo to get into it too, although the most he got out of him were a few lackluster waves of his glow stick and the occasional demon laugh at how unbelievably cheesy the entire experience was. Bokuto did notice that Kuroo seemed to be in the best mood when he was looking at him, which just caused him to smile even bigger. It might not have been the most normal date they’ve been on, but they would both definitely never forget it.
After an hour inside the stuffy basement, the couple emerged at the entrance and were immediately greeted with a rush of fresh air.
“Thank god,” Kuroo said, stretching his arms. “I can’t believe how hot it was down there.” He started to walk out into the street. “I will admit, that ending was pretty cool though.” He paused for a moment, glancing at the bright lights of Akihabara. “Wanna go grab some food?” He turned to look back at his boyfriend, who had stopped back at the entrance and was looking down at the pavement.
“Yeah, it was,” Bokuto said at a normal volume, which was surprising since he was usually about 3 decibels louder than everyone else. Kuroo walked back over toward him.
“What’s up?” he asked. “Didn’t you have a good time?” Bokuto crossed his arms and shifted his weight between his legs.
“I mean, yeah, I had a good time,” he said. “But I can totally tell you didn’t have a good time.” Finally, Bokuto met his gaze. “I just wanted us to do something fun and different, you know? But I can see how well that worked out.”
Kuroo suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his own skin. He was hyper-aware of the sensations around him –the lights were too bright; the sounds were too loud. Bokuto had worked really hard planning this, and Kuroo had spent the better part of the evening laughing at it.
“Shit Kou, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” he said, slinging his arm around Bokuto’s shoulders. “I had a nice time, really.” Bokuto puffed his cheeks out and looked up at Kuroo.
“Did not.”
“Did so.”
“Did not.”
“Did so.”
“Oh yeah?” Bokuto pressed. “What was your favorite part?”
“Hm…” Kuroo paused for a moment before breaking out into a sly grin. “I’d say it was probably getting to spend an entire evening with you.” Bokuto immediately flushed red, causing Kuroo to laugh.
“That’s not what I meant,” mumbled Bokuto, looking anywhere but at Kuroo’s gaze.
“Well, it’s what I meant.” Clearly, Bokuto wasn’t the only one full of surprises tonight. Bokuto stole a quick glance at Kuroo and saw such an earnestness in his eyes that he had to do a double-take.
“For real?” Bokuto asked. Kuroo gently bumped his forehead against his boyfriend’s.
“Kou-chan, as long as you’re happy, I’m happy,” Kuroo said, giving him a quick kiss on his temple. “Now c’mon,” Kuroo said, grabbing Bokuto’s hand, “let’s go grab something to eat. My treat.”
“That’s probably the most romantic thing you’ve said all night,” Bokuto teased.
As the night wore on, the pair continued to walk hand in hand through the twinkling lights of the city back toward Akihabara station.
“So,” Bokuto said after a beat, “does this mean I get to plan next week’s date night?”
“Not on your life.”
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