#the poor insomnians that just got taken with
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Okay, so, I'm looking through my notes on the Not Everyone Knows How To Draw A Salt Line fae au story (yes, that'll be the next story I'll post a chapter for) and I got an idea. Which is a truly dangerous thing to have sometimes.
What if, the evening when Broek tells the story of the Devastation, Nyx and Whisp didn't do their escalating sleep spell? And instead of the resulting fihrie-fae drama, all of Little Galahd just... vanishes during the night?
Like, our little Whisp did not just kidnap a Bog on its own to prove something (spoiler for Salt Line, I guess?) but all this was a communal effort with the other flickerings. So what happened was the every single Will-o'-the-whisp on Galahd came and just took the people back. As you do. Not a trace of them left.
All of Insomnia wakes up the next morning to a few ten thousand people missing. Their things are still there. It looks like they just vanished into thin air literally.
Can you imagine the resulting panic and fear? What happened? Where did they go? Why did no one notice anything? Is it only the Galahdians? Did they do something? Was it the fae? Why? The Niffs?
Investigations are launched. Some Insomnians went also missing. As did children in the system and some adopted kids. (Investigation proves all those kids were of Galahdian descent. (The other Insomnians weren't targeted, but ended up being in the woring place at the wrong time.))
Maybe a week later every single thing that was ever made by a Galahkar or ever belonged to one, vanishes as well. There are suddenly entire empty lots where houses used to be. Art and valuables held by the Insomnian nobility go missing. Ancient relics from Lucis's conquest days just go poof.
The panic escalates.
What is happening?
Then Niflheim grows strangely quiet.
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amidalogicdive · 7 years
the first time i’m sending a prompt, but thought i could give it a try! 98 for nyxnoct, or whatever pairing you feel like writing about! thank you! : D
Well, you get nyxnoct!  #98: “Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person.”
Title: The Prince
Pairing: NyxNoct
General Fluffy Stuff!
Ao3 Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11925345
Everyone knew the Prince, and this was a fact!
They knew him so well, in fact, that a person could walk up to any random Insomnian citizen and ask them to explain the prince and they could. Actually, they would be extremely happy to oblige! It was a hobby to some, an obsession to others, but all knew the Prince of Lucis. Of course, no one could deny this information was nothing less than 100% correct in every way. After all, facts were facts and no amount of arguing could change their mind on that.
Everyone knew the prince had attended a public school, so it was easy to see how some information might leak to the papers. How he was a kind and respectful young man who had graduated top of his class. Who cared if he did come off a bit shy, or outright ignored people at times, he was still their perfect polite prince! At least that’s what the gossip magazines printed, and luckily, few dared to speak ill of the quiet heir.
The citizens knew the prince loved helping the Lucian people and supported his father by helping him with the numerous charities and foundations they had set up within the city. They saw it on the news constantly, and the reporters would never lie when it came down to what a hard working man their future king was. It was obvious to all that he performed his duty, and they knew he loved to do it!
Of course, his unwavering patience when dealing with animals and small children? Considered adorable by a majority of the public, and they relished in seeing such interactions all over the news. A poll that was taken by a popular magazine, Insomnia Now!, showed most citizens found it charming when the prince would answer the children’s questions, or kneel to pet a happy puppy.
And his friendly relationship with the Princess and Oracle of Tenebrae, Lunafreya? Any citizen would be happy to let any poor uninformed soul know the truth of that! They had no doubt that the Citadel was hiding an important secret, that a betrothal had formed years ago and there would be a royal wedding within the city soon.
In short, the Prince of Lucis was perfect and nothing anyone could say would change their minds. He was a credit to his beloved father, his future wife, and the kingdom that he would one day rule. These were 100% undeniable and verified facts!
Except…they weren’t.
Nyx knew this better than most, seeing that an incredibly stubborn and sleepy prince laid across his chest and currently refused to get up. A pure black fluff ball with sharp green eyes laid across his legs, just as lazy as his owner, glaring at him anytime he attempted to move.
The truth was Noctis was wonderful at playing a part, and that part was a Prince. It was like a flip of a switch and a man stood before him that, at times, Nyx couldn’t recognize. If he was honest, he’d seen the training and formal duties they had ingrained into him before, and he had to admit Ignis could be brutal at times.
