#the only thing that'll change is who pays for his security
groenendaelfic · 2 years
There are two unpopular Young Royals hills I’m willing to die on.
One is that Wilhelm is a prince and a minor, he can’t abdicate from shit. Not formally and not legally. Not yet and not for a while.
The other is that Wille will never be able to live in a normal apartment building, be it as Crown Prince or after having given up his titles.
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spacexseven · 2 years
the entertainer
NOTE: nikolai, my dear nikolai :> this was fun. on a serious note, the last time i did hcs i got some unwanted comments from people who weren't happy with my characterization. this is simply how i interpret these characters, and if you think they're ooc then that's fine but please don't send me asks telling me you think i'm wrong or anything along those lines :>
SUMMARY: yandere! nikolai headcanons
REQUEST: from @h3apm3ch4n151m — y! nikolai hcs
CW: yandere character, obsessive behavior, jealous, possessive behavior, imprisonment, stalking, manipulation, disguises, sadistic character, mentions of murder/violence
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- as mentioned in a previous post, nikolai isn't the type to fall for strangers
- he only associates himself with people he likes at least a little, so the moment he decides he likes you enough to be a friend, you're one step closer to being the unfortunate victim of his obsession
- generally, he tends to gravitate towards people who are ready to humor him and are somewhat genuine towards him
- nikolai rarely falls first, as he's more likely to fall for someone who's somewhat smitten with him already. for him, there's more security in knowing someone already likes him since they're less likely to shun him if they knew how he really was beneath the fun exterior
- he picks up on the signs that you're into him pretty quickly—the flustered laughter at his playful comments, the awestruck expression whenever he teleported with a swift wave of his coat, the yearning look when he entertained someone else for a change—you were far from subtle, but he loved that about you
- even if you're doing a good job at hiding your growing feelings, nikolai catches on pretty quickly. maybe, just to mess with you, he'd throw on a disguise and approach you like a third person and casually mention himself in the conversation just to bask in the immediate lighting up of your eyes
- he's not too happy when he realizes he's falling for you too, since he wanted it to be a one-sided admiration where he could revel in your attention. forming relationships would mess with his personal ideologies, which leads to some complicated turns
- he considers killing you for a long time, before ultimately deciding to let you live for now. however, if he really can't bear being held down like this, he'd kill you and then himself, also not wanting you to move on after he dies
- while figuring out his feelings, nikolai is likely to stalk you and just...observe you going about your day. he ramps up his clinginess and spends more time dragging you around with him. he even starts using his coat to drag you to him or teleport to you, or bring things to you
- if you tell him you're not interested;
✧ it doesn't matter what your reason is, but it's clear nikolai misread the signs. he's embarrassed but more than that he feels slighted.
✧ what do you mean, you're not interested? after giving him your undivided attention despite how silly his card tricks appeared, there's no way you could tell him you didn't like him
✧ if you're in the doa or working in the sky casino, it's even more disastrous if you reject nikolai. he's your indirect boss, and he can easily make you lose your job, or worse, just keep you around to make life difficult for you
✧ he considers just ignoring you, making you realize how bland and dull life is without him. that'll convince you that you needed him, wouldn't it? or maybe he'll ramp it up and spend every waking moment by your side, demanding you pay attention to him or else he's dragging you into the coat and out somewhere else where the two of you can have some alone time
✧ most likely, he'll end up kidnapping you. it's not that hard for him to whisk you away, and he really doesn't mind the time it'll give you with him. the bottom line is that there's simply no escaping nikolai
✧ alternatively, nikolai would also don disguise after disguise to ask you out and see 'who' you're more interested in
- if you willingly agree to date him;
✧ a relationship with him is far from pleasant. while he can be manageable (maybe even amusing) when satisfied (meaning you have to play along with every whim and not fight him), he can also be absolutely terrifying when upset
✧ affection from nikolai is almost taunting. his hugs are too tight, his seemingly soft smiles hiding dangerous ideas, and his kisses almost devouring. any sort of intimacy with him will likely leave you horrified at his sadistic side. even in the rare, gentle moments when he showers you with kisses, he manages to leave a bite or two as if reminding you of who you're lying with
✧ dates with nikolai are (in his opinion) very fun, usually consisting of some borderline illegal activity or reckless adventuring. he never lets you out of sight though, and you don't really have a say in what you're doing for the day
✧ nikolai is extremely possessive and gets jealous easily. while he never loses his temper in public, you can tell when he's pissed
✧ it's normal for him to disguise himself to continue stalking you in public when he's supposed to be busy, sometimes pretending to be an employee in your workplace, sometimes blending in with the crowd in your commute, or working as the barista in your favorite cafe
- because nikolai is extremely honest about who he is and what he wants, he doesn't shy away from revealing his frightening side to you. he doesn't see a point in hiding it when he knows you'd see it eventually, but he doesn't want you to be scared
- so play along, and he can be even fun to be around on a good day!
