#the shadowess world
dazed-and-wandering · 11 months
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“Sarah Hellen-Worth”
Someday I’ll start this comic, and who knows what my style will look like when I do?
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sintsgi · 5 years
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@luxtricks​  said  :   he's content where he is, kneeling on the floor between her legs, leaving shadowess to grasp at couch, hair, whatever she'd like. languid and slow were sultry kisses and bites lain to her thighs, all the while hands on hips press near - bruising pressure. he's always been patient, despite daredevil ways, sometimes infuriatingly so. and a rotten tease too. nails scratched into blake's hips, fox's lips remained mere inches from where she wanted them. smirk against inner thigh. "beg, pretty girl."
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      this  is  the  first  time  blake  doesn ‘ t  have  anything  solid  to  hold  on  to   ,   to  curl  into  with  fingers   &.  tug  like  she  would  with  the  billowy  fabrics  of  bedsheets  to  the  point  where  crystalline  claw  marks  could  be  seen  should  anyone  take  a  closer  look.  it ‘ s  torture  to  put  it  lightly.  the  only  thing  she  can  grab  are  couch  fabrics   ,   but  even  then  there ‘ s  really  nothing  there  to  bunch  up   &.   distract  shattered  china  psyche  from  the  onslaught  fox  so  slyly  plans  without  a  single  care  in  the  world.  arch  of  elegant  spine  against  backing   ,  tilting  of  midnight  crown   &.   expelling  of  airy  breath  the  moment  vulpes  graces  flesh  with  his  touch   ,   breathes  hot  air  ‘ gainst  fair  pallor  to  the  point  of  static  sensation  along  her  entirety.  he ‘ s  always  had  this  awful  effect  on  her   ,   hasn ‘ t  he    ?   leaving  her  breathless  whilst  spoiling  her  in  ways  blake  has  never  truly  known  until  now   ,   turning  her  mind  into  something  akin  to  warm  sugar  with  every  touch   &.   gesture  he  sends  her  way.   it ‘ s  cruel  ,  really.   because  fox  knows  blake  will  become  utterly  helpless   &.  weak  for  him  over   &.   over  again   ,   how  she ‘ ll  crumble  at  his  request  without  fail   ,   boosting  his  ego  to  a  level  higher  than  it  already  is.  but  in  the  back  of  mind  lingers  a  list  of  all  the  things  nightshade  adores  about  the  cunning  hunter   ,   &.  this  is  just  one  of  many  sitting  so  pretty  there.  belladonna  would  never  tell  him  that   ,   though.  she ‘ s  sure  he  already  knows  it  by  now.  
      pitiful  whimper  bubbles  betwixt  lush  tiers   ,   oozing  from  lower  lip  something  honeyed   &.   decadently  sweet  the  very  moment  deft  digits  dig  into  flesh   ,   exhale  prompted  from  fanged  enamel  laying  holy  prayer  to  the  altar  he ‘ s  sworn  to  live  true.  here  is  your  altar   ,   now  worship.  a  sound  parroting  the  syllable  of  beloved ‘ s  name  tumbles  off  tongue  like  stardust   ,   heart  -  shaped  hips  bucking  up    &.   thighs  struggling  to  stay  open   &.   not  tighten  around  wild  strands  of  crimson.  not  that  fox  would  mind   ,   but  blake  on  the  other  hand  . . .   she ‘ s  driven  by  her  own  stubbornness    ,   her  own  desires  to  not  give  in  despite  desperately  wanting  to  so  badly.   it ‘ s  painful.  sharpened  fang  nibbles  ‘ pon  fat  of  bottom  lip   ,   blue  -  gold  hue   (  albeit  half  -  lidded   &.  glazed  over  in  a  thick  layer  of  lust  )  averting  stare  down  at  boy  trickster  with  utmost  want  twinkling  in  the  ethereal  irises.   ❝  f  -  fox   . . .  please  don ‘ t  —  tease  me  like  that.  ❞   whimper   ,   pant.   a  sharp  exhale  of  shaky  breath  before  plum  lacquered  fingers  come  to  weave   &.   tug  in  messy  strands  as  though  one  of  her  nine  lives  would  be  sacrificed  if  she  didn ‘ t.  this  is  what  she  gets  for  falling  in  love  with  him   ,   frustrating  allure  &.  cunning  charm   &.   all.  he ‘ s  already  so  close   ,   &.   blake  is  already  so  embarrassingly  wet   ;   what  more  is  there  to  possibly  beg  for  when  the  obvious  is  right  there   ?    ❝  mn  . . .  you  know  how  badly  i  want  you   ,  trickster  . . .  i  don ‘  t  think  i  can  wait  any  longer.  ❞    pretty  please  with  a  cherry  on  top   ?
