#the pearlina twins
blueskieswastaken · 2 years
you guys have heard of pearlina moms propaganda. now get ready for uhhh…
pearlina moms propaganda (gratuitous fluff flavored).
my name is blue and i wrote weathering the whiteout and candids of patience on ao3. this post is halfway to make sure my posts are actually showing up in the tags now. and also to make sure people know who i am.
also, have this edit i made. i’m very proud of it.
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top-secret-twins · 6 days
have you been to mount nantai before, and if so did your moms have anything to say about it?
We go every year, for their anniversary. It’s where they met so it’s important to them that we visit every now and then. Sometimes they cry but we’ve never asked them about it. Instead we build a campfire and eat
(-haruko <3)
we bring picnic baskets and watch the sunset and I always get mosquito bites but that’s alright. there’s a train station at the bottom of the mountain too it leads to the city where mama grew up and we go sometimes.
-marley :]
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hibbablobble · 5 months
Apologies to my 17 followers i was camping and the internet was garbage also for some reason the app wont let me make posts. When i click the little blue button with the pencil it still does the thing it does when you click on it, it just doesn't open the little tab to make posts so im just using the online version of tumblr. If anyone knows how to fix it please tell me. I wont be posting much bc im working on a comic with like, 50+ different drawings but its going to take a while so yall better be patient. Also i got the pearlina shirt
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froxythegoober · 1 year
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My Pearlina ship kids! :D
Some things about them:
-They're Irish twins
-They have a heavy mental/rock band with three other members. Monson is the main singers and Sally is the lead bassest.
-Monson has Pearl's killer wail
-Sally is Antisocial and has anxiety, but feels more confident on stage.
-Callie and Marie are like their aunts and have taught them how to fight in turf wars.
-Sally is 5'8 and Monson is 5'6.
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gougarwife · 2 years
Need 2 make more picmixes!!!! I understand now why I put it off for so long it’s because it’s addicting. I need to make more I NEED TO 💥💥💥💥💥💥
Definitely need more pearlina ones and then maybe I’ll do a squid sisters one cause I haven’t made any of them…
And then for cr 😭😭 want to do one for rye cookie and another one for the chess twins
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drugslngr · 5 years
ok under the cut is something i NEED an honest opinion on about me blog
okay so like. i’ve been thinking about the fact that my blogs are both single verse and i’ve been debating last night and all day today about putting ephai, kisani and ignatia on here as primary muses??? idk bc like. my characters are all connected in some way thats just how shit is LMFAO like durarara!! my main idea is to 1. not have to switch blogs all the time 2. make my single-verse ass life easier because they can all freely reference each other 3. probably die
here is the relationship tree for my blog DACMONICUS: 
⇨ ephai is ignatia’s father ⟶ kisani is basically her aunt. ⟶ ephai and kisani have been an iconic best friend duo for nearly 300 years. 
here is the relationship tree for this blog:
⇨ genesis and arabella are twins. ⟶ ihan and the twins met through his adoptive dad who had taken in genesis and arabella, the daughters of his slain right hand man. ⟶ ihan, genesis, and arabella consider each other family.
⇨ genesis knows serafino as a client for stimulants, met him in one of her classes last semester. they talk here and there, but it’s usually money moves for her. ⟶ genesis knows pearlina as a client for psychedelics. the twins met him during new student orientation. they hang out frequently but it is usually just arabella and pearl.
⇨ leonildo is a demon and abaddon is more of an............. entity in a demon form (if that makes sense) so their relationship is somewhat casual. they don’t care to talk to each other, but appreciate the familiar company that they provide each other when they have nothing to do.
⇨ maude knows serafino and pearlina because they pose as another “ordinary” student living in a dorm on the same floor - conveniently. ⟶ maude also knows leonildo and abaddon, having a very strained relationship with both of them. y’know, the normal angels vs demons thing.
here is the relationships between both blogs:
⇨ ephai knows leonildo, abaddon, and maude. he gets along with leonildo, ignores the existence of abaddon, and tolerates maude whenever they happen to come around.
⇨ ignatia knows the twins from high school, and she previously dated arabella. ⟶ ignatia has also met ihan. she KIND OF gets along with him, but their strong personalities get in the way of any kind of “you're my best friends older brother figure so you're mine too” relationship.
