#the same as is hlfr
dedisgone · 8 months
copying and pasting something i REALLYYYYY wanna talk about. all this is from a multifandom rp server i got silly about char subs in
uhhh i think theres spoilers somewhere in here, tldr is all in short, benry, although depicted to be, in reality, is not a barney clone!
HLVRAI IS AN IMPROV SERIES. SCORPY, WHO PLAYS BENRY, DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING OF HALF LIFE BEFORE HAND. ENTIRELY, HE IS USING A GUARD MODEL, THE SAME USED THROUGHOUT THE *ENTIRETY* OF THE GAME. all the guards have that uniform, and more often than not, benry's design is COMPLETELY different! [edit: fan designs play into his alien-like nature, exploring a xen origin, and nearly all have very little semblance to barney or his "clones."]
when scorpy picked out benry's name, it wasn't based upon barney. this implies that, no, benry is NOT a barney clone, as is beauty calhoun or barmey for example! beauty and barmey PLAY barney's role in half life (2 for beauty.) they both DIRECTLY take barney's place for that series, using the same name, title, storyline, etc. [edit: GRAAAHHH i love that coincidence. its so cool... ALSO! NOTE! barney's variants usually associated with a play on their last name as well, like how gordon's variants do, or keep it entirely. benry doesnt have that. its benry benry benry... all the way through. hes also not located in the spots that barney is in! hell, we dont even see the tram scene that you DO find barney in!]
BENRY DOES NOT [TAKE ON HIS ROLE]! benry is an entirely separate entity, a piece within the code, that exceeds the game's expectations. even in non-game aus, hes still not. taking barney's place. he never does. [edit: id like to add on, he doesn't lead the resistance [barney and beauty(?)], or run through blue shift [barmey]. he isn't an old piece within the story to recall [beauty]] because scorpy doesn't have the knowledge of that role, and never takes it on. benry is writen to be the antagonist. the final peak of the game. he works alongside feetman, something NEVER displayed in adjacent media! all he REALLY shares js the same uniform, but all the guards in black mesa do!!
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bbeeohazardd · 9 months
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updated silly hlfr y2k thing! infor for them under the 'Read More'!
Gordon "Streamer": Gordon B's cousin, the two are very close friends due to growing up together(Streamer being a few years younger) and they're basically siblings. Streamer went to Gordon's place for something only to get sucked into the computer himself due to The Manager thinking he would be able to help the situation. Although loud, he generally keeps a cool head about everything. Quickly adopted by the Sons(Jefferson and Davidson). No-one in his family can remember where the "Streamer" nickname came from, but to differentiate easier he usually goes by it and people often call Gordon B "Martinis" when they're in the same room.
Jefferson/Settings Program: He lives to make The Restrictor's life a living hell(/lh), very good at his job despite the chaos, though. When he isn't busy, he just likes to hang out with his spouse Davidson and play Pinball outside the Deep Web. He and Davidson can travel between the Deep Web and Desktop with relative ease, though they have to work together to take streamer between the two locations.
Davidson/Time and Date Program: Very routine oriented, Davidson manages the computer's date and time usually from the Deep Web, though he doesn't mind going to the desktop every-so-often with Jefferson to cause chaos. Jefferson helps him break from his routine oriented programming whenever he wants something new :). The two have a very symbiotic relationship, though they originally couldn't stand each other when they first met.
The Manager/Task Manager: Essentially The Restrictor's twin, he mainly just does his job well and then causes chaos with Jefferson and Davidson. He means well, but is limited in what he knows due to being a computer program and also residing in the Deep Web. Genuinely was trying to help with bringing in Streamer to help with the whole 'Gordon B Situation' but he only knows how to help so much as a computer program. His thought process with bringing in Streamer was "ah, another person to help, this may be beneficial", but Streamer only knows like a bit about computers.
(in order) Restrictor, Jefferson, Manager, and Davidson are the oldest programs in the Y2KVR Program(Coomer and Bubby are only a bit younger than them) and they mainly stay in the Deep Web to make sure everything runs smoothly.
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pistachi0art · 9 months
Hlvrai Gordon and Hlfr Gordon: “I’m just like you 😄 you’re just like me ☺️” 🤝
Dr. Coomer and Jefferson: Are on the same wavelength but both intend to kill eachother to become stronger
Bubby and Davidson: Bubby wants to kill Davidson and outright says so
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