#the reasons for the strike could be a very direct pipeline to having a substantial part of the workforce walk out
mccoalminer · 1 year
Why does it feel like we're constantly struggling against a huge step backwards in basic workers rights and protections?
Even putting the blatant disregard for working conditions aside: one of the biggest things uniting workers in these services is that they're all striking primarily not over pay but over conditions and funding: Across the board they're saying 'Even with a full workforce, it's impossible to provide a fit for purpose service.'
The answer to that isn't to sack workers?? There's already chronically not enough staff! How would any of these services cope with bulk firing their essential staff on top of the crippling pressures they're already facing.
There's no reason to propose a policy like this other than to accelerate the digging of public services' graves.
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rebbestorah · 7 years
An Hour with Rabbi Binyomin Klein, the Rebbe’s Secretary
In honor of Yud (10) Shevat, yahrzeit of the Frierdiker Rebbe, Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn (also known as the Rebbe Rayatz), and his enormous religious, practical and literary achievements. Yud Shevat is also the day when the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, assumed his father-in-law’s leadership and turned the struggling spark of postwar Judaism into the roaring flame of Chabad today.
With special thanks to Rabbis Yitzchok Holtzman and Rabbi Nissen Mangel, eulogizing
by Rabbi Manis Levin
Rabbi Klein’s tasks included top-secret liaison with the defense establishments in both Israel and the U.S. and the critical physical and spiritual rescue missions for threatened Jewish communities around the world.
It’s been said that you were assigned responsibility for the Rebbe’s high-level links to Israeli government and defense circles. How did that come about?
That I was born in Israel may be relevant but, since I left when I was nine, it’s far from the main reason. First of all, I was always in the Secretariat from morning until the Rebbe left 770. I never had “working hours”; I was on call constantly.
Secondly, I was the intermediary between Rabbi Hodakov and the world at large, and later on, between Rabbi Hodakov and the Rebbe. For that reason all the confidential missions and high-security links that Rabbi Hodakov directed became my responsibility: I was already “inside.” That’s how the link was created to delegations, defense figures, diplomatic personnel, and the media.
Can you describe the extent of the Rebbe’s involvement in Israeli government decisions?
Without using examples, I can relate a basic fact: I know clearly that over the years there were government ministers, who before reaching a decision, would ask, “What would the Lubavitcher Rebbe say about this?” Before finalizing anything they contacted the Rebbe. All this began from the establishment of the State. There were Mapai members who maintained close links with the Rebbe.
How did that happen?
Those that had a direct personal link with the Rebbe looked upon him in a unique manner. They knew, they understood, that the Rebbe’s active interest in Israeli affairs was apolitical. This was someone who truly cared. For that reason they attached enormous significance to their relationship, and to the Rebbe’s thoughts on pressing topics.
Can you give examples of people you’ve described?
General Aharon Yariv, head of Army intelligence, was here. When he came out of the Rebbe’s room, he asked me candidly: “You’re sure the Rebbe’s never been to Israel? I start presenting arguments why it’s pointless to hold onto the West Bank, and the Rebbe hits me with geography to explain why withdrawal is so dangerous: ‘Here there are mountains; here there are hills; here there’s a valley.’” He was stunned. The same thing happened with Arik Sharon.
What were the Rebbe’s information sources for events in Israel?
First of all: the Rebbe is a Rebbe. Secondly, when the Rebbe read reports sent to him, he saw at once between the lines – what was actually happening behind the scenes. And, the Rebbe had covert information ties.
Maybe you could reveal one of those covert activities?
I’ll give you an example of something I did in the “Who is a Jew” campaign. Together with the public struggle that was unfolding, the Rebbe was very active behind the scenes. Through the efforts of the scholarly Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin, the Rebbe attempted to influence the Interior Minister of the time, Mr. Moshe Chaim Shapira. I remember that once in the thick of the conflict, I was instructed to telephone one of Shapira’s intimates. I read to him over the phone a ten-page letter whose contents he was to tell Shapira urgently, in the Rebbe’s name.
