#the ramblings of TSI
thatoneluckybee · 5 months
girl help why does every career path sound boring
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greenleebuchanan · 1 year
NAME:      TSI (I'll come up with a better one for here, that's just the one I'm used to sjsj)
PRONOUNS:      she/her
BEST EXPERIENCE:   Just getting to interact with people and see their well thought-out takes on their characters. I've only ever played canon characters of series until now (and ones that were often misrepresented by fandom) so I just appreciate getting to see the solid and well-thought out interpretations people come up with as well as they AUs that people throw out because I'm amazed at how creative they are
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:      tumblr messages/discord (feel free to ask for my discord if you'd like~)
MOST ACTIVE MUSE:     I treat all my muses equally---- and by that I mean I sporadically give attention to them all sjsj 
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS:    ...I think 10 years on and off--- which makes me think lmao
RP PET PEEVE:     Just anyone that doesn't really pay attention to what I've said about my muse and such so they go off what they assume, even disregarding specific things I've added in my rules. I've had that happen a number of times in other fandoms.
PLOTS OR MEMES:      I am honestly fine with either! I've found memes have given me ideas that have turned into threads or even whole AUs from time to time but I also enjoy exploring plots that others have thrown my way. I think both work well~
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:   As long as the reply gives me something to work with, I am fine with any length. I tend to ramble a lot in my own replies so I'm totally okay with other not matching my length jsjs
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES:    I'd say all my muses have a tendency to ramble more often than not--- which is a trait I definitely share with them, but that's likely the main thing we have in common. My muses (including Greenlee) are much, much more adventurous and bold than I am.
tagged by: @lenientgaunt <3333 (thank you for tagging~ even though you basically told me I had to sjsjsj
tagging: Anyone who has not done this yet~
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drsorrell · 2 years
Wed. 10.19.22 (SVC)
Notes on TSIS, Ch. 8, ““AS A RESULT”: Connecting the Parts” (107)
Converse with yourself in your writing: refer to what you have already said and forecast what you will say. This creates flow, and flow means that your reader is more likely to get caught up in what you are arguing and possibly be convinced.
Remind the reader of what you have already said and create an expectation in their mind about what you will say--this hard more on your part makes it easier for them, which is what you want!
Transitions, pointing words, and repetition with a difference all help you to organize your writing; they are not in addition to the ideas but actually part of the idea-making structure of your writing.
Transitions (list on 111-112)
also, in fact, and, indeed, besides, moreover, furthermore
so too, in addition, actually, to put it another way
by extension, to put it bluntly, in other words
to put it succinctly, in short, ultimately, that is
after all, for instance, as an illustration, specifically
consider, to take a case in point, for example
accordingly, so, as a result, then, consequently
therefore, hence, thus, since, along the same lines
likewise, in the same way, similarly, although
nevertheless, but, nonetheless, by contrast
on the contrary, conversely, on the other hand
despite, regardless, even though, whereas, however
while, in contrast, yet, admittedly, naturally
although it is true, of course, granted, to be sure
as a result, in sum, consequently, therefore
hence, thus, in conclusion, to sum up
in short, to summarize
Pointing Words (+ a specific phrase, as in “this idea that we should listen to everyone”)
this, that, these, those, their, such
Repetition (with a difference)
“...repeat yourself in varied and interesting enough ways that you advance your argument without sounding tedious” (120).
For Paper #2, Final Draft (due Friday)
Read over your paper and add transitions, pointing words, and repetition with a difference to each paragraph, including the introduction and the conclusion. (You can start this in class today, if we have time).
Read over my and your classmates’ comments on your outline and Draft #2. Make sure you have put in all of the changes from the Self-Revision workshop from Draft #1.
Make sure that your paper has an introduction and a conclusion.
The introduction should end with a strong thesis statement that is unique to you, i.e. it shows what you are “bringing to the table,” and it is distinct from the author’s point of view.
The body paragraphs support that thesis. Each has a strong topic sentence (first sentence of the paragraph) and concluding sentence (last sentence of the paragraph).
Discussion of They Say/I Say evidence in paragraphs should also help to support your main point.
Quotes should be examined and critiqued in detail. What is the author saying? What kind of evidence is he using? How does he use language to try to convince you? In your opinion, is it working? Don’t be afraid to critique!
This structure is what makes your paper a paper, not just rambling :)
Reread your last body paragraph and your conclusion and make sure you didn’t introduce a brand new, bold thesis there. This happens a lot and it is fine, but you then have to add it to the beginning of the paper and make sure you back it up throughout. No “surprises”!
Use MLA parenthetical citation throughout: parentheses, author’s last name + page # parentheses (Sorrell 333). You don’t need to use their last name if you already used it in that sentence. Don’t worry about a Works Cited right now.
