#the shell cottage scenes are god tier scenes i will die on that hill
whinlatter · 1 year
Please can you tell us more about your thoughts on the imagery of Dobby's death?
Partly it’s that I think Dobby’s death was worth it for the scenes of Harry at Shell Cottage, digging that grave by hand in that bleak beautiful garden at the end of the earth, honestly. Those are some of my favourite passages and some of the most beautiful writing in the entire series. Because also like, the foreshadowing. Both before he’s freed from the obligations to wizards imposed by his enslavement, and after, Dobby chooses a brave, righteous course of action that ends in self-sacrifice. Harry buries him, grieves him, writes that epitaph - Here lies Dobby, a free elf - and then, in the hours after, sets in motion a path that will, on some level, mirror Dobby’s. With his own free will, Harry picks the horcruxes, not the Hallows: Harry Potter, the Chosen One who actually chooses to be the Chosen One, over and over again, not because he has to, but because he believes it’s right to, and also who will make the ultimate sacrifice. Like damn yes sorry Dobby you had to die that arc is 💥 too good 💥
(I actually am sat on a meta about Harry after Dobby’s death at Shell Cottage lmao - obviously it’s kind of Hinny-focussed because, you know, the hyper fixation with Harry and Ginny is really hyper fixating these days, but kind of about Harry’s grief in the arc of the DH plot… Maybe I will post it? It’s a mess I’ll tell you. I just really love those Shell Cottage chapters, man, cannot get enough)
Thank you for asking friend! ❤️
Update: posted the meta!
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