He could admit that the mask had fooled him at first, thinking that their Prince was exactly as he appeared. Nyx had been as blind as they rest of Insomnia, seeing the well-groomed surface and ignoring the human below. That was, until one night they had met, and he’d talked to the man who would be his King one day. The Citadel had been lit from base to tip, a celebration for the young heir’s seventeenth birthday party. A party that he’d decided to ditch, to the amusement of his father. Instead, Nyx had found him occupying a smaller library in another wing, a stolen try of desserts on the table as he read a comic.
Offering the glaive a small chocolate pastry in apology, Noct had openly admitted: “Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person.”
That had made the glaive chuckle, replying with his own admission. “Honestly, Your Highness, neither am I.” Seeing the Prince smile, and the mask fall away, had been an amazing sight. Instead of returning him to the party, he’d taken a seat across from him and kept him company for the remainder of the evening.
Now, that was not to say that some of the citizen’s views of the prince weren’t true.
He did love his father and was serious about his position as heir to make him as proud as he could. Noctis wasn’t ashamed to admit that animals and small children were much easier to handle than overbearing adults, and children’s questions were amusing to him. He couldn’t count how many times they’d asked his favorite color, food or animal. Nyx would also admit that his lover was incredibly smart, it was just getting him to put in the effort. But in the end, Noct was a class ‘A’ actor when it came down to it, and followed his father’s lead to perfection.
Still, that wasn’t the real Noctis.
He was the stubborn ass that laid in his arms and didn’t want to wake up because he loved his sleep. The man that hated vegetables, and picked through his food looking for hidden pieces. A man who would ditch an event because his best friend needed someone to talk too, and that was twenty times more important to him. One who would rather spend a day on the couch playing video games or with his friends, than attending a council meeting, because he did love to break the rules at times.
One who gladly shared everything he had with those he trusted the most. A man who liked to sneak out into the city with his lover, and had spent a week nursing him back to health after a mission. And while many hoped for a marriage for him and Lunafreya, they could keep hoping. Noctis had Nyx wrapped around his fingers, and the glaive didn’t plan on giving up the man anytime soon.
Running tanned fingers through messy black hair, he placed a light kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead. “You getting up anytime soon, little prince?”
A grumble was his response as the prince curled closer against him, accidentally kicking the puffball on his legs. “Sorry, Sazha.”
Sazha, or so he’d been named by Nyx, had been a gift to the prince for his birthday two years prior. They had started dating a few months before, and the younger man had expressed wanting a pet for a long time. After asking the Kings permission, Noct had found a little black kitten placed in his lap and it was love at first sight. When the prince said he reminded him of a cute little soot ball and asked Nyx to name him, the glaive mentioned that sazha was Galahdain for soot. Noctis had loved it.
“Sazha, idi! Spite gde-nibud’ yeshche.” He hissed, wincing when the cat dug his claws into his leg and let out a loud meow of annoyance. “Ow! Noct, get your cat off me.”
Waving one hand weakly at the said cat, the prince let out a sigh. “Go on,” He whispered, obviously half asleep. “Sazha, s krovati.”
Giving the two a dirty look, Sazha hopped off the bed to go lay on his perch by the window. “How is it your Galadhian is better when you’re half asleep?” Honestly, the man amazed him at times.
“Talented,” was mumbled as Noct buried his face into his lover’s neck, nipping lightly at the skin. “working today?”
“Nah baby.” Pulling him closer, Nyx shifted to run his free hand up and down his back, ghosting his fingers over the large scar. “Got nothing to do but humor you.”
“Then humor me by staying in bed.” A leg hooked around his as the younger spoke. “You’re warm, I like it.”
“Lazy brat.”
“Your lazy brat,” He countered, smiling up at the glaive. “and you love me.”
Nuzzling his nose against the other man’s, Nyx honestly couldn’t deny the words. “I do, with all my heart and soul, little prince.”
No, all the stories about the prince weren’t true. He was a good man, smart and honest. But, he could be picky, lazy and a brat at times.
Noctis was the Prince that a whole kingdom admired.
He was also just Noct, a friend to those close to him.
A lover to a glaive that adored him.
He was a lot of things, to a lot of people. But most importantly Noctis was his and Nyx wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world.
forgive is the foreign language isn’t 100% accurate any corrections welcome!  :D
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f4-of-lucis · 8 years
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Oh goodness >w< And since we’re talking about the older version of Iggy, Gladio, and Prompto, I’m assuming that it’ll be the 10 year timeskip of themselves (meaning a Blind!Ignis as well).
