#tyty for the ask!
inkydiamonds · 1 month
hi! here's a flower for you :]
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not sure if it's gonna survive long on a desert-themed blog. welp, enjoy it while it's still nice and healthy :D
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Maybe so, but she'll try her best :)
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uldren-sov · 1 year
🥵😍🔥 for ERZSY!!!!!!!!!! MY WIFE
OC Ask Meme Here
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🥵 : Is your OC perceived as physically attractive to others? Is it at first glance or is it something that takes more time to reach fruition?
She is physically attractive to others NOW, because she has the money and time in order to take care of herself and make herself beautiful. As a Prince her persona relies a lot on being done up very prettily in high fashion in order to mask the real legwork she does for herself and her Conspiracy. As a result, she is typically seen in a fashion that accentuates her bigger form. However, she only has had a healthy diet, good health, and the ability to have good hygiene since becoming a Prince.
She was NOT a beauty when she lived in a dilapidated hideout with her partner in crime Imre, hand-to-mouth, and getting by on scraps and scales as best they could for years. She was a gangly, malnourished, stray cat of a woman before devil-cursed blood and a pact with Orc fused onto her heart made her healthy and hearty as a Prince and that wealth afforded her 3 square meals a day.
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
Passion! Doesn't matter what for, she's very much a moth to a flame when someone is very much into their craft, work, or ideals and lights up as a result of it. She's a bit of a idealist so seeing it in other people is definitely alluring and catches her interest before anything else.
also a nice jawline and arms never hurt anyone :)
🔥 : What’s a surefire way to make your OC get flustered?
She's hard to get flustered in earnest, in a way that throws her off her game, since she's fairly shameless and confident. However, being very sweet to her, or otherwise sincere displays of affection certainly touch her deeply. Also if she's ever being facetiously demanding of her partners time, but they play into it, she could get flustered because she won't know what to do with it after.
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jam-heathen · 2 years
Zimbits and song #9 for the Wrapped ask meme!
Ty for the ask! So, number 9 on my Spotify Wrapped is Baby Hoop Earrings and it took me a hot minute to think of how Zimbits would apply but! I feel like it got long, so below the cut
Jack's known for as long as he can remember, his father's lucky cuff-links are gold. Bob had told him once they were lucky because Jack picked them out as a baby (Jack's not sure he did much, compared to his mother, but it's a nice thought). He'd help Alicia pack them as a child, learned about superstitions in hockey, hoped one day maybe they'd be his lucky cuff-links.
Until he didn't. Until that was too much weight. Until it was unfathomable to have another point of comparison in his mind. And it does get better! Things get talked through, and it's no longer a pain point like it once was, but Jack still doesn't wear gold cuff-links.
In the future, when Jack and Bitty are planning to have a kid, there comes a point at which that means processing their relationship with the concept of parenthood, right? Like not just their parents as people, which they've both had to work on, but like the expectations with the concept of parenthood. And they're both equal parts excited and scared and working through that together-- with a lot of help from their parents, actually.
But still, the night before they get to bring their kid home, Jack manages to find those stupid little cuff-links. And they’re not stupid, but they are; they don’t hold any power over him, but they do. It’s a kind of everything and nothing feeling all at once that he ends up explaining to Bitty all in a rush, only kind of (a lot) freaking out.
And they figure it out in the end! Jack and Bitty work best as a team, and that's still so true. They figure out what works for them! This kid is so incredibly loved. And by the time Bitty brings home a tie— a good luck charm of Jack’s own, matching the hideous yellow shoes he still wears— insisting that their toddler wanted him to have a gift… Well, Jack feels a little complicated about the whole thing, but it’s a good kind of complicated.
Also! It's so important to me that we all agree Shitty at least once refers to this household here as "Jack, Bitty, and Itty Bitty"
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isjasz · 9 months
hey so Ik I’ve done and ask before but it would be amazing if u could make like desert duo matching pfps??? :)
also Ik I’ve said it before but duuuude ur art abjsjfbsjj <3
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[Day 81]
Does this work
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civetside · 10 months
I love how you draw Harrow. I'm keeping a collection of tiny Harrows with giant eyes because I wish I could take a handful and put them in my pocket. Thank you.
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thank you! here i found another one under the couch eating old bread crumbs
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ask-mirage-mews · 8 months
Ahhhh happy birthday!! A day or so late but enjoy Zeus and Mnemosyne!!
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Oohhh the soft worry in Zeus’ eyes….That’s so wonderfully painful thank you💕
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squuote · 9 months
Hey Hey Squuote, just popping in to give you something for all that wonderful Tsp content. Here's your very own crown! You can wear it anytime you feel like, and here's one for your Narrator too! Thanks for all that amazing art, see you later!
