#the plot is the silliest thing ever but the camera work? stunning
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The cinematography of Help! (1965)
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bagelswrites · 7 years
Hello :) I'm curious : what are your favorite broships in BTS ?
Well this is just a MEAN question, now isn’t it? Next, you’re going to ask me which of my children* is my favorite, aren’t you? 
Every pairing in Bangtan is just fucking phenomenal and has mountains of evidence to back it up. It’s one of the great things about Bangtan. So while there are some I gravitate toward more than others, I love them All, and all for very different reasons. SO! Instead of answering the question you actually asked (because I am a rebel and easily distracted) I’m just going to tell you what I love about every pairing. Buckle up! (This is going to be a long one)
Going in age order because it’s just easier this way.
Yoonjin - The old dude roommates! Yoongi completely buys into Jin’s dad jokes and Jin puts Yoongi in his place. Their dynamic is so close to equal, but with this nice push and pull of Yoongi technically being the dongsaeng but Jin respecting Yoongi’s music abilities and near-deputy-leader status in the group. I mean, they push their beds together to watch movies. They’re the quiet bros who somehow manage to annoy the maknae line and I love it.
2seok - The world needs so much more 2seok in it. The way Hobi teaches Jin dance? The way Jin watches out for Hobi? The laughter between the two of them (anyone remember beat boxing in LA?) is so much fun. They also probably have secret meetings where they plot the best ways to embarrass the rest of the group at any given moment. They’re the goofy and underestimated bros who support one another.
Namjin - Listen. Namjin are married. Whether it’s platonic or romantic or simply comedic, they are bonded for life and I love it so much. Jin is Joon’s safe place. He seeks him out in stressful situations or in interviews, gravitating toward him like a moon around a planet. And Jin is just so fucking PROUD of Namjoon and supports his leadership. Joon said in his vlive this weekend that Jin’s twitter selfie gave him joy all day! They’re the parent bros who would still spend most of their spare time together even if there were no kids to take care of.
Jinmin - THESE TWO. How they manage to be gentle and savage at the same time, I have no idea. But God it’s fun to watch. Jimin laughs at every single one of Seokjin’s dad jokes. Jin DELIGHTS in making Jimin laugh. Jin enjoys feeding Jimin during Eat Jin and Jimin is so very happy to be there. The amount of Jinmin on the Wings Tour is actually kind of amazing – seems like Jimin is backstage during Awake every single night and I love it. They’re the Sass Bros who will likely try to feed you within an inch of your life.
Taejin - This is possibly the MOST hyung/dongsaeng relationship within the Jin pairings, amazingly enough. He’s still the hyung to all the others, but I see him treating Tae as his little brother maybe the most of the others. There’s lots of hair petting and chin scritching and back hugs. Then again, it’s probably a 50/50 split on who initiates those first. And Taehyung is ALWAYS coming to Seokjin’s defense, especially over the teasing of the other members, just like a good little brother. They also have like ZERO boundaries with each other – showering together, accidental kissing onstage, wiping frosting off Jin’s face and eating it right there on camera. They’re the overly affectionate actor bros who cannot take themselves too seriously.
Jinkook - My love for Jinkook goes back to predebut, when Kookie almost quit because he was so homesick and Jin made sure he felt loved and cared for. And now Seokjin screams at him “I raised you on my BACK” which is delightful. They also seem like they would prank the members together, given the opportunity (I’m thinking of the Eat Jin where Jin was screaming and Joon came in all worried and they both played dumb without even rehearsing it). Jungkook is Jin’s baby in a different way than the hyung/dongsaeng thing Jin’s got with Tae, but Kookie kind of babies him right back (and Jin is possibly at his silliest and “youngest” around Kook). They’re the snuggle bros who probably shouldn’t be left unsupervised.
Yoonseok - Okay. You know how I said I didn’t have favorites? Well, if I DID, it would be this one. Hoseok is afraid of nearly everything and whenever he’s scared, he goes straight to Yoongi. And Yoongi is never anything but patient and kind about it – and possibly the most tactile he ever is with anyone in those moments. He LIKES being this outlet for Hobi and never fails to pump him up before he has to do something scary. Their Sope stuff is just so funny and silly and amazing. Hoseok brings out the most joyous part of Yoongi, and Yoongi allows Hoseok to be himself. They’re the rapper bros who probably spend more time in the studio giggling together than actually getting work done. 
