#the robobabes
bedheadandsleepmeds · 11 months
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And then also that drawing of REX from the commission sheet as a standalone [^-^]
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amaihoneybug · 1 year
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Somethimes when im angry I only heal people I like ._. so be kind to supports
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storiesofzi · 1 year
not the robobabe 💀 *disowns you*
hey you called my yeezy we're equal
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ssamhainn · 7 days
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im anděl or other secret name if u know who i am i use he/him pronouns i like everyone and i like robots and maybe other mysterious things not of this realm i also i like vkei and homestuck and rhythm games
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no dni be free forever (i reserve the right to block)
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robobabe is @ddanzigg
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infiniteedge · 1 year
Labrys best robobabe (even if I only barely played the fighting games)
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Extremely based and correct take
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fatdotsuki · 1 year
Yeah like! You can play with Evelyn’s proportions because of how She’s, yknow, Robobabe, which means you can just stack fat on certain places and leave others thin or longer to compensate! Or like, shortstack her. Or make all of her limbs fat but leave her with a tiny rack…
Could we also see her other forms one day?
Shortstack sounds very cute... Also, yeah, probably, but they're not anything NSFW so don't get your hopes up in that way LOL. They're more Rule of Cool SFW stuff, that I would post on a SFW art blog if I made enough SFW art to consistently host one of those. I'll prolly just share it here for fun if I ever do manage to jot it down.
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annunakitty · 1 year
Oh no, the sexy robobabes are evolving and don't have the tell-tale emoji spam in their blog descriptions anymore 😨
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love-toxin · 4 years
All I want is to be invited to one big sleepover with all ur ocs. That's all I want. Ill never scream for ur attention again I promise. Pls
the highlights:
Harley ignores everyone.
Tsung sneaks up beside you after you fall asleep. If he can't get close enough, he takes a picture of you sleeping instead.
Yuri isn't there because ew, he's not sleeping on the floor.
Seiko gets anxious and hides in the bathroom until everyone leaves.
Umi insists on snuggling up with their little brother for nostalgia purposes, and also to try and convince you to sleep between them. Kaito doesn't mind either way. 
Ingrid brandishes a pair of scissors at anyone who comes near, except for you. Gets pouty if you don't sleep with her. 
Ebbi takes sleeping photos of everyone he can for blackmail. Everyone thinks he's weird for not taking off his shoes to sleep. 
Lilith crushes up sleeping pills in the drink she tries to give you, so you'll fall asleep on her chest. Elias drinks it "by accident" and collapses on top of her for the rest of the night. 
Suki gets fur on everyone's pillows and bites Ebbi when he calls him a stupid mutt. Ebbi pretends that he doesn't find it kind of hot. 
Adrian has to prop up a pillow under him so he doesn't get a sore back in the morning. Possibly the only safe person to sleep next to, except for the fact that Seóirse nuzzles up to his side when he's trying to get comfortable, and squishes you in his sleep if you're anywhere near him. 
Morgan has no fucking clue what's going on. Chihiro told him they were going out to get pizza, but it was really so they could get closer to you. 
Isabelle watches you through the window in the dark, since nobody wanted to let the creepy chick with a knife come in. 
Nina clears a four foot space around her away from everyone else, and will only allow you and Ingrid to come closer than that. If anyone tries, they get maced with a can of hairspray she keeps in her purse. 
Jiyu eats too much sugar, crashes, and falls asleep before she can hatch her plan to get you to sleep with her. She probably gets her wallet stolen. 
Tsubasa is following Chihiro around, trying to figure out whether he's their son or they're siblings, among other hypotheses. Chihiro gets Morgan to trip over him so they can beat a hasty retreat from the strange little robot. 
Angel falls asleep cuddled up on your chest, whether you sleep next to someone else or not. She just appears there any time you move, and clings to you so you can't even think of pushing her off.
Hyun-Jin doesn't sleep, and stays up playing on his phone so he can keep an eye on you while you're unconscious. If you sleep in his lap, he'll give the evil eye to everyone else until they feel the temperature in the room drop to freezing. 
Makoi comes for the free food, and leaves if you refuse to go home with him. He'll just sit on the front step, light up a cigarette, and pout the whole night if you do though.
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soulspark · 5 years
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Realized I put this in drafts and didn't post it, oops [^-^;]
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dorkshadows · 5 years
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Orville AU where everything is the same except robobabe Isaac is 20% more emotive.
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sbnkalny · 4 years
I love u , U precious robobab
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storiesofzi · 1 year
yeezy really went from expressing pain through literature to going cuckoo over ramyeonz 💀
its a lifestyle brian not a skin colour
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erregent · 5 years
         there was a post floating around awhile back defending sophisticated androids wanting to/being able to participate in sexual acts that said something like ‘if you don’t think kamski thought about designing androids to put his mayonnaise dick in to then you aren’t creative’ and i still think about it to this day
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caffeinated-artist · 5 years
I'm just a girl who wants to be sandwiched by Cayde and Shiro. 💁🏽‍♀️
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pocasu · 5 years
I still love Mikaze Ai
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