#the other one i looked in was all my calvin and hobbes inherited from my sibling & the far side... yayayay i missed them so much!!!
intertexts-moving · 1 year
aaahhhhh im so excited to have my books again....!!
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thethrillof · 3 years
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(put under a cut b/c the message was p long~)
Hehehe this is getting juicy. Also from the previous ask I was under a time limit cuz I had to catch a ride. 🤣
Okay, IF, Trans Eddie did get pregnant, he’d be moody and cranky.
S/O: You can’t have this, you’re pregnant.
Rerouting his cravings to the home cuz he’s petty that way.
Eddie: Can’t tell me what to do. If baby wants this, then they’re gonna get it. Try and stop me. I hate everyone.
Baby bump kick
Eddie: Don’t you start either!
Gotham will not be spared XD
Back to Ellen x Eddie Child (we gotta think of a nickname or something. I do have a name for my own Ellen X Eddie kid Oc, but I’m all for a random nickname)
This child is definitely both brain and brawn despite having a lean figure like their parents, so it’s definitely a surprise that they can throw a hecking mean punch. Of course, we see TB Riddler’s father for a glimpse. Possibly inherited strength from a grandparent…
Tho I do like the idea of a Calvin and Hobbes scenario of Calvin learning to catch the baseball with his dad cuz he wanted to get into sports and is accidentally beaned on the nose. (And then that goes into angst territory as that could actually use the “champ” trigger and Edward sees red for a moment. That’s all it takes.)
Either way, it’s only going to make Eddie feel even more awful than he already is and Yin comfort Eddie’s “I’m a horrible father” monologue even though their child is perfectly fine (either a black eye or a bloody nose, but it was just a fluke and has already forgiven the entire thing) Man, are kids sturdy AF
Even after the accident, Eddie looks at his child and there’s that same shining adoration of a child’s pure love for their parent. It doesn’t make him feel any better, but it does lighten his mood that his child still looks up to their father.
“Nice arm dad! 8D”
“…(nervous laugh)…let’s not talk about it anymore. Okay?”
“Okay! 8)”
Bully or Godsend?
There’s an irony in the “bully who bullies a bully”. It’s either just as bad, making things worse, or is seen as admirable depending on the situation.
Older child is definitely playing the bad cop of intimidation, using smarts to usually get what they want, or the usual “I’m your friend and you can trust me, just tell me what I need to know and I can take care of the problem for you. Nobody needs to know.”
Practically providing a service and having their own little posse of friends. Usually those that can’t protect themselves, or the usual outcasts + brawn and no brain but attracted to charisma and possible friends, but there’s always a leader of the pack and that’s where Ellen and Edward’s child is placed at.
Yin: I don’t know. On one hand, it’s nice to have friends. But in the other hand, I don’t like how they’re making friends.
Eddie: At least they’re making friends. What more do you want?
Eddie and Ellen possibly butting heads over this given their two perspectives + “I don’t want to be the bad guy here, but one of us needs to give them a good conversation”
Cuz Edward’s pretty darn vengeful like you said and just goes “I don’t see what the problem is” vs Yin’s own lessons learned and go, “you either don’t want to see or are to proud to admit it”
Course they don’t argue about it in front of the child. Feels like that could make things worse and try the “take turns to confront the matter” route to give their child a better perspective of things.
They know their child certainly looks up and adores both of their parents. There isn’t a “they like you more” debate. Yin’s got her own thing and Eddie’s got his own thing. There’s no competition or anything about it. So that helps things a bit.
Bruce and Ethan being more friends to Yin, but Batman being a possibly ally to Eddie about “You’ve changed. But you can’t let your own past cloud your judgements. Deep down, you know that, Eddie. Just keep an eye out.”
Edward’s not trying to create a little version of himself, only wanting to give his child the things he never had growing up.
Yin’s not trying to create the perfect child, only wanting that her kid do the right thing and recognize their actions do affect others
They most certainly can agree on that.
But, there’s always another concern. Is this usual kid behavior that just needs proper guidance…or could there be something more that they’re not looking into.
