#the selfship potluck
bluebellhairpin · 11 months
I'm so excited for this little get get together omg :3. A lovely potluck/dinner party where we all get to hang out and bring our faves uwu.
You are such a gracious host, my darling! :D
Thank u for the invite <3. I'm sure all the drinks will be so yummy too~. Cannot wait to absolutely go ham on those crispy potatoes u made, my mouth is already watering >:)))))).
So glad you were kind enough to let me know some days ahead of time! Needed to make some rice and let it sit in the fridge the night before before I could use it owo.
Why, you ask? Because I don't want the grains to stick together when I do. Why is that, you ask? Because I will be bringing my house fried rice as a dish for the party! Some fried rice I make with chicken, shrimp, and bacon in it 🤤🍚💗.
Ofc I am bringing my favorite guy, Ichigo, as my number two 🧡🧡🧡. He does love a good bowl of fried rice from a restaurant, but he loves mine even more 🥰. He can put away SO many bowls of the stuff (and so can I lmao), so I always make big pots of it :3. The depths of flavor in mine just do somethin' special for him <3. Mans is telling everyone how good it is with each bite he takes, subtly (or maybe not so subtly) nudging them to go try some lol.
Hugging u as soon as u open the door!!
ICHIGO can move his skinny red ass. I am MARRYING you. Chicken? BACON?? In the rice??? I'm on my knees for you. That man of yours would barely need to breath out a phrase about u bringing your friend rice and I'll be shoving him into a wall to get to the table. ESPECIALLY right now bc its one of the foods I've been CRAVING for the past like week.
That door ain't just opening, it is FLI GING open as soon as your car is in my driveway. Erwin who? Sorry I only know TWYLA and her TO DIE FOR FRIED RICE. Only two foods on this world can I eat bowl after bowl of. FRIED RICE and soup. And I'm all out of soup.
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reikoackerman · 1 year
Characters: Levi x Rei (me) feat. Ackerman Juniors and Mama Kuchel
Genre: Modern!au
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Also very self-indulgent as heck hehe.
Word count: 2.8k
A/N: Happy birthday to the husband, the one and only Levi Ackerman 💚 here's my second birthday fic for him!!! There are a few references to my selfship writing and one-shot, and I'll link them here in case anyone is interested in reading them hehe.
And knowing me... there's some kind of humour and suggestive content lol but it's still sfw in general hehe please enjoy!!!
Happy birthday, Levi (Levi x Rei feat. Ackerman Juniors and friends, SFW)
Food play with Levi (Levi x fem!reader, NSFW)
Dance with me (Levi x Rei, SFW with suggestive ending)
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Today was Levi's birthday, and the kids, well—Renée—were so excited. Not only was it Levi's birthday, it was also Christmas, meaning that not only their Papa gets presents, they will be getting them too. 
Every year, we would host a birthday dinner at our place with Levi's friends, but this year, we decided to keep it small. With Charlotte's arrival, we just really didn't have the time and ability to host a large birthday dinner and to watch over our four children simultaneously. Levi was totally fine with the idea, happy even, when I told him we weren't asking our friends over this year. 
"Well thank fucking goodness. I never really enjoyed it much anyway," Levi complained to me one night while I was feeding Charlotte, "there's too much noise and too much food." 
"They all mean well, you know. We see Erwin and Mia pretty often, and Farlan and Isabel drop by once every few days too," I gently rubbed Charlotte's back to get her to burp before wearing my pyjamas properly, "but we literally only see Mike, Hange, Moblit, and Nanaba once a year." Walking to Charlotte's cot, I slowly coaxed her to sleep while Levi went to iron his clothes for work tomorrow. 