This is gonna be really, really long, I tell you XDD Why? Because that’s an amazing idea right there and I over-elaborated the story— perhaps, too much.
I’m sorry it took a while, though!
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Time and Love don’t go well together, it seems (Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto)
There was once a myth passed around the kingdom of Lucis. An old lore to the commoners; an urban legend to the servants of the Lucian Royal Family— especially those directly connected to the Crystal, such as the Crownsguards.
The myth has varied over the time, but essentially stated the following:
“Every hundred years, a strange phenomenon happens within the walls of the Citadel, home of the Lucian Royal Family. The Crystal— bestowed upon by the Divine Beings to humanity, casts its mystical powers to the worthiest of its protectors.
What happens to the chosen is unclear. Some had disappeared and caused unexplained anomalies, yet some returned with gifts of knowledge of the distant future.
A dangerous power the Crystal grants to the worthy outside of the Royal Family. The reason is unclear and unknown to humanity yet known only by the Crystal itself which shall be recognized by the compelled.”
Sounded like a bedtime story. With the strange phenomenon happening once every hundreds of years, no one had solid proof it actually happens. Not even to the Lucian Royal Family, though they know of its existence.
... Not for long, I tell you (otherwise, this long-ass fanfic/scenario won’t be here XD).
Shortly after the restoration of Light to Lucis and the reclaim of the Insomnian throne, the Crystal had decided to reward its devoted protectors: the three Crownsguard who stood by Noctis Lucis Caelum CXIV, current King of Lucis, since the beginning: Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, and Prompto Argentum.
With Noctis crowned as the new King, all that’s left to do is serve him— as Crownsguards and as devoted friends. For Noct, it was the end of his adventure. For the three men? It obviously wasn’t. A single night and a dream was enough to spark a new adventure for Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto.
One they wouldn’t expect— not even in their wildest of imaginations.
In the morning following that night, the three men met by the Citadel hall, each not knowing the dream of the other, until one obvious someone spoke up about it. Prompto talked about his dream, which matched with both Gladio’s and Ignis’ own dreams. They were rather intrigued, especially the Crystal were “talking to them” through their dreams.
The morning after the second night was when their adventure began.
Instead of waking up in their respective quarters, the three men found themselves in the Crystal Room, all suited up in Kingsglaive attire. No wonder a certain someone complained about how heavy he felt waking up.
The three were undeniably surprised upon fully waking up and realizing where they were. Ignis didn’t need his sight to know he wasn’t laying down on his bed in his room (like waking up on a cold, hard ground wasn’t enough XD).
It was the room where the Crystal was kept, but something was... different about it. The machines were more sophisticated at best. “What are we doing here?!” asked a slightly panicked Prompto. “We didn’t sleepwalked here, did we?!” he continued. “Even if we did, that wouldn’t explain how we got past the tightly-secure vault!” answered Gladio. “And like hell I sleepwalk!”
Unlike the two, Ignis remained calm and asked, albeit with a slightly louder voice to catch Gladio and Prompto’s attention. “Where are we, exactly?”
“In the Crystal Room!”
And just then, a group of men, presumably guards or soldiers, entered the room. They were of military attire. Neither Gladio nor Prompto recognized anyone in the group.
“These men must be what the Oracle was talking about. Bring them to the Queen”
“The Queen?” Ignis asked, which was met with a quick answer by one of the guards. “Yes, the current queen of Insomnia.”
The three were taken aback. Queen? But Noctis was crowned as King not long ago. “What’s going on?” Well, their question was then again met with an answer as they were escorted to the throne room. The Citadel was similar yet different in more ways than one. Not long after, they reached the throne room.
On the throne sat a young woman clad in an attire visually similar to that of the former King Regis, except it was designed in such a way it was a dress. Her physical appearance uncannily resembled that of Noctis’, especially the eyes. Yet what set the two apart, other than their genders of course, was that the female had a much more gentler face.
“Whoa...” said Prompto with a low voice, bewildered by the sight before him. Gladiolus was just as equally as baffled as the blond man. As for Ignis, well, while he can’t see the very person the other two men were shocked to see, he knew it wasn’t Noctis on the throne. It was someone else.
“Three men clad in Kingsglaive attire... just as the Oracle had said. I welcome you three to “future” Lucis, as you might say.” started the young woman, her gentle voice soothing the three men but still confused once “future Lucis” was mentioned. “Future Lucis??” whispered the blond man to Ignis, to which latter replied with “It would seem we traveled to the future, just as the Crystal in our dreams said.”
