#the panel started okay and then at the end got off the rails and didn't fully recover
J2 Main Panel DCCon 2022
The boy's chair spins so Jared starts playing with it and spinning, he's adorable.
Kicking off the questions is: How is the brewery doing? It's still kicking. Jensen says they were able to just keep their heads above water throughout the pandemic which was not easy but they're now doing fine and they just signed a distribution contract so they are growing. x
Since Crowley started feeling human emotions again after the trials and he redeemed himself do they think Jack would allow Crowley into heaven to be friends with the boys? Jensen jokes no, that he’s the King of Hell that's like being the coach for the other team. Jared says "maybe?" Jensen he doesn't think that was in the cards but with SPN anything can happen you never know. He starts to say if and when then changes it to when he and Jared decide to put the boots back on - which btw the boots Jared was wearing during this con panel are Sam's boots that he took from set - he hopes both Mark's are along for the ride. Then Jensen brings up Walker: Independence saying we’ll be seeing Mark be somebody else pretty soon and that Crowley found himself in the old west.For those that may not know Mark Sheppard is going to be in the Walker prequel, Walker: Independence. I find it so sweet that Jensen's the one who brings it up and he turns towards Jared to silently encourage him to talk about it; if we're proud of Jared for this new project I just know Jensen's feeling 10x prouder. x
Have their fans ever done anything really meaningful for them that they remember? Jared says many times, that he read something on twitter once about the money the fandom has raised for charity, and he also mentions the AKF candles from 2015 SDCC says that he still has his on his desk.
Also says that it's just as meaningful to hear from people about how much his work means to them and has impacted them it doesn’t have to be about money raised or candles just about human connection.
Jensen says the most meaningful thing to them is people showing up, and being invested that it's far beyond any material thing they could hope for but at the same time there are some pretty cool materialistic things they’ve been given; for example, Jensen had changed into a Soldier Boy shirt that by the sounds of it was gifted to him by a fan, he also mentions somebody had handmade him an spn blanket which was on the couch in his trailer for almost the whole run of the show that he would nap with; Jared jokes that it would freak him out, that he would tell Jensen "that's us" and Jensen would reply, all snuggled up in the blanket, "I know". Jared, you made it a habit to be there when Jensen took his naps? 👀 (that question is rhetorical I already know the answer to it; before we continue join me for a minute in imagining the two of them snuggled up together under a blanket to take a nap)
Anyways because the husbands were not husbanding enough Jensen acts as if he's snuggling the blanket and says "you're softer than I am for some reason I don't know why". No comment.
He also mentions there was a fan whose father made Christmas light strands out of old shotgun shells, and she gifted them some and he would hang them up in his trailer every holiday season they were filming. But that the greatest gift fans can give them is being there and showing gratification in any way, shape or form. x
If they could write each other a character and a role what would it be and why? Jared answers that as someone who has known Jensen for many years through many points in his life and seen him outside of filming situations he'd like the world to see Jensen play a dad.
Jensen would want to see Jared play a character that's intellectually driven, something like Neo, someone that breaks reality wide open and is kind of a thinking man in an action role. Because he thinks Jared is incredibly analytical and he can turn that aspect of his own personality into a great performance which is something he brought to Sam and did so well, and that's something that elevates the craft that he has, and Jared is really, really smart about how he does things, plays things, and presents things so Jensen would wanna make some sort of smart action figure for him. That's such a sweet, thoughtful answer ❤️
What quote inspires them? Jared's favorite is "pain is mandatory, suffering is optional." Jensen goes with "who let the dogs out?"  😆
In the episode Sympathy for the Devil, Jensen does some gun twirling and gun work how did he do that, how hard was it to learn? And did Jared take any of that or did he already know and took those skills to Walker? Jensen says due to the nature of the show and what their characters did they spend a lot of time handling a variety of weapons so they got pretty comfortable with them. He remembers there was an ep Phil Sgriccia directed and there was a motel scene with expositional dialogue, and it wasn't in the script but Sgriccia came up with the idea that he wanted Dean to be cleaning his and Sam's pistols and the shotgun and he wanted Jensen to do it without looking at them; so when you involve props in any capacity that's another element, another layer to remember because you have to do it the same way each time for continuity. You have to remember what you're doing, when, and how but also remember lines and give the performance so he would spend time in his trailer leading up to shooting that scene taking apart the guns, cleaning them, and putting them back together with his eyes closed.