Plus there’s definitely prejudice against Riddler and comments like “no wonder that child is messed up” or “young Sheldon gone psycho brought up. Which is a downright awful to say to a child or about a child in general and definitely Eddie & Yin are not going to take that lightly.
High thoughts that Edward would hide this criminal reputation from his child. After all, people are hero and villain fans, even kids, and Eddie doesn’t want his child to look up to him in that light. Not like that. Never like that.
Ellen would definitely back up Eddie on that, especially since kids do dumb things for their idols. She’s probably seen it first hand as well in her work. Is their child like that? No…but…better to nip it in the bud. And even then, perhaps a good stern talking too by mom would do the trick.
“If someone told you to jump off a cliff, would you?”
“What if I told them to jump?”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. Look. I know you’re smarter than this and I’m not here to punish you about anything. You’re father and I don’t want you getting yourself into a mess that even we can’t help you get out of. Do you understand?”
Yin’s certainly got her way with words.
Bruce/Batman and Ethan could possibly be that heroic role models of “it’s good to stand up for others, but this isn’t the way to do it. Tell an adult. Do you understand?” Only to be confronted with something snarky.
“I tuned you out the moment you started sounding like a D.A.R.E commercial featuring McGruff the Crime Dog and El Kabong. Did my parents pay you to talk to me?”
Bruce/Batman and Ethan: … >.>
Cue Batgirl and Robin trying so hard not to laugh as they overhear that comment.
(not talkin about the preggo part b/c i’m not into that--i think u answered my ask about it but when i went to look, it was gone? either way yeah)
ehhh, not too into edward actually hitting his kid. ‘champ’ is a massive trigger but even at his worst he had a moment to snarl and think, even if that was thinking about “what nearby to grab as a weapon”. getting close or absolutely screaming at ‘em would be enough to shake him horribly :V Go Get Therapy Sir. if he hadn’t already. 
bullying can be a tough thing for everyone to deal with! really can’t count on the school to do anything, either. i have the idea that maybe yin does try to reach out also through school somewhat only to get stonewalled by how useless they are and eddie being semi-smug (this situation sucks but he has experience, probably) about how he told her so in the middle of all this.
also man i sincerely do appreciate you sending these asks, especially since almost nobody talks about tb in general, but i’m burning out pretty fast on this topic--not a huge fan of fan kiddos, tbh v_v you might want to just make posts in the “the batman (2004)″ tag on your blog instead since i personally am not going to have much more to say about these things, and you’ve got a lot to say about ‘em!
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Chapter 16. Fight or Flight
‘I am healing by mistake. Rome is also built on ruins.' Eliza Griswold
“It’s a private street,” Harry explained as he walked me on quickstep towards the big black gates in red brick ahead. “Technically owned by the Crown Estate. Most of the houses are embassies or former embassies now owned by billionaires.” “Was someone supposed to have stopped me from just walking in?” I asked, already guessing the answer.
“A little weird to have a central London address mostly habited by dignitaries and rich people and forbid people from entering it, isn’t it?” He grinned. “So it’s open for pedestrians and cyclists twenty-four-seven. Cars only authorized. And, of course, they are free to kick you out if they think you’re behaving strangely.”
“Understandable.” I smiled.
“...So…” He started, shifting on his feet as he walked, adjusting my bag on his shoulder, “Where’s Christopher?”
“...Right now? Halfway to Canada, probably. On business.”
“Ah.” He nodded. “And… your security?”
I looked around at the street lights, avoiding his eyes. “It’s just me.”
“Right… but, should it be? Isn’t it a bit--?” Before he could finish -- ‘dangerous’ was probably going to be his last word -- I stopped, and looked at his, heaving a sigh. “This is weird. Isn’t it? I’m sorry, I can get a hotel.”
Under the moon and lamp post lights, I thought I saw his cheeks redden. “No, that’s not--! I don’t-- You’re welcome here, of course! I was just… worried. You shouldn’t be walking around on your own.”
At this charming revelation, said in an even more charming tone, I smiled, sheepishly. “Well, I am.”
“So, no… major changes after the…  new succession?”