- if you try to fight back against him;
✧ nikolai is more than ready to subdue you. he can get awfully cruel when he feels like he has to, and sometimes, you even feel like this cruel side of nikolai might just be the 'real' nikolai
✧ his idea of punishment is usually inflicting physical harm of some kind, but he's not opposed to emotionally tormenting you either, especially if it proves to be more effective
✧ he isn't particularly opposed to locking you up if he feels he has to either, but he'd prefer for you to be out and about with him (after all, nikolai is all about the idea of freedom...though it mostly applies to him)
✧ it's simple, keep nikolai pleased, and you'll have a happy nikolai. after all, it's in his nature to entertain and want to be entertained.
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solar3lunar · 4 years
5.ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤 𖨆 𝔹𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕜 𝕀𝕟
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5.Press Break In
Ayama Aizawa POV
The worst thing is. It's 6:47. "6:47?!" I jumped out of my bed and quickly took off my bonnet. "Oh wait. Class doesn't start until 8:25... But I'm taking the bus!"
I regret staying up late on that dang switch and not going to bed when I was told too. I don't even want to get out of bed.
I rushed towards my closest and pulled out my uniform. After that I go to the bathroom. My Dad told me he had hero work last night so he won't be here when I wake up, but he'll be at the school.
"I should have set the volume on my phone louder! But no. I told myself I wasn't going to sleep through it, but I did!" I shout at myself.
After brushing my teeth and putting my clothes on. I go back to my room and got my backpack on and rush downstairs.
I go into the kitchen. Into the pantry to get the cat's food. Once I poured their food and water in their bowls. I got out cereal and milk and ate that.
I put my dishes in the sink and went towards the door. I saw the cat were sleeping in their cat tree house. At least their asleep.
I put my shoes on and head out the door running towards the nearest bus stop instead of walking and taking my sweet time.
I get on the bus and I notice Izuku. But he seems a bit in thought. So I go in my backpack and pull out my headphones.
I zipped my backpack up put the headphones on and listen to music. I'm now lost in thought. I can't stop thinking about what melody I heard last night.
But I have no idea why. It was the same one like last time. I got off the bus I started to walk fast to the school. "Hey Deku!" I said. I walk up to him.
"Hey Ayama!" He said. "I notice you seem a bit lost in thought. I just wanted to know if you feel okay." He asked worriedly. "Oh yeah. I'm just fine. I was just thinking about song I been hearing in my head. That all." gave him a bright smile.
"You do kinda reminds me of All Might." He said. We both stop in front of the school gates.
"Huh? What do you mean Deku?" I ask. " Well you and All Might has been through some hard times, but yet you guys always have a smile on your faces." He said. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Deku... I'm not proud of it. At all, but I don't want people to worry about me all the time." I told him. "But I know one day you'll be the best hero ever. Don't tell Bakugo I told you that." I giggled. "Like that'll even be possible." He laughed nervously.
We were in front of the security gate. And suddenly the ground shake a bit and a loud commotion getting closer and closer.
We turn around to see. Microphone and cameras all up in our face. And I got separate from Izuku because of this.
"Hey you!" A woman called out "Umm- yes?" I asked. "What's it like to have All Might as a teacher?!" A lady shove the microphone in my face. " I would appreciate if you didn't shove it in my face." I said kindly.
"Can you just answer the question?" She rolled her eyes. "No comment." I said trying to walk away, but I felt a hand grab my arm. My eyes change to a color I wasn't familiar with.
