#the shoe tying one doesn't match at all but   it was important to me
yangjeongin · 2 years
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jam-heathen · 2 years
Zimbits and song #9 for the Wrapped ask meme!
Ty for the ask! So, number 9 on my Spotify Wrapped is Baby Hoop Earrings and it took me a hot minute to think of how Zimbits would apply but! I feel like it got long, so below the cut
Jack's known for as long as he can remember, his father's lucky cuff-links are gold. Bob had told him once they were lucky because Jack picked them out as a baby (Jack's not sure he did much, compared to his mother, but it's a nice thought). He'd help Alicia pack them as a child, learned about superstitions in hockey, hoped one day maybe they'd be his lucky cuff-links.
Until he didn't. Until that was too much weight. Until it was unfathomable to have another point of comparison in his mind. And it does get better! Things get talked through, and it's no longer a pain point like it once was, but Jack still doesn't wear gold cuff-links.
In the future, when Jack and Bitty are planning to have a kid, there comes a point at which that means processing their relationship with the concept of parenthood, right? Like not just their parents as people, which they've both had to work on, but like the expectations with the concept of parenthood. And they're both equal parts excited and scared and working through that together-- with a lot of help from their parents, actually.
But still, the night before they get to bring their kid home, Jack manages to find those stupid little cuff-links. And they’re not stupid, but they are; they don’t hold any power over him, but they do. It’s a kind of everything and nothing feeling all at once that he ends up explaining to Bitty all in a rush, only kind of (a lot) freaking out.
And they figure it out in the end! Jack and Bitty work best as a team, and that's still so true. They figure out what works for them! This kid is so incredibly loved. And by the time Bitty brings home a tie— a good luck charm of Jack’s own, matching the hideous yellow shoes he still wears— insisting that their toddler wanted him to have a gift… Well, Jack feels a little complicated about the whole thing, but it’s a good kind of complicated.
Also! It's so important to me that we all agree Shitty at least once refers to this household here as "Jack, Bitty, and Itty Bitty"
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willowfolksong · 3 years
today was a fairytale (feat. Osamu, Suna and Kita)
- Atsumu Miya x Reader
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Yachi's your best friend and you love her, but she's the worst when it comes to stressful situations. You can see her from the corner of your eye, with her face so close to the screen that you could count her eyelashes, yelling something about how you have to calm down because everything will be fine.
She is the first one that needs to calm down.
"This dress is horrible," you cut her off, and she finally flops back into her seat once more, nervously playing with a lock of her hair. "It's horrible and it's too late to change, Yachi"
Yachi shakes her head vigorously and gets dangerously close to the camera again "The dress is perfect!" she yells into the mic "You look great!"
"I don't" you complain, and spin around in front of the mirror to your right for some emphasis. The floaty skirt of the dress opens up around you, but instead of feeling like a princess, you feel like a giant glitter cake "I'm going to take it off"
Right at that moment, you hear your mother's voice from downstairs "Honey, your date is here!" and the color leaves your face.
Yachi screachs like a banshee. "It's here, it's here, it's here!"
You run to your vanity mirror to check if your mascara still looks good, and if your lipstick hasn't stained your teeth. You're still not at all sure about your look, but you don't have more time.
When you come back and grab your phone, Yachi has a huge smile on her face "Good luck! Please, please, please tell me how everything went as soon as you get home! I can't wait to know all the details !"
"I will, I promise"
"And be very careful!" it's the last thing she says to you before the video call ends.
You put the phone in the bag that you thought best matched your dress, take one last suspicious look at your reflection, and open the door of your room, taking a deep breath.
"Okay. How about this one?" Atsumu asks, coming out of the bathroom wearing the third t-shirt of the day.
Osamu looks at him for a few seconds before looking down at his phone again. "Same as the other one"
"Same?" Atsumu asks, turning around to look in the mirror "Same better or same worse?"
"Just same" Atsumu groans and crosses his arms.
"But wich one?"
Osamu looks at him bored "Do ya even know what 'same' means?"
Atsumu throws his hands in the air and finally gives up, sitting down on the bed to put his shoes on "Forget it. I'll keep this one. Dark gray looks good on me."
"If you say so" his brother stops in the middle of tying his shoelaces to look at Osamu, alarmed.
"Don't ya think so?"
"I mean ..." Osamu shrugs, and secretly grins when Atsumu clicks his tongue and goes back to tying his shoes, frustrated "If ya say so"
Atsumu doesn't changes t-shirt again, but spends twenty more minutes in front of the bathroom mirror, straightening his hair the way he thinks will look best, only to come out looking exactly the same.