The Queen stood up as she introduced herself. “My name is (Y/N) Lucis Caelum, CCXV. Might I ask yours?”
Before answering the queen, the three men were taken aback once again. How far into the future did the Crystal threw them into? CCXV? As in the 215th Ruler of Lucis? They were sure as hell Noctis is only CXIV, the 114th Ruler.
“O-Oh uh, Prompto Argentum, your Majesty.” “Ignis Scientia, your Majesty" “Gladiolus Amicitia”
(Y/N) nodded and wasted no time explaining the situation to the three men. “Allow me to explain the situation. Over a century ago, the empire Niflheim has seized almost all of Eos with the exception of Insomnia, the Crown City. I trust you know of this?”
They nodded respectfully. Of course. The three knew that full well. They were there the entire time it happened to Lucis.
“Niflheim was supposed to annex the entirety of Lucis, had it not been for the intervention of the 114th King of Lucis— Noctis Lucis Caelum, and thanks to him, the Niflheim empire has fallen apart since then. Yet, according to written records in the archive, Lucis still succumbed into years of darkness.”
Iggy, Gladio, and Prompto were there too. Those agonizing ten years of night.
“Fortunately, Noctis seemed to have saved all of Lucis from darkness. He’s indeed such a noble King. But now, I fear the same thing might happen soon. It seems that Niflheim has returned from its ashes. The Oracle has warned me of its coming, and predicted that ‘help will come from time’s past’. I figured it was help from the past, and she was right. The Crystal has taken you from your timeline to aid us and warn you of a coming trouble in your time.”
Their purpose was slowly being revealed to them, just as the Crystal said.
“And so I ask you, Ignis, Gladiolus, and Prompto. Will you lend us your aid in defending Lucis?”
Who were they to turn down the plea of the Queen and the will of the Crystal?
Prompto Argentum Oh Lord, let me tell you— Prompto fell head over heels for (Y/N) the moment he laid eyes on her. She seemed like an angel to the poor blondie. Anyways, Prompto served the future Kingsglaive, actually being one of the most talented long-ranged fighter. Ten years worth of practice and this was the fruit.
Much to his surprise, Prompto found himself in the presence of the Lucian queen most of the time. Especially during camping. (Y/N) had enjoyed Prompto’s company, seeing how the blond man always seemed to be full of energy, a slight contrast to her more gentle self.
Since he knew that (Y/N) knows they were from the past, Prompto would show the young queen pictures of him and his friends with her predecessor, Noctis Lucis Caelum, much to (Y/N)’s interest in seeing the savior of Lucis during their time.
Alright, the pistol-wielding blondie knew he liked Lucis’ Queen. Like, a lot. Of course, he knew how (Y/N) deserved better. She’s a queen for crying out loud, and he’s just... a commoner. A Kingsglaive, sure, but still just a commoner. Not only that, she’s from the future.
Prompto has the habit of looking at other girls, sure (especially Cindy), but never did his heart completely loved a woman. He badly wanted to stay by her side and make her smile, but Ignis had pointed out (time and time again) that doing so would cause anomalies in the present day. He knew that. He watched one too many movies to know how changing the future would also change the past.
The day before he and his two other friends returned to present day Lucis, Prompto just had to say it.
“(Y/N), you know I have to go back tomorrow, right? Before that, I wanted to tell you something. You’re the most amazing person I’ve met. I mean— you’re really sweet and kind, you know? But your also really gentle and elegant. And you laugh at my jokes. Not a lot do that! And you made me feel like.. I was at your level. You didn’t look down on me. For once in my life, all my insecurities disappeared when I’m with you. You’re...perfect. I-I guess what I’m saying is... I really fell in love with you, (Y/N). I really love you.”
Mustering all the courage he can get from all the deities (thank Bahamut he actually mustered any strength XD), Prompto— as he embraced (Y/N) albeit tightly, gave her a kiss full of genuine love.
Before he left with Ignis and Gladio, Prompto decided to take one last selfie with (Y/N). One that would serve a memento of their bond.
Ignis Scientia He served as the strategist of the future Kingsglaive and royal adviser to (Y/N). The young woman was actually amazed at how well Ignis can do his role perfectly even without his eye sight.
... much more when (Y/N) found out Iggy could cook without his sight.
Ignis found himself cooking for the young Queen once in a while during his free time and camping times for when (Y/N) decides they needed the four of them (herself included) in the field. It brought happiness to the mother hen of a cook, seeing how the young woman enjoyed his cooking.