⇨ since she’s always around ephai, kisani has also briefly met leonildo and abaddon. all three of them demons together in the same room tire her out, so it’s safe to say that they annoy her. especially because the three of them usually speak through telepathy and “forgets” that she can’t!!
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
Give us the propaganda hcs. Pearl takin care of marina when she’s expecting snd just being the best
woohoo!!! i will give you so so many.
this one also got very long oops.
they both cried when they found out marina was expecting, they were very happy. marina covered the test with a towel on the kitchen table and just sat there waiting until she and pearl were both ready to look at it
marina struggled a lot with morning sickness :(. pearl stayed with her all morning until her wife felt okay, and then she got up and got marina something really easy on her stomach to eat and/or drink, like fish broth or ramen.
all of a sudden marina had a lot of free time cause she was on maternity leave, so she did a lot of videogame streams. pearl still went to work because she wanted to support her wife but sometimes she shows up. 
despite that they both kept it really private and quiet. their excuse for marina not being at work? well she’s really sick please wish her well and hope she gets better…………. 
sometimes marina will have a super bad day and pearl stays at home and cuddles up with her. 
they told the squidsters and deep cut by inviting them to lunch at a bar, only for marina to refuse any alcohol when normally she’d at least have something with sake or wine in it. she just sipped on her iced tea until someone went “waaaait a second. you’re pregnant aren’t you?” it was doubly suspicious because big man was the designated driver, not marina. 
(and then everyone got super excited)
pearlie always kept track of all of marina’s cravings and always lovingly teases her when she craves something she normally doesn’t like.
“hang on lemme get this straight. im gonna make you some daifuku… and you want *tsubuan* anko.” 
“… you’re sure? you’ve told me you don’t like the texture before.”
“i want tsubuan.”
“alright then. but still, who are you and what’d you do with my reena?”
pearl works out to be able to pick marina up and carry her when she’s too tired to do anything. marina can’t change forms either, so she can’t turn octo to make it easier. pearl just works out even harder and gets even stronger. she can hoist marina up and carry her bridal style even days before she has the twins. 
the first time they feel a kick they both get super emotional. 
pearl has thousands upon thousands of photos of marina all throughout the entire pregnancy and she likes looking through it when she’s feeling sappy. even when she cleans out her photo gallery she never gets rid of any of them.
marina started to purr in her sleep. pearl has videos of it. 
she sleeps on her side too, so she ends up laying her stomach on top of pearl when the twins are big enough. pearl doesn’t mind, she likes knowing her babies are there :)
marina builds a nest on the bed out of pillows and blankets and they both get a little sad when she takes it all down. it’s alright though.
marina talks to her baby a lot. she talks to them in octarian and pearl does the same thing in inkling 
she also gets very sleepy very quickly.
pearl brags about how awesome and strong her wife is and how proud she is to her family all the time. her dads cried at the news because they too were so so happy
many thoughts head full (of pearlina moms)
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
Hiiiii if you dont mind I would LOVE to hear more of your pearlina moms propaganda its so good thank u. ps your off the hook magnum opus series is AMAZING
!!!!!!!!!! hang on let me think up some REALLY GOOD HEADCANONS just for you anon im so sorry it took me so long to notice this ask and also answer it,,,  (it has only been a few hours)
just like with all my moms posts (tm) this got super long it’s going under the cut. have a good meal anon
pearl and marina kept the fact that they were going to have a baby very much under wraps. tabloids spread rumors, but they just got shut down by off the hook personally. like, an article titled “off the hook spotted buying maternity wear- are they gaining another member?” gets posted on twitter or something and pearl reteweets it and she says “no, it’s for family.” or something 
of course, the article was right. it was just a secret. until they very much couldn’t hide the twins anymore… when they were five years old and had to be enrolled in school. don’t ask me how they did it.
i think it would be super sweet if everything was planned out from the start, so that’s how i write my pearlina moms. 
pearl and marina talked for a very long time about having a baby. it took three years to decide on yes and another two to get everything ready and for marina to get over her nerves… 
but everything turned out okay! :] 
when the twins are still super small, pearl likes to carry them in her sweatshirt pockets or her purse, cause they fit in there and it’s nice and comfy for good naps. if you think of her octo expansion outfit and look at her sweater she’s got a pocket there, that’s where she puts them. like a momma kangaroo! 
