#the other flower rings are by an older mutant in the facility
whyispaflsoaddicting · 6 months
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she messed up….
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creedslove · 6 years
How You And Victor Creed Met
 Sabretooth x Reader 
Victor couldn’t care less about any other thing in the world. He only cared about himself and that was it. There used to be a time, a long time ago that Creed cared and loved another person than himself. He never fought his big brother instinct, so once Jimmy and him were alone in the world, he took care of his little brother. What did he get in return? Betrayal. His little brother decided to embrace his human side and walked away, leaving Victor behind. He’d never let anyone know, but nothing in his life had been that painful. The only thing he recognized as a family left him because of his animal side. The side that managed to keep both of them alive during hard times and decided to play doll house with a disgusting frail. Ironically, it was never real. The bitch was sent by Stryker to keep an eye on his little brother and he fell for it. The only thing Victor truly regrets is not have been the one to kill her. Nobody hurt the runt but him. 
When he got the job offer, his first thought was that the X-Geeks should be doing that, not him. Breaking into high-security lab ran by FoH and rescuing some tinny mutant kids wasn’t really his thing. Besides, he couldn’t care less if they were mutants or not, it didn’t concern him. In the past he had even chased after his own kind and never regretted. The main reason why he took the job was the money, getting paid millions to release a couple of annoying kids, not getting hurt at all and still be able to slaughter some FoH scumbag didn’t seem to be so bad at all. Victor broke in very easily, in spite of his size, he moved with a feline grace. Some guards didn’t even notice the tall figure with a creepy black coat walking around the facility, Lucky them, at least they maybe would have one chance to leave the place alive. As soon as the feral took most of the crew down, he managed to enter the lab and header for the cages. He slowly walked around looking at the terrified mutants trapped in there. They were all small, the oldest being not older than 18. He felt a burning anger. Those kids have been experimented on. That was low, even for those disgusting human frails. Just because Victor Creed didn’t care about any other person, it doesn’t mean he agrees with crazy humans torturing kids. He felt his claws and fangs stretching and soon enough started to break the cages, setting the mutants free. When he was almost done, a too loud alarm for his feral ears started ringing and he knew there were trespassers. It couldn’t be him, otherwise it wouldn’t take so long for the alarm to ring. He inhaled a known scent and knew damn well who was joining the party. He could smell something burning somewhere and before even realizing it was the Laser Boy who had attacked the enemy, he felt adamantium claws stabbing him from behind. He fell on the floor as Logan kept attacking him. Victor let out a sarcastic laugh as his fangs were stained with his own blood.
‘‘Jimmy-boy, I missed you’’
‘‘Shut up you animal, and let those kids go’‘ Logan growled in anger. Was Jimmy that stupid? No matter what they thought of him, not even Sabretooth would work for FoH. 
‘‘Oh no, Jimmy. I’m being a nice guy today, just like you. The difference is that I’m getting paid for it, and you’ll not ruin my job’‘ Victor said managing to get rid of his brother and after a couple of minutes of fighting, he punched Wolverine hard enough to make him blackout for a while. As the X-jerks where doing all his job and the money was already in his account, before any other runt with stupid leather uniforms could even try to fight him, he decided to leave. He found one way out and was heading for the door when he inhaled something different. 
The scent he smelled was sweet and relaxing, reminding him of flowers and summer breeze. He knew they were coming from a female, she must’ve been older, no kid smells like that. He followed the smell with curiosity, the closer he got, the weirder he felt. His heart started to beat fast and an urge of finding out the frail became bigger. That could not be happening. He didn’t even believe in that mate crap. It was just a fairytale for ferals, the same way princess stories were for children. He was an Alpha, that’s true, but he was a bastard monster, there was no way he could possibly be lucky enough to find himself a mate. Sabretooth was a lone wolf, no mate, frail or whatever word he used to refer to females would ever be willing to be with him. He found another lab room deeper into the facility and the door was locked. He could smell the sweet scent, it was almost intoxicating, but soon fear and pain mixed everything up and one weak growl came from inside. He could hear footsteps and knew there were a couple of people there. He broke into the room with a loud noise. The doctors who had heard the alarm some moments earlier, assumed they were safe enough inside that protected room so they just carried out all the exams, until they spotted a huge feral man with long claws and fangs storming inside the room. They panicked and failed to call security, so Victor just came after one by one, ripping them apart with his claws making a pool of blood, dead bodies and lab coats that used to be red. After taking down the last doctor - An old bitch that pissed herself out of fear, he finally found the source of the scent. 
