#the role-playing aspect??? at least insofar as speaking as my character goes
livvywrites · 4 years
I know you reblogged the ask game hours ago but WARLOCK (oc(s) of your choice) :) PS. What are your thoughts on D&D? Do you play it?
thank you!! & it doesn’t matter how long ago i reblogged it; i’ll take asks until i rb a second game xD
Warlock: What alliances does your character rely on for survival? What do these relationships offer them - protection, power, wealth, love, etc.?
For Elaena this time!
Elaena relies on her status as Death’s eldest daughter/Eldoa’s first Reaper to get what she wants most of the time. It’s a powerful position, as she is considered to be Death’s Right Hand, and also a rather wealthy one---even if she technically doesn’t have any money. Her relationship with her father is very important to this role, as she couldn’t do what she does without his backing. Luckily, they’re pretty close!!
And I adore D&D! Currently I’m playing in a campaign as a tiefling ranger. She’s adorable & I love her!! This is my second-ever campaign, though I had to leave my first one early bc of ‘net and timing issues. I enjoy playing a lot though!!
[ wanna ask some D&D themed character questions? ]
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