"Can you just answer one question." The woman asked. But I felt a present behind me. "Get your hand off of her now." Katsuki...
"Come on." He grabbed my hand. His hand was big and warm. We walk to class. We walk pass my Dad who just showed death in his eyes. And that has me confused.
"Why didn't you just walk away nerd?" He asked. I had my eyes closed when answering him. " I don't know. Some person touch me and held me back." I said.
"Who!?" He Shouted at me. "It's not important, beside it not like I got hurt." I tell him as well as trying to calm him down. "I Don't Give A Shit!" He shouted. As we enter the the classroom.
I just ignore him while walking inside going to the front. I had my hand covering my eyes. "DON'T IGNORE ME. HEY! DUMBASS!" He yelled.
I just sighed and turn his way. My eyes are closed not wanting to look at him. "Look I'm not harm in anyway. I'm not bleeding nor dying. It was just one hand grab my arm, I'm fine." I said.
I open my eyes only too see Bakugo eyes in shock and hear my classmates gasp. "Ayama, sweetie come here." Momo said. I walk to her desk. She open a double mirror. My eyes were black pitch black, with white pupils in the middle of them. One was in the shape of a crescent moon the other full.
I don't even know what I did. "Do you what could've cause it?" She asked while putting a hand on my shoulder.
"No. I'm just as confused." I said. "Oh hey they've changed back." Mina points out. "Oh yeah you're right." As I look at the mirror.
About 5 minutes later after that incident, my Dad came in to compliment on how we did yesterday. He said saw the video of us all during training. While he told Bakugo not to sulk over losing. Then got on Midoriya about him and his arm.
"Let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future." He said. Now everyone was thinking it. 'Is it another Quirk test?' "You'll all need to pick a class representative." He said.
Now everyone shouting. And I'm getting a headache. And that's coming from a person who has a singing quirk. Anyways if someone is to run this class or would be Iida or Yaoyorozu.
"Silence, everyone please." That's exactly what I mean. Iida can get anyone attention real quick. "The class representative's duty is to lead other." And here he goes into his speeches.
"That not something anyone can do. You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, We must do this logical to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader." He said
Oh well they way they acted just told me their not ready. And I know Mina would not take it well. "It's pretty obvious you want us to vote for you." They'd told him.
"Ayama who do think should be class representative?" Midoriya asked. "If I'm being honest. It's should be Iida or Yaoyorozu." I said. "Aw, thank you." She then pats my head and hugs it. "I'm just being honest." I said.
I'm too upset with the head pats. She always did that and I know her. But if my hair in braids or a certain style like bantu knots. She knows not to touch my hair. I usually don't mind if she pats my curly hair. Just as long as she or anyone else doesn't play in it.
"I mean most of us only knew each other for a few days. How do we know who we can trust?" Tsu ask. "Besides, everyone'll just vote for themselves." Kirishima said. And both have good points.
"Most people will. But that means whoever receives multiple votes must truly be the most suitable person for the job." Iida said.
He then turns towards my dad who's now in his sleeping bag. If I could bring my blanket. I would. "It's the best way, right, Sir?" He asked.
"Do what you want, just decide before my nap's over." My dad falls over clearly not caring if he gets hurt or not. And he wonders were I get my "I don't care" attitude from. Hearing stories about my mom. There's no way I get it from her.
After agreeing who we should vote. I put my vote for Yaoyorozu. And yet.... Midoriya somehow came on top and Momo is the runner up. The class was quite for a moment.
"Wow." I said breaking the silence. "Okay you Idiots, who voted for him?" Bakugo shouts. I have a feeling Uraraka and Iida did.
"What, Did you honestly think anyone would vote for you?" Sero asked him "What did you just say!" Katsuki shouts. Bakugo kept going back and forth with him.
Iida look so disappointed with himself. And I kinda feel bad. Midoriya's in front of class. I'm not paying too much attention to what going on though. Yaoyorozu is deputy. My Dad still in his sleeping bag. And- "This is a complete mess."
Classes when by pretty fast, before I knew it. It's was lunch time. I decide to sit with Yaoyorozu and Jirō.