Many clandestine activities were carried out for shleimus haAretz, the territorial integrity of the Holy Land, as well as completely secret campaigns for the rescue of Jewish communities in Tunisia and parts of Europe.
A substantial number of the connections existing with government figures was under wraps, as well. One day a messenger from the King of Morocco arrived secretly and, before entering the Rebbe’s room, asked me which regal modes of conduct were appropriate here: how does one put out his hand? An emissary of the King – well versed in courtly matters and very aware of having arrived at a palace – he wanted to abide by the royal protocol.
What was discussed inside?
I don’t know. I can only say that he conveyed the King’s gratitude for Chabad’s efforts on behalf of Morocco’s Jews.
On what other occasions did the Rebbe assist Jews in troubled countries?
Many events involved Russia. Some have already been revealed; many are still hidden. The Rebbe personally sent thousands of packages of sefarim and Jewish materials to Russia’s Jews. It was known that only a portion of the shipments reached their destinations, and for this reason such large quantities were sent. Rabbi Binyomin Gorodetsky organized the shipments via Europe and other routes.
Let’s get back to Israel. On the 25th of Nissan, 1990, when the Rebbe spoke abruptly about information that the PLO was poised to attack Jews, what exactly was happening?
Prime Minister Shamir had called me two hours earlier with this absolutely confidential report. But when the Rebbe went to minchah, he openly described receiving this news and gave instructions for everyone to increase their endeavors in Torah, tefillah, and tzedakah. And that nullified the threat. The next day’s New York Times described intelligence reports of the PLO’s plans to strike at Israeli targets worldwide.
What did the Prime Minister ask when he passed the information to you?
He asked me to inform the Rebbe that he had received intelligence reports that today – now – they were expected PLO terrorist attacks on numerous Israeli population centers throughout the world, and he asked for the Rebbe’s berachah [blessing]. I gave this message at once to the Rebbe who, well aware of the situation’s gravity, worked to immediately nullify it.
Did defense personnel pass classified material to the Rebbe on their own initiative? Wasn’t this a security break?
Clearly not. It was within authorized operational procedures. The government recognized that the Rebbe wasn’t coming from some personal agenda. They wanted him to know.
Did you personally carry out missions to Israel?
Yes. At times I wouldn’t know about my trip until an hour before. On one occasion, traveling on a shlichus [mission] from the Rebbe to Israel, I landed in the morning and took off the same night for home. When I arrived at Lod Airport for the return trip, the border guard checking my passport asked me why I came for only one day. “I came to visit someone,” I answered.
Not satisfied by this, he called over his security supervisor. In the interrogation that followed, when I said, “I’m the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s secretary,” the questions stopped and they waved me through immediately.
By the way, the Rebbe instructed me to visit the Holy Places on each trip.
Were you a visitor at the Kiryah [government and security headquarters] in Tel Aviv?
(smiling) Isn’t that where the State is located?
Every time I came back from a trip to Israel, the Rebbe wanted detailed reports. If I visited a school he wasn’t satisfied with general impressions. He wanted to hear everything: How many students? What’s the morning curriculum? What’s the evening curriculum? Whom did you meet? Whom not?
When I presented these reports to the Rebbe, he gave his complete attention. Sometimes he wanted a written report as well.
On the subject of secrecy, were there also links with directors of the Mossad [Israel’s secret service]?
Before the appointment it was always known over here who would be head of the Mossad, and we were always in touch with him. I’m not able to say more than that. I’ll only note that in recent times, it was common knowledge that Mr. Nachum Admoni maintained close contact with the Rebbe, as did Mr. Yitzchak Chofi. When, for example, we learned that he was hospitalized in Minnesota, the local shaliach was a visitor at his bedside.
How did you know?
More questions?
What was the nature of the Rebbe’s contacts with Israeli government and military figures?