I sighed, remembering Joyce, my protection officer that had been replaced, and Cadie. “Some. Not tonight, though.”
We were quietly ushered through a pedestrian steel door a few steps after the big gates, which magically opened when Harry approached. His protection officer followed after us.
“Uh, sir?” He called when we kept walking.
Looking back, Harry startled slightly. “Oh, that’s right. Do you mind?” He looked at me, “They need to sign you in.”
“Oh, of course.” We walked to the security cabin near the bigger gate, where another guard, this one in uniform, smiled at us.
“ID, ma’am?”
I handed him my passport from my coat’s pocket, which I had kept handy for the train.
“I’m sorry about this,” Harry said, worried, “It’s… bloody protocol.”
“It’s alright.” I smiled. “You do remember I live in a palace, too? If there’s one thing I understand in life is protocol.”
He smiled back. “She’ll already be registered.” Harry told the guard. “She was here last October.”
I remembered, distantly, filling up my passport in security forms before the tour, and we had come to Kensington for tea once. A lifetime ago.
The guard returned my passport and wished us a goodnight, so Harry walked me towards the palace, now unaccompanied by any officers.
We didn’t go into the main building, however, like when I visited William and Catherine’s house, we went around it.
“So…” Harry started. “I don’t live in the main palace. I don’t got an apartment. It’s… small, my place. Really small. Two bedrooms! So, should be fine, but–”
“Is this--?” I stopped walking, my mind finally catching up to where I was and what I’d done. “Should I not have come? This is weird, right? I didn’t mean to barge in and--”
“I’m sorry, I can get a hotel–”
“No, really– It’s fine!” He assured me. “I just wanted you to be prepared, because it’s not a… big, fancy place like my brother’s house, or my father’s house. It’s just… a cottage, really. It’s tiny. I live alone, so it’s quite good just for me–”
I sighed, feeling relieved. Now almost amused. “Agani, fellow royal. I live in a palace? I know how it works. It’s not all a palace.”
He smiled. “Yes… It’s just that people always seem to think it’s all very glamorous.”
The house was nice, it was, as he had mentioned, smaller than most, but it made up for it with that warm, comfortable look of a real home. The front door led into what seemed like one room, with sliding doors separating the smaller half – a kitchen with faded yellow cabinets that needed upgrading, but looked nice. The other half had a blue three-seat sofa and a matching armchair in front of a wooden chest of drawers in which was propped up a flat-screen TV – the only thing in the room that looked like he had actually purchased and not inherited, or maybe borrowed from the Royal Collection.
“It’s nice.” I told him in the silence. He was still watching me from the front door, which he’d just closed, my bag still hanging from his shoulder. “I like it.”
“Are you hungry?” He asked, with a smile, moving quickly into the kitchen. “We could order takeout. I like thai food, there’s a nice place not far from here. Or, I have stuff to make sandwiches, if you’d prefer– what?”
I was smiling at the way my bag would sway around as he moved quickly around his small table to reach the fridge, looking slightly frazzled. “Nothing.”
He smiled, too. “Or!” Excitedly, he walked over to the microwave and opened it, removing a small plate. “Ta-da!”
I approached, realizing he was holding a plate of the entrées from the wedding. “You stole the entrées?!” I laughed.
“I asked! Politely asked if I could have some of the leftovers. You were right, they were delicious.”
We laughed. “Scandalous!” I said, grabbing one and moving to the sofas. “I’m not that hungry, actually, but thanks.”
I sat on the larger sofa, realizing the room also had a small, marble-top coffee table on top of a Persian rug and a corner bookcase with picture frames. I got up to look at his books, realizing it was a mixture of books, CDs and DVDs, even some vinyls. My eyes were first caught by Jurassic Park, by Michael Crichton, 1984, by George Orwell and Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley. He also had Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, Catch 22, by Joseph Heller, and The Complete Calvin and Hobbes collection, which made me smile. I pulled out an orange spine -- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Mark Manson -- and he moved behind me, the only time I heard him since walking over.
"That was a gift." He explained, in a justification tone.