Says they got exposed to that kind of stuff quite a bit which made them become pretty comfortable, and those skills and confidence is something that has certainly helped him since then; Jared agrees and adds that he grew up handling firearms and knowing fire safety basics so he was already comfortable enough but he believes in knowledge and safety when it comes to something like a firearm so he has spent time with specialist talking about what to do and how to handle it so it's certainly helpful. x
There was a non-question a fan just wanted to give Jensen a unicorn plushie which he named Barks because he went to pick up the plushie there was a doggie in the audience who started barking x
Have they brought their shenanigans into their other sets or has it been more serious? Jared answers that the Walker set is absolutely full of shenanigans, and can I just say that I love how Jensen's response to that is to go "yeah, it's Mitch, it's Keegan, it's you- me showing up to direct didn't help things" not only does it make me smile that months later he's still mentioning and talking about directing Walker so positively like he truly had such a positive and fun time but I also love the tone in which he says it like he knows the cast, and crew, and environment so well that to him it should be obvious that it's full of fun and mischief.
Anyways, Jared continued on to say that part of the reason they have so much fun is that they started filming in Oct 2020, still going through the pandemic everybody was kind of scared but they needed to get back to work so it was a friendly atmosphere but there was also tension and feeling like they were standing on thin ice so a good way to cut that tension was to have fun and remember they're not curing covid, they're trying to entertain people who might be affected by it and the pandemic. So they brought a fun, humorous, friendly atmosphere to Walker.
Jensen says Jared has more of the opportunity to set that tone on Walker because he's the big cheese over there while he has been more of a guest in other people's homes. But when he's given the opportunity to keep it light, and joke and have fun he has seized those opportunities, he has also found the people in the cast most likely to do that and quickly build a rapport with them; says he and Karl Urban quickly build a rapport that left everybody else going "oh, no", and that one time when they were on the bus being driven to set Laz Alonso told them "you're like the good one, and you're the bad one" but he didn't point at them so they had to ask him who was who. Jensen's the good one and Karl's the bad one because Jensen tells Karl the bad things to do 😂
Which is different than with Jared because with Jared he just instantly knew and they would jump into shenanigans together immediately. x
Out of all the performances they've done which has been their most challenging and they were most proud of? Or which of their other castmates performances were they most impressed by?
For Jared he mentions Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer, he thought he was amazing. And, once again, says his favorite version of Sam to play that wasn't Sam was soulless!Sam. But that once he got a grasp on what he was going to do as soulless!Sam it became easier than trials!Sam. Trials!Sam taught him a lot and really spoke to him as a person with what Sam was going through, and that remained challenging to the very end so that was probably the most rewarding on a personal level.
Jensen didn't get to go outside the box as much as Jared did with Sam but his favorite version of Dean that he got to play was scared Dean that it was a lot of fun to play a character that has faced so much and doesn't get scared very often being afraid of everything.
Other castmate that he has been impressed by is Ruth Connell, says anything he was on set with her he turned into an audience member that she's phenomenal and he would watch her do anything. x 
What thing that they think might be unattainable do they wish they could do? As an example, the fan would like to swim with a blue whale in the open ocean which is next to impossible due to the marine mammal protection act. If the highest power on the planet told him he wouldn't die or get injured, Jared would base jump in a squirrel suit all the time. After joking around about flying squirrels, Jared says he wants to be flying Jensen and I need y'all to go see how he says it, and their reactions because this was flirting. x
Moving on to Jensen's answer he doesn't have one off the top of his head, says swimming with sharks and swimming with giant animals would be incredible, that flying with a suit and a bushy tail sounds fun 🤣. He thinks anything exhilarating and dangerous is always appealing but when you stop to consider if it's worth the risk it's like 'I don't know'. He always thought he'd wanna go swim with sharks but he's seen those cages collapse. He would probably put on that list traveling around the world like what Ewan McGregor did with his friend Charlie Boorman, getting on some motorcycles and going around the world the way they did that's something that's probably never gonna happen but would really be fun. x
When they leave this world how would they like to be remembered?
