#the ppl who did rec their work always said roughly the same thing
dogcircle-scans · 4 years
Do you guys read Natsume fan fictions? I’m new to the fandom and was wondering if you guys have any good recommendations ☺️ and thank you for everything you guys are doing! I’m so happy I can read such high-quality chapters all the time for my favorite manga! 🙏
I only read fanfic for one fandom and that fandom is not Natsume Yuujinchou. But I went around asking different people for recommendations because you asked. I haven’t read any of these fic aside for that one Souko/Reiko fic so I can’t personally vouch for the vast majority of these, but this list is long as hell so there’s bound to at least one fic you’ll enjoy.
Everything will be under the cut. 
Edit: feel free to reply with your own fanfic recommendations and add onto this ask. 
jars and jars of jam by adventureboots
“natori no u just gotta learn to accept that touko san will give u homemade jam now and that u and natsume are friends: the fic”
Rating: G
Word Count: 4,929
The First Law by DarthNickels
“The world of humans is vastly different from the world of the spirits, and sometimes serious miscommunications occur. Naturally, Natsume finds himself directly in the middle of an enormous one.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 8,375
Bodyguard (carry me, carry you) by Shycraft 
“Madara watches.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,932
Grass Whistle by FoxWitch
“’I'll lend you these. It won't be a huge difference, but it couldn't hurt.’ Tanuma accepted the object, finding it to be a pair a glasses.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 4,333
A Song on the Autumn Breeze by spoilers
“When she was young, Taki and her grandfather ventured out onto the mountain to search for a visiting spirit. After finding his map in her grandfather's papers, Taki, Natsume, and Tanuma make the trip themselves.” 
Rating: G
Word Count: 718
Three for Family by NightsMistress
“The more Touko hears about Natsume Takashi, the more confused she becomes. The stories she hears are of a selfish child acting out for attention, or worse, but all she can see is a sad, lost child in need of a place to put down roots so that he can settle his mind.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,564
a time to come by ezri
It’s about “mortality.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 828
The Human Mask by harunekonya 
“From the time I was a small, I've been able to see strange things. Since nobody else can see them, they are probably what you would call spirits. And now I am one of them.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 182,225 
Note: apparently this fic is being reposted onto ao3 with the author’s permission, so if you’re like me and find ff.net super cursed, here’s the link.
night blindness by persepoline
A youkai AU.
Rating: G
Word Count: 15,641
Calling You Home by paperwar
“Five moments Natsume shared with Shigeru.“
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,026
Paper Magic by WerewolvesAreReal
“A youkai being trailed by an exorcist puts the Fujiwaras in comas. Afraid of being forced to leave his home and being passed again between listless relatives, another option presents itself. Natori offers to become Natsume's nominal guardian.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 15,348
Dangerous Game by FoxInBox_aka_FIB
“Natsume is clutched in the jaws of the true form of the creature he has trusted for so long, and Natori feels fury curl in his chest, along with a deep and aching sorrow. This will destroy Natsume, to have his beast and all the beings he had probably counted as friends turn on him like this.”
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count: 1,599
the subtle grace of gravity by egelantier
“Five times the Fujiwaras surprise Natsume (including that one time when Natsume absolutely fails to surprise them in turn).”
Rating: G
Word Count: 8,000
Finding Home by darkcyan
“On a school trip...Tanuma's teacher and about half of his classmates disappear. Everyone must figure out how to deal with this changed world, and the new dangers it has brought with it.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 23,763
in this house by ezri
It’s about Natsume and Birthdays.
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,289
The color-changing kimono by bereshit001
“There is a strange kimono on the top of a tree that exorcists use to measure their strength. Inspired by the volume 17. special chapters.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 813
A Simple Detour by Hazelnuthelper
AU where Madara is unsealed much earlier and meets Natsume as a child.
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count: 10,567
The ones that come after by taizi
“a collection of oneshots about all the good people who come into natsume's life after all the bad”
Rating: T
Word Count: 72,751
like dawn breaking over the horizon by aloneintherain
“sickfic! natsume, touko san, and others being cute”
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count: 3,970
like religion by WerewolvesAreReal
“Natsume would like to make it clear that this is all the dog's fault. (OR: how to become a god, by accident).”
Rating: G
Word Count: 6,894
belomancy by erzi
“In which Matoba is going to f*cking die.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 22,758
left you with the ghosts by erzi
“A bit of a Matoba character study.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 11,980
in the nook of a cousin universe by akitania
“Natori captures a youkai, learns a thing or two about divination, and considers a future that might have been.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,256
passing the dark by persepoline
“Sleuthy MatoNatos.”
Rating: M
Word Count: 4,755
i am (am not) actually a cat by meowtoba
"Matoba Seiji is transformed into a cat by sheer bad luck and a youkai's curse.”
Rating: G
Word Count: 9,098
crossroads by darkcyan, meguri_aite
“Shuuichi wasn’t sure which question felt odder on the tongue; Matoba and rent-splitting were strange bedpersons in one sentence.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 6,874
The Summoning by meguri_aite
“Matoba Seiji is on the floor of his living room. And he is bleeding.”
Rating: T
Word Count: 6,796
now we’re here, now is fine by crazybeagle, twelvenervouscats (crazybeagle)
"’Honestly. You’re both being morons and martyrs for no reason at all.’”
Rating: Not Rated
Word Count: 29,198
The Green Plastic Table by Spades 44
AU where Tanuma has healing magic + Natsume and him suck at communicating.
Rating: T
Word Count: 63,190 
Note: this fic is hosted on ff.net.
ephemeral by ghostcribs
"I wish we could stay here forever."
Word Count: 1,171
Rating: G
Cold Hands by ghostcribs 
Natsume’s reluctance in letting Tanuma in comes with some consequences. 
Rating: G
Word Count: 6,906
Aftermath by Mayorofcattown
“The short cut home that took Tanuma much longer than he expected.“
Rating: G
Word Count: 4,264
Misc Ships:
flickering blue by kornevable
An alternate ending to the “Tell Me Your Name” two-parter.
Ship: Reiko/Souko
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,731
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