I smiled back at him, returning the book to its place and noticing a white one with large black letters next to it, Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race, by Reni Eddo-Lodge, which had a summary that regarded it as 'the essential handbook for anyone who wants to understand race relations in Britain today.' I returned it to its place, smiling.
“So you like fantasy.” I concluded, when I found The Hobbit and at least two Harry Potters.
“More like sci-fi.” He replied. “I like The Hobbit, and I made an exception for Harry Potter, which is iconic.”
“I liked the movies.”
“You haven’t read the books?”
“Could never really get into it.” I shrugged.
He closed the distance between us, my bag still on his shoulders, and stared at me from up close, seriously.
“You didn’t like Harry Potter?!”
“What I said was I couldn’t get into it.” I repeated, fighting a grin.
“That’s what people say when they tried something and didn’t like it.”
“Well–” I reflected on the option. “You don’t have any evidence that’s an universal truth. Surely not that that’s how I meant it.”
“Okay, counselor,” he sighed, impatiently. A grin made its way into my lips. “Did you or did you not like reading Harry Potter?!”
“I believe I have a right against self-incrimination in Britain, I certainly do as a Savoy citizen, so I will be evoking that right at this moment.”
He took in a long breath, running a hand through his hair, “Wow.” He sighed, making me laugh. “Just… wow. I am… outraged. As a British man, as a human being–”
“Okay, calm down.” I laughed.
“Harry Potter is incredible!”
“It was just… really childish for me.”
“The first book was written for children! The tone changes as the books go along!”
“Yes, there’s like ten of them. It’s a lot.”
“Seven, and you went to Harvard! You can handle seven children’s books!” My bag fell off his shoulder at his exasperated arm movements, but he was quick to grab it by the handle before it hit the floor.
“And why are you still carrying that?”
“I just…” He shrugged, walking over to the armchair to put my bag there. “I imagine you’ll need it.”
He looked back at me, pulling his long sleeves up past his elbows.
“I--I imagine your protection detail will be ‘round shortly to collect you.”
I chuckled, nervously. “What–? Why? I told you, it’s just me tonight.”
“Yes, and you’re the next in line to the throne of a country. I can’t go anywhere without security, and I know my brother has at least two at all times, so I’m assuming you have at least one person looking for you out there by now.”
There was an awkward silence as I shifted on my feet, hands still in my coat pockets, mouth agape, searching for what to say. He didn’t look upset, and it wasn’t like I’d just committed a crime by omitting what happened, but it still felt as if I had done something incredibly wrong, and the more I looked at him, the more uncomfortable the thought of continuing to lie was.
“It’s–It’s… It’s not like they’ll rush in here screaming that you kidnapped me or something.” I said, nervously forcing a giggle at the thought. “I don’t even know if they’ve noticed I’ve gone yet.”
“Ah.” He nodded, slowly, sitting down on the larger sofa. “So you ran away when they weren’t looking.”
“They were asleep.” I corrected, feeling my whole body warm in embarrassment. “And I would object to the word ‘ran’, I very calmly walked off the train when it stopped in London. It’s not my fault they didn’t notice.”
“They were asleep?!” He asked, his voice going higher than I’d heard before.
“It’s a long journey… Especially from Northern England.”
“Well, it’s their job! That’s… that’s so unbelievably unsafe!”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” I raised my hands, in a placating gesture. “No harm done.”
“Well, you couldn’t have known that, could you?!” He asked, eyes widened. “But they sure should have, it’s their job! What if someone walked into the train and pointed a gun at you and forced you to leave?”
“What– I’m– I don’t even–” I sighed, frustrated. “Harry, I’m sorry, okay? Do you–? Would you like me to leave? I can get a hotel–”
“No!” He got to his feet. “I just–” He sighed. “I know how important security is, and… you… you’re a bigger target now, aren’t you? Your security profile must have changed since… you know.”
“I don’t.” I admitted. “They don’t really tell me much these days.”
I walked over, took off my coat, and sat down on the sofa. “Really, Harry, if this is a lot, I can get a place to stay, it’s no trouble.”
He walked over and sat next to me, laying his head back to rest atop the back of the sofa. “I don’t want you to leave.”