Jared wants to be remembered as somebody who cared about people. He doesn't care if anybody knows whether or not he's an actor, he'd like to be remembered not for what you can write down on paper about his life but as a nice guy who cared about people🥺
Jensen answers something similar, he says his grandmother used to say that the things that you do or the things that are done to you sometimes you can or cannot control but you can always control your character and you can control how you present yourself. Being remembered for the things he has done, whether professionally or personally, the milestones he's hit or the accolades, that's great but like Jared, he would wanna be remembered for having a positive influence on people in his life and knowing he's touched people in a way that made the world for the better. x
Between SPN and the shows, they're on now, which is more fun to play the characters in? They got 15yrs on one so they got to have a lot of fun and never got bored on the set. Jensen points out that it's a different experience that they're having right now because Jared's in a similar position on Walker as he was on SPN but he's not he's being a guest so for him he's sitting back and patiently observing what's going on and trying to figure out what he thinks he can bring to the mix that it might be missing while Jared's kind of creating the mix over in his world. But they had so much time on SPN to play and enjoy themselves, they grew up on that show and he doesn't know if they'll ever have the experience they had on it again but the great thing about it is they can always go back to it.
Jared concurs and also mentions he's having a ton of fun on Walker and he loves Cordell who's quirky and has a more available sense of humor than Sam did since Sam was more stoic, and that they're both parts of him. That he also learned a lot, that he jokes that if he had played Cordell Walker when he was 22 it would have been a totally different guy because he hadn't worked so much with Jensen and seen firsthand how to find humor in certain situations and how to while remaining true to the character express to the audience what the character was thinking. He feels it's hard to gage because he committed to Sam when he was 22 and he didn't play Walker till he was 38 and a lot happened; if he started playing Sam tomorrow for the first time ever it would be a more fun experience because he spend a couple episodes or seasons still trying to learn who he was and who he wanted to be so he feels more comfortable as Jared Padalecki and having a certain type of fun with Cordell while as with Sam he was still figuring things out so very different but both incredible. x
Who did Sam end up with? Oh boy, mistakes were made when answering this question.
As Jared tries to think up an answer Jensen asks the crowd if this is a discussed topic and what the general consensus is to which this particular crowd filled proceeds to shout Eileen. Jensen pretends they said that they don’t know but the crowd does not accept that and shouts again Eileen. I will take a second to divert and say that no that answer is not the general consensus those who think that speak for your fucking selves don't drag the rest of us into it.
Jared after realizing he has no other option, reluctantly goes with what the crowd wants. He also says some very nice things about, Shoshannah, the actress that plays her.
Jensen asks if not Ruby, or in this case Ruby's meat suit, to which Jared replies it's got a big hole in it from him (Jensen). It turns into a whole thing and really they should have quit while they were ahead instead of encouraging the crowd but like I said mistakes were made.
And the biggest mistake was Jared asking who Dean would have ended up with because he did not have the necessary information to calculate that some in this particular crowd would shout C's name. Poor Jensen looked like a deer in the headlights, he acknowledged the screams of Lisa but still some in the crowd kept shouting C's name. At which point Jared pretended that he heard someone say Ruby, acted like he was jealous about it and forced things back on track. Boys be smarter next time, don't entertain these things 🙄 x
Moving on: would they rather have finger-sized legs or leg-sized fingers? Much like Jensen, I wonder what kind of question this is but anyways, Jensen doesn't even know how to react to this question and Jared says leg-sized fingers cause you can just have them cut to size. The question came about because this fan was at a con in 2018 where Stephen Amell got asked this so the boys ask her what he said and she's pretty sure he said leg-sized fingers so they joke a bit about that. x 
Last question! In their travels have they ever stopped at the towns that are listed in the episodes ie. the towns where the events take place? Jensen has been to Lawrence, Kansas, and Stull Cemetery, as well as someplace else that as much as I tried I couldn't understand what he said but a lot of the towns on the show are small towns so they've been to very few. Jared can't remember if he has or hasn't but says he's dying to go to Lawrence. x 
And here's a timestamp to the boys with their arms around each other waving goodbye 💕
J2 Main Panel DCCon
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Anon asked,
hello, could you write something with eleven where he takes the reader to an amusement park or something of the like on another planet and they spend the day there? maybe aliens show up, I don’t know, up to you! thanks love :)
So here's my best shot! I hope you enjoy it!
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11th Doctor x reader
Visiting Childhood Places
The Doctor takes y/n to his favorite place in the whole wide galaxy.
Word Count 2,018
"Doctor, where are we going today?" You asked as you leaned your back against the railing. 
"Oh I thought, we could go somewhere fun today!" He looked over to you smiling from the control panel. 