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hazelkjt · 3 days
For the touch prompts
_ "how long has it been since someone hugged you?
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Touched Starved Prompts Write up below ----------
The two lay on the bed in near silence, the crackling of the fireplace nearby breaking the quiet periodically. Hazel rubs her thumb overtop Zero's shoulder, taking note of the way the Voidsent almost seems to squirm under her touch...like before...
It wasn't the first time she's noticed this. Every time the two of them had physical intimacy of any sort, Zero almost seemed to recoil at every touch, though in spite of this the Voidsent has never spoken a word about being in discomfort. She eventually leans into the contact but it's happened enough times for Hazel to notice.
Hazel purses her lips and ponders her words before speaking. "Hey Zee...you mind if I ask you something?" The Au Ra goes over her next words carefully as Zero opens her eyes and gazes back to her. "Of course." Straight and to the point, as always with Zero.
"...How long has it been since someone hugged you? Or like, held you close like this?" Hazel decided to answer Zero's straightforwardness with her own. Hazel immediately felt the Voidsent's grip on her knee tighten ever so slightly. The two sit in silence for a few moments, Hazel's mind racing as she begins to believe she said something wrong. Thankfully a reply comes not too much later.
"I...can't say I remember." Her tone was more somber than usual. Hazel holds Zero closer to her chest as she continues. "I assume it was my mother, though all my memories of her have long since been forgotten. I can't recall ever being as close to someone else as I am with you either, so there is little chance of any other opportunities. What brought this question about?" The return question stopped Hazel in her tracks, though she really should have seen it coming.
"Well, I mean, it's just, you know..." Hazel stammers, going back to rubbing Zero's shoulder again, this time out of nervousness. "Whenever someone or something touches you, you seem to pull away from it. If you don't want to get this close we can-"
"No, it's quite alright...we can stay like this." Zero cuts her off before the rambling truly gets going. "It...it's merely taking some time for me to adjust to this...being vulnerable like this. Normally letting another Voidsent this close would lead you to being devoured...keeping others away is a force of habit. I am sorry you find it off-putting."
"No! Nononono! It's fine, I totally get it!" Hazel quickly tries to reassure Zero, pulling the Voidsent closer to herself. The swiftness and force of the gesture must have been a bit of a shock as the Au Ra could feel Zero tense up as she did it. "Sorry about that, it's just..." Hazel trails off for a moment as she brings her forehead down to touch the back of Zero's head. "I don't want you to have to feel on edge all the time anymore. You deserve to have this kind of love in your life again, after everything. So I guess, just let me know how I can help."
Hazel begins to pull her head away, only to find Zero moving her head back as well to keep up the moment of contact, resting the back of her head on Hazel's chin. "You are already helping...thank you." She looks up at Hazel with a gentle glimmer in her stare. The two returned to their silence, content with gazing into one another's eyes as time begins to slip away.
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nightdrawz · 5 months
Could you draw your OC.. maybe interacting with the sticks (or someone else's OC)
I know how excited some people get (me included) when people ask about their OCs, so.. yeah!
hope this is a fun art request for you
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He would probably run away from them xDD
He knows what they’ve done,,,
Thanks so much for the request!!
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cokowiii · 8 months
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Happy summoning into the world of the living >:3
This is oddly terrifying yet cute lol
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francarieq · 5 months
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hihi!! yes i do traditional art although i just don’t give light 2 it as much!! as for ur coffin request i’ll get back 2 it soon once i have time, especially since i have tons of other pending reqs in my inbox sososososso sorry!!
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lotus-pear · 5 months
How are you only 17 and already that good at art. What ancient power do you possess
seventeen is actually rly fucking old LMFAO u should look at those twelve year olds who are recreating the mona lisa or smt 💀
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nicktoonsunite · 2 years
the way you draw jimmy neutron is so gender
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blackjackkent · 2 months
4 and 46, please :) Character/pairings of your choice
(Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase)
4. "one chance" (will do the other in another post :D )
The Emperor watches impassively as the nautiloid cracks apart and the Prism - and its new owners - begin to fall towards the beach below.
There were originally two hundred tadpoled victims aboard the ship after it completed its business in Yartar. The Emperor was able to protect twenty in the immediate vicinity of the Sharran half-elf who currently holds the Prism. Of those twenty, thirteen have been killed in the githyanki attack that followed. Seven remain locked under the protection of Orpheus's power: the burning tiefling and the hunter chasing her, the vampire spawn, the Weave-sucking wizard, and the Sharran herself along with the two that rescued her from the pod - the githyanki fighter and the monk with pale, terrified eyes.