Relieved beyond understanding, I started to relax. So I sat back and laid my head next to his.
“So you didn’t miss the train.” He said, and seeing as it wasn't a question, I thought it would be best not to incriminate myself again.
“Marie? Did you?”
I looked at the ceiling. “Technically, I did. But I missed it because I got off.”
He let out a quiet, nasalized chuckle. “Why?”
I heaved a long sigh, and turned to look at him. “I don’t know… I just… I was in the train. And I couldn’t stop thinking about things. And I wanted to. And then we stopped in London. And I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom, just to walk a little, to distract myself. But then I saw the doors opened. And my protection officers were asleep, so they didn’t even see me get up, so one second I was just fantasizing about how I could just… walk off, and the next I just… did.”
“I still think your security is incredibly irresponsible in this scenario.” He said, on a low tone, in which a hint of anger was only just noticeable.
“They have a right to sleep if we’re on a moving train.” I protested.
“What were you thinking about?” He asked.
“I just… I don’t know, okay? I just… The door was open and there was this colder breeze coming in, and I just… I just wanted to feel more of it. I don’t really understand it, either.”
“I actually mean… What were you thinking during the journey? That you said you didn’t want to think of anymore?”
“…Oh.” I looked back at the ceiling, biting my lower lip. “Everything, I guess. I just…”
I thought back to the train ride, the sound of the tracks, the dimmed lights as everyone seemed to either be asleep or blissfully entertained by their phones. To my heart, full of questions and… anger. I couldn’t tell him half of it.
“I just… I can’t–” I felt my voice break slightly as a knot found its way into my throat. “I can’t be in Savoy right now. I just… I don’t even– Sometimes it just feels like… Like–” I sat up, clearing my throat and turning to look at him, folding one leg to sit on top of it, facing him. 
He’d opened his house to me out of nowhere. I knew how chaotic this must look. He deserved some explanation. 
“It’s like they’re all playing a game and I’m the only one who wasn’t told the rules, but I’m still… part of it, you know? I’m the… I’m the game.” I said. “And I’m just… so tired of it.”
He was quiet, brows furrowed. He sighed… and then nodded.
“Okay. I’ll… I’ll go give security a call, and tell them if someone comes asking for you to say they haven’t seen you.”
My mouth opened, in astonishment, but I didn’t know what to say.
“And you… what do you want to do? Shower? Movie? Pizza? Sleep?”
I was still astonished, but I started to smile now. “A shower would be nice, I guess.”
“Great, let me show you to the bathroom and I’ll get you a towel.”
He got up, quickly grabbed my bag and smiled when he asked me to follow him. The guest bathroom was just around the corner from the living room, beyond the narrow, carpeted staircase up.
“This is the guest bath. You can use the one in my room, though, it’s better water pressure and you’ll be closer to the guest room.”
Upstairs, there was just a small hallway with three doors, one of which was a closet where he got me two towels. The one at the other end was his room.
The bed was made, but looked like it had been slept in recently. Another flat screen TV was mounted on the wall in front of it, with a paused Netflix movie displayed.
“Do you have pajamas, or–?.” He asked as he left my bag on the bathroom floor. “I can find you some of my clothes?”
I had a clean set of pajamas I’d brought to stay in the hotel overnight, but for some reason I smiled, sheepishly, and said, “That’d be great, thanks.”
“Sweatpants good? I’ll leave them in the bed. You can change here, I’ll wait downstairs.”
“Okay.” I smiled.
Inside, I got out of my travel clothes, brushed my hair down slowly, taking deep breaths, avoiding my reflection in the mirror. When I was done, I put my hair up in a tight bun, and finally looked at myself, but I couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re ridiculous.” I told mirror-Maggie.
As I showered, I tried to better answer the questions he had asked. I’d been thinking of Christopher, of his family ring, of why he would have decided to propose so soon after we got back together. I thought of why my father would say yes without consulting me. Of why my father would continually make decisions about my life without consulting me.