The government received both advice and assistance. For example, after learning of Norway’s willingness to sell oil, the Rebbe advised the Israeli government to make an agreement to acquire it. There was advice and guidance regarding weapons purchases. Another example: Israeli intelligence needed something from Belgium. I called up the shaliach there and asked him to verify certain matters, though he himself never knew that the request was related to intelligence gathering. The Israeli government sought the Rebbe’s feedback on many issues.
In this, too, the Rebbe insisted on extraordinary secrecy. I would receive their correspondence via diplomatic pouch. Secret channels were used for the Rebbe’s written responses: either they dispatched their couriers, or I would send our own.
Was there yechidus [audience] with these high-security figures?
Yes, certainly. The government called me up once in the 1980s to say that someone top-secret wishing to meet with the Rebbe would arrive in the U.S. in a day or two. It wasn’t possible, they said, to give his name. They requested that I ask the Rebbe if he would be prepared to meet with him. It was very strange: never before had it happened that they declined to use a name.
Myself, I’m only a pipeline. I went in to the Rebbe with their question. The Rebbe immediately instructed me to tell them. Yes. When this individual reached here two days later, he was in the Rebbe’s room for two hours. On leaving, he identified himself to me (he was a senior Mossad staffer), only because of the necessity to maintain close connections regarding the matter for which he had come.
Could you describe the personal relationships the Rebbe had with the secretaries?
From time to time the relationships were on a very personal level. Family simchas, for example. After a wedding in the family the Rebbe wanted to know which guests arrived; who was honored with the ceremonial participation known as kibbudim. Before weddings he instructed to whom – among people I was in touch with in the Rebbe’s name (including the Prime Minister) – to send invitations. Plus advice: “It would be appropriate to give kibbudim to so-and-so . . . .”
That was also the case in times of sadness. At the shivah after my father passed away in Jerusalem, the Rebbe asked me which customs were observed regarding the time when the matzeivah [tombstone] was placed. He was interested in all the details. I wanted to go back to Israel for the first yahrzeit, which was going to be on Shabbos, but I didn’t want to miss Shabbos here. I told the Rebbe that I’d leave motzaei Shabbos in order to arrive in Israel on Sunday.
The Rebbe responded, “What, and make a point of arriving there after the yahrzeit?” I replied that I didn’t want to miss Shabbos here, and the Rebbe answered, “So don’t go!” I didn’t.
Only Twice in 30 Years
Did you ever have occasion to call the Rebbe at home at night?
Throughout all the years of my work, this happened only twice.
The first occasion was related to the illness of the Gerer Rebbe, of blessed memory, the author of Beis Yisrael. That evening, when I brought the Rebbe to his home, he had asked me to find out how the Gerer Rebbe was feeling and to update him every hour. Late at night I got through to the court of Ger in Jerusalem and then passed on to the Rebbe what I had been informed.
The second occasion resulted from a telephone call from Australia. An elderly man refused to undergo what the physicians defined as emergency life-saving surgery, unless the Rebbe gave his consent. This the Rebbe did when I called him at home.
And did the Rebbe ever call you at home?
At times the Rebbetzin would call to say that the Rebbe wanted to speak to me, and he would then take over. This would generally concern something that I had been told during the day. At any rate, I never once saw the Rebbe dialing a number.
No Excuses
Once the Rebbe asked me to do something and then to report to him what had taken place. The Rebbe expected to receive the report in the morning, but since at any time I did not enter the Rebbe’s study before davenen [prayer] and on that day the opportunity to do so did not arise after davenen either, I entered his study in the day and reported what had been done.
The Rebbe immediately asked why I had not reported back earlier. “Though I was certain that you did it,” he said, “because there is a chazakah [halachic presumption] that an emissary fulfills his mission, we nevertheless learn from Moshe Rabbeinu that the proper practice is to report back on what in fact was done.”