even when they’re teenagers pearlie still has them go swim form and crawl into her pockets when they get sleepy in public. 
even before haruko and marley were born, their moms sang to them. pearl used to press herself up to marina and sing into the light, super softly, just to make sure her babies got sleep too. it very quickly became their lullaby, not to mention it accidentally got marina to sleep too, oops…
pearl thought it was super super cute. she has videos. 
to marina holding and/or cuddling the twins is like a weighted blanket for her. it’s absolutely one of the most comforting things she’s ever experienced. she stims by scratching their backs, super gentle, and she’s very lucky that it makes both of them just melt and hug her and purr. they can’t reach their backs to scratch them, so marina doing it makes them very happy. 
octolings like to play-fight and wrestle i think, so especially when they’re little marina fake-fights her twins with just her hands to keep from hurting them and to teach them to play. once haruko bit her and marley got very upset when she pretended to die…
pearl did a lot of googling throughout the whole thing. like, take the amount that popped into your head when i said “a lot of googling”, and maybe quadruple it. and then take that amount and triple it. that’s about how much googling she did. she wanted to take the absolute best care of her wife she could, so she decided she was going to learn everything she could- good places to take her, comfortable clothing options, the bestest softest blankets to get, homemade ice cream recipes. marina would have felt a little bad, but pearl didn’t let her. 
haruko and marley are pretty much the spitting image of both their moms, so much so that once their aunt callie managed to genuinely mistake both of them for their moms at a glance more than once! they have never let her live this down <3
marina used to cradle the twins in her tentacles when she had her hands full. she owns a baby sling, she just never decided to use it. pearl gets more use out of it than she does. 
one of the first things pearl says to marley when she meets him and is no longer completely shellshocked by him existing is “why didn’t you let us see you, little guy? were you too shy to say hello?” 
(his response: rolling over and going to sleep.) 
i could say so many more but im getting carried away. 
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
i saw where this post was and took my chance when i had it
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he is so small. this post is about him. marley.
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
i should probably post my pearlina week fic shouldn’t i?
i couldn’t quite get it all done in time but im sure it’s fine.
rejoice! pearlina moms propaganda be upon ye and the like
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
hello pearlina fandom. you don’t know me (?) but i know you
i have decided to force myself to get over the mortifying ordeal of being known and 1 make a tumblr and 2 post my pearlina edit(s). diving straight into the deep end here. hi.
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if you saw the wrong picture uh. oops.
there’s also a fun little alternate version under this cut right here ohoho.
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there’s a link in this picture, it leads to context. i looooove pearlina moms propaganda.
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
oops, my hand slipped.
just for fun, i made an askblog for my pearlina kids.
so go bother them. shoo! they need friends!
(i should make an intro post over there but i’ll do that later…)
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
i’m back
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the twins go to brinewater springs with their moms to warm up during chill season.
moments after the first picture was taken, marley pushed pearl into the water, if only because she did the same to him earlier. haruko did nothing to stop it, but marina nearly dropped the camera trying to save her.
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
the pearlina moms propaganda is here.
hi. i’m blue. you may not know me, pearlina fandom, but i most definitely know you all.
i decided to write and also post a couple fics based on the idea of pearl and marina being moms, so i’m forcing myself to overcome the mortifying ordeal of being known and post them here. it’s still a work in progress, but the second part was just finished.
the link to the series on ao3 is attached to my edit, if you’re wondering. (my first try posting it didn’t go in the tags…)
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
9 for the splatoon 3 ask game: Show off your locker!
oh im so lucky i have pictures of it
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sadly thr pictures aren’t very good :( but that’s alright
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
YOU.... I KNOW YOU.... How ya doing, didnt know ya had a tumblr xD
Also I just found out (?) the Pearlina egg might be twins and I know for sure I will cry at your fic, keep up the good work!
hi! i know you too!
im doing good! the tumblr is new :) im not used to the mortifying ordeal of being known yet
also perhaps it will be! ive had these pearlina kids for a while and i went “hey… i should do something with them.” so i wrote whiteout
still thank you im sorry the next chapter of candids is taking a long while i wrote myself into a corner on accident fhshfbd…
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