When I turned off the shower, I knew a couple of things for sure: I didn’t plan to run away. I just wanted to go to the bathroom on the train, to distract myself from my own thoughts. When I saw the door and realized that I could leave without my security seeing, all I wanted was to run. To feel… free. To be somewhere I wasn’t expected to give people the nice and polite answers they expected. For some reason, my heart decided this was that place. But this freedom also brought me guilt. What did that say for my relationship?
I wrapped myself in the towel and opened the bathroom door to find a pile of clothes in his bed. I brought them inside and got changed into a much too large for me black sweatpants and dark green shirt. Luckily – or maybe Harry had predicted this – the pants had drawstrings, so I could adjust them to my waist. I folded the bottom as best as I could.
When I did, my eyes fell on a bottle on the lower shelf of his cabinet. It was L’Occitane Cedrat Spray Deodorant. The name was familiar. I got up and realized there was another bottle on the shower caddie with the name – this one a shower gel. So I reached for the deodorant and sprayed a little of it in the air.
The smell almost knocked me to my feet. It was the smell Harry always had, the smell I remembered from London. The smell that brought me right back to an otherwise boring State Dinner, on a red dress, dancing barefoot in a room in Buckingham Palace where we weren’t supposed to be, his face leaning ever so much closer to mine, chills going down my spine, warming up my skin, getting on my tiptoes hoping to close the distance… before we were interrupted by my protection officer Joyce telling us it was time to go.
The smell took me back to flirty, happy texts planning a date. Running after Lourdes after she stole my phone. Waiting for a reply when Auguste and Montennon walked by with death on their faces… before everything changed.
I shook my head. I couldn’t add more things to the archive of stuff I had to think about.
Down the stairs, I found him in the kitchen. He bit down a grin when he saw me in his clothes. “Well, you look…”
“Ridiculous.” I smiled. “It’s a bit big.”
“No! You look cute.” He said, making me blush. “Security has been informed, by the way.”
“Right.” I sighed. “Thank you so much, Harry. I don’t think I said that yet.” He avoided my eyes, shrugging. “It’s not a problem. You’re always welcome here.”
“I know it’s... Weird… and I didn’t mean to interrupt your night.” I added. “I saw the TV on in your room.”
“Oh, I was just watching a movie. The new Transformers.” He told me. “It’s… not great. But in a good way? Does that make sense?” I smiled. “Kind of, yeah.” “Wanna watch it with me?” He asked. “I’d practically just started it. And it’s early-ish, still.”
“Awesome.” He clapped his hands together and found a packet of popcorn in the kitchen cabinet.
A little while later, he handed me a bowl and a salt shaker. “Madame.”
I salted the popcorn as he walked around, grabbing napkins and a bag of M&M’s from a cabinet. “Chocolate or peanuts?” He asked. “And bear in mind, there is a right answer.”
“Dealer’s choice.” I returned.
“Coward.” He half-coughed, half-muttered, making me chuckle. “I have coke, orange juice, and beer.”
“Right answer.” He nodded, approvingly, before turning to me with a slightly more serious expression. “I have… further questions.”
I pulled a chair and sat down, pushing the popcorn away. “Okay.”
“So… who knows– Did you tell Christop–” He sighed. “How many people know you’re here?”
I did the math in my head. “Five, or six, maybe?”
“Plus me and the security officers we walked by?”
“No, I– I mean you and the security officers.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“And the cab driver, but I don’t think he knew who I was.” He was quiet for a while, biting his lower lip. “Any other questions?”
He sighed. “Shouldn’t you tell someone?” At the way my face responded, he continued, quickly pulling up a chair and sitting next to me. “I mean, just that you’re okay, at least. They’ll think you were kidnapped!”
“If I turn on my phone they can track me.” I confessed. “All our phones are tracked by security headquarters.”
“Don’t you have a chip?” He asked, seeming genuinely surprised.
“Those tracking chips that go into your skin?” I asked, “No. The idea gets floated around every couple of years, but my siblings and I always hated it. And my mother thinks it’s too weird.” He nodded. “Do you have one?”
He smiled widely, teeth closed, and pointed at the right side of his jaw. “Just under this tooth here… But don’t tell anyone.”