He could smell pain, sadness, tears and also relief when scared Y/EC eyes focused on him. They belonged to a girl, not more than 17 he thought who not only was trapped inside of a cage, but also chained, like a fucking animal. He took another close step and inhaled deeply. He gasped. She was a feral girl. Unmarked and unclaimed. His inner sabretooth growled in pleasure and he felt his cock twich inside his pants, he wanted to claim her. She seemed to smell his arousal because she looked at him with wide eyes and made as much space between them as possible. She smelled terrified and that was when he got it. She thought he was going to rape her. She would’ve been right if she was just any other frail, but for some reason, the urge of making her safe was more important than his lust. He could see bruises all over her face and arms as they soon started to fade due to her healing factor. He grinned at her showing her his fangs, of couse she smelled his was like her, but for some reason he wanted to reassure her.
‘‘What’s your name, girl?’‘ He asked with his deep voice, making her jump out of the unexpected sound. She only blinked and he could see her eyes full of tears, but as she didn’t smell so afraid anymore, he noticed the linger pain scent in the air. Her healing factor was working but she was still in pain. He walked around the room not caring if he was stepping on some doctor’s dead body. He didn’t expect that but the act made the feral mysterious girl giggle, as she was getting her personal revenge. Creed grinned again, he had known the girl for ten minutes and she was already able to surprise and amuse him. He reacher for a blood-stained file and started reading the informations out loud.
‘‘Subject name: Y/N Y/LN’‘ He looked at her, she held her breath. ‘‘Age: 20′‘ Fuck, Victor thought. They’ve trapped the girl in such bad conditions she was so skinny she looked like a damn kid. He felt his blood boil in anger. ‘‘Mutation: Feral. Enhanced senses, healing factor, strength, speed’‘ Silence again. He reached for the last page of the report where he saw notes written a short ago. By the smell that was still in the paper, he could tell the person writing was anxious. According to the paper, the scientists tried to breed the girl and she attacked the other subject as well as the doctor present in the room, by scratching and biting them. As a punishment, they decided to pull out her claws and fangs. Victor dropped the paper on the floor with anger. That was all the pain about. He walked closer to the cage and as she smelled his frustration she came closer to him, in curiosity. He noticed the dry blood that rested on her chin and how she tried to hide her hands from him. He could fell the anger building inside of him, as he remember himself how painful it is. He thought about that drunk scumbag that called himself his father and how he wanted to get rid of those nails and teeth of the devil. He could slaughter anything at the moment and nearly left her there to see if Jimmy was still around to kick his ass. Instead, he remembered how she attacked both men who were probably twice her size and saw she wasn’t weak, despite her delicated condition. It reminded him of a cat, and as he had seen her picture in the file some minutes ago, he knew she was extremely beautiful. He imagined how she would look after being cleaned up and well-fed, he smirk at the thought she could be his -
‘‘Kitten, is Y/N your name?’‘ She nodded. ‘‘Answer me’‘ He demaned,
‘‘Yes, it is, Sir’‘ She looked at him curious and looked down after calling him sir. Sir. If she wants to leave the place still being a virgin she’d better quit calling me that. Victor thought feeling another twitch inside his pants, fucking Kitten would make him crazy before he could decide what to do with all that. 
‘‘You managed to take those two assholes down?’‘ 
‘‘Yes, sir. But only because they were trying to hurt me’‘
‘’Aren’t you a scrappy little Kitten. Now, come on. I’ll take you out of this cage and I’m a lot bigger than you and I can take you down and hurt you worse than those two dickheads wanted to, so don’t try anything funny’‘
She nodded as he made his best at destroying her cage and unchaining her. He helped her stand up and took a good look at her. She wasn’t that small, but she was shorter than him, like pretty much everybody else. She looked skinnier than he prefers, but could see she has large breasts and a round ass, feeding up her a little and she’ll look just perfect. He was already getting lost in all the thoughts of what he’d do to the girl once she was in better shape when she asked him:
‘’Sir... Wha.. What is your name?’’ She looked at him with big sparkling eyes.
‘’Name’s Victor Creed, Kitten.’’ He watched as she smiled at him. A true, beautiful and wide smile. He noticed her healing factor had already worked on her fangs and they were sharp and deadly as his, only a bit smaller. What the fuck he thought. No girls smile at Sabretooth
‘’Then thank you for saving me, Mister Creed!’’ She said happily wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him for a thank you hug. He didn’t move, too shocked to react to that display of affection. He knew for sure the girl was nuts, she saw him slaughtering a bunch of people in front of her eyes and she HUGGED him like he was a fucking teddy bear or something.Yet he couldn’t break the contact, he wanted to, but just couldn’t move. No frail has ever hugged him willingly, if he got that close to one like that, they would be probably dead or stinking terror out of their scent. Her scent, Y/N’s scent however, smelled amazing, sweet and hypnotizing. He had no idea how long they spent like that, but they stopped when they heard a certain runt yell VICTOOOORRR from afar. He chuckled and noticing she was limping a little due to some injury on her foot, he grabbed her bridal style and said.
‘‘Let’s go Y/N. It’s time to leave, Kitten.’‘
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(GIF credits on the GIF)
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