"I know, but really, I would definitely choose a simple dinner rather than a huge gathering," Levi paused for a short while before letting out a sigh, "remember last year's? When we did that potluck? You were three months pregnant and you had to plan and prepare so many things on top of everything else and you had to pretend you weren't carrying a baby in you and—"
"Shhh, amour," frowning when Levi started nagging, "you're going to wake our angel up." Levi stared at me and let out another sigh before continuing to iron his trousers. Once Charlotte started yawning and fell asleep, I placed her in her cot and hurried over to Levi's side. 
"We'll do a simple dinner this year. Just you and I with the kids and Maman. Okay?" Levi gave me a nod and pecked my cheek before hanging his clothes. 
"Mm. You know I'll love anything you plan and prepare, mon coeur," Levi and I went to wash up and prepare for bed, fluffing the pillows and setting our alarm for the next morning, "can't wait for that day." And with that, I started planning and preparing for Levi's birthday dinner together with my mother-in-law. 
Since Levi and I didn't have to work on Christmas, we went out to the shopping mall at noon while Maman stayed home with the kids to decorate the house and prepare some of the food. Levi and I had a nice time walking along the streets and admiring the sparkling and pretty Christmas decorations outside of the shopping malls. We went to collect the roast turkey and meat I pre-ordered from the grocery store, and we also got some wine and cheese for our cheese board too. Levi even bought jelly beans—Renée's favourite sweet treat. He also bought the boys baby biscuits too.
"You're in a good mood huh, amour," I teased Levi as he took a few bags of tortilla chips and added them into the trolley, "you never liked letting the kids eat anything sweet. You don't even like it when I'm snacking." Levi merely shrugged and walked on ahead. We got a few more things too; some blueberries and strawberries, oatmeal, milk, apples, and honey. We went to the bakery to collect Levi's birthday cakes too. Levi doesn't know yet, but this year, I got him a small dark chocolate fudge cake with 75% cacao, just the bitterness we both loved. It was for the both of us only since we both love dark chocolate. We also got another chocolate banana cake that was meant to be eaten together with the kids and Maman. Once our chores were done, we made our way home. 
Opening the door, we were greeted by the fragrant smell of mushroom soup and truffle fries. We quickly greeted Maman who was in the kitchen and we changed and helped out too. Levi was arranging and preparing the cheese board while I watched over the kids. Before we knew it, it was already 6pm and all the food was ready. I went to feed Charlotte while Levi was preparing the dinner table. As he was helping the boys into their baby seats, everyone was ready and seated by the time I was done feeding Charlotte. 
"Okay, let's eat." Levi smiled and we all started digging into the wonderful dinner prepared by my amazing mother-in-law.
"Mmm," I hummed in delight after eating the truffle fries, "Maman this is absolutely delicious! It's so much nicer than the ones Levi and I had in restaurants." Maman gave us a pleased look.
"Oh, it's nothing, ma douce, I was just testing out your air fryer and it's really good." I giggled and fed Pierre his potatoes and broccoli. He was playing with his food again and I had to stop him before he started throwing carrot sticks into the mushroom soup. Levi was having no issues with Léon who ate everything obediently. He even wanted more chicken cubes and gave us a grin when Pierre was chewing on the broccoli stalk. 
The roast turkey from the supermarket was really fragrant and tasty as well, and the cheese board was really good too. The cheese complimented our wine perfectly, and Renée wanted to be cheeky and have a sip of red wine, to which Levi vehemently denied her from doing so. The tofu salad Maman made was spicy and delicious too. We gave Renée a little bit of the salad to try, and she handled the spice surprisingly well. Levi and Maman were amazed.
"Good girl, ma chérie, you have inherited my superior genes," I laughed as I added more chilli sauce to my tofu salad, "Mama will bring you to eat tom yum with me when you're older." Renée happily laughed and started eating more potatoes. 
Once we were all done, I told Levi to clear and wash the dishes while I went to prepare the cake and candles. Renée went to change into another dress as well. She also took out a party hat from her room and opened up her piano, sitting on the bench and waited for Levi to return. Maman was standing by the light switch while I lit the candles. As soon as Maman gave the signal, she switched off the lights and Renée began playing Levi a birthday song while we sang along. Levi jumped when all he saw was darkness, but that look of confusion was soon replaced with a gentle smile once he saw me holding the cake. 