"I'm sorry about the election, Momo." I said. "It's fine. I'm not surprised most people voted for themselves." She said. "Hey guys mind if we sit with you." Midoriya ask. Ochaoco and Tenya was behind him. "Oh hey guys. Yeah no problem." I said.
"Thanks guys." Ochaoco said. "Yeah no problem considering how many people are in here." Jirō said. "She's right. It's always so crowded in here!" Ochaoco complain.
"That's because students in the support, management, and hero courses all share the same cafeteria." Tenya explain. "Hey Deku you seem down. What's on your mind?" I asked him.
"It's just that I'm still kinda worried about the whole class rep thing, I don't think I'm qualified." He said. "You'll be fine. As long as you don't mess up, beside you have all of us to help you out." Uraraka said.
"You'll be great. That the reason I voted for you at least." Iida said. "You were one of the three?" Midoriya ask. "It's was kinda obvious to tell." Yaoyorozu said.
"Your courage and quick thinking under stress will help make you a worthy leader. And given the strength you demonstrated." Iida said.
The conversation was nice. We found out that Iida was apart of the private agency of his family. And Izuku being Deku knew all about it.
"Yeah so about that practical exam-" Midoriya had gotten cut off due to the bell ringing.
We all have confused look on our faces. 'Lunch isn't over yet so why-' "What is that!" Midoriya ask. 'Warning. Level three security breach. How?' I thought. "All students please evacuate the building orderly fashion." After that everyone was quick to run straight to the door.
I on the other hand stayed put. I feel my eyes change. I quickly go towards the window. 'How the heck did the press break in?' I could see my Dad and Uncle Mic trying to get them to calm down. I guess there waiting for the cops. I feel myself getting push into the large crowd only to get crush onto the window.
"Ayama it only the press and your-" He started off. "My eyes, I know, but what are we going to do about the students?" I ask him.
We heard Ochaoco scream. "Guys help me!" She shouted. We start to move more into the crowd to reach her. "Uraraka touch Tenya hand to make him float!" I shout. "Good idea!" She tells me. It was a bit of a struggle, but she touch him and he begins to float.
"Iida go to the front then tell them what's happening!" I tell him. "Right!" He uses his Quirk which made him crash into the wall..
"Listen up, everything is okay!" He yelled. Everyone stop moving to look at him. "It's just the media outside. There absolutely nothing to worry about." I notice he was holding on to a blue pipe while shaking. 'I guess her effect wore off on him.'
"Everything is Fine! We're UA students. We need to remain calm and prove that we're the best of the best." At his speeches comes in handy.
"Look the police are here!" One student pointed out. "Thank goodness." Another studentsaid. Yes thank God. About few minutes later we all went back to class.
"It's time class rep let's being." Yaoyorozu said. Izuku was stuttering almost the whole time. " Um. Okay, so we need to figure out who the other class officers will be." He started off, but then said that Iida should be the one leading our class.
He then goes onto say what he saw during the panic state everyone was in. "But I didn't come up with the plan all by myself. I had Ayama help me." He said.
"Yeah but Iida. We all know you and Yaoyorozu would be the best options." I told him. Still covering my eyes. "Well Ayama your actually one of the best options out of the three." Ojiro said. "Well I-"
After a solid minute of convincing. He took Midoriya place. School has finally ended. I quickly pack my stuff up and walk towards Bakugou.
"Guess who." I told him while covering his eyes. "Nerd." He said. "Nope." I said. He took my hands down off of his eyes. "Is it a dumbass then?" He asked chuckling. "No!" I said.
"Sorry about yesterday." I told him. "Tch. It's whatever." We had a conversation(with his shouting of course.) just hanging in the classroom. I see Momo waving me over to give her a hug. I told her I'd see her tomorrow.
"Anyways, I better get going." I said. "What your going walk away from me again and pass out?" He shouted. "No no no I just need to get home to the cats." I said. "It's a joke you dork." He said. "O-Oh." He just start to snicker.
"It's not that funny." I said. " Yeah whatever, later nerd." He said walking out of the classroom. "Later." I said. I just have to cover my eyes. "Okay." I whispered. I gather my things and went towards my dad's office.