Osamu knows how important this date is to him. Atsumu has had a crush on you since the beginning of freshman year, when you helped him with his Literature homework, and Osamu was able to witness the incredible miracle of his twin brother finishing a book. Atsumu told him at the time that it was the plot that hooked him.
A year later, Osamu has no doubt that you're the one who hooked him instead.
He follows an incredibly nervous Atsumu to the entrance door, all the time snickering behind his back, and hides his phone just as his brother turns to look at him, standing on the front steps.
"Okay, I'm goin'"
Osamu nods "Then just go already"
Atsumu doesn't moves.
"Are ya nervous?" Osamu watches as his brother's expresion goes from surprised to outraged and then to a poorly feigned nonchalance in a fraction of seconds
"Me? Nervous? Please" he scoffs "If I don't get nervous at games, why would I was goin' to be nervous for a date?"
"A date with the girl you've had a crush on for a year"
Atsumu huffs "Doesn't makes any difference"
"Alright fine, if you're not nervous just go already"
Atsumu narrows his eyes and looks at him, suddenly suspicious "Why do ya want me to leave that bad?"
Osamu sighs, leaning tiredly against the door "I don't know, maybe because I've had to deal with ya all day?" he says "And also because if ya keep waistin' time, your date will start to worry"
That makes Atsumu react "Shit, you're right"
Osamu watches his brother run down the street, and takes out his phone to call Suna as soon as he diassapears. The middle blocker answers on the first ring.
"He's finally gone now" Osamu tells him "Let's go"
"On our way"
The amusement park is crowded with people that came to enjoy the rides, but are probably there for the fireworks too. It's one of the most important events of the summer after all, and with the park so close to the beach, it's the perfect place to see the explosions of color light up the sky at nightfall.
Waiting in line to buy tickets, you're much more nervous than when you left the house. It's hot, and your hair has stuck to the back of your neck just because you thought wearing it down would be a good idea in the middle of summer. You bite the inside of your cheek and glance at Atsumu. You're surprised to find him staring intently at you.
"Big line, right?" you say conversationaly, but Atsumu doesn't even bothers to look around.
"I don't mind" he tells you, grinning and oh he doesn't have the right to look that gorgeous "This way I have more time to look at ya before we get on the rides"
You feel your face instantly combust into flames.
"Oh ... well. Thank you" you clear your throat, awkwardly fiddling with the strap of your little purse "I suppose I have more time to look at you too, then. You look very handsome "
Atsumu chuckles and rubs the back of his neck in response "Yeah well ... look everything ya want"
A couple of people behind you, Suna pretends to barf without taking his eyes of his phone "Did he seriously said that? That's so cheesy"
Osamu snickers "Yeah, he gets like that when it's about her"
Kita, who has been busy scanning the crowd, looks at the both of you and frowns "I still think we shouldn't be doing this"
Suna ignores him, and Osamu just shrugs "I wasn't goin' to miss the opportunity to see my brother act like an idiot on his first date."
"Okay" Kita says "But why are we here?" he asks, pointing at Suna and then at himself.
"Well, me comin' alone would've been weird" Osamu explains, even tho Kita still doesn't looks convinced "I wasn't just goin' to be followin' them around the park by myself like a stalker"
"And why didn't Aran came?"
"He didn't answer the phone" Suna answers "Clearly, he was the only one smart here" he adds next in a whisper.
"Where do ya want to go first?" Atsumu asks you when you finally manage to enter.
You're completely distracted by the rides and all the junk food that it's practically mandatory to eat when you go to an amusement park. The crispy smell of roasted apple and popcorn hits you like a whip, and you ignore Atsumu's question in favor of silently praying that he doesn't hear your stomach growling.
And then he disappears from your sight, and you feel his hands gently lift your hair and tie it into a ponytail.
You try — though you fail miserably — not to think too much about the feeling of his fingers sliding across the skin near your throat. "You looked uncomfortable" he tells you, still behind you. You can feel his breath close to your ear, sending chivers all over your arms "I thought ya would enjoy better with your hair up"
You gulp and try not to choke on your own words "Thank you, really. I just don't know if I look too good like this"
Atsumu reappears besides you again, smiling "Ya look perfect. Let's go"
You actually have many questions for him, but end up only being able to ask him about the hair tie, because the smell of burnt sugar and butter and the fact that your hands touch everytime you walk thru the crowd, aren't making you any favors at all. He happily tells you that he always has one around for when his hair gets too long before he has the chance to cut it, all while buying some popcorn for you two to share on your way to the bumper cars.You laugh, and soon are thanking him for it, because your hair isn't getting in your face while you bump into other cars, with Atsumu loudly screaming instructions neither of you are following, way too fixated on going straight to other people's cars just for the fun of it.
