#the second dream is a first for me. I'm the second oldest in a quiverful family.
lemememeringue · 2 years
I've been having some uncharacteristically violent dreams since I got sick
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lovely-scents · 5 years
Hyungwon: Unknown Feelings
Hyungwon is sleeping soundly on the couch. But he is slowly gets awaken with the smells and the sounds from the kitchen. Still being half asleep, he is looking where did the smell came from. And when his sight caught a glimpse of someone at the kitchen, he gets dumbfounded. It feels like as if he is still dreaming.
“Who is it?” asks him without getting up from the couch, but still loud enough to be heard by the girl at the kitchen. She gets startled and turns to him. And when he saw her face, he just lets out a sighs.
“Oh, it’s just you.” he says and continue to lay his head down again.  Looks like he is still hasn’t get used by her presence in this house.
While rubbing on his sleepy eyes, he get himself up from the couch lazily, slowly walks towards the kitchen to check up on her. He is standing close behind her, trying to have a look at her cooking.
“Smells good. What are you cooking?” asks him with his husky, sleepy voice. 
“I made a chicken stew for lunch.” says her nicely. And he just nods.
“Okay. I’ll take a shower first.” he says before he left to their room. She turns to see him walks away from the kitchen. 
It has been three days since they’re living together, but it still feels awkward for her to be in here with him. And looks like he is still haven’t get used with her in here too.
It was an arranged marriage for them. She is the only child in her family, and her family want her to get married with a nice and reliable man who can take a really good care of her.
Meanwhile, Hyungwon is the oldest son from the three siblings. But the second son is proposing to their parents to get married first before him. Their parents are opposing, stating that he can’t get married before Hyungwon did. So, they decided to get him married with one of their friend’s daughter, which is her.
 And both of them ended up getting married after being arranged by their families.
Hyungwon just get back from his duty. And looks like he got injured quite badly, especially on his arms. He just casually walks from the front door directly into his room to get the first-aid kit.
He grabs the box from the shelf and walk away. He gets startled when she suddenly appears at the door. Both of them get surprised at each other.
But she gets even more surprised when she saw his hand, covered in blood. “Hyungwon.. Your hands.. A-Are you alright? What happened?” asks her in worries. He can sees her hands trembling in fear by looking at his current conditions right now.
“Oh, it was nothing. I just got injured while working.” he casually says as if it wasn’t a big deal for him. Well, it wasn’t anything new for him anyways. 
Having a job as a homicide detective is very risky, and dangerous too. So, getting injured and scratches while working is quite normal for him. He already get used to it.
He sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to finished treating his hand. He turns to his side, looking at his torned jacket, covered in his own blood. And he sighs.
“I just bought that jacket last week.. but, seems like I need to throw it out now.” he sighs in disappointment. And he gets back to face her.
He starts looking at her in confused, and leaning down a bit to peek on her face. 
“Are you crying?” asks him while taking a look at her face. She is just keeping herself quiet without answering. She will wipes away the tears with her back hand and sobbing quietly at times, but she is still continue to treat his hand carefully.
“Why are you crying?” asks him again when she is not answering. He takes another look at her, starting to get worries.
“S-Sorry.. I'm just.. I’m just worried about you.” she slowly says with her sad voice, quivering. “Are you always getting hurt like this?”
“O-Oh.. Yeah, I did. But it’s okay. I already get used to it. It’s normal to get hurted while working. Luckily I was being hospitalised just only that once.”
“Hmm? Oh, I mean.. It wasn’t anything serious. Don’t worry about it too much.” he says while scratching his head awkwardly.  He already lost for words to convinced her.
“I’m sorry that I made you worried. I already get used to face all these kind of things on my own. Nobody ever get worried about me like this before."
"Thank you for worrying about me. I’ll be more careful next time.” he says while wiping her tears with his fingers. And she just nods slowly. 
Weird. He feels something weird inside his chest. He never had this kind of feeling before. It feels a little bit unpleasant inside, but he doesn’t hate this feeling. It’s just making him confused. What kind of feeling is this?
Hyungwon is lazing around on the couch while searching for something good to watch on tv. But there’s nothing interesting for him to watch, so he just turn off the tv and sighs.
“Hey, sweetie.."
She put down the magazine in her hands and turns to him when he calls. “Yes?”
“I’m bored. Let’s take a walk outside for a while." 