Often, the two would end up cooking together. Ignis personally enjoyed teaching (Y/N) the recipes he knew, even more when he discovered new recipes as well.
Overtime, Iggy realized he had developed feelings for (Y/N). He knew it was wrong. He’s from the present and she was from the future. The very flow of time separates them form one another. If he decided to stay, time and space will be messed up. Only then he realized the meaning of that one line in the myth: Some had disappeared and caused unexplained anomalies.
Meaning, some of the chosen had actually decided to stay in the future, therefore changing the present forever. Along with this is the series of unforeseen events.
It pained him. Ignis had loved (Y/N), the Queen of future Lucis, but he had to do the right thing. A long time had passed since the three of them left the present day Lucis. They’ve left Noctis far too long. So he decided to return once everything was over.
On the day of their return to present day Lucis, Ignis made sure he told (Y/N) how he felt. How he loved her. How he was truly happy to find a woman who cared for him just as much as he does for her despite his inability to see.
“I’m genuinely happy to have found a woman who loved me despite my inability. I’ve spent the last ten years of my life in darkness, but you came into my life and became my light. I truly wish I could stay with you, but... I can’t. But you must know that I love you, (Y/N).”
Lastly, Ignis cupped (Y/N)’s face with his hands and planted a long kiss on her soft lips (I mean, if he can cook without his eyesight, definitely he can kiss you XD). That was his first and last time he’ll be able to do it, for the woman he loved lived in a different timeline.
Gladiolus Amicitia Similar to how he served Noctis and— in his youth, former King Regis, Gladio acted as (Y/N)’s shield whilst serving the future Kingsglaive. He wasn’t explicitly told to do so, but the man felt like he should. Whether it was his bloodline as an Amicitia or his personal choice that made him do it, only he himself knows... maybe both.
It felt weird at first for Gladio that someone who looked like Noctis acted like Regis. Because the Noctis he knew was a tad bit different from the Prince’s father.
Even with her shield, the Queen still needs to defend herself, and so Gladio and (Y/N) would often train together. The young woman admitted to learning much thanks to Gladio’s training, much to the man’s content. Despite her calmer demeanor compared to Noctis, (Y/N) still had a form of friendly rivalry with Gladio. A proof of a growing bond between them.
As time went by and the tension between Lucis and Niflheim growing, Gladio couldn’t deny he started to love (Y/N). He wanted to continue being her shield, being by her side to protect her, especially with the war drawing closer between the two nations.
Ever since he arrived in future Lucis, Gladio’s been loyal to his duties to protecting the Lucian Royal Family, and (Y/N) was no exception. Perhaps, his want to be by her side was something beyond his duties as an Amicitia.
It was his true feelings. Gladio knew he had to go back to his original timeline, but he also knew he couldn’t just leave (Y/N) without telling her everything he felt, lest he’ll find himself contemplating to why he didn’t.
After the battle between Lucis and Niflheim, the victory of Lucis is ensured and so is its future. During those times, Gladiolus took the opportunity to tell (Y/N) what he needed to get off his chest. He tried to take it lightly... tried. Gladio found it hard to get his feelings off his chest, which is surprising for a confident man such as himself
“You know, (Y/N), you’re an amazing queen. You’ve risked everything for your kingdom, even your own life, so don’t go looking down on yourself, alright? And don’t put yourself in too much risk. Heck I had to save you almost all the time, and I’d stay by your side as your shield if I could, but we all know I can’t do that. Alright, I‘m just gonna say that I love you, (Y/N). I meant it when I said that if I could stay by your side as your shield, I would. That’s how you mean to me, ‘my queen’.”
On the day of his departure from future Lucis, he gave (Y/N) a passionate parting kiss. He loved her, but he knows he shouldn’t further mess up with and time and space. ____________
... I’m sorry it didn’t end a happy ending ; A ;
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Heart of Thunder - Chapter 4
Aaaannd here it is! As always also a Link to AO3.
Libertus was all bright laughter and mischievously twinkling eyes, as he clapped Nyx on the back hard enough his whole upper body jerked forward. Nyx sent his best friend and hunting brother a flat stare, which was promptly ignored with another bout of laughter.
“I don’t think that was what your mahir had in mind, when she said she wished you would find someone with the same kind of hard-headedness you’ve got. At least he gives damn fine proposal presents. I’ve never seen a silver spotted coeurl before. Did you?”