A couple feets outside the ride, both Osamu and Kita look at you, while Suna watches a video on his phone about scary park rides moments.
"They look like they're having fun" Kita says, and both him and Osamu watch as the popcorn you bought early ends up spilling all over your dress in one crazy spin.
"Yeah, they do"
Besides them, Suna hums "Do you guys want to hear about ten ways to die in a roller coaster?"
With your dress kind of ruined but a wild smile on your face, you make your way with Atsumu towards the watergun game stand. You feel a bit better, and Atsumu keeps making you laugh with every word he says, which in all honesty is not that hard. He has exactly that dumb sense of humor you really like, and he's so beautiful that your brain has set 'laughing' as your default answer for most cases.
The watergun stand is empty and the employee seems very excited to see you. The display of stuffed animals and other trinkets behind him is huge, and you feel slightly overwhelmed while looking for something that could possibly make you want to play. Atsumu seems even more excited than the guy that handes the watergun to him tho, and it's getting ready to shoot at the targets before you even know it.
"Wich one do ya like?" he asks you, closing one eye and aiming at the target directly in front of him.
You bite your lip and examine the plushies even more carefully. You're not really a big fun of stuffed animals, so it's hard for you to pick one you would would want to have at all costs "I don't really know..."
Atsumu softly nudges your side and when you look at him, he's giving you that boyish grin you can't even directly look at without melting into a pile of fluffy goo on the floor "Come on. Chose. I'll promise I'll win it for ya"
And then he winks
You quickly look back at the stuffed animal selection to try and find anything at all. Finally, something on the corner catches your eye.
"That one" you announce, and Atsumu nods.
"An excellent choice, miss!" the seller chirps "A cute choice for a cute lady! Whenever you're ready, sir"
Atsumu misses the target on the first shot. He still looks confident, and dismisses it with a wave of his hand "I was just warmin' up"
You smile reassuringly, and he tries one more time. The shot of water misses again, and this time, the guy from the stand shakes his head and clicks his tongue "Well, just two more tries, now!"
"I know that!" Atsumu growls, and holds the watergun even tighter.
You don't know if he'll miss again or not, but he certainly looks sexy with his brow furrowed, and that concentrated face you've only seen on his games before.
You can't help but swoon internally.
Osamu is shaking with repressed laughter in a bench behind the two of you. "This is so painful to watch"
"He's not holding the gun right" Kita points, and goes to stand up "Maybe we should give him some pointers"
Osamu stops him with a hand on his arm "We're undercover, remember? They can't know we've been followin' them"
Kita blinks, and then slowly sits down again "Oh"
Suna snorts and opens his phone camera. He hits recording just as Atsumu misses one more time "This is priceless bribing material right here"
"Are you recordin'?" Osamu asks, and Suna angles the phone to the right so the younger Miya can see both Atsumu and you on the screen, right over the timer of the video "Great. Remember to send that to me later"
"Tought luck, young man!" the guy says, while Atsumu reluctantly hands him the watergun back "Would the lady like to try?"
You look back at Atsumu for a moment. He's not looking at you, pretending to be distracted by something on another near stand. There's a furious blush dusting his cheeks, and his brow is still furrowed. You look back at the seller.
"I'll try, yeah"
Atsumu's head snaps back to you "Really?"
"Yeah. Why? Don't think I'll be able to?"
He doesn't says anything else, and you take a deep breath before getting in position.
You hit every target.
The Jackal plushie sits on your lap while you devour your ice cream a couple of minutes later, and discretely try to figure out what Atsumu's thinking at the same time. He's been silent since he congratulated you and offered to buy some treat for the two of you.
"Atsumu" you call him "Everything alright?"
He finishes what's lefts of his ice cream and throws the cone on the trashing bin beside the bench. "Yeah, totally. Why do ya ask?"
"You seem kind of down since we left the watergun stand"
He looks at you, and then sighs and stretches his arms over the back of the bench. You still, trying not to think about his arm on your back.