A motley collection. But sufficient. Touched by the Absolute but - so long as I maintain the connection - unconsumed by it. A challenge by any measure, human or illithid; the Emperor can already feel the steady thump-thump-thump of the transformation commands, each rebounding off of the Prism's protection like a small explosion.
It is under no illusions that it would be able to find further allies in the time that remains. This is its one chance. These seven souls must not be allowed to die here.
The Emperor closes its eyes, reaches out both hands, feeling the play of the Prism's power around it. With a burst of effort, it hurls the magic outwards, a vast net focused on the seven people it is bound to. Their headlong momentum towards the ground catches within the mesh of energy like a rope drawing suddenly taut. The Emperor feels the impact go through its gut, knocking all the breath from its body.
But the connection holds. Slowly it lowers each of its new allies to the sand of the dark beach and then unwinds the magic from them, back into the Prism's particular corner of the Weave.
Only when all seven are safely deposited is the Emperor able to relax. Good. They will live. Come morning, the work begins.
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For the OC ask meme:
for any combination of Remidee, Alexandria, or Sunset :3
WAHOOOOOOOOOO oh thank you so much. you know i love designing alternate outfits and coming up with random scenarios i'll never use again xoxoxo
some of yours other people asked for too, so i'll hold off on answering them!
🪞 (Mirror) - What would their Mirror World counterpart be like? If they are a Mirror World counterpart, what traits of theirs are reflected? Do the two of them get along?
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for context, because i dont think people outside of artfight know much of remidee, they're an apothecary who deals minorly in fighting and magic as an aspiration. due to how injuries work in my mirrorverse, traditional medicine is in extremely low demand and basically not needed. mirror!remidee has leaned almost totally into being a fighter as a result. coincidentally enough, this also reflects regular remidee's worst insecurities for reasons that are a bit too wordy to explain right now
after the fall of shadow dedede's monarchy, they found themself in mirror floralia as a refugee. they're not as good as fighting as the rest of the army, but the queen isnt one to turn away someone so loyal and ready to dedicate themself to the kingdom. officially theyre in the army as a fighter of the same level of the sectra dees, but really theyve been designated as just the guy that brings the banner into battle
mir!remidee would scare the absolute hell out of regular remidee, for reasons they couldn't quite place, even though mir!remidee is actually quite nice. it's the existential dread, remidee....
🕰️ (Clock) - What would a Dreamy Gear version of them look like? What sort of accessories would they have? What kind of role do they play?
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on the other end of the spectrum, dreamy gear remidee has leaned fully into being an apothecary, considering there's no need for fighting and magic is extremely rare. they keep a pretty nice shop in the town of wind (<novel lore, for you folks who don't know). they seem richer than the other residents or overly-well off at first glance, but medicinal ingredients are very difficult to get a hold of in this setting, and they're quite passionate about their work, so they have a lot of high quality supplies
dg sunset is a carrier pigeon, basically. child of single dad manager dedede, they help deliver mail. though they have a habit of getting into trouble more often than not on the job while jumping from rooftop to rooftop. remidee has a sense of disdain for dedede in this universe thanks to sunset's shenanigans
🍒 (Cherry) - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?
Sunset: i don't hc the mirror counterparts to be related to or have familial relations with their regular counterparts, but dmk would definitely be the fun uncle to sunset. both magolor and taranza get a thumbs down from her, not because of their past crimes, but simply because she thinks they're "kinda weird and annoying"
Remidee: i swear to god this has absolutely nothing to do with my own affinity for zan but remidee admires zan a lot. combining elemental magic with weaponry is notoriously hard in my universe, requiring a lot of skill and control to do. remidee is practicing spearplay and electric/beam magic, so this lines up very well. marx scares remidee a lot.
Alexandria: alexandria doesnt get any friends for reasons relating to her Themes. but im sure shed be extremely fond of kirby himself. gooey too i think! she also keeps her distaste for people well hidden, or is quite open minded--it's difficult to tell, so nothing for the "gets along with the least" part of the question either.
🔮 (Crystal Ball) - Out of all the treasures in the Great Cave Offensive, Kirby is letting your OC pick one from his stash to keep! Which one do they pick, and why?
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sleep-knot · 8 months
put all the sid aus in a room together and see what happens
LMAO they'd all light up and fuck chill tbh. my dream blunt rotation is all the sids fr. it would be chaos though and j wanna see it
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