Usually when the Doctor says, "fun" he means, "go to another planet and get accidently caught by aliens and sent to jail". So when you gave him a skeptical look he was not surprised to see it coming from you. Many times you were told places would be fun. Meeting Christopher Columbus was supposed to be fun and it was, until the doctor found out that Chris was just a clone who was part of some ancient alien race trying to take over the new colonie. Then that led to more danger and big spaceships. But in the end everyone was okay and ended up alive, and all of history was put back into place. 
The Doctor just smiled at you, "trust me this one won't be as bad as the times before." 
"I'll be the judge of that" you replied with a sly grin and a wink. 
He laughed it off and started pulling levers and twisting knobs. The Tardis started making its iconic wooshing sound. You held onto the railing and was laughing as the Doctor jumped from here to there to get the spaceship to travel to wherever you were going. 
As the Tardis settled down, the Doctor was ecstatic. He ran over to you with a happy smile, grabbed your hands and twirled you around. 
You were astounded by his giddiness over one place. The last time he was this happy was when he learned to rollerskate. You had the biggest smile on your face as he twirled you around in a few more circles. 
"Are you ready?" He asked as he stopped spinning you and took one of your hands. 
You nodded your head and his eyes lit up. You followed the Doctor to the door of the Tardis. 
"Now, when I say fun, this is what I mean. I haven't been here in hundreds of years!" 
He swung open the door and stepped out with you right behind him. 
"Welcome to the biggest amusement park on the planet Aerelia. Where all aliens can come together and have some fun!" 
You looked at the place amazed. The whole place was like a human amusement park but 10 times bigger. There were rollercoasters, some with tracks some without. Food vendors everywhere, selling treats from all sorts of different planets around the galaxies. Aliens of all sorts were walking up and down the long walkways. Some of the aliens you could recognize were the ood, slitheen, adipose, and vinvocci, but there were a lot more that you did not know. Balloons and what looked to be cotton candy were being sold by some aliens walking around the park as well.
"Doctor this place! It's just incredible!" You exclaimed.
His eyes darted from one thing to the next like a child in a candy store. He started walking and you went along with him as both of your hands were glued to each other. 
It was like walking in a wonderland filled with all sorts of delights and games, rides that you've never seen before that look quite scary. 
"I was never fond of those ones" the Doctor would say as he pointed up to the huge roller coasters that floated above and around you. Some flipping people upside down while others just flashed before you like a speed of light.
"Are you telling me you're actually scared of something Doctor?" 
"Well, not really. Just found other things around here to fill my time with." He smiled at you with eyes that were filled with kindness.
"Okay then Doctor. Show me what a normal day would be like here if you were a kid?" 
His smile got much wider and he seemed to accept the challenge.
"One must first partake in the eating of a fried zigtobno." 
"A what?" 
"A fried zigtobno. It's quite delicious really! Somewhat of a funnel cake as they would call it on Earth." 
You gave him a confused look as he led you down the aisle of food vendors, surrounding you on both sides. Many of the places had small lines, but the one the Doctor was leading you to had no line at all. 
It was a small yellow shack that had a sign above it that said 
The alien inside was a small creature with 4 tentacles running down its face. It looked like a small ood but with a shrimp like head with a human body. It had what seemed to be a thick layer of flour all over his apron, and when he moved the flour seemed to move with him like a ghost. 
"Ahh Herbert my good pal! How's it been?" The Doctor flew his hand onto the counter and Herbet flew his hand on top of the Doctors. They did a very interesting hand shake that consisted of fistbumps, finger snaps, a pinky promise and at the end the Doctor made a bird call while the Shrimp man (or whatever he was) just put his hand up to his eyes and covered them.
After the complex ritual, Herbet and the Doctor started laughing. 
"Good to see ya old pal! What can I get for you and your lovely misses today?"
You slightly blushed at the choice of words this Shrimp man had said. 
"Just one fresh fried zigtobno please!" 
Herbert smiled and whipped around to fix up a zigtobno. Although you couldn't see what exactly he was making it sure did smell good. 
"How long have you known Herbert?" You asked out of curiosity.
"Oh just around 400 years or so. Great pal. He saved me from a trash can falling on me once. That's the day I fell in love with his food stand. Never wanted any other food than fresh fried zigtobno." He stood there with his eyes closed smelling the sweet smell that was coming from the little shed. 
"One order for you Doctor." 
The Doctor was reaching inside his pocket but before he could pull out anything Herbert just said, "Don't worry about it. This one's on me." 