Big and strong hands, Nyx had seen wrestle gekkanisu more than once, caressed the pelt he had carefully lain on the table.
“She didn’t say that,” Nyx muttered and stared at silvery tufts upon pointy ears.
“Don’t deny it, Nyx. Just because you were drunk out of your mind, trying – and failing, I might add – to flirt with my cousin until she kicked you in the nuts, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I still remember it. Selena laughed herself sick when she saw you rolling around the floor, flopping like a fish on land.”
“I thought we wouldn’t talk about this anymore”, he groaned.
Libertus gave a snort that clearly said in your dreams and proceeded to hum in appreciation as he carded his hands through grey and silver fur again.
“It’s a shame he didn’t kill the poachers”, said Nyx, definitely not just to change the topic from one of the most embarrassing things he had ever done in his life.
“Well, it’s not like the General already declared his undying love for you”, snorted Libertus. “Don’t get greedy, Nyx. The two of you can always hunt some of those fuckers when you are far enough in your courting. It’s not like you both already skipped the getting-to-know-you phase.”
Nyx let out a bark of surprised laughter at the wording. It was true, however. Normally, before one gifted their intended a Gift of Declaration, there were things most couples did to announce their interest in each other. Most contained dancing pildura together and sharing meals at community fires over longer periods of time, to see if a pair wouldn't murder each other.
They had totally skipped that part.
Resisting the urge to bury his head in his hands, he wondered what he should do now. He needed to present the pelt to the Elders during the next community meeting, which wasn't for a few days, yet. And he also... Nyx bolted up from his chair so fast Libertus stumbled a step backwards.
“The beads”, he said, the words tumbling out of his mouth so fast they were nearly unintelligible. “I need to make his beads!”
With those words he gathered up the pelt with as great a care as he was able at the moment, grabbed his hunting brother by the arm and dragged him out of the room, not caring if anybody saw them.
“Damn it, Nyx! You don't need to drag me like a kid, I can walk by myself, you idiot. The beads don't need to be ready until you want them to.”
Instead of having the desired effect of slowing down the Ulric from his fast pace, it only made him speed up. Cor had given him the ultimate Gift of Declaration, people would tell stories about this for generations, he just knew. He needed to make the perfect Answering Gift. Everything else was out of the question.
Beads weren't the typical gift at this stage, but they were the most meaningful. That and a braid. But since Cor's hair was too short to braid, he would need to string the beads up on a leather cord. He would need to decide which knots to use.
People out in the street were staring and whispering as they passed. Some of the Insomnians – mostly mothers herding their children – crossed the street when they saw them, disapproval clear on their faces. Two tall Galahdian men, one dragging the other. One carrying a large animal pelt, one half slung over his shoulder and the rest pooling in his arm, and the other cursing up a storm.
Nyx didn't really notice any of it, too deep in thought agonizing over which beads to use. They practically ran down the stairs and into the Galahdian market. Here, too, people were staring, but for a whole different reason than the Insomnians did. They knew what it meant when an Ulric ran around with a coeurl pelt outside of hunts and holidays.
Finally they came to a stop in front of a stall that sold a wide range of beads in all shapes and sizes, ranging from nondescript tiny stone beads to the large clan beads. Those were the one Nyx was looking at right now.
“Oh no, you don't. This is a bad idea, Nyx, even for you. The guy won't even know what this means”, groaned Libertus with an air of exasperation, making it clear that her knew he wouldn't be listened to, but needed to say it anyway. Just to potentially have the ability to say I told you so, later.
“He will once I tell him what it means”, mumbled Nyx and handed the spooked merchant three beads the size of his thumbnail.
This was going to cost him a pretty yen, a large chunk of his savings in fact, but he didn't care. The merchant's gaze flickered from the beautiful pelt towards the beads and paled. He stuttered out an offering to use his engraving tools as a free of charge service, which Nyx accepted with a gracious nod.
He sat down at the small workbench, the pelt carefully handed to Libertus who glowered at anybody who dared to stop and stare for too long, even the poor merchant who looked very faint by now.
Nyx set the beads down on the workbench and eyed them for a long moment. They were his clan beads. A mohave turquoise, fulgurite glass and an onyx. Now he needed to engrave them, the question was just: With what?
He should probably incorporate Cor's Lucian heritage as a symbol of respect and to show that he was willing to make compromises. Thoughtfully he picked up the fulgurite glass and turned it between his fingers. It was more a small tube than a bead, the uneven surface not ideal for engravings. For that the onyx was probably best.