"Well, I play volleyball" he says, head throwed back and eyes on the sky "Thought it was goin' to be just the same"
You chuckle, and watch as his throat bobs before answering "It's not really the same tho"
"Yeah, yeah. I see that now" he pauses, glancing at you from the corner of his eye "I wanted to impress ya, but it turned out to be the other way around"
You smile softly at him, and then look back at the plushie on your lap. It's a small little jackal with black hair and golden eyes, and it kind of reminds you to that picture you once saw of the twins when they were babies, thanks to Osamu's intent on showing you how Atsumu — and by extension, him— used to look.
You place the plushie on Atsumu's lap "Here. I want you to have this"
He looks genuinely surprised, and sits up straight to scratch the back of his neck "Why? You won that"
"Isn't there a professional volleyball team named after a jackal?"
Atsumu perks up immediately, eyes sparkling "Yeah. The MSBY Black Jackals. They're the best"
Your smile grows wider at his enthusiasm "Well, I'm pretty sure you'll be able to be a part of it one day, and I want you to have this to remind you of that"
"Ya think I'll become a professional volleyball player?"
"I do. Don't you?"
Atsumu doesn't misses a beat "I do"
"Then why wouldn't I think so too?"
You think time slows down in that moment, when Atsumu places a hand on the plushie's head and his eyes bore into yours with an intensity you haven't seen before. You wouldn't mind staying there forever, on a park bench with a butter stained dress and Atsumu by your side.
"Thanks" he says at last, and his voice is deeper than usual "I appreciate this"
When the afternoon comes and the sun threatens to disappear behind the sea, Atsumu and you have already tried almost all the rides in the park. You're pretty sure your hair is as disheveled as Atsumu's is, after getting off the roller coaster laughing like little children, but you no longer care about that.
Once again, you find yourself wishing this moment would last forever.
"If we go to the ferris wheel now, we can see the fireworks from the top"
"Really?" you ask excitedly, and can actually feel Yachi's screams in your ear about how absolutely shojo manga is watching the fireworks with your date on top of a ferris wheel.
"Yeah!" Atsumu says, and for the first time since you got to the park, he takes your hand in his "Let's hurry up so we don't miss it!"
The ferris wheel is a huge ride standing right in front of the setting sun, with little passenger cars of all colors. The line gets huge soon after you get in it, but you and Atsumu luckily manage to get a seat in a bright pink car that starts it's slow way up a couple of minutes later.
You're sitting next to the window, Atsumu right next to you, and in the middle of the ride you turn around to find him staring at you.
"I had a lot of fun today" you tell him, and he smiles and moves a bit closer to you.
"Yeah, me too. We should totally do it again sometime"
"Yeah? So you'll come on another date with me that is?"
You laugh, and Atsumu pushes a lock of your hair behind your ear and leaves his hand there, a warm touch at the base of your neck.
"I will come on another date with you"
"I'm glad"
The car arrives to the top, shaking slightly and making you place a hand on Atsumu's chest for support. A loud voice from somewhere down announces that the ferris wheel will stop until the fireworks are over.
Soon after, the first sparks of lights ignite the summer night sky.
You really want to turn around and look at them. You know they're beautiful — you can see them in the reflection of Atsumu's dark eyes. Instead you move a little bit closer to him still, your hand sliding to the place where his heart is.
"Do you feel it?" he whispers, and you weakly nod, closing your eyes at the feeling of his fingers caressing right behind your ear, and slowly moving to your jaw.
His breath is in your lips.
You don't know if he's talking about the fireworks.
You can only feel his heart beating in his chest, in tandem with yours.
"This was a beautiful and productive summer" Kita says, a soft smile grazing his lips as he watches the blue and yellow fire flowers opening up in the sky, and then falling to the ocean in a millions of little stars.
Osamu clicks his tongue and moves to the opposite seat "Are they kissin' or not?"
It's harder than what he thought to try and see what's happening behind the glass on the back of your car.
Maybe he needs glasses.
He turns to Suna, taking pictures of the fireworks besides Kita "Can ya see anythin'?"
"Ya didn't even looked"
"I don't really wanna see Atsumu sucking face with anyone"
" We should go home after this" Kita says, and Osamu lets out a defeated sigh and gives up on trying to spy on you "It's getting late. And they'll probably be heading back too"
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go home"
You're both quiet on the way home, not holding hands anymore but standing very close to each other. There's something about the night, and the moon glowing softly over you, that makes you believe a little bit about fairytale magic.
Even more when you finally reach your home, and turn around on the front steps to see Atsumu with his hands on his pockets, quietly staring at you.