"Happy birthday, Papa!" Renée happily cheered once we were done singing Levi his birthday song. She ran towards him with the party hat. Once Levi took his seat, Maman switched on the lights and Renée put the hat on Levi's head. I quickly brought the camera over, snapping a few photos of Levi with his birthday cake before the candles melted. 
"Make a wish Papa, and then you can get your present!" Levi obliged and listened to his princess before closing his eyes, pressing his palms together for a few seconds before blowing out the candles. As the candles extinguished, Renée gave Levi her present.
"I made this during my art and craft lesson in school, Papa!" Renée chimed. They were learning about textures in kindergarten and Renée made Levi a birthday card with alphabet pasta, cotton wool, ice cream sticks, old cloth, straws, buttons and the like. Renée also sprinkled glitter over the card, making it really sparkly. Levi took the card with a huge smile on his face. 
"It's beautiful, ma chérie. Thank you."
Next, it was my mother-in-law's gift. Aunty Kuchel took out a few knitted sweaters from a large bag and handed them over to us as well as the kids. Charlotte on the other hand received a beautiful anklet with her Chinese name engraved on a little gold plate. We promised Aunty Kuchel that we would put it on Charlotte when she's a little older. Both mine and Levi's sweaters had a reindeer's face while Renée's and the twins' sweaters had little baby reindeers. 
"Cute," Levi sniggered, putting it on before Aunty Kuchel forced the sweater on him, "must've taken you a long time to finish them, Maman." Aunty Kuchel waved her hand and said it was no big deal. Levi turned around and looked at me expectantly.
"Well, I have two presents for you, but you're only getting one for now," I laughed and walked into our room, coming out with a small box in my hand. I passed it to Levi and he untied the ribbon. Opening the box, Levi looked at me and smiled. I got him a mechanical watch that he'd been eyeing for the longest time. "Like it?"
"Love it," Levi kissed me on the cheek, "you sneaky brat, you bought it without me realising?" Levi took the watch out and put it on his wrist. The colour and design fit him perfectly, and the watch really suited him. Levi took my hand and gave me a light squeeze before taking the watch out and keeping it safely inside the box again. It was time for everyone to have the chocolate banana cake. Picking out the candles, I started to slice the cake for everyone, giving Levi a huge slice. Renée and Maman had their own plate of cake while I fed the twins. Everyone marvelled at how good the cake was, even our princess who was an extremely picky eater. 
Soon, it was time for the Christmas presents. Renée was jumping excitedly, wondering what we got her this year. Levi told Renée to close her eyes. When she opened them, I had a Teddy bear wearing a pink leotard and tutu in my arms. Renée squealed with happiness as she took the stuffed bear from me, thanking us loudly. Levi and I bought Pierre and Léon a huge Shinkansen toy set with railway tracks and new storybooks as well. Then, Levi went to the kitchen and took out a paper bag and he passed it to Aunty Kuchel. She took out the contents inside and gave us a smile. Levi and I got her the Choya Gold Edition because we knew how much she liked drinking umeshu. The box was a beautiful golden yellow decorated with ume flowers, and Aunty Kuchel told us she couldn't wait to try it at home. Once the presents were all given, we all sat by the couch in the living room and finished the remainder of the cake together. 
After a long day, the boys were clean and tugged in their cots. Renée was asleep as well. Maman said she was going out to have drinks with her friends, and Levi and I had the house and time to ourselves. Levi was sitting at the bar counter. He was watching me while I made some simple chocolate fondue in the kitchen. The strawberries and marshmallows were already placed on a plate. 
"You and Maman outdid yourselves today, mon cœur," Levi smiled as I brought the melted chocolate, strawberries, and marshmallows over to the bar counter, "thank you." 
