#the sillyness will resume shortly tho i prommie
bloo-the-dragon · 9 months
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They protecc, they attacc... but most importantly oneshot fic under the cat!
The day had started out as normal. Sun and Moon were working their part time shift at the daycare, and Bloodmoon had tagged along to volunteer for today. They had been managing quite well too! Usually they could only last so long around kids, especially the rowdy ones but todays crowd was quieter than usual.
Until the man with the knife arrived.
Standing there in the doorway, preventing any possible means for escape. Saying he didnt want no trouble, that he just wanted his kid. But he smelled foul and cruel, and Bloodmoon knew an evil when they sensed it. Their hackles while hidden beneath their hat, raised and a low quiet hiss gathered in the back of their throat.
Sun and moon were quick to confront the man however and kept him distracted while the human daycare attendants ushered the kids away into the naptime area, leaving the celestial duo to deal with the danger.
Bloodmoon was meant to follow suit, as