Kirk Ft. Germ, Spitz1, JR & Brian - Swagtastic.
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im dissin brian ;)
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Guess what, everyone?! I got my first interview! I was only a video interview, so I am assuming there are multiple steps to it. But, I am thankful for getting this opportunity. I was so nervous during the days leading up to it. Let's see where this takes me.
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Hey, world! Sorry for lagging on videos. Will do my best to make more frequent videos, now that I am done with the curriculum. But, yeah, I am just entering the job search and the number one difference maker in people that do not get jobs and people that do is NETWORKING. Make sure you get out of your comfort zone! It sucks if you find it hard to make conversation with people you do not know, but it will pay off in the end. Wish me luck, and good luck to you as well. We can do this!
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A quicker video than usual. This is the last official week of App Academy Bootcamp. Next on the agenda, getting an actual job!
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Never choose the dark, selfish side. Always find a way to work things out. And the most important thing in resolving problems with anyone. Reflect on your own actions! Oh yeah. My bad about one the playlist names!!!!! Trying to keep this pg-13. XD
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I am currently working on the last project, flex project, and I am hoping to get everything prepared for the job search. All of my hard work has come to this. Can't stop now! Push, push, push! (Inside joke)
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Sorry this was a quick one, I was supposed to upload a video last weekend, but I accidentally deleted it while trying to save it. :(
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I learned my weakness in tests! I passed the last, and rumored hardest test, but barely. I would have finished faster, but my weakness is what almost resulted in my fall. Two more tests and I will be in App Academy for good! Wish me luck!
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Years everyone!
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Study, study, study! I gotta' study for the test tomorrow! Let's get this second test under my belt.
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I studied my butt off on Sunday and my hard work paid off! Hopefully the assessments will be easier, so I don't have to worry as much. Aside from that, I bought a computer desk and chair to have a legitimate setup for studying. Everything is slowly coming together and becoming a routine. Let's hope everything stays positive!
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Toughed out the first week of App Academy, hopefully I pass their first assessment!
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I’m finally a student at App Academy! Four years ago I graduated from state. I spent the next two years figuring out wth to do with my life. Two years ago I quit my locksmith job and put my film career on hold. I chose to pursue become a software developer for a better quality of life and make my dad proud. I spent these next two years driving Lyft while studying on my own. Got accepted in March. Spent this April - June sleeping in my car. June - November sleeping on my friends couch. I could have focused on studying and got accepted in three months, but life pushed my goal back to two years. Out of all of this, I can still fail the program by their tests. I know that is still a possibility, it scares me, but I am not going to let that hinder my mindset and motivation. But the fact that I put my mind to this and pushed through all the negative thoughts, feedback from family, and obstacles; just getting accepted to the hardest Bootcamp with a 5% acceptance rate is an accomplishment for me. Hopefully the next time I post something it will be after I finish these three months. Wish me luck! (at App Academy)
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The commute is tough, but my nerves towards going into App Academy is gone. The last negativity that is holding me back is my anticipation on this upcoming assessment. I pass this, then almost all negatives thoughts will be out of my head and I will be able to commit 100% of my energy to studying. Les git it!!!!
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Sorry I didn't post on Saturday. I made it to the bay! I'm at my Aunt and Uncle's house.
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2 more days until App Academy!
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