And indeed, throughout all those years, I never once offered excuses to the Rebbe. This was one of the unwritten rules of work in the Secretariat – no excuses and no apologies. Chassidim tell that the Rebbe Rashab [fifth Lubavitcher Rebbe] once rebuked a Chassid for something that he had done and the Chassid offered his excuses.
The Rebbe Rashab replied: “Your explanation is fine, but the query remains intact.” (Yiddish: obber di kasha blaibt a kasha.)
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raveenarenu-blog · 6 years
Data analytics trends
Information has been collecting in the endeavor at a torrid pace for quite a long time. the web of things (iot) will just quicken the making of information as information sources move from web to portable to machines. Learn Data Science training in Chennai at Greens technologys.
 "This has made a desperate need to scale out information pipelines in a savvy way," says fellow churchward, president of ongoing spilling information stage supplier datatorrent.
 For some, undertakings, floated by advances like apache hadoop, the appropriate response was to make information lakes — venture wide information administration stages for putting away the majority of an association's information in local organizations. information lakes guaranteed to separate data storehouses by giving a solitary information archive the whole association could use for everything from business investigation to information mining. crude and ungoverned, information lakes have been pitched as a major information get all and fix all.
 Yet, while information lakes have demonstrated effective for putting away gigantic amounts of information, increasing significant bits of knowledge from that information has demonstrated troublesome.
"The information lake served organizations incredibly well through the information 'very still' and 'clump' period," churchward says. "in 2015, it began to wind up clear this design was getting abused, yet it's presently turned into the achilles heel for genuine continuous information examination. stopping information first, at that point investigating it instantly puts organizations at a monstrous inconvenience. with regards to picking up bits of knowledge and accepting activities as quick as figure can permit, organizations depending on stale occasion information make an aggregate shroud on perceivability, activities, and any conceivable prompt remediation. this is one region where 'sufficient' will demonstrate deliberately deadly."
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 The CDO will come of age
 As a feature of this new push to improve experiences from information, eide likewise predicts the cdo part will make its mark in 2018.
"Information is basically the new oil, and the cdo is starting to be perceived as the linchpin for handling a standout amongst the most imperative issues in ventures today: driving an incentive from information," eide says. "regularly with a financial plan of under $10 million, one of the greatest difficulties and open doors for cdos is making the much-touted self-benefit opportunity a reality by conveying corporate information resources closer to line-of-business clients. in 2018, the cdos that work to strike a harmony between a concentrated capacity and abilities installed in throw will at last land the bigger spending plans." eide accepts cdos that empower assets, abilities, and usefulness to move quickly between focuses of magnificence and hurl will locate the most achievement. for this, eide says, deft stages and systems are critical.
 Rise of the data curator?
 Tomer shiran, president and fellow benefactor of examination startup dremio, a main impetus behind the open source apache bolt venture, predicts that endeavors will see the requirement for another part: the information keeper.
 The information custodian, shiran says, sits between information buyers (experts and information researchers who utilize instruments like scene and python to answer imperative inquiries with information) and information builds (the general population who move and change information between frameworks utilizing scripting dialects, start, hive, and mapreduce). to be fruitful, information custodians must comprehend the importance of the information and also the advancements that are connected to the information.
 "The information keeper is in charge of understanding the sorts of examination that should be performed by various gatherings over the association, what datasets are appropriate for this work, and the means engaged with taking the information from its crude state to the shape and frame required for the activity an information purchaser will perform," shiran says. "the information caretaker utilizes frameworks, for example, self-benefit information stages to quicken the conclusion to-end procedure of giving information shoppers access to fundamental datasets without making unlimited duplicates of information."
 Data governance strategies will be key themes for all C-level executives
 The european association's general information assurance control (gdpr) is set to become effective on may 25, 2018, and it looms like a ghost over the investigation field, however not all endeavors are readied.