Engraving the bladed wing that was the sigil of the Crownsguard, was dismissed immediately. It was too close to the symbolism representing Bahamut for comfort, and no matter how much he was willing to compromise, this was something he couldn't do. But maybe a feathered wing? It was after all the symbol of protection. Lucians still used it, right? Nyx wasn't really sure about that, but it was the best idea he had. So a wing it was, wrapping around the whole bead like a shield. It was a very time consuming and fiddly work, lasting even longer for his lack of experience. But he preserved, because this was important.
The mohave turquoise was a bit easier. Do zestiahte rid rihumate. For hearth and home. The oldest battle cry of Galahd, written in their old runic script.
He had no idea for how long he sat there, bent over the beads, working, but when he laid down the tiny brush he had used to paint the engravings silver and bronze respectively, his back and neck hurt and his eyes burned.
With a quiet groan he stood up, joints cracking, and put the beads in a small case the merchant held out to him with a nervous smile. The man had been behaving oddly since the start. Nyx looked at shoulder length blond hair, decorated with a piece of silver wire wrapped around a braid with a beautifully engraved bronze bead, and blinked. He must be a cousin of Luche's. Why was he so nervous, then?
Before he could ponder that mystery further, a pointedly cleared throat made him look up. Damn, those were many people. A right crowd had gathered around the stall, either looking at him or Libertus and talking animatedly. One of the older teenagers in the crowd looked like he was taking bets.
Libertus stood, drawn up to his full height, in front of Tredd Furia, who looked like he would love to hit his best friend in the face. Which was strange, since it was normally Tredd who loved to needle other people until they wanted to beat him into a pulp.  Now, both of them looked ready to throw hands, and the only thing holding them back was the pelt in Libertus' arms. Nyx thanked the Lazarus merchant in a quiet voice and stepped next to his best friend.
“What's going on here?” he asked, voice low in warning.
“You tell me”, said Tredd with a shrug. “I was walking along the market, minding my own business, when I heard the most peculiar rumour: the last of Clan Ulric got gifted a coeurl's pelt, and a rare one at that. I must say, it's very pretty. Couldn't say no to that, could you? Say, who got you shackled to?”
“That's none of your fucking business”, growled Libertus, his face darker than the storm clouds over Galahd.
Nyx clamped a hand on his shoulder, to keep him from doing something he might definitely regret later.
“Calm down, big guy”, he said with a calm that surprised him. “To answer your question, Tredd: the man who gifted me this found it when he took down a group of poachers. He gave it to me observing all the right courtesies and keeping to the traditions. He won me over with the strength he shows on a hunt, and the loyalty he shows those he considers his. Nothing more, nothing less. I dare anyone who has anything against it to step forward and face me.”
His voice rumbled deep in his chest. No one moved for a long few seconds. Nyx eyed the crowd, most people showing a reluctant acceptance, and only very few looked like they wanted to protest, but wouldn't dare to go up against an Ulric. He knew how telling it was that he refused to give a name. It was a clear indicator that his new fiancée wasn't of the Galahdian community.
Very deliberately he turned his back towards the people watching, knowing Libertus would step in should anything happen and paid for the beads, internally wincing at the price. If they had been back in Galahd, he would have taken the beads out of the Clan treasury, but since he had had to leave with none but the beads in his hair that day, he had to buy them now.
He pocketed the case and took back the pelt, demonstratively wrapping it around him like a stole again, causing a new bout of whispers among the crowd.
“See you around, Tredd”, he said and walked off, followed by Libertus towards the tiny leather goods store at the next crossroads.
There he purchased three sturdy and good quality leather cords in the colours of white, light blue and green, much to the excitement of the clerk, since those three colours were the usual ones chosen for what he planned to do.
On the way to Nyx' apartment Libertus was a silent sentinel at his side, and he was glad for it. Eyes followed them, most shocked and curious, but thankfully the people kept to themselves. Galahkari knew how to value privacy.
“Don't take this the wrong way, Nyx, but you know there'll be consequences to this, right? And not only because I can't imagine those noble pricks to hold their useless mouths about this”, stated Libertus after the door to Nyx' apartment was securely closed behind them.
“Cor said something similar about the nobles”, answered Nyx as he spread the pelt over his bed. It covered nearly all of it without effort. It would certainly keep him warm during winter, if it came to it. “He said he would take care of them. I'll let him do it on his own for now, since it's more on his end of things, anyway.”