See structure examples below--as you know, this is my first time teaching at SVC, so I just made some up to prove my point :)
EXAMPLE INTRO In 2022, people get really upset about words. In her essay, “All Words Matter: The Manipulation behind ‘All Lives Matter,’” Kelly Coryell argues that the ALM movement is a direct attack on the African-American experience in this country represented by the “Black Lives Matter” movement. In a very different type of essay called, “Could Black English Mean a Prison Sentence?” John McWhorter points out the unfairness of court transcriptions showing the transcriber did not understand the particular African-American dialect of English being spoken by the defendant. While each of these essays makes good and bad points, I plan to argue in my paper that we all need to pay more attention to how language works so that we can be forgiving of slips when need be but also be able to call people out when they are going overboard.
I have one general introductory line. (You can have more, but I am a big fan of short intros, for me.)
I introduced each text by author’s full name and title in “” and gave a one sentence summary of what they say.
I stated by thesis, which is unique but also related to what the authors talk about.
EXAMPLE BODY PARAGRAPH It has been more and more difficult to have a reasonable discussion about a big issue since all of the election controversy, not to mention the covid-19 pandemic. Coryell highlights some of the problems with sayings like “All Lives Matter” by writing, “Saying ‘all lives matter’ ignores the unique discrimination only Black Americans face, simply because they are Black” (401). Coryell’s argument is not that there is something wrong with all lives mattering but rather that the slogan is mainly used against the BLM movement (which isn’t really a “movement,” anyway). Because of this use, for Coryell, saying ALM isn’t saying that every life is important; it is saying that Black lives are less important. I’m not sure if I agree with Coryell’s analysis, but I think that her focus on language is a good thing. On the other hand, McWhorter is making a much more specific point about race, language, and the legal system. He argues that, “...equality is, of course, impossible if the black people grappling with courts and imprisonment are routinely misunderstood” (429). McWhorter has a simple solution to this issue: train court employees in “the basics of how Black English works” (431). McWhorter seems to be proposing a very rational solution, but I wonder what would happen if we looked into transcription mistakes across the spectrum of all dialects of American English or even immigrant English? How many would we find? Could we possibly train court employees to deal with all of this? However, Coryell might accuse me of neglecting the specific problems of the African-American experience by casting a wider net. At any rate, although I am not totally sure where I stand on the opinions of the authors, one thing is clear in 2022: we need to pay a little more attention to the language that we use, whatever we are saying. Thinking about language itself instead of political positions avoids the problem of being on one side or the other because we all use language.
I have a (pretty weak) topic sentence to introduce the paragraph.
I get right to an author with a quote. I discuss what the quote says (They Say) and add a quick I Say that is more of a question.
I transition to another author and do the same thing but I have a bigger I Say here.
I use the first author as a kind of counterargument to my I Say for the second author.
I try to resolve this in the concluding sentence by coming back to my overall thesis.
Final Draft for Paper #2 due before class (+ Revision Memo)
Read the following Chapter 23 “What’s Gender Got to Do With It?” texts before class:
Laurie Frankel, “From He to She in First Grade” (654)
Farhad Manjoo, “It’s Time for “They”” (660)
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magneticflower · 3 years
Ooo, I'm gonna go crazy a bit with the TV asks (sorry not sorry) but: 2, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 19, 35, 41, 50 & 51!
TV Show Game Asks
This took me a good minute to finally answer so I apologize for that and I also apologize because I got super long-winded as usual. I'll put like everything after the first two questions under readmore so I don't clutter the dash sjsjs. Thank you so much for sending so many! They were fun to think about and answer. Hopefully, my answers are coherent sjsj
2. if you could have saved one TV show from cancellation, which one would it be?
This is by far the easiest because Anne With An E deserved it's five seasons and I will forever hate netflix and CBC for robbing us of it
6. which shows do you think are underrated and need more love?
Hmmmmm, well recently I've been rewatching Baby Daddy which was a show on ABC that had the iconic Melissa Peterman on it and it's just sitcom gold. It's super ridiculous and all the characters are messy in their own beautiful ways. It's super fun whilst also having some SERIOUS pining going on that just works. I'm really enjoying rewatching since it has been so long and I forgot everything. I forgot how good it was.
For a newer show, I think Only Murders in the Building is pretty underrated for how good it is--- like I know it's got a fair amount of people watching it but definitely feels like it hasn't quite hit on tumblr like some other shows have even though it is just SO good. I never expected the trio of Steve, Martin, and Selena to be so good but they work together flawlessly and it's such a fun murder mystery comedy that has a really unique tone to it.
8. do you prefer week-to-week content, or just binging all in one go?