The gdpr will apply specifically in all eu part states, and it fundamentally changes how organizations must look for agree to gather and process the information of eu subjects, clarify legal advisors from morrison and foerster's worldwide protection + information security gathering: miriam wugmeister, worldwide security co-seat; lokke moerel, european protection master; and john carlin, worldwide hazard and emergency administration seat (and previous aide lawyer general for the u.s. branch of equity's national security division).
"Organizations that depend on assent for all their handling tasks will never again have the capacity to do as such, and will require other lawful bases (i.e., authoritative need and genuine intrigue)," they clarify. "organizations should actualize a radical new biological community for notice and assents."
Despite the fact that gdpr fines are possibly huge — the managerial fines can be up to 20 million euros or 4 percent of yearly worldwide turnover, whichever is most astounding — numerous ventures, especially in the u.s., are not readied.
"At the point when the y2k blast came around, everybody was getting ready for chances that they might possibly confront," says scott gnau, cto of hortonworks. "today, it appears that scarcely anybody is legitimately planning for the gdpr being implemented in may 2018. why not? we're right now in a stage where each association isn't just endeavoring to bargain for 'what's straightaway,' yet they're attempting to keep up and manage issues that need settling now. numerous associations are likely depending on boss security officers to characterize the standards, frameworks, parameters, and so on., to help their worldwide framework integrators make sense of the best game-plan. that is anything but a reasonable desire to put on one person's part."
To uphold gdpr legitimately requires the c-suite be educated, arranged, and open with all features of their association, gnau says. associations will require a superior handle on the general administration of their information resources. in any case, expansive breaks, similar to the equifax rupture that became visible in 2017, implies they will battle to adjust giving self-benefit access to information for workers while shielding that same information from forthcoming dangers.
Subsequently, gnau predicts information administration will be a center point for all associations in 2018.
"A key objective ought to build up a framework that adjusts democratization of information, get to, self-benefit examination, and control," gnau says. "the way we draftsman information securely going ahead will affect everybody — clients in the u.s. what's more, abroad, the media, your accomplices, and the sky is the limit from there." zachary bosin, executive of arrangement advertising for multi-cloud information administration pro veritas advancements, predicts a u.s. organization will be one of the first to be fined under the gdpr.
"In spite of the looming due date, just 31 percent of organizations studied by veritas overall trust they are gdpr-consistent," bosin says. "punishments for resistance are steep, and this control will affect each and any organization that arrangements with eu nationals."
 The proliferation of metadata management continues
 It's not simply the gdpr, obviously. the information downpour continues developing, and governments around the globe are forcing new directions subsequently. inside associations, groups have considerably more noteworthy access to information than at any other time. this all signifies expanded significance of information administration, alongside information quality, information joining and metadata administration.
"Metadata administration and guaranteeing information protection for controls, for example, gdpr joins prior patterns like ai and iot. "organizations are progressively assessing approaches to streamline their general innovation stack on the off chance that they need to effectively use huge information and investigation to make a superior client encounter, accomplish business targets, gain an upper hand, and, at last, move toward becoming business sector pioneers."
Extricating significant bits of knowledge and expanding operational viability will require adaptable, coordinated apparatuses that enable clients to rapidly ingest, get ready, break down and administer information, williams says. metadata administration, specifically, will be basic to supporting information administration, administrative consistence, and information administration requests in big business information conditions.
 Predictive analytics helps improve data quality
 As information ventures move into creation, information quality is progressively a worry. this is particularly valid as iot opens the conduits further. infogix says 2018 will see associations swinging to machine learning calculations to upgrade information quality peculiarity location. by utilizing chronicled examples to anticipate future information quality results, organizations can powerfully recognize oddities that may somehow have gone unnoticed or may just have been discovered substantially later through manual mediation.
"As more information is produced through advancements like iot, it turns out to be progressively hard to oversee and use," washington says. "coordinated self-benefit instruments convey a comprehensive perspective of a business' information scene to draw significant, auspicious ends. full straightforwardness into a business' information resources will be vital for effective investigation activities, tending to information administration and protection needs, adapting information resources, and more as we move into 2018."
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