#the rest of my apt is rly stressing me out im normal πŸ‘πŸ‘
girlwithfish Β· 1 year
im so tired😭😭
#i did not eat dinner sry cringe fail flop etc i was too scared to leave the bedroom bc#the rest of my apt is rly stressing me out im normal πŸ‘πŸ‘#so i didnt want to leave the comfort of my room bc even tho its not that clean or nice or tidy its the most tidiest place in here#my living room is cluttered w my suitcase and bags i need to unpack and i dont put them in my room bc the room is too small nd itd like#clutter it so its all just in mg living room#plus all the stuff in my closet i had to take out cuz scared the water nd moisture from leak will spread to rest of wall and get everything#wet nd my sister made me paranoid abt bugs gstting attracted to all fhe moisture and or breeding πŸ‘#so i tried to be preventative and took everything out plus when maintenance comes on wednesday#i need to have the space cleared anyway when they hopefully fix the wall#and this big ass fan maintenance gave me is in the hallway outside my room pointed toward the ceiling nd#its so loud i got used to it but its louder when im outside my bedroom and kind of over stimulating#but im trying not to be affected and also just staying in my room where its still loud and audible but less if i was outside i guess#and my bathroom needs to be cleaned but the leak above my shower is grossing me out etc#and idk i havent eben checked if everything has stopped leaking i rly hope so😭😭#so anyway im just hiding in my room bc its the least stressful place for me rn but i also didnt eat dinnerso i feel delirious rnπŸ‘
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