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vulpesd · 5 years
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her aura is quiet , solemn just like the way blake now carries herself as she slots to fox’s side &. hides expressionism on shoulder. she should be used to nightmares by now , but sometimes it creeps up on her like a looming cloud. ❛ ... i’m fine , just ... bad memories. i don’t like thinking about it. ❜
                                                     @kintsgi​   :   unscripted.
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mystery had never attracted vulpes in the same way nightshade did, the subtle allure similar to her namesake, muted fragrance the harbinger of a fate both noxious and deadly. once upon a time everything about her had silently screamed that she was a force to be reckoned with, from the way thorny tendrils would ensnare her throat and strangle each melodic vocal into a stifling miasma, to the ephemeral quality of her nature. she’d been there one moment, and gone the next, with only the lingering presence of aura - swathed footsteps to hint at existence, airy and wispy, smoke blown away as easily as dying grimm. maybe that was what had drawn fox in initially, the danger of it, tempting an innate reckless he constantly tried to smother. her soul had been shrouded from a vibrancy which shone like moonlight, and it had been that which urged him on, to press a little too insistently for his taste. never had fox remained where he knew he wasn’t wanted, but it had been different with her. trickster had always known her ire was not with him. the fragments of her soul, her aura, had made that clear from the very beginning. hers had never been thoughts vulpes was entitled to, but now that they were in closer grasp, the temptation to reach out and skim over the secrets of her heart using but semblance alone had vanished.
sleepy synapses reacted to how shadowess fit against him instinctively, felt more than anything the way she moulded herself to the way his body lie as if trying to hide there. though he responded lethargically, the absent mumble of his voice still thick with sleep, he moved easily to lie on his back with a strong, reassuring arm around her waist to pull her closer.   ‘   then don’t.   ’   he sighed simply, as if brushing aside trauma had always been that easy. to fox it had been. he had always been very good at accepting the feelings which scared him most. scarred lips pressed to the crown of midnight gossamer, breathing in the calming scent of lavender. it was out of place here in the desert, but then again fox would be able to pick blake out of a thundering cacophony of people, or the vast reaches of a mystic forest like forever fall. the hand at her waist soothed up and down the fabric there, giving into the urge to comfort turbulent thoughts.
fox’s voice had always had the gritty, sleep - like quality from lack of use, but sounded even more addled now, touched by sandman’s veil with only half his mind in waking world. yet he lingered there for her. the subtle shift of scruffy jawline atop her head the only indication he was still awake.   ‘   y’know, i have no idea what the sea is like.   ’   the murmur came out of nowhere, fox latching onto the closest subconscious thought.   ‘   lost my sight at three, and by then even getting into an oasis was terrifying.   ’   vocals he adopted were still tranquil almost, calm, rattling off fears with the placid tonality of a grocery list.   ‘   couldn’t —   ’   he stifled a yawn.   ‘   — couldn’t orient myself. couldn’t see, or hear, or feel anything in the water. couldn’t do anything to save myself, but even still i’ve always been fascinated with the ocean.   ’   that was just so fox though, fascinated with what could kill him, enchanted with the mystery of something deadly and wild, with the duality of gentle rocking waves and tsunamis that, under pull of moonlight, could drown everything in their wake. he didn’t know whether her nightmares felt anything like what he felt in water, but he hadn’t been trying to make any connection. what fox tried was to soothe, and when he couldn’t do that, he’d distract.   ‘   there’s a memory that’s stuck with me of a traveler who tried to describe it to me. he said it was like the sky at night time, just as vast, mirrored the moon and all the stars but you could touch it, feel it with your hands even if the water would slip right through your fingers.   ’
he didn’t mean to send the thought, too sleepy to regulate pulse of aura that sometimes made the undercurrent of fox’s mind audible   —   that which was true, and unadulterated and honest, especially in the hours before waking dawn.
you’re my ocean.
something that he’d never seen, but could smell, and hear, and touch. someone who made him feel foreign, frightening things and yet still drew him in anyway.
‘   tell me what it’s like.   ’
let me help you take your mind off what you fear.
vulpes held the suggestion of laughter in his vocals, of warmth and sunshine on breathy tonality to wash away that which had plagued her sleep - addled thoughts, brush them aside with trivialities no matter how small.