I laughed. “Right, lesson one of anti-terrorism training. Your teachers would be very disappointed in you.”
He groaned, grinning. “Don’t remind me. Those guys are impressive, but they’re terrifying.”
“Do you ever get refresher training?”
“I think my last one was after my brother’s wedding, due to ‘increased media attention’.” He quoted, annoyed.
“Yeah, they made us take a refresher when Lourdes was born. It was awful.”
“Weren’t you, like, ten?!”
“Yes!” I confirmed, nodding enthusiastically. “That’s what made it awful!”
We chuckled, together.
He scratched his beard, looking at the ceiling. “God, we live weird lives.”
The TV in his room was bigger, so we took the popcorn, the cokes and the chocolate M&M’s – his favorite – upstairs where he started the movie from the beginning.
Admittedly, I didn’t pay as much attention as I should have, but I understood enough of it to know he was right: it wasn’t great. Great was the popcorn, the ice cold coke, and the chocolate M&M’s.
Eventually, though, my back started to hurt, so I slid down to lay on his pillows instead of sitting against the headboard, and my eyelids grew heavy, and the sound of explosions grew dimmer as I fell asleep. I shook myself awake a few minutes later, apologizing, but he only smiled and said, “It’s okay”, as he hesitated slightly, before reaching over and resting his hand by my head, brushing my hair so lightly I was asleep again in seconds.
When I woke up, the room was darker than before, the movie was over and the TV now displayed the long list of credits on a dark screen to a slow instrumental track. Harry nowhere to be found.
I heard steps from the hallway, and closed my eyes instinctively, just as I heard him come in. Slowly, I felt a warm blanket cover me, just at this moment realizing how chilly I had been a second before. I breathed in deeply, realizing how much his pillow smelled like him, and settled in to place to sleep again before I heard him step away. Opening my eyes, I realized he was leaving.
He stopped at the door, and looked back. “Hey.” He whispered. “It’s okay, you go back to sleep. I’ll take the other room.”
“You should sleep in your own bed.” I said, forcing myself to sit up.
“It’s fine, Marie.” He smiled, approaching to gently tuck me back in, pulling the blanket up to my chest. “I promise, just go back to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He was almost leaving again, but my heart couldn’t take it.
“Harry?” I called, whispery, holding on tightly to two fistfulls of the blanket to stop from reaching out to hold his hand.
I thought of his girlfriend, of my boyfriend, of the imaginary crown looming over my head, and yet, I couldn’t stop my lips from uttering, “Stay.”
He stared at me for one, two, three seconds before getting up. He walked around the bed and laid down, fluffing his pillows slightly as I stretched the blanket out to him.
We laid in silence, his warmth reaching over to me under the covers – or maybe my skin was just warmer than usual. I flipped over to lay on my stomach, hugging the pillow under me. When I did, my fingers hit something that felt like a needle. Carefully feeling it out, I realized it was a bobby pin. ‘This must be the side his girlfriend sleeps in when she’s over’, I thought, feeling suddenly sick to my stomach.
Turning to look at him, I breathed:
“Truth or dare?”
I heard his body move in the dark, and felt his knee brush against my leg as he turned to lay on his side, facing me.
“Okay…” I held out the bobbi pin from under his pillow, pointing it at him. “Now, be honest… Do you curl your hair to sleep?”
His head raised from the pillow to look at what I was showing him, confused. “What–? Oh.” He smiled as I chuckled. “That’s–ha-ha, hilarious.”
He picked the bobby pin, and turned around to place it carefully in the bedside table next to him.
“Or does that belong to a lady-friend?”
He laughed. “A lady-friend?!”
“You never explained if you and Cressida broke up or not, so I wouldn’t want to speculate.”
“No, of course.” His tone was a mixture of sarcastic and teasing. “You’re just being respectful.”
There was a nice, quiet silence before I whispered, “You never answered the question.”
We laughed again. “No, Marie-Margueritte, I do not curl my hair before bed.”
“So how, pray tell, do you explain the evidence?”
“Objection, your honor,” he said, and I could still hear the giggle in his voice, “No follow-up questions, remember?”