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The weather is quite cold outside, but it’s a pleasant evening for both of them. 
“Give me your hand." he says while taking her hand and put it inside the pocket of his jacket. “.. so you won’t get lost.”
She is just letting him and starts walking slowly with him on her side. There are not so many people on the street at that time. And it feels a bit quiet too since none of them are saying anything along the walk. But the silence doesn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Maybe they already get used with each other now. 
As they are walking together on the street, there’s a sudden shriek from an old woman, asking for some help.
“Help! He is snatching my purse..!" the old woman screams aloud, asking for a help. And they can see a man, nervously run away with his bicycle after snatching a purse from that old woman.
Hyungwon just watches him quietly from afar. And when he is coming near into their direction, he casually kicks the bicycle from the roadside, making the snatcher falls dramatically from his bicycle.
She gasps quietly, surprised with his sudden action. She never thought that he would kick off that bicycle to stop the snatcher from running away.
The snatcher gets up angrily and starts to shouts. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!"
But Hyungwon doesn’t even budge at him at all. He just stares at him quietly and wait. And it makes the snatcher gets even more furious.
“Don’t you even dare to pick up a fight with me!”
The snatcher get his fist ready and try to hit him real good. But his plan failed as Hyungwon moves faster than him. He swiftly grabs that man’s hand and twist it to his back effortlessly. He then takes out a handcuff from his back and cuff the man’s hands.
“Hey! Let me go..!" says the man as he is struggling to escape. A police officer suddenly came after the old woman telling him about what’s happening.
“Is everything alright, sir? Did you get hurt?" asks the officer politely as soon as he arrives.
"No, everything is under control. I got him.” he casually says while handing the man to the officer. “Bring him to the station. Make sure he pays for his wrongdoing. And this purse belongs to that old lady.”
“You guys can go first. I'll get along shortly.” 
"Yes, sir!” And the officer takes the man away, followed by the old woman after she thanked him for helping her.
After everything is settled, he turns to her again. She looks so surprised with everything that happened just now. She is speechless and so dumbfounded right now.
Did he always bring the handcuffs whenever he goes out? Even just for a walk like this..?
And that one earlier.. How can he just kick that bike out of a sudden and catch that man in a swift like it was nothing? She is so impressed and amazed over him.
"I'm sorry, but I think we need to drop by at the station for a bit. There's thing that I need to settle up." he suddenly says while scratching his head.
"I hope you don't mind. I'll make it up to you later. I promise."
They're having a lazy night together at the couch, watching a movie that has been shown on the tv at the moment.
It's almost 10pm and he's getting sleepy right now. He gently lean his head on her shoulder and start closing his eyes to sleep.
She leans a bit to take a peek at him who's already starts to dozing off on her shoulder.
"Shh.. I'm tired. Just let me sleep for awhile." he says in half asleep, still with his eyes closed. And he starts nuzzling over her neck, moving closer to her. His hand slowly wrap over her waist, snuggling over her before he drift off to sleep completely.
She just sits there quietly in flusters. His body feels so warm, and his soft breath is gently touching on her skin. It makes her heart flutters, but it gives her a warm feeling insides too.
Her lips slowly curves into a smile. She is caressing his hair and his face lovingly, so tenderly that it almost feel like love.
He slowly awakes from his sleep. The tv is already off, and everything sounds really quiet right now. He take a look at the time with his sleepy eyes. It's almost hit 1am now.
He turn to his side, finding her that's still sleeping soundly on the couch besides him. He let out a quiet sigh.
He carefully lifts her up to bring her to sleep in bed and put her back to sleep. He gives her a gentle kiss on her forehead without knowing before he realised what he just did.
He let out another sigh and scratch his head in flusters.
"You're really driving me insane lately. I'm losing control over everything whenever I'm with you. I can't even control my own heart beat, and I don't even know how to breathe properly anymore."
"And sometimes you make me forgot how to breathe too." he whispers.
"I want to keep you for my own. I want you to stay close with me all the time. I like the way you make me feel whenever I'm with you. Sometimes I'm so eager to touch you, but I'm too afraid with the thought of losing you. I don't want to hurt you."
"I don't know what you have done to me. I've never been like this before. And this unknown feeling inside here is killing me. It's suffocating me. I wish I would know what this feeling is.."
Read Unknown Feelings part 2
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