‘   i’ve never had sushi before, but i’d take fish over eating more fried crevice worms any day —   ’
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becomestorm · 5 years
❛ where is it again ? ❜ that dreaded little dipper , she means. the stars have always caught umbra like’s attention , but eventually everything just seems to blend together.
shadowess meant to merely blend into the darkness, and yet on nights such as these her quiet cadence and the wonder in her eyes shone more brightly than the moon. that made sense, didn’t it ? that beings of celestial intent would thrive in the throes of night ? in these instances of stargazing, she’d been more open than they ever saw her during the daytime, or at least, it seemed that way to ren. they’d be lying if they said it didn’t make them feel nice, to be privy to a side of her that wasn’t so meticulously guarded. they never wanted to pry or read into her so thoroughly, lest their bleeding semblance pick up on something it shouldn’t, but they wouldn’t deny this curiosity. that she could find any fascination in them was but a second thought. the stars however, told eons upon eons of stories, and ren could help just that little bit in deciphering what humans had made of them.
dragon inched closer, but not uncomfortably so, gaze fixated towards constellation so she might lean in and catch the alignment of their arm pointed towards the heavens. describing one formation in in an avid sea of star shine was a difficult feat. it had taken them a little longer to find it than they would have liked. valean constellations were far different from the ones seen in mistral, but they’d spent enough time here to memorise a few that came out on clear nights such as this.   ‘   they are so much harder to see from here than in the mountains.   ’   light pollution meant safety, yes, but in all their travels the wonders of the world lie far beyond the reaches of that which was familiar and comforting. that included a sky lit up as brightly as the lights which robbed them of it. ren’s voice was soft, a raspy timbre as they leant back from where they sat, magenta hue faced skyward.   ‘   i don’t like being in the city this long.   ’
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ephmrele · 5 years
@leszard asked: "i didn't wanna be another person you toured the world with and left behind," she murmurs, eyes distant. "it felt like i had become just another one of your summer flings, yknow?"
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her body constricted,   pulling muscles taught into a tight little ball, bringing knees up to chest and resting her chin on them. the movement was familiar, spent so long in this pose when processing through her trauma and grief. it was instinctual to make herself as small as possible, easier than that to meld into the darkness that composed shadowess’ form. her hands rose up to weave into her hair, grasping the midnight curls and tightening their hold, hoping the pain would ground her into thinking properly. she thought that it would be fine once this was over with. adam had run away and the remaining white fang now saw him for the coward he was. things were supposed to be better, but even now she couldn’t brush of that which made her volatile and paranoid. she hadn’t paid for her crimes, she hadn’t paid for the trail of heartbreak she left behind. all she’d cared about was her own sanity and even then it slipped away from her piece by reckless piece.
when blake caught her voice it was ragged and worn, trembly like she was forcing herself not to cry.   ‘   i wouldn’t have done that if you’d told me.   ’   she didn’t feel like she needed to clarify   ;   had ilia chosen to reveal her affections, their sequence of events might have turned out a whole lot differently.   ‘   you can’t keep holding what i didn’t know against me.   ’   felid was afraid to look at her now, memories transported back to her time in their troupe. bad memories full of bad decisions. there had been no end to the bloodshed, the murder, the transformation into the part of herself blake despised. she wasn’t thinking clearly anymore, because despite how far she’d come, paranoia held blake’s neck in a vice grip and refused to let go. she still had so much work to do in order to atone.   ‘   did you think about me the same way the rest of the troupe did too   ?   did you believe i was sleeping my way up the ranks because they all believed my papa was incompetent   ?   ’
amber eyes narrowed, lips pressed into a thin line to stop them from wobbling. she stared off into the distance the same way ilia did, internally screaming that she shouldn’t have been pulling apart one of the best things that had come out of all the heartache menagerie wrought. there had been merit to what the members of the white fang said while they thought she couldn’t hear, or even when she could. blake’s ideals had been flimsy. she wanted equality and peace, but had turned her back on that notion when her parents left. after that, she’d turned her back on the notion of equality through force when it was made clear adam didn’t love her like she’d once wanted him to. those summer flings had been momentary escapes, but in the end it just added onto her unreliable persona. they believed her a cunning and manipulative beauty who could sway the hearts of those she touched with but a flutter of her eyelashes. maybe it would have made her life easier if it was.
blake brought a hand to her mouth, face scrunching up in pain when she realised the accusation that had passed her. ilia had been the only one that didn’t isolate her, how could blake even entertain the thought    ?
stop fucking up.
‘   they   ...   ’   the flings.   ‘   ...   made me feel less disgusted in myself,   at least for a little while.   i’m sorry i was too obtuse to see they were hurting you.   ’
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dazed-and-wandering · 7 years
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Sketchbook July 2 2017: “Young Will and Sarah”
“When I lost you, it  was easy to hold you up as this imaginary thing that could have been, I built you up in the center of a perfect life that I knew I could never have... and now you’re here, and I can’t figure out what what we actually had, and what I wished we did...”
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dazed-and-wandering · 7 years
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For my upcoming project “The Shadowless World”: I haven’t quite found a place for her in this story, but she’s in it.
Name: Ortelli Fairbrough Age: 19 Fur Feather Colour: White/Blue Eye Colour: Yellow Occupation: “Pilot, Foundation air force” Height: 6’-2" Species: Bird Likes: Flying, Fancy things, Shiny things. Dislikes: Relationships.
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