Sugamon - These two have been through some SHIT together and made it to the other side, bonded by fire. They know each other’s darkness and wounded places better than anyone else, but it’s only made them kinder and more gentle with one another. The way the interact on stage when one of them is rapping? Ooph. They support each other so well. I imagine their creative styles don’t always mesh, but they have worked so hard to find middle ground. Yoongi’s quiet caretaking and Namjoon’s propensity to get trapped in his own head are a perfect match sometimes. They’re the musical artist bros who will always have each other’s backs.
Yoonmin - “You know.” “I know.” UGH. These two are my bias and bias wrecker, so it’s only reasonable that I love this pairing. Plus, the sunshine/grump dynamic is always fun. Jimin can get away with shit that no other dongsaeng would even attempt. Yoongi is so whipped for him, I cannot believe it. They look out for one another in very specific ways. They’re the perfectionist bros who pull each other back from the brink at just the right moment. 
Taegi - Taehyung seeks Yoongi’s approval more than the other hyungs. Yoongi finds Taehyung charming and infuriating in equal measure. It’s more sunshine/grump dynamic, but it’s different. I have a feeling that, in the early days, Tae kind of exhausted Yoongi. But you can also see a deep bond and a fuckton of affection between the two of them. In group things where Tae is being ridiculous, you can almost always find Yoongi in the back with a hand over his own mouth or his lips pressed tight, trying not to lose it over how adorable Tae is. They’re the Daegu bros who’ve found the same rhythm.
Sugakookie - I think Yoongi is kind of stunned by Kookie and his abilities – he’s always one to unabashedly appreciate talent. And Kook, well, sometimes when he looks at Yoongi, I get the strangest vision of a toddler wearing a toolbelt so he can build stuff just like his dad. Their adorable recurring bit about the lamb skewers is sweet and brotherly and I love it. They’re the “sleep is for the weak, sleep is for a week” bros who probably need someone else to tell them both when to quit. 
Namseok - There is not enough Namseok in this world either (there’s not enough HOSEOK in this world, let alone Hoseok paired with another hyung, but that’s a different too-long post). Namjoon wants nothing more than to shove Hoseok into the spotlight where he belongs (they way he hyped Hobi’s intro and 1Verse and a million other things? My heart). And Hoseok may be a moodmaker with everyone, but he’s especially attuned to Namjoon’s mood – he can bring a gentle peace to Joon in the most turbulent times (I cannot stop thinking of them on Navy Pier in Chicago on Now 3, just a week after the threat in NYC). I think that Namjoon might be Hoseok’s quiet place, and Hoseok is a special kind of comfort to Joon.  They’re the 94 liner bros who need each other like air.
Jihope - We probably have the most “candid” footage of these two, both in volume and in actual honesty. They are always playing around with cameras together. Their friendship is easy and fun and incredibly supportive. They pester each other so much and cannot keep their hands to themselves. They help each other burn off excess energy backstage. They’re probably the most likely to take a joke too far but also the fastest to forgive each other. They’re the empath bros who help one another recharge. 
Vhope - The silliness between these two. Hobi indulges all of Tae’s random thoughts and Tae is more than happy to play with Hoseok when the mood strikes him. I’ve always said that in the Bangtan Family where Jin is the mom, Joon is the Dad, and Yoongi is the uncle/grandpa, that Hoseok is the noona who takes care of the kids when the actual adults are too tired. This is never more apparent than with Vhope. Jimin is the mom of the maknae line and Kook often refuses to be mothered (except by Jin and usually only on his terms), so Tae is the best and most willing outlet for Hobi’s cheek-pinching form of nurturing. They’re the skinship bros who have to be told a million times a day to calm down and shut up and they don’t actually care at all. 
