#the perks of being a very low charisma character who keeps claiming to have no secrets
thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
I love how despite the party trying to shake the secrets out of Colin, no one has made an Insight check against anything he’s said about himself yet, which means that technically, nothing he’s said actually has to be true.  It doesn’t mean it’s not, but if it wasn’t, who’s to say?
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silva-vinandi · 3 years
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Name: Vynania d’Lyrandar Birthday: June 29th Star Sign: Cancer Voice Claim: (tba) Theme: “Taking Over Me” - Evanescence Class: Paladin lvl 7 (Oath of the Open Sea) Race: Half Elf Height: 5′6″ Weight: 124lbs Age: 22 Gender: Female Sexuality: Demi-Romantic, Demi-Sexual Relationship status: Single Family: Eris d’Lyrandar (Mother, unknown), Trenton d’Lyrandar (Father, Unknown), Estoria d’Lyrandar (older sister, unknown), Dantian d’Lyrandar (Uncle) Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral
STR - 13 (+1) DEX - 8 (-1) CON - 15 (+2) INT - 11 (+0) WIS - 8 (-1) CHA - 18 (+4)
Wisdom Save +1 Charisma Save +6
Athletics +3 Insight +1 Perception +1 Persuasion +6
Passive Wisdom (Perception) 11
Languages & perks:
Common, Elvish, Celestial Proficient in Navigators Tools Proficient in Water Vehicles (also including air ships) Carries the Mark of Storm
Physical Notes:
Vynania has long blonde hair that she usually keeps tied up into a loose, low hanging bun. Her eyes are a dark, stormy blue color.
Her Mark of Storm usually manifests on her right arm.
Mental Notes:
To many, Vynania usually comes across as an emotionally stunted person, who harbors a violent temper.
Vynania keeps herself at arm’s length from others, which attributes to her distant nature. Despite this, she still cares greatly for her family, and her friends can still depend on her when they need her.
Four Years Ago...
Four years from the start of her journey, Vynania was an 18 year old girl with dreams of sailing the open seas and skies of Khorvaire. She lived in Seaside, one of the Southern-most cities of Cyre, and her hometown had once been a popular tropical vacation spot for many, even during the Last War.
On the Day of Mourning, when much of Cyre was covered in a deadly mist, Vynania just barely managed to escape via boat into the Kraken Bay. However the shockwave of the event still reached the waters, and sent her boat crashing into the oncoming storm. She woke up alone just north of Pylas Maradal, an elven city to the SouthEast of Seaside.
Much of the next four years was spent in Pylas Maradal, where Vynania worked at the shipyard that had been established by the Lyrandar family. Once she earned enough money, she set sail to the West to Sharn so that she could hopefully meet up with her Uncle, Dantian d’Lyrandar.
Present Time...
Instead of meeting with her Uncle, Vynania instead met a group of adventurers in the Clifftop Guild, where she is now taking on jobs. The rest of her team consists of the following:
Bastion, Warforged Paladin     Not the brightest of the bunch, but he makes for a powerful and intimidating ally. He seems to be currently piecing together his forgotten past.
Shazer, Gnome Bard (MIA)    A former soldier from the Zilargo army, turned con-man. He’s got a way with words, but often makes questionable decisions. Recently, the group discovered that Shazer had been forging false treasure maps and selling them to unsuspecting, fresh adventurers. He has been the cause of several dozen reckless deaths. Now, he roams the Mournland after killing an innocent woman, and subsequently leaving the group after being branded by Bastion.
Selroe, Gnome Rogue     A woman who took to spy work in order to make money to help support her family. Currently goes by “Baul” as an alias, a name of which she stole to gain access to the Clifftop guild.
Kiera, Tiefling Bloodhunter     A quirky character, Kiera is very far from home and it shows. Likes to experiment with her powers. However, she is definitely much smarter than she looks.
Alistair, a Human Cleric     A resident of Sharn, and a former worker at a local orphanage. He has a heart of gold and urges the group to do good deeds. Though even he must learn that nothing is black and white.
Jacob, Human Gunslinger    Having just recently met, Vynania knows little of this strange man. Though they have a similar goal now: Hunt Shazer. After learning what their former comrade did prior to their meeting, she wants to see him pay for his crimes. Jacob wishes the same.
Hawth, Drow Bard    A mysterious and dark-clothed man, easily mistaken for a thief or a rogue. He speaks little and Vynania trusts him even less so. Thus far he has yet to prove himself trustworthy. At least they have a similar personality..
Main Verse - Born in the city of Seaside on the southern bay of Cyre, Vynania lived a life of excitement from day one. She learned quickly from her father about the art of sailing both sea and sky and dreamed of owning her own ship one day. This all came to a halt when she was 18 years of age, on the Day of Mourning. 
Her home destroyed and having barely survived the encounter by some miracle, she spent the subsequent four years working to earn enough money to travel to Sharn and begin her adventure to find her missing family...
FFXIV Verse - Vynania found that her life was made for the sea from the day she was born. Being a child borne of an Elezen mother and Hyur father, her existence was not going to be welcomed in Ishgard. So, her family turned to Limsa Lominsa to make their home. Growing up around pirates and the like, Vynania took quickly to learning the trade of sailing.
When the Calamity struck, her parents were on the sea. Their boat never returned from its trip. Mourning and bitter, Vynania sails to Ul’dah, unable to stay in her childhood home. There, she learns the trade of the gladiators, and while her temper runs hot and the sea beckons her, she has turned her life around and vows to always protect those who cannot protect themselves.
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