"Oh you're here early." My Dad said. "Yeah, but I have a question. Two actually." I said. "Well?" He said. "How did the press break in?" I asked.
"We're guessing a person with a Quirk cause it, but we don't know if it a show of power or a new villain." My Dad explain. "Okay now for the second part." I said. I open my eyes.
"My eyes." I said. My Dad look shocked, but not in a way he showed it. "When did this happen?" He sighed. "This morning. I don't know someone grab by the arm and then I felt my eyes change. Oh and the students know about it." I told him.
"You'll be fine by tomorrow. Nothing will change. It's just something you got from your mother side." He said getting his keys. "I'm hoping you weren't in a bad mood this morning." He said.
"No, more like Bakugo was upset." I chuckled. Car ride was quite, because I like do homework in the car. My Dad always scolds me for it. But we didn't have any this day. So I decided to just to text everyone to see what they were up to.
Once we got home I took my shoes off and was greeted by Leo and Nubia. I pet their heads the walk upstairs. I went up to the bathroom, only to smell....
Once I threw that out and refilled the litter box. I took a quick shower and put PJs on. My eyes were still black and white. And I put my bonnet on.
Night came by fast. And I was done with all of my homework that was given to me. I went downstairs for dinner. But during dinner I got lost in thought again.
I was thinking about my mother's siblings. What were they like. Other than Aunt Miyoko. Would they love me even though I'm good? Considering four of them are bad.
"Try not to think too much. You'll end up with a bad headache." My dad said as filling the cat blows with water and cat food.
"Huh? How did you-" "A father knows their daughters. Not just mothers" He said. "Fine. It's just why is this happening now, and not when I got my other two Quirks." I ask him.
"It's normal, because the same thing happened to your mother." He said then went back to eating. I was done so I just put my dish in the sink. "Goodnight." I said. "Night, Lyric." The cats followed me upstairs.
I just sat on my bed. The cats had pet beds, but wanted to sleep with me for the night. I layed down. "Why do I have this feeling that these eyes might help me tomorrow or could cause chaos."
{If God Spoke~Chloe x Halle}
'Oh you pray to me, won't you write your song and sing along? There's a way to_____'
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Taglist: @mypimpademia @angiebug101 @yvesssss
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~Luna Lyric~
~Universe navi~
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 1: The Birthday Girl
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Twenty three today, Hyeonji thought as she brushed her hair back from her high forehead and coiled its straight brown length on top of her head. A quarter of century.
Sighing, Hyeonji inserted the first of six security pins without having to look at what she’s doing. She’d done her hair like this for the past few years. It was easy and practical, above all cheap. She needed every spare cent from her pay to make ends meet. At last she glanced up into the vanity mirror and surveyed the finish product with a wry smile. There was no doubt she looked the stereotyped concept of a librarian through and through. Prim hairdo. Prissy blouse. Pleated skirt. All she needed was a horn-rimmed glasses balancing on the end of her none too small nose to complete the staid image.
Hyeonji had twenty-twenty vision, which was unfortunate in some respects. How much kinder it would be, she imagined, to have a fuzzier reflection first thing in the morning. She suddenly saw herself looking in the bathroom mirror on her fiftieth birthday and nothing would have changed much, not even her hairstyle.
She would still be living at home with her mother.
She would still be plain.
And she would still be madly in love with Hoseok. Her shudder was part despair, part self-disgust. For loving Hoseok was such a waste of time; such waste of her life. Hyeonji knew he would never love her back. She no longer clung to the teenage fantasy where Hoseok woke up one day and saw that his feelings for the girl next door had somehow miraculously changed overnight from platonic friendship to an all-consuming passion. By the time she turned twenty-one, Hyeonji had graduated from romantic to realist. Difficult to hold onto such a futile dream in the face of the girl Hoseok brought home with regular monotony.
"Plain" did not describe them. Neither did blue-stocking, nor bookworm, as Hyeonji had been labelled all her life. Hoseok's girlfriends were better known for their bodies rather than their brains. He liked them tall and tanned, with long legs, lush breasts and hair which shimmered. Hyeonji told herself she had the right breasts, but nothing short of the rack was going to add four inches to her average height. And, while her hair was always clean and healthy, mousy brown just never seemed to shimmer.