Junghope - There’s something so comfortable and natural about these two together. They dance hard and play hard and aren’t afraid to ask each other for what they need. I especially think of the Bomb where Hoseok asks Kookie to pet his hair to help him sleep (which Kook indulges with a soft smile) and the episode of Bon Voyage where koala’s the hell out of him and plays with HIS hair. They’re more… equal(?) than any other pairing between the hung line and the maknae line, despite the age gap. It’s almost like age doesn’t matter to them. They’re the dance bros who can calm each other with just one touch.
Minjoon - Another not-picking-favorites favorite. Jimin looks at Namjoon like he hung he moon and Namjoon looks at Jimin like he IS the moon. If Jin is Joon’s Safe Place, then Jimin is his Home Base. He just melts whenever Jimin is involved. On the flipside, Jimin needs to be needed and Joon is able to drop the leader mantle and need Jimin *outloud.* In fact, I think there are times that Joon thinks he’s taking care of Jimin and Jimin is only letting him believe that because he knows Namjoon needed someone to take care of right then. They’re the over-thinker bros who always put the other first and, in so doing, manage to heal themselves.
Vmon - I would really like to know Tae’s IQ because I think it has to be nearly as high as Joon’s. Or maybe his intelligence and pattern-finding and out-of-the-box thinking can’t be measured in the same way. But no matter, these boys are both geniuses and their artistic interests follow the same unconventional path. They probably have really interesting conversations about the most random shit. Plus, Joon finds Taehyung stinking adorable and Taehyung wants to impress him all the time. They’re the artsy fashion bros who probably believe they care about the other more than is reciprocated because they both believe they’re simultaneously too much and no enough. 
Kookiemonster - Oh man, this relationship is defined by hero worship amped to eleven. But the funny thing is, it kiiiiind of flows both ways. I think Namjoon is just as impressed with Kook as Yoongi is. And, although he’d probably never admit it out loud, Joon positively thrives on the attention Kook gives him. And Jungkook wants nothing more than Namjoon’s attention. He chose BigHit out of all the other agencies scouting him BECAUSE OF Namjoon. But Nams is ceaselessly impressed by all the things that Jungkook can do and how hard he works and lets him know it. They’re the hero bros who make some of the best collabs.
Vmin - They’re two halves of the same whole, destined to be each other’s Person. They’re best friends and partners in crime and always game for whatever scheme the other has and unafraid to talk about the important and the mundane and everything in between. They’re the soulmate bros who will live next door to one another long after Bangtan and raise their kids side-by-side and turn into grumpy old men together, mark my words.
Jikook - Listen. I have many many things to say about Jikook and I’ve said most of them before. But in addition to those things, Jungkook looks startlingly similar to Jimin’s actual little brother and if you don’t think that impacts their dynamic, then you’re crazy. The push-pull between them that so many people interpret wrongly (and abusively more often than not) is mostly due to Jimin’s instinct to baby him and Jungkook’s desperate desire to prove himself. But their brotherhood bond is STRONG and irrefutable. They’re the peacock and bunny bros who laugh their way through very real and very useful competition.
Taekook - I cannot think of a better description than littermates. They are both PUPPIES with boundless energy and enthusiasm who love each other simply because they’re brothers and why WOULDN’T THEY? They’re the video-game playing, anime-watching, snack-time-turned-wrestling-match kind of friends and it’s simple and pure and occasionally violent but don’t for one second mistake that for shallow or temporary. They’re the bro-iest bros that ever bro-ed.
OH! And listen. I do not ever participate in ship wars (who the fuck even has TIME for that?), but there is one ship-related fight I’m always ready to have and it’s about SHIP NAMES. My god, people. It’s not Yoonkook. You have the opportunity (and fandom support) for the name SUGAKOOKIE and you choose Yoonkook? That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works. The only ones I might be able to bend on are Sope and Sin, but even then… Boys, you were too late to that party and the names have already been decided by ARMY. Sorry. Taekook know what’s up, though. 
*I don’t technically have kids, but that’s really only a matter of biology and not affection because I’m a spare parent to two amazing and wonderful kiddos and I’m also an auntie-ish thing to about nine more (plus an actual biological auntie to two MORE), so I think the comment still stands. And I totally don’t pick favorites. Never. Not once. Not even on the days involving poop and tantrums. Nope. Never happened. And you can’t prove that it did.
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