#the professor for the class is like ‘yeah they have some sucky political positions but it’s important to let them speak’
gosuperdonnie · 3 months
“we think the legal age for weed should be 25 because that’s when the brain stops developing and also because weed is linked to some people developing schizophrenia”
look I am not someone who thinks cannabis is some panacea but holy fucking shit. one, that is Not How Brain Development Works and two, the relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia is more complex than “if you smoke weed you will develop schizophrenia.” (The linked article, which is pretty anti-cannabis, states several times that while cannabis use can cause psychosis – which is different than schizophrenia – in some people, development of schizophrenia has a lot to do with other factors, like genetics, besides just “did you smoke weed?” We know that cannabis use is correlated with higher likelihood of developing schizophrenia, but that does not mean cannabis usage causes schizophrenia.)
also I think that if you are saying this shit in a ***policy/legislation position*** you need to show more proof and explain the complexity better than just spouting pseudoscience (the brain development thing) or oversimplifying a very complex topic (the “cannabis is linked to development of schizophrenia” thing). but what would I, a person with a public health background who does policy research as part of my job, know about that? after all, I’m just a crazy schizophrenic person with a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder so clearly anything I say on the issue is ill-informed and a sign I don’t have perspective on my illness! (\heavy sarcasm)
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