#the plainest fare in the world for her whole life
solasan · 4 years
15, 16, 22, 24, 27, 49 for Zinnia!
15. are they good at cooking? do they enjoy it? what do others think of their cooking?
yea she’s a good cook. liked to experiment a lot with it when she was younger, but she does that less now. lots of spices, she loves spices. also lots of seafood, bcos it’s what she’s used to; she knows how to make seafood good, whereas other stuff (like, say, venison) she’s less experienced with. 
she enjoys cooking quite a lot !!! even her bone broths (which would be what she’d usually be subsiding on by the time they’d reached a month / six weeks into a voyage) are like...... still very unpleasant, but usually have some spices in them to make them at least somewhat palatable
one of the best cooks on the white thorn 100%. used to barter meals she’d cooked for rum and whiskey from time to time shdhjsjdk. and her companions appreciate her cooking too, even if she hasn’t got access to as many fresh supplies / as much seasoning as she’d like. which is probs for the best bcos shadowheart would probably die from her proper dishes HSJDJSKDK
16. do they collect anything? what do they do with it? where do they keep it?
ok zinnia is a very practical person as a rule (whatever her personality might suggest) but she’s..... also a pirate, bro. she likes shiny stuff. specifically, she likes rings; she’ll collect rings till the day she dies. she’s always wearing at least one on every finger, sometimes two. they’re always on her person (less chance of them getting stolen that way, surprisingly) and those she isn’t wearing will be strung around a chain on her neck.
look when ur a rogue and a thief u kinda lose faith in locks and chests, ok
22. what are their favourite insults to use? what do they insult people for? or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
uhhh she’s especially fond of using ‘wanker’ as an insult. any form of it. if someone’s pissed her off she might go off abt them being a ‘small cocked wanker’ for example shdhsjdks. also just generally going around making it pretty clear she thinks ur an idiot is a sure bet; i do foresee her asking astarion if the tadpole ate up his whole brain, or only half of it, bcos really ur pretty dumb mate. and like, we know, but hey
anyway she might have a habit of stabbing people in the back when it comes to combat, but zinnia is absolutely willing to tell u to ur face if she dislikes u. esp if u’ve done something that breaks her ‘code’; she lies, she cheats, she steals, she even kills, but she doesn’t fuck with slavers and she doesn’t hurt kids, not ever. hurting the innocent (but especially kids) is a surefire way to get her boot up ur ass
on a less severe scale, she’ll insult u if ur boring or a stick in the mud shdjsjdk. even scholars aren’t especially safe from her (soz gale love u) just bcos she doesn’t see the point in learning from books when u could learn from the world
24. what is their sleeping pattern like? do they snore? what do they like to sleep on? a soft or hard mattress?
eh. better sleeping pattern than she had when she was younger ig tho i do think she finds it harder to fall asleep since the whole tadpole thing shshjjsd. worries she’s never gonna wake up again. but when she does sleep, she sleeps very deeply; snores a bit, drools sometimes, splays out in the most contorted positions. but once she’s in a position she’ll stay in it, basically; won’t move the whole night, sleeps like a log.
she can sleep anywhere and on anything (comes from years of sleeping in a rocking hammock on a moving ship, surrounded by her loud crew) but she prefers a soft mattress. not that she’s gotten to sleep on many
27. what makes them sad? do they cry regularly? do they cry openly or hide it? what are they like they are sad?
she’s not much of a crier tbh ??? comes from the emotional constipation shdhsjdjk. what happened to arabella made her very sad, but that quickly turned to anger; she’s gotten good at that, turning her sadness into anger. she knows what to do with anger ig ??? not so much sadness.
but yea seeing suffering kids, suffering animals, that makes her sad. also thinking on yarrow for too long; she starts wondering if yarrow’s alive, how her life is, if she misses her, etc. thinking of her crew does it a little bit too, but less so; it’s more that she feels extra motivated to get back to them
when she does cry, which is rarely, she hides it very well. tears are weakness to her ??? so she’s not comfy being seen like that. but usually she manages to turn sadness into anger before that can happen, which is definitely not healthy, but hey
49. what is their most valued object? are they sentimental? is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
oof. she’s not particularly sentimental, but she has a stack of yarrow’s old letters tied up with a piece of string back on the ship that she feels a little bit naked without. she’ll be super pissed if she gets back and finds they’re gone shdjsjdkl. i wouldn’t say those are her most valued possession tho; they’re sorta like a bruise she likes to push sometimes, but less and less as the years go on ??? they make her chest ache, and as we’ve already discussed, she’s.......... bad at being sad SHDJSJDK
im not sure what would be most valued to her tbh ???? her blades ig ??? bcos she’s so attuned to their specific weight, and they’ve kept her alive for years, and they’ve been her only consistent possession for like..... over a decade ???
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