#the quinnematic universe
innytoes · 3 years
question, since you seem to be the authority on Darryl.
so, I've been thinking about names a lot because I guess I blinked wrong one day and am now obsessed with Quinn. and by extension Quinn and Parker as a duo. and maybe Quinn has one name because he was in the show for a combined 6 minutes, but personally I think Quinn has one name because like Parker, he just adopted this one name and will take no questions about it.
I don't think we know a lot about Alec Hardison's birth parents, but from what he's said it seemed like nana is, well, nana is everything to him. (not to say he didn't once love his birth parents, but I'm just making assumptions for the sake of this headcanon.)
nana, who runs a leads a multi-denominational household (aka supports the religion her kids come to her household with) seems like the type who, if formally adopting a kid from foster care, would let the kid choose if they wanted to change their name.
in redemption, Breanna is Breanna Casey. she mentions her parents dying. it makes sense that she would want to keep her parents name if she had a good relationship with them and losing them was traumatic.
in the Darryl post, Eliot refers to Darryl as a Hardison. we don't know nana's last name (or even her legal first name), but what if it is Hardison. and Alec and Darryl are two of the kids that chose to be formally adopted and become a Hardison because they were lost alone once and nana claimed them and loved them.
I guess this is not an actual question, sorry. I just wondered if you had any thoughts?
I am technically the authority on Darryl since I made him up, but Darryl belongs to fandom. I’m more of a Darryl Keeper. A Darryl Lore Collector. People tell me stuff about Darryl and I go: yeah, sure.
(Also I blame @darkfinch and @be-gay-do-heists for the Quinn Renaissance, personally. But yes, Quinn 🤝 Parker one name supremacy.)
I think the show left it intentionally vague if Nana's last name is Hardison, which really annoys me because there's so much meta to be had about Hardison’s last name either way. (Is it his birth name? Is it Nana's last name? Is it his first Iron Clad Alias that he decided to become Famous with?)
I love the idea of Nana giving kids about to age out of the system the option of becoming a Hardison if that is her last name, though. Or at any time. Or if they want to be an honourary Hardison. Alec can make you an honourary Hardison, right Alec? With your little plastic cards? (Insert Hardison freaking out because Nana is totally letting him know she found his fake ID-making set up.)
I’ve been kind of on the fence about Darryl’s last name, but that is lovely. I hope Redemption some day gives us a definitive answer on Nana’s Last Name. Until them she can join Parker and Quinn’s club, I guess.
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darkfinch · 3 years
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darkfinch · 3 years
IS there existing quinn leverage fanart..............
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innytoes · 3 years
Because I’ve been infected with the Quinnematic Universe, picture Hurley and Quinn vibing. Hurley who just gets along with everyone whether they want to or not. He starts up a conversation about cats. Quinn isn’t sure what to do about this Large Friendly Man Talking At Him, but then Hurley shows him a picture of the ‘present’ his cat brought him and he’s like: oh that’s a very nice dissection of the head.
Hurley is not sure what to do with this guy critiquing his cat’s Mouse Dismemberment Skills, but hey, whatever works. New friend!
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darkfinch · 3 years
the quinnematic universe is expanding so rapidly i love everyone in this corner <3
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