"Thank you for inviting me" you tell him, and his quiet contemplation is broken when you let your hair down and take his hand to slide the little black hair tie onto his wrist.
He grins, and winks at you playfully "Anytime"
"I hope so"
You both laugh, and he takes a step back without turning around "I'll see you at school, then"
"Yeah, you will"
He nods, and then turns to go. You take it as your cue to go inside and start opening the door, just to be cut short by Atsumu's hand on your shoulder, spinning you around to kiss you.
"That's for the ferris wheel" he says against your lips, and then kisses the smile from your face once more and the tip of your nose before bouncing back and yelling you goodbye as he goes away.
You stand on your door, frozen in place and with your heart threatening to escape of your chest, and only manage to take your phone out of your purse to send a quick text to Yachi.
To Yachi: I feel today was like a fairytale ...
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Atsumu: * prepares to go to bed *
Osamu: * starts playing the video of him losing on the watergun stand *
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Chapter Fifty Three - Let Me Catch You Up To Speed
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In less than 2 days, I was fully finished up with working in the studio and starting maternity leave. Josh was more than relieved that I would be at home more often, but still concerned that I would get bored easily or wouldn't have much to do. I wasn't really in the mood to do much, as by now it was the start of April, and the wedding planning was in full swing. The planning was taking up the majority of my time, between fixing the menus, the decorations, the seating plan... the list was endless!
Josh was still on the Oceania leg of the Emotional Roadshow Tour, and was beginning to get sick of being away from home and the bump. He had left the country with Tyler, Jenna and the crew on March 22nd and had one more show on the 8th in Perth before he could fly home and relax for a little while before the wedding and the resuming the North America portion of the tour.
I'd been kept busy so far with Doctors appointments, check ups and wedding planning. So far, I didn't know the sex of the baby, I wanted to be surprised, I handed the envelope containing the information over to Jenna and Tyler for safe keeping! I had told them they could know, and Josh too if he wanted, but not to tell me until closer to the time.
Josh was currently near Perth, and 13 hours ahead of me, meaning when he video called me just before bed, it would be closer to breakfast time for me.
"So we have the show coming up tonight, and then I swear as soon as we finish, I'll head straight to the airport and I'll be home with you as soon as I can!" Josh looked exhausted, probably not sleeping much with us being on opposite sides of the world.
"As much as the baby and I can't wait to see you, just make sure you're staying safe and doing what you have to do before you get home!" I smiled, trying to reassure Josh that we would be okay in the meantime.
"I know Ava, but it's just so difficult being away from you both! I know we have friends and family there with you, but it just doesn't feel the same y'know! I want to be with you every step of the way, not missing anything." By this time, I was 5 and a half months along, more than halfway through the pregnancy, and I knew it felt like Josh was missing out.
"I think the most exciting thing is that I have a lot more stretch marks now!" I laughed, lifting my top and turning to the side so Josh could see.
"You still look as beautiful as ever, just means our little bun is getting bigger and healthier every day!" Josh smiled at us. As small as extra stretch marks seemed, it was something huge to us. We were so excited at every milestone and new occurrence, apart from the random nosebleeds that had began to happen at odd times- apparently a common side effect of being pregnant for some women! So glad to be one of the lucky ones... not!
As I turned back I could feel a hard kick just below my ribs, causing me to exclaim "Ouch!" loudly.
"Are you okay? What's wrong, Ava, do you need me to come home?" Josh jumped up, panic written all over his face.
"No, no, no! Everything is okay, the baby just didn't like me moving, that's all! They're getting stronger by the day, I can't wait for you to feel the kicks soon! It feels like we're going to have another drummer in the family!" I laughed, rubbing my hand over the spot where I'd felt the kick. Josh instantly began to calm down, looking relieved at the simple explanation. We were interrupted by a loud knock on the door, before Tyler entered the room.
"Hey, we have an interview in about 20 mins and then we have a soundcheck in about an hour- hey Ava! What are you doing up so late?" Tyler walked over to Josh and sat next to him, beginning to chat to me.
"Hey Tyler, it's not really that late, it's only-" I paused turning my head to check the time on the clock on the bedside table. "Oh, it's 2am! I didn't think it was so late!" Josh quirked his eyebrow at me, as Tyler shook his head.
"You should probably be in bed, get some rest and we'll call you after the show, okay?" Tyler suggested, while Josh agreed. Tyler then said his goodbyes and left the room so Josh and I could say our goodbyes too.
