#the real nightmare is a job that fires you for playing almost indistinguishably similar creepy music from the standard in your off time
giantkillerjack · 11 months
Oh, old horror movies. Where the REAL suspense is not "will the church organist will join the demonic carnival?" but rather "do the writers of this film REALLY expect me to believe that this incredibly pushy romantic interest is actually charming and somehow a better choice than a rad-as-hell demon carnival???"
The answer is almost certainly yes, of course. They probably ALSO want me to be more creeped out by carnival music than church organ sounds, but lemme tell ya church music is CREEPY.
Anyway, alls I know is if the choice was "exist as a woman employed by a church in the 60s" and "oh shit I think maybe I DIDN'T survive falling off that bridge," then you know I am already at that death carnival having gay sex idk what to tell you.
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