#the podcast ep really thoroughly explored why it is like this
fitzrove · 2 years
Listening to the new Musikaalimatkassa podcast ep by @fyeahfinnishmusicaltheatre, about musical ticket prices (it’s really good), and I’m just flabbergasted at how expensive it is to see shows in Finnish city theatres in comparison to other countries... :D Some thoughts in English (and my own experiences) under the cut.
So, shows I’ve seen this year and the prices I got tickets for are:
Cabaret at Theater Hof (Germany), small-ish municipal theatre production directed by (and starring) Uwe Kröger. One adult 'Orchestersitze’ (rows 1-5) ticket: 31 EUR. Balcony seats available for around 24 EUR (5 EUR on the same day).
Elisabeth at Festival Bruxellons (Belgium), fully staged summer open air theatre festival production. One adult premium ticket (middle seating with more room and the best visibility): 47,50 EUR, normal-price tickets were around 37,50 EUR if I recall correctly.
Wicked at the Apollo Victoria Theatre (UK), commercial theatre that has been running the original West End production of the show for 16 years next week. Last minute rush tickets (fourth row on the dress circle/balcony): £30.
This autumn in my native Finland, tickets for productions of international shows I would consider seeing range from 46 EUR (category 4, limited visibility) to 85 EUR for Anastasia, 45 EUR for all adult tickets to Evita, 89 EUR for all tickets to Priscilla: Queen of the Desert (except those for seats with limited visibility). And many theatres (like the one doing Evita) don’t offer multiple categories of tickets - everything from front row to the very back is the same price!
Of course, it’s not like the state supported Finnish theatres are the most expensive place to see musicals in the world - premium tickets to big commercial theatre productions abroad can cost upwards of 100 euros which I did pay to see Tanz in Stuttgart last year because getting robbed by Stage Entertainment is a musical fan rite of passage I guess. And I could probably get student discounts for some of the Finnish shows, bringing down the price a bit, but not enough to make them more affordable than student tickets abroad (which are generally around 5-10 euros less than adult tickets). AND some of the Finnish shows probably have same day ticket options similar to what made it possible for me to see Wicked in London, but in general, the same day ticket system is not at all as well-developed here as it is in the West End.
But still, on average, the price range for these Finnish productions is considerably higher than what it is for many other European municipal theatres. If you add travel costs (I have to take the train in Finland for most productions, and they end so late that overnight accommodation might also have to be considered), it’s actually a relevant question for me to think about whether I want to see a musical I know I’ll like in Europe & do other tourist things in a new city vs. see a show I might enjoy in Finland with a much heftier ticket price and less choice in regards to where I’ll sit.
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kolbisneat · 6 years
Not a lot of TV in May but plenty of comics and movies! And now that the Bachelorette is back on, this will all change. Here’s how I spent the month!
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Isle of Dogs (2018) So this was a tricky one. I’m not going to say anything new regarding Wes Anderson’s directorial style or how great it translates to stop motion. I love it and it works just as well here. What didn’t quite connect was not translating the Japanese characters. I think the comedy of the dogs and humans not understanding each other would’ve worked just as well if we, the audience (assuming an english-speaking audience), could understand both sides of the conversation. It just felt strangely distancing. Also the women in this movie are thoroughly underused. It all just seemed like a misstep from a director who likes to shine a spotlight on the humanity around us.
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Game Night (2018) What a charmingly insane movie. It’s weird, it’s funny, and it has just enough heart. The two leads had enough chemistry to believe in their insane journey and I just really enjoyed them both gagging over a gunshot wound. Totally worth checking out. 
The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) There are so many great things going for this movie. Armie Hammer’s super serious Russian spy, Henry Cavill’s transatlantic weasel, and a lot of great style, but I found it never seemed to click. Maybe Guy Ritchie is just better at directing smaller, more personal movies (as the character and smaller set pieces are where this film shines). Oh what could have been.
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Riverdale (Episode 2.17 to 2.20) A consistent opinion from anyone I’ve talked to is that Archie is a big ole dummy and I love it. I admit I’ve never read the comics but he’s always depicted as a doofus so I’m glad it’s a character trait that’s transitioned (albeit in a somewhat distorted way) to this melodramatic universe.
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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Complete) Call it morbid curiosity. The film didn’t do it for me (though there was some good) and figured I’d try out the book. In short, I felt the same way but for different reasons. I think the movie improved on a lot of character stuff in the book, but clearly the problems I had with the romance stemmed from the source material. I get why this book is popular and I think what Cline has capitalized on is a stroke of brilliance, but it just doesn’t work as a story. The character doesn’t do anything redeemable or likeable within the first 170 pages, and there’s no conflict. All of the challenges put in front of Wade are deus-ex machina’d  away as “I’d already planned for this.” As wish fulfillment, it works. As an engaging story, it’s missing a few core elements.
Head Lopper Volume 1: The Island Or a Plague of Beasts by Andrew Maclean (Finished) Super fun sword & sorcery story and I love the simplicity of the premise. A barbarian who decapitates stuck with the severed (and living) head of a witch creates a lot of great character moments to compliment the plotting and violence. It’s fun and smart and worth checking out.
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Pimo & Rex by Thomas Wellmann (Complete) This is a charming Sword & Sorcery tale and the titular characters are charmingly appropriate for their heightened world. I will admit that the writing is a little eclectic due to the translation but it leads to some fun exchanges and unique onomatopoeia. Worth getting it now that the second edition is out and it’s much easier to find!
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Batman: Year 100  by Paul Pope (Complete) Batman: Year One is such a touchstone for Batman comics (and comics in general) and this is a worthy successor. It’s such a departure from Year One’s tone but in rereading it, I really appreciate the subtle similarities: simple and grounded plot revolving around a mystery, limited tech, and themes that really explore what it is to BE Batman. Plus Pope’s style is so visceral and wild that it really plays up more of the...fear elements of the character.
Ultimate Spider Man Ultimate Collection Book 4 by Brian Michael Bendis & Mark Bagley (Complete) I remember not loving this volume the first time through and now I think I’m a little closer to understanding why: the two main arcs have little to do with Spider-Man/Peter Parker. The first is basically an X-Men story and the second is mostly there to introduce Black Cat and Electra. Peter is slightly affected by both of these encounters but nothing like the previous volumes. The saving grace is a single issue that features Aunt May in therapy and it’s fantastic.
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Bad With Money (Podcast) What started out as listening to a single ep about the glass ceiling has become a crazy dive into the entire series. Seriously, if you think you could benefit from hearing someone else learn about investing, contracts, and money in general, then you should check out the podcast.
Welcome to Bonkers by Nekrogoblikon (2018) I like my heavy metal with a healthy dose of silly.
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Horror At Havel’s Cross (Winghorn Press) This was a great one shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure for first time players! The module plans for a 4-5 hour session and we got roughly half way in the two hours we played so I think that’s about right (but it’ll depend on your players). There’s a little role playing, a little fighting, and lots of mystery. If you’ve never run a game before then it’s also a great introduction! You can pick it up here and it’s super inexpensive.
Dungeons & Dragons Hexcrawl Campaign (Wizards of the Coast) The party has started exploring the dragon temple! They’ve saved an imprisoned young dragon, procured a relic, and are now trying to decide if the lizard folk hoard that guard the ruins are friend or foe. It’s all very dramatic.
And that’s it! As always I’m keen to hear your thoughts and recommendations and happy Thursday!
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