So Hyeonji had long since abandoned any romantic school girl dreams when it came to Hoseok. Common sense told her he was a lost cause. Yet still she clung to the emotion of loving him, clung to it as a drowning man clung to the most tenuous lifeline. Why else was she living this house which was far too big for just to people and far too expensive? Because Hoseok's family lived next door, that was why. If Hyeonji and her mother moved, she would never see him again. Never feel the joy –as bittersweet as it was, of having him drop in for a drink and chat, he did every once in a while.
Hoseok called her his best friend, but Hyeonji knew she wasn't really that. She was simply there, a convenience, a ready ear to listen and give him feedback on his latest computer game or graphic design idea. A deep dismay momentarily filled her soul before it was abruptly banished by a surprising burst of anger. How could Hoseok be so blind? And so darned insensitive? And why did she have to go on wallowing in his lukewarm and highly one-sided version of their being "Best friends"?
Best friends were supposed to share things, weren't they? Where was the give and take in their relationship? Today was her birthday, damn it. But would he remember? No freaking way! The dynamic head of Big Hit Pty. Ltd.; couldn't be expected to remember such trivia. He was far too busy running his exciting business. Heck, he hardly had time to come home anymore. She hadn't sighted him since Christmas, a full two months back. There would be no phone call. No card, let alone a present. Yet she'd shopped for hours to find him the right gift for his birthday last year. She'd even baked him a cake.
"Hyeonji" her mother called out through the bathroom door. "What's taking you so long in there? Your breakfast's been on the table for a full five minutes."
"Coming!!!" Breakfast that morning was a small glass of orange juice, one boiled egg, one thin slice of whole meal toast, one teaspoon of margarine and black coffee. A big improvement on the minute bowl of cereal Hyeonji usually ate. Ever since her father had died of a heart attack two years before her college graduation, her mother had been obsessed with health and dietary matters. Nothing passed their lips that exceeded the strict fat and calorie limits which were now Zil's culinary bible. This meant mealtimes held little joy for Hyeonji, who had a chronically sweet tooth. She found it all a bit trying, yet could not deny that her once plump curves had benefited from this change of eating habits. She dropped two dress sizes and would now not shrink from going to the beach –if she hadn't freckled like mad.
"Wow" she exclaimed as she sat down at the kitchen table. "This looks really good."
"Well it's your birthday, love" says your mom. "I'm going to cook you a special dinner tonight as well." Hyeonji could not help wondering what a "special" dinner constituted these days. She'd bet it wasn't bake pork with crackling and crispy roast potatoes, followed by a big chocolate cake and coffee with cream in it. "That'll be nice, Ma," she said, and picked up her knife, ready to attack the boiled egg. "Aren't you going to open your card?" your mom asked plaintively.
Hyeonji could have kicked herself. She put down her knife and picked up the long white envelope propped against the fruit bowl. Inside was a sweetly sentimental card and a couple of lottery tickets which promised first prize of half a million dollars. "I'm sorry, I couldn't afford more," her mother said apologetically. Hyeonji glanced up with a bright smile. "Don't be silly. This is great. I might fortune and then we could both go on a trip around the world."
"Oh I wouldn't want to do that. I like my home too much. But you could go, I suppose," she added hesitantly. Hyeonji could see that this idea did not sit well with her mother. Perhaps she was already regretting giving her daughter the chance, however slim, of becoming rich and possibly flying the nest. Kang Zil was a naturally shy woman, who'd become even more reserved and reclusive since her husband's death. She rarely left the house except to go shopping, and that was only down to the mall local shopping center which also house the library branch where Hyeonji worked. She had no close friends and loved for her house, her garden and her daughter. Once in a while, Hyeonji found her mother's dependence on her stifling. But on the whole she accepted her fate without undue distress. She was, after all, her mother's daughter, which meant she was a quiet, undemanding girl with few unsettling yearnings.
The only yearning which could disturb her dreams as well as her equilibrium was Jung Hoseok. Even then, she'd learned to control her unrequited passion for him. Clearly, he'd never guessed what smoldered behind her cool brown eyes whenever they looked upon his handsome face.
And he never would...
Chapter 02
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