The Doctor smiled and patted Herbert on the arm. "Thanks friend. I owe you one!" He smiled and grabbed the zigtobno and walked over to a bench, sitting where you could look off at all the rides in the area. 
The zigtobno was not what you were expecting. It had a cinnamon roll type texture but it was in one big heaping like an elephant ear. The powder that was on top of it consisted of pastel colors that luminated in the sunshine. 
"Here you have the first bite." The Doctor said as he held the paper plate the food was on. 
You tore off a piece and it was slightly gooey on the inside. Not sure if it was completely baked or it was supposed to be like that you took a bite anyways. 
Your eyes light up like a million stars, as you tasted the pastry. The dough tasted as though a fresh warm baguette, with the powder as cool strawberries all mixed with a slight chocolate flavor hinting on the tip of your tounge. 
"This is the best food I've ever had. Like better than Aunt Cindy's raspberry tart she makes for Christmas." 
The Doctor laughed as you quickly reached for another piece and ate it quickly. He joined in as well and ate the simple pastry made by the Shrimp man Herbert.
Once you were both done eating, the Doctor continued to show you around a few more of his favorite places. Some of which were the center drama, where mini plays were put on throughout the day. The one you ended up watching was like a Romeo and Juliet spin-off. Instead of them both dying they just left Earth with some aliens and started a whole new colony. The Doctor thought it was fantastic while you on the other hand thought it could have been a little less cliche. But come on, it's Romeo and Juliet we're talking about. 
He also showed you some of his favorite rides like the flying dragons, which you could control going up and down. And let's be honest the Doctor did most of the controls himself.  Another ride was more like a simulation of whether you could get out in 10 minutes or not. And again he did most of the work for that one as well.
But as the day went on the night started to fall and it was getting quite late. You were getting slightly tired from all the fun you've been having, but the Doctor had one more thing purposefully planned put. (Apparently it's been planned for quite some time. But you know time travel and how that all works, and let's be honest he probably wandered off to run to the Tardis and do this because he just thought of it like 2 seconds ago)
The sky was almost fully dark and the stars were shining brightly. The Doctor led you to one last ride, a ferris wheel. 
He checked his watch and started mumbling under his breath. "Right. Now just wait a few more ticks and then we should be good to go." 
You kept giving him sideways glances as you walked up to the large ferris wheel. 
"Did you know that this was built only 200 years ago, and it still runs to this day!" You could tell he was getting nervous. Spilling out random facts about random things was what he did when he got nervous. Yet you had no idea why he was so scared over one ride on the ferris wheel. Didn't he want to go on it? Was he that afraid of heights?
With a slight "hmm" the Doctor seemed to settle down a bit and slowly started to relax more. 
When you reached the line the doctor handed the ticket taker 2 very old fashioned tickets. The ticket taker smiled and then winked at me as we entered the cart. 
When the Doctor walked in he turned around to see what my reaction would be. 
The cart was filled with fuzzy blankets, a tub of popcorn, and a giant zigtobno placed on the seats across from us. The Doctor smiled as he saw my eyes light up with joy. 
"Did you do all of this?" 
"Oh possibly. Maybe it was the past me, or the future me, hard to tell sometimes." He smiled and sat down on the right side of the cart. You joined him and then the wheel started turning up. 
When the wheel was at the very tippy top it stopped. You could see the whole sky from up there. Galaxies and stars could be seen from up here. 
Soon shooting stars started to light the sky. 
"Doctor this is amazing!" 
He smiled as the stars were passing the both you from up above. 
"Tonight marks the 500th year anniversary of the legend of Mika and Woo. The ones the play were about."
Ahh yes the cringy Romeo and Juliet play that you watched earlier that day. 
The Doctor slowly placed his arm around your shoulder as he continued talking. 
"Legend has it that once that Mika and Woo landed on an abandoned planet they started their own colony. Representing peace for all alien races. That's what this place represents, peace for all to come together as one."
"That's just beautiful Doctor" 
"I know isn't it?" He turned his head every so slightly to get a glimpse of your amazed face. 
You slowly put your head down on his shoulder, the Doctor tensed up a bit not knowing what to do. But as minutes went on he started to relax. 
About 10 mins later you were out asleep, from such a long day you had the Doctor did not blame you. 
He gently placed a soft kiss on top of your head and then continued to fall asleep himself. 
A/N thanks so much for reading I hope you enjoyed it! If you have any requests please feel free to pop a question!
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