I sighed, “Oh, right, that bullshit rule.”
“Enough stalling. Truth or dare?”
I smiled, sighing. “Truth.”
“…Do you think Clara could have done better than John? Be honest.”
I laughed. “You’re terrible.”
“Come on, we’re all thinking it.”
“Who’s ‘we’ in this scenario?”
“Every guest at their wedding.”
“You’re a terrible friend.” I giggled.
“Hey, I didn’t say that to him! I’m saying it to you, in confidence.” He justified, “And I can’t help but notice you’re avoiding the question.”
“Alright, fine. Admittedly, yes, she has dated guys I think were objectively better looking in a traditional way. But that’s not everything!”
“No!” He said, in an exaggerated way. “Of course not… that’s why your boyfriend looks like that.”
“What do you mean with ‘like that’?” I laughed.
“Oh, you know… the big, moussed up hair, the fancy suit, be honest, does he wear makeup?”
“Oh, my god!” I laughed. “You’re the worst. And you already asked your question. So, truth or dare?”
He sighed. “Truth.”
I considered for a long time what to ask. Long enough that he called out, “Marie?”
“I’m thinking.”
Gulping, I tried to make the question sound as casual and playful as possible. “Who’s the mysterious owner of the bobby pin?”
He was silent.
“Go on.” I laughed, nervously. “You must answer truthfully.”
“I–” He sighed. “It’s… It’s you.”
“I–” I startled. “What?”
He sighed, again, deeper now. “That day, my last day in Savoy. On the stairs. You were trying to remove your hat… I helped. I tried to give them back to you, but you– were distracted, I guess.”
“No, don’t.” I turned around, laying in my side, facing him. “Harry, I’m the one who’s sorry… that day I was–I was acting completely insane.”
“Don’t apologize.” He asked. “You were going through so much–”
“Yes, but that doesn’t excuse hurting someone–”
“You didn’t hurt me.” He reached out, holding my hand in the space between us.
“I mean–”
“I know what you mean.” He assured me.
Breathless, I closed my fingers on his hold. I couldn’t know what he was thinking of, but I was thinking of the kiss. Or, more accurately, the almost-kiss. I could still feel his neck on my lips, his smell, right there on his pillow, had lived in my mind for the past five months. That‘s what I was apologizing for, but couldn’t say. I couldn’t speak of it. Speaking of it could lead to questions I had also been avoiding for five months like my life depended on it.
“Truth or dare?” He asked, without letting go of my hand.
Breathing in, deeply, and knowing I still wanted to talk about it, but it may not be the right time, I said, “Truth.”
Quietly, I felt his fingers brush mine, slowly.
“Why did you ask about my ex?” He asked, whispery, barely audible.
“…I…” I gulped. “I was curious… I guess– I guess it feels… sad? That we lost touch. I wanted to know what– you know, what you’ve been up to.”
He was quiet. I ventured a look past our hands, to his face, where I could almost see a smile on his lips.
His finger slowly traced mine. His next question came even lower than the first, as if scared to make it even a little bit more real than it had to be. “Were you jealous?”
I felt my heart jump on my chest. His soft touch on my hand, the guilty knot of anxiety in my stomach to be laying in bed with him, as platonically as it was… it all made it impossible to lie.
But I was a lawyer.
“No follow up questions, remember?”
A silent second. And then I heard his nasalized chuckle. “Wow…”
“Your rules.” I shrugged, painfully pulling my hand from his while I still could, and turning to the other side. “Goodnight, Harry.”
He let out another low, appreciative chuckle. “Goodnight, Mary.”
I fell asleep smiling as the name echoed in my thoughts: ‘Mary’.
--- ---- ---
[A/N: heeeeeeeeeeey. how ya’ll doin? I really wanna write something cute and funny here about the chapter or about how much I appreciate you reading but its 4 am on a monday and i spent all sunday working on overtime and i am exhausted so... just know I appreciate you A LOT seriously thank you so much for reading!!! let me know what you think???????? the end of this chapter made me smile when i wrote it and the next chapter made me cry so you have that to look forward to. THANKS BYEEE]
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