Libertus gave a quiet hum, not quite happy, but letting it drop for now. “Do you think you could be happy with him?” he asked, tone and face utterly serious now.
Nyx froze for a second in his preparation of some spiced tea. “He wants to make an honest effort, and I'm not averse to it at all”, he admitted softly, not able to keep the honest amazement out of his voice.
“Good”, stated Libertus, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “Otherwise I would have fed his innards to the nearest murder of crows I could find.”
He would do that. And get Crowe and Pelna, and possibly even Luche, in on it, too. It was an old Galahdian belief. Corws gathered where there was powerful magic, and while most sensible people avoided those places just to be sure, feeding crows was equal with feeding the magic there. Not always the best of ideas, since no one ever knew how the magic would react to that, but Libertus and probably the others were clearly willing to risk it for him. Nyx couldn't help but feel touched.
“Thanks, big guy, but I don't think you need to do something quite so drastic. Just, you know, help him learn.”
The last part sounded more like a question than he had intended it to. He set two steaming cups down on his rickety table and they sat down. Nyx pulled out the case with the beads and the cords of leather, while Libertus watched him with a solemn face. This place lacked a proper hearth, so he had to make due, with his hunting brother as a stand-in witness since he lacked living clan members.
“There'll be Galahkari who won't agree with this”, warned Libertus, cradling the cup between his hands.
Nyx hummed in agreement and then proceeded to sing an old song under his breath. One about the courage and strength needed to make it through the winter and the knowledge that new life would come with the spring. His friend huffed in amusement.
For a while nothing was heard but Nyx' quiet singing as he twisted the leather cords into knots with nimble fingers, threading the beads as he went along. He kept it as simple as he dared, knowing that Cor didn't wear jewellery, but still hoping that he would wear this necklace with pride.
When it was finished, there were a series of knots and braided sections keeping the beads in place. All of them symbolized something he knew about Cor. His tenacity, his willingness to protect, his strength and cleverness. It was... terribly impersonal all things considered, but the best he could do. Libertus inspected the finished necklace without touching it and nodded after a tense minute. Nyx could feel the tension in his shoulders seep out of him like a dam had broken.
“Oh, thank ahtrii”, he mumbled as he leaned back.
He had no idea what he would have done, if his present had been judged insufficient. Not that he couldn't have gifted it anyway, but it would have made for a sour start of his engagement. Especially since the person he was engaged to was Cor freaking Leonis. The strange bubbly feeling in his stomach was back. It felt a bit like excitement, but underneath it was something else that slipped through his fingers the moment he tried to grasp it.
“How do you plan to give it to the General?” asked Libertus, and just like that the dread came rushing back.
“Kohna”, he cursed and scraped his hands over his face, the stubble on his chin pricking his palms.
His friend, ever the traitor, began to laugh. He shot him a murderous look that made Libertus laugh even harder. In the end Nyx couldn't help his own grin forming. He needed to present Cor with his Gift of Acceptance in front of his Clan and/or family. Anybody who had spent prolonged time in the Citadel, and had a pair of eyes and ears knew that the closes thing to both the General had, were the King and his Shield. Which meant that Nyx needed to get an audience by the end of next week, or get the three into the same room somehow. He should probably tell Cor about this so he would know what he was doing this time. And he could probably help getting the King and his Shield to attend, come to think of it.
“Hey, Libs.”
Nyx could practically feel the dread coming from his hunting-brother in waves now.
“You have some time between training and your guard shift, right?”
“Oh, no. No, no, no. Nyx, no. You won't drag me into that drama.” Libertus looked like he just got stabbed by a tonberry for the first time.
“Please?” asked Nyx, dragging out the word with a shit eating grin on his face.
If Libertus' glare had been able to make him catch fire, he would have combusted on the spot. They stared at each other for a few heartbeats, until Libertus' form sagged near unnoticeable and Nyx gave a triumphant grin.
“Fine”, rumbled his best friend, utterly exasperated. “But we're taking Luche as the second witness. He, at least, knows how to behave himself.”
Nyx agreed easily, happy to have found his own witnesses for the presenting of his gift to Cor. Everything would be above board and no Galahkar would be able to complain. A win-win in his book.
“It'll be alright”, said Nyx, not only to calm down Libertus, but himself, too, he realized. “Just imagine what kind of face Lord Amicitia will make.”
Libertus snorted his tea out through his nose.
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