"I promise I'll be home as soon as I can! Look after yourself and the baby and I'll be cuddling you and making you endless cups of tea again before you know it!" Josh smiled, waving and telling me he loved us before hanging up.
I woke up around 9am with a start, there was a loud banging coming from the front door. I pulled on a pair of leggings and a tight T-shirt, dressing quickly before sliding my feet into a pair of fluffy sliders. My usual Adidas sliders were now far too small and uncomfortable for my swollen feet and ankles.
I moved as fast as I could to the front door as the knocking continued, making me question the importance of my early visitor. As I opened it, I was greeted by Jordan holding a large parcel box. "Hey, sorry I hope I didn't wake you up? I was too excited to wait any longer, it's been sat in our house for 10 minutes now!"
I laughed as I let him in, carrying the box before he set it on the kitchen table. "I was almost awake anyway, besides I'm excited to see what this is!"
Jordan gave me a big hug, before finding a pair of kitchen scissors so we could open the box. "I swear that baby gets bigger every time I see you, and I only saw you a few days ago!"
"Tell me about it! Do you want to see the latest trick? C'mere!" I grab Jordan's hand, placing it on top of the bump, before asking the baby, "Hey, Josh will be home in a few days, are you ready to see daddy? Are you all excited to cuddle daddy again?"
A shocked look appeared on Jordan's face as he realised how hard the baby kicked. "Woah that's some kick! She's excited to see daddy for sure! When is he due home?"
"It should take him about a day and a half to fly back, so hopefully I'll see him tomorrow afternoon? Maybe tomorrow evening at the latest? Not too long to wait, but you know I'll just be wishing the time away until then! So anyway, what's in the box?" Jordan smiled, handing over the scissors for me to open it.
I began to carefully open the box, removing the layers of packaging tape, only to be met with little mesh bags of flower petals and biodegradable confetti resting on top of the white tissue paper. I raised an eyebrow at Jordan who grinned and shrugged. He clearly knew what it was, but wouldn't ruin the surprise. I carefully lifted the delicate bags out, placing them on the table beside the box. Pulling back the layers of tissue paper, I could see a beautiful blush coloured material, adorned with diamanté's. It wasn't until I pulled it fully out of the box that I realised why I thought the shade looked familiar! It instantly brought back memories from when Josh and I had gone out on our date the first time he was expected to propose. We had stopped by a bridal shop on our walk back to the hotel, and I had seen the most beautiful dress.
"It's the dress you saw when you were in Lincoln, Josh called the shop and asked what they could do, he explained that you would be almost 7 months pregnant when you're ready to get married, but that you had your eye on this dress before you were even engaged. He also asked them to tweak the dress a little so it wouldn't be the exact copy of the one you both saw. So it's like he hasn't seen the dress before the wedding. No more bad luck!" Jordan smiled as my eyes began to fill with tears, I couldn't believe Josh had gone to all this trouble! As I laid the dress on the table, I could see the changes Josh had made, the bottom of the dress had a subtle cotton Candy pink ombré trim that faded into the blush coloured dress. The fabric was almost a jersey style material, allowing for growth while still holding tight to the bump, and at the back of the dress at the bottom of the skirt, the words "Dun and Dun" were embroidered into the train with a golden thread. It was so perfect, better than I had ever hoped.
"Jordan, it's perfect, he did such an incredible job!" I tried to hold back tears, as Jordan beamed beside me. It wasn't a traditional dress, the same way that Josh and I didn't have a traditional relationship, so it was a perfect match.
"You still have a matching veil, that should arrive in the next few days, along with your shoes. We're getting so close to you becoming my sister in law officially!" Jordan explained, everything was all tying together quickly and there was definitely excitement in the air. "I think we're going to pick our suits on Wednesday, so that gives Josh some time to get home and get settled back in again before we get into the final preparations right?"
I nodded agreeing with Jordan. "Well that would give me time to invite Jenna round to try on the dress and make any alterations necessary, then I think we have planned to start making little party favours?" Everything was coming together nicely! For a relationship that had blossomed so quickly, to becoming a family in such a short time, it still felt like this wedding and birth was a long time coming. It wouldn't be long before Josh and I were finally Mr and Mrs Dun, and then only a little longer before our child would make their debut.
Hi long time no update! So the photos give an idea of what I think the dress would look like just to give you an idea. Hopefully this chapter isn't too bad as I'm definitely rusty at writing! There will be a time jump in the next chapter, but excited for it, as that chapter has been sat in my drafts since 2017! As always, let me know what you think! Xo
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