#the rising kow super fanbook
lalunameli · 4 months
Yuri Petrov's Daily Schedule
From: The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook
@tnbscans really made my day today with this scan of Yuri's Daily Schedule from The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook. It has been previously translated but like all things Yuri, it's so quirky and hilarious that I was really happy to get a chance to read about the robot vacuum cleaner and the forgotten banana in their native language. Not only that, this man showered from 9:06pm to 10:28pm (must be nice to prevent pruning with your own built-in furnace 🤣), then noticed one of his nails was broken and filed it down. Werk 💅
Yuri Petrov, you silly silly lovable weirdo.
Note: I have also been provided with a cleaner scan of Yuri's KOW Profile which I will add to that post.
Yuri Petrov
0: 00 自宅にて、抱えている案件の書類に目を通している
12:00am At home. Looked through the documents for his cases.
1 : 34ミネラルウォーターを飲みながらオペラを鑑賞
1:34am Drank mineral water while listening to opera
2:38am Went to bed
6:30am Alarm went off, got out of bed.
6:35 洗顔&歯磨き
6:35am Washed his face and brushed his teeth
6:44 着替え。整髪
6:44am Changed his clothes and fixed his hair
6:51 母親の分も朝食を作る
6:51am Made breakfast for him and his mother
7:12am Ate breakfast with his mother who had woken up
7:50am The Nursing Staff arrived to pick up his mother.
8:00am Set the "ON" button of the robot vacuum cleaner
8:03am Left his house
8:30am Got to work 30 mins early. Started his work day
8:43am Went to the washroom and noticed it hadn't been attended to by the cleaning staff as it was out of toilet paper. He refilled each stall with toilet paper.
9:00am Morning Meeting
9:35 案件の資料に目を通す
9:35am Looked over his case materials
11:00 休憩。コーヒーにシロップを入れて飲む
11:00am Break. Drank coffee with syrup.
12:08 司法局内でデリバリーの昼食
12:08am Lunch delivered to the Justice Bureau
12:49 経済誌とバナナを購入
12:49pm Bought a business magazine and a banana.
12:55 歯磨き&身だしなみチェック
12:55pm Brushed his teeth and checked his appearance
13:00 デスクワーク
1:00pm Deskwork (paperwork)
14:45 休憩に入る。コーヒーにシロップを入れようとして、きれている事に気付く。悲しくなる
2:45pm Took a break. Tried to put syrup in his coffee and noticed it was out. Felt sad.
14:48 仕事を再開
2:48pm Resumed working
18:00 帰り支度。バナナを忘れていたことを思い出し、鞄に仕舞う
6:00pm Got ready to go home. Realized he had forgotten about his banana and placed it in his bag
18:04 司法局を出る
6:04pm Left the Justice Bureau
18:16 スーパーマーケットに立ち寄り、ミネラルウォーターを6本購入
6:16pm Stopped by the supermarket and bought 6 bottles of mineral water
6:44pm Returned home
18:45 手洗い&うがい
6:45pm Washed his hands and gargled
19:00 介護STAFFが母親を連れてくる
7:00pm The Nursing Staff brought his mother home
19:17 調理
7:17pm Cooked
19:48 母親は既に食事を終えているので、一人きりで夕食。デザートにバナナを食べる
7:48pm Ate dinner alone since his mother had already eaten. Had a banana for dessert.
20:21 TVでニュースをチェック
8:21pm: Watched the News on TV
20:59 今日もシュテルンビルトで殺人事件は発生していない。無言で小さく頷く
8:59pm Took note there were no murders today in Stern Bild. Gave a small nod in silence.
21:06 入浴(シャワー)
9:06pm Bathed (took a shower)
22:28 身体を拭き、髪の毛を乾かす。爪が割れているのに気付き、ヤスリで磨く
10:28pm Wiped off his body and dried his hair. Noticed he had broken a nail and filed it.
22:38 母親が何やら話し始める。今日は機嫌が良いらしく、ユーリの中学時代の思い出を楽しそうに話している。相槌を打ち、優しい笑みを浮かべる
10:38pm His mother started talking about something. Noticed she seemed to be in a good mood today, and was happily talking about the memories of Yuri's junior high school days. He nodded while smiling gently.
23:06 眠ってしまった母親をベッドに連れて行く
11:06pm Took his sleeping mother to her bed
23:15 携帯電話がメールが届いたことを知らせる音を鳴らす。誰にもアドレスを伝えていない筈なので驚く。ゆっくりとメールを見てみると宛先を間違えたメールだった。「アドレスをお間違えのようです」とメールを返す。だが、先方からの返信はなかった
11:15pm Received an alert on his cellphone about a new email. This surprised him because he doesn't give his email address to anyone. He looked at the email slowly, and noticed it had a wrong address. "It seems that you have the wrong address," he responded. There was no response from the other party.
23:21 抱えている案件の資料に目を通す
11:21pm Looked over case materials
23:54pm Unwittingly fell asleep on his desk
12:00am (next day)
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tnbscans · 19 days
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Hero daily schedules from The Rising Superfan Book included in The Rising King of Works.
Translations available below:
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lalunameli · 6 months
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From The Rising - King of Works Super Fanbook. Scan provided by @tnbscans
本名: ユーリ・ペトロフ(Yuri Petrov)
Real Name: Yuri Petrov
所属企業: シュテルンビルト司法局
Affiliation: Stern Bild Judicial Bureau
身長: 188cm
Height: 188cm
住まい: 非公開
Residence: Private/Non-Public
長所: 冷静沈着
Pros: Being calm and collected (cool and levelheaded)
短所: 協調性に欠けていること/流行に疎いこと/歌が下手なこと
Cons: Lack of cooperation / Not familiar with trends / Poor at singing
好きな食べ物: シュガー
Favourite Food: Sugar
嫌いな食べ物: キノコ類
Dislikes (Food): Mushrooms
得意なこと: 人間分析/ジグソーパズル
Strengths: Human analysis/jigsaw puzzles
苦手なこと(弱点): 雑談/世間話
Weaknesses: Chatting/Making small talk
趣味(休日の過ごし方): 音楽鑑賞/観葉植物との会話/ジグソーパズル/介護
Hobbies (During time off/holidays): Music appreciation/Talking to houseplants/Jigsaw Puzzles/Caregiving
座右の銘: この世の中に、人間ほど凶悪な動物はいない。オオカミは共食いをしないが、人間は人間を生きながらにして丸飲みする。
Motto: There is no animal in society as atrocious as humans. Wolves don't feed on each other, yet humans swallow each other whole.
将来の目標: 悪を根絶すること/5000ピースのパズルを完成させること
Future Goals: To eradicate evil/To complete a 5000 piece puzzle
Original post also contained Romaji of his motto:
オオカミは共食いをしないが、人間は人間を生きながらにして丸飲みする。- ユーリ・ペトロフ/ルナティック
Kono yononaka ni, ningen hodo kyouaku na doubutsuwa i nai.
Oogami wa tomogui o shinnai ga, ningen wa ningen o iki nagara ni shite maru nomisuru. - Yuri Petrov/Lunatic
There is no animal in society as atrocious as humans.
Wolves don't feed on each other, yet humans swallow each other whole. - Yuri Petrov/Lunatic
Scan provided by @tnbscans
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