For new series, I think I actually prefer the week-to-week content because the experience last longer and there's more time to digest episodes and to engage in creating and discussing content. When it's all released at once, it feels like you have to race to finish it otherwise you're gonna get spoilers or you're gonna miss the chance to discuss it if you want and I've realized that that actually is just not a fun experience and ruins the journey of consuming the series. I much prefer getting a week to process an episode rather than having to binge it all at once just so you get to see it all before it is spoiled for you.
For old series, I love to go on a good old binge of it just relive it.
10. what’s one show you thought you’d love but turned out to really hate?
I was excited to get new a/tla verse content way back in the day when Iegend of k*rra was released but it absolutely was a letdown and ruined a lot of the original lore and characters and I rue the day it ever showed up
15. do you feel like there are any overrated TV show formats?
(This kinda goes hand-in-hand with the previous question) After numerous letdowns, I have decided that spinoff/sequel series with an entirely new generation or with the former generation as just background stand-ins for when they're deemed plot-worthy enough to make an appearance should just be stopped. The original characters are always disrespected or disregarded in some fashion too and it sucks.
I have yet to see one really do any justice to the source material and more often than not it ends up contradicting it in such an egregious way that it sours a lot of what made the original series special because people start waving around the new contradictory materials as something you MUST agree with even if it is a terrible new take or it ruins old characters/concepts.
I hate that I can't go into tags for the original series of shows that have sequels without having to see the nonsense the new show has thrown into the mix that totally ruins the original canon content or characters and I wish they'd would just stop making them in general. They're never as good as the original.
16. do you feel like there are any underrated TV show formats?
I don't know if this counts as like a format or whatever but I think that kdramas have it right by having the stories of their shows already figured out in its entirety before it's released. Sure, you usually only get one season of the show and it's usually only around 16 to 20 episodes but I'd rather have a show know where it is going than end up like a show that has to keep constantly find new ways to drag out the story because they want to get renewed for another season even if the series doesn't need it. Like, even with Moira, she said she had already decided on 5 seasons for AWAE and knew what she wanted to do with it and I actually like that so much. I would rather a story know where it is going than getting ruined because the creators never had a set idea on how they wanted to end it or were too money hunger to know when to do so.
19. are there any shows on your “to watch” list right now?
oh, so many but I've started a new chapter in my life and I have absolutely no time for myself so I've just been watching familiar content to de-stress rather than attempt any new stuff. I need to finish several kdramas (Devil J/udge and D/oom At Your Service in particular) and eventually, I'll try an episode of s/quid game just to see if it my type of thing. There's definitely more I probably have on my list but those are the ones I can think of right now.
35. who are your top 5 TV characters right now?
hMM, I haven't been watching a lot of tv so I'll just list 1 fave character from five of some of my faves series
Toph Bei Fong from ATLA
Ino Yamanaka from Naruto
Marilla Cuthbert from Anne With An E
Chuck Bartowski from Chuck
Oliver Putnam from Only Murders in the Building
41. if you could change 1 detail about any show, what would you change and why?
There are so many shows I would have just 1 thing I needed to change but my mind is on awae right now so I'm just gonna stick with Mary didn't need to die and I wish they didn't do that to her even if that episode was heartbreakingly beautiful.
50. what’s one TV cliche you love?
Always love me a good found family cliche especially if they bicker and tease each other all the time but would absolutely die for each in a heartbeat if need be.
51. what’s one TV cliche you despise?
I don't know if it counts as a cliche or not but I'm gonna say it anyways---- I absolutely hate whenever a certain character (especially a main) never seems to actually get consequences for their actions even when they treat the people around them like dirt and on top of that they always seem to somehow end up the victim of the situation even though they are the one that is the root of the problems. That ish irks me to no end and will easily turn a character I enjoyed into someone I no longer like anymore because they've been completely stunted in their character growth since they never actually have to own up to what they do.
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dangit-lin-blog · 7 years
im 14 and already a College Kid™
time to wake up and smell the student loans :’)))))
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anurean99 · 2 years
Vainodoulos & Doulophobia
So… I'm starting to get the jist of the situation. I can and may read. They cannot or may not or will not. I am seriously facing my own people I was taken from as a child and facing them as enemies at all times it seems.
Mom, must have hated us prior to birth to have selected such a space to raise children.
America is at war frequently with illiteracy. I myself make up my own words with a formula. I barrow from the French, Greek, and Latin. This in turn makes them seem illiterate and me, over literate. The truth is, we are butchering the English Language by making up our own through words from dead languages and debating the proper pronunciations. Their level of literacy is up to par but with a non-word perfectly made up like "Xenophoniphilia" (a love/lust of fake regional and foreign accents) they inherently look stupid as shit.
We have now illustrated they are literate in the cases where they may not read. Non-Human persons are not lawfully educated to read. This includes blacks who are too tall or too short or just enemies of the crown. In my case, I was raised to be an enemy of the crown. Its because, me mum… Well she skwa. She skwa with tsi esqua. Based on the fact tsi esqua is a hoopty porsche with antigravity, it should be spelled "Tsē Uskwa" instead. The same way when calling her squa, it should be spelled with a K like Karen because she's being a right proper injun gynocentric whore.
Gynocentric = A woman who thinks with her hole and/or a male who obsesses of a woman's hole.
Do remember, here we be the royal court of a national park where many felons are found stark naked, passed out, strung out, and unable to speak. So, we do get to have fun by adding words to a dictionary which won't be published in our lifetime.
Wow. How that stupid trivet does seem to be how god exists and exists perfectly. How much that trivet does seem to be the conduit to focused energies. I wonder if there's a technology or science or voodoo behind it. Crowns are always made of the most electrically conductive metals, precious metals. So any liked cheap electrical metal should work.
I think I'm going to return back to my insane ramblings, which where at least where I mused and showed any form of genius even… If they where completely incoherent and un-understandable. When and where its insisted I "speak English please" I am infact, being forced into a facet of society that I hate, would rather kill off, and am always in perfect disgust of. Maybe I truly am that kind of racist. I mean you know, I was raised by anglophonic christian humanity which is always racist and always inherently at war against non-human francophonic science.
Non-Humans shaped American Society & Politic and did so without voice therein. Especially in matters of war and foreign policy. Its truly wrong to slave drive a Russian Mutant with E.S.P. or the wee folk from Ireland. All are very much of this earth and quite terrestrial beings. They all answer to the same gravitational forces as humanity, romance, and mohawk do.
J.C. Lambert
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ronaramblings · 4 years
Ramblings of a Rona Resident
It’s month 2 of corona virus isolation, and it’s just now occurring to me that I should document my new life. Not really for anyone in particular, but more as a way to look back when all the crazy subsides. Cuz the day will come when I don’t have the luxury or time to spend inside tinkering and fixing upping. 
In sorts, I’ve become my own Pioneer LiziQi Tsi woman. Cooking dishes I’ve never tried, sewing by hand which I thought was only for the Medieval days. All this time spent alone in my apartment has my head buzzing with nifty projects galore. I’m proud of the little victories I achieve for myself in my little isolated corner. Might as well make a scrapbook of em. 
This is for me, myself and I and nobody else in particular. To write, capture and document moments from my new way of life. A place to celebrate everything from the little crafty everyday wins, to the elaborately cooked meals for one, to the major (at least in my eyes) renovation of my cozy apartment. 
But also to stand as a reminder of what I’ve got in me, on the days when the solo life seems just a little bit too tough. Don’t worry - you got this girl. 
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billliebeskindpaint · 7 years
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Palestine, 8
From the other side.   I left Ramallah and made the quick trip to Jerusalem. Two stops at checkpoints where a few young, Israeli soldiers came on the bus to check for passports.  They eyed a few a little carefully, giving the once over to a few older, Palestinian women.  With me, they saw the U.S. stamp and just walked on by.  The soldiers couldn’t have been more than 20 years old.  Babies. Just a few days ago they were playing with little toys and asking Mommy and Daddy to buy them ice cream.   Now they are unshaven, angry looking young men, wielding weapons, expressing hatred.   
Two steps out of my door and I came upon this small group of protestors. Older (my age) men and women sitting at a busy cross section, holding up black signs demanding the end of the occupation.  I spoke with one woman for a bit.  She told me that they were there every Friday.   At least it’s something.  Across the street from them were a few nutty Israeli women holding up flags of Israel.  One was dancing and singing.  The counter revolution.  Or I guess the anti-occupiers were the counter folks.   
Jerusalem is a seriously beautiful city.  It’s an architectural wonder.   Gorgeous stone, beautifully sculpted.  The old city is simply amazing.  I gravitated quickly to the Western Wall.  It was Friday afternoon, just an hour before Sabbath.  It was rocking.  So much black!  Even me, a non-believing, disgruntled Jew who passed up a bar mitzvah for Christmas presents and American shit, stops and prays at the wall.  You have to.  You touch it, kneel before it, mumble a few sounds in made up Hebrew--and for two minutes you are one with god.  Then you step back and realize it’s okay to take pictures, so you become a tourist.
But really, these extra holy places are meaningful to the true believers.  The wall puts some in a trance.  I remember 38 years ago being here and someone came up to me and told me that the Garden of Eden was growing out of the wall.  True, there was some green brush popping out between the stones, but no sign of Adam, Eve, or the apple.
Did I mention that this city is half American.  As you walk the streets, the people come at you rambling in American English.  As they approach, they look Israeli. Jews in full Jewish garb, yarmulkes, black suits, some with peyahs and tsi tsis. But their talk is one hundred percent American.   The women who accompany the men in black look straight out of Miami Beach, Scarsdale and Forest Hills. It’s really something.  This whole world is really something!
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