#the random torture scene in avatar arc was also like ew stop
patentedsun · 4 months
I want to go through all of lucy's kidnapped/tortured/damsel in distress esque moments and categorize them into "properly done and important to her character arc" and "??? wtf".
Like on one end of the spectrum you have the entire phantom lord arc where she's a novice in combat and can't hold her own and she STILL has the guts to trash talk her captors and plot her own escape. In the middle there's the Dimaria scene, where Lucy's speech about having her eyes gouged out was cool as fuck but everything else was just weird creepy fanservice like why did she have to be naked lol. On the other end there's the Jacob fight where she just stands still and waits for his attack to hit her just so Natsu could get a cool moment to sweep in like NO. STOP. I love my nalu but what the hell was that Lucy is not that incompetent 😭
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