"All I did was order the food. Maman did everything this year." I chuckled as I took out the dark chocolate fudge cake from the fridge. Levi looked surprised. As I took the cake out of the box, Levi smiled seeing the words 'joyeux anniversaire mon amour' written with strawberry cream. 
"So this is my second present?" 
"Mm-hmm," taking the knife, I sliced a large piece of cake and placed it on a plate for Levi, "I ordered it the moment you told me to plan for your birthday since this cake always sells out." Using my finger, I scooped the chocolate fudge stuck on the knife and licked it off. 
"Mmm, delicious," I sliced another cake for myself and dipped a strawberry into the melted chocolate, "c'mon, amour, eat it before the fudge melts." Eating the chocolate-coated strawberry, Levi kept eyeing me with a frown instead of eating the cake. 
"Stop doing it." Levi suddenly snapped as I ate the strawberry with the cake.
"Stop what?" 
"Why do you always use the same old tricks?" 
"What?" I sounded a little more impatient as I dipped a strawberry into the chocolate and stuck it on Levi's slice of cake. Levi suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, kissing me full on the lips as he had another hand in my hair, cupping my head and bringing me even closer. Levi sucked my lower lip harshly and broke the kiss, his hand was still in my hair. 
"This. Enticing me using the same old shit, Reiko Ackerman…" Levi's voice was a tone lower than usual as he whispered, looking at my now-swollen lips, "strawberries and chocolate again? Stop seducing me like this." I gave Levi a sultry smile before breaking our eye contact. 
"Well, learn to control yourself then, Levi Ackerman," it was my turn to tease Levi as I kept the remaining cake in the fridge and walked him towards our living room. Levi gave me a confused look. "Remember your birthday seven years ago, when we just got married and moved in here?" Levi and I looked at each other as I locked my hands behind his neck while Levi's arms were around my waist. 
"Yeah, of course. We were slow dancing, just like what we're doing now." Levi rubbed his nose against mine and closed his eyes. 
"And you suddenly blurted out saying you wanted us to be parents to human babies," I laughed a little louder, "and I honestly can't believe you actually said it so bluntly, amour." Levi smiled at the memory. 
"I didn't blurt it out 'suddenly'. Everything was leading up to it nicely." Levi commented and I chuckled, pulling Levi closer to me. It seemed so long ago, yet it felt so close to our hearts as well. We looked each other in the eye, slowly dancing around in circles. Has it really been seven years since we got married? Where did all the time go?
"Look at us now, seven years later," Levi pressed a chaste kiss to my forehead, "who would have thought we would have so many kids." 
"Why, having second thoughts?" 
"Tch, 'course not, mon cœur," Levi rolled his eyes again, "I wouldn't give this up for anything. You, Renée, the boys, and Charlotte. You and our children are the best thing that happened to me." Levi gave me another smile as we swayed in synchronised steps. 
"You say the same thing every year." I laughed, recalling what Levi told me on his birthday last year.
"It's the truth." The both of us looked at each other as we stopped in our steps. After a few moments, Levi tightened his hold around me and hugged me close, resting his chin comfortably on my shoulder. We remained in each other's embrace. Suddenly, a wave of emotions started to overwhelm me as I thought about how far Levi and I had come. Damn it, Rei! This isn't the time to get sentimental. I could hear Levi sniffle his nose a little, and I knew he was thinking the same. I quickly blinked away the tears that were dotting my lashline and kissed Levi's cheek. 
"Come on now, amour, let's finish up your birthday cake," I quickly wiped my eyes and gave Levi a small smile, "and then maybe I might give you a third present later." I took Levi's hand and dragged him back into the kitchen before taking out the cake from the fridge again.
"Urgh, the fondue hardened." I complained, bringing the pot to the stove and turning it on. 
"Leave it, mon cœur, we'll just have the cake."
"I want to eat it with the strawberries, amour. Don't waste it." 
"Leave it. Or I'll do something else with the chocolate." I cocked my eyebrow and looked at Levi as he smirked. Coming closer, he switched off the stove and trapped me between his body and the kitchen counter. Levi reached a hand up to my face and slowly stroked my cheek. "So unless you want to smell like chocolate, leave it." I couldn't control my laughter anymore after hearing Levi. 
"Oh my god, amour! Control yourself, you old man," pressing a soft kiss to his lips, I chuckled as I placed my hand on top of his, "you're 35, maintain yourself. We're not having Ackerman number five." Levi rolled his eyes and pulled me towards the bar counter. 
"Which is why I said to leave the fondue and let me enjoy the cake with you, hmm?" Taking his seat, Levi made me sit on his lap and he fed me a slice of cake. I did the same for him as well, showering him with kisses every time I fed him a mouthful of cake. Needless to say, we did end up having and enjoying the chocolate fondue, and of course, the strawberries didn't go to waste. 
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undxrworld · 3 years
Hi Persephone! Can you tell me your favorite selfship and as many headcanons as you want about you two?
I'll give you me and Adriah! Here are some 🥺
Adriah x Persephone Headcanons
He and I are both suckers for babies and children. The sight of seeing how small and cute they are both make us swoon and soft in an instant.
He isn't the greatest at baking desserts compared to me but can cook the best Western dishes whenever we go to potlucks, parties or just our own dates at home.
He's a hopeless romantic on the inside! Saying he wants this or he wants that but he doesn't know how to maneuver around his emotions that well which kind of makes me confused sometimes but we always figure it out at the end.
He's my arm to cry on. Arm because he's a foot and a few inches taller than me. I'm the cry baby and he's the big bear I hug and cry on/with when I'm sad.
I always make him bento boxes and snacks before he goes out that include cute notes for him to see once he eats them.
His phone is never not blasted with my texts because I'm very affectionate and clingy, checking up in him all the time.
When we're away from each other, we're on call 24/7 or for as long as our schedules can allow, otherwise, the longest ongoing call we have had is 3 days uninterrupted.
We love sitting on rooftops or staying in the balcony to stargaze when the sky is clear at night. No talking even, just enjoying each others company under the stars.
We dance in the living room to any music that plays. On our bare feet, on our socks, anything!
I sing him to sleep every night, playing with his hair or tracing shapes on his chest. He falls asleep the fastest that way.
Travelling is our favorite activity when we have time. Going to new places to visit, explore or enjoy for vacation.
He loves the Filipino food I make him the most compared to the others I can make from scratch. Hands down, that man can smell Sinigang and Adobo from a mile away.
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bluebellhairpin · 11 months
I'm coming to the dinner party with Alucard from Hellsing, and I'm bringing my homemade chicken and dumpling soup :)
I have no idea who Alucard is but he looks like a fun guy.
I will be most excited for the dumpling soup because I'm stuck in such soup weather at the moment. It's quite cold and chicken and dumpling soup is very hearty and warming. It is so welcome to come join the table <3
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bluebellhairpin · 11 months
Wait no this is adorable! I would love to come to your dinner party!!
I got dessert covered babe you have NOTHING to worry about there! I bought both a peach cobbler and a strawberry pie - we are in summer after all! - and we all know Bokuto is carrying the vanilla ice cream; chest puffed with pride cause yeah, he got it and it goes GREAT with the desserts.
Though I will ask to borrow your oven once dinner is happening so I can warm them! Cause nothing tastes better than a warm cobbler/pie and ice cream 💛
you can have ALL the oven space you'd like. I fuckin adore desserts and PIE. STRAWBERRY PIE. I've only had that like once in my life and oh I did like that.
(I bet bokuto is the best ice cream carrier ever too. he'd do such a good job of it LMAO). I know I'm smack in the middle of winter, but there's nothing like a good pie with ice cream in winter too, i'm scoffing it all up so fast.
Gonne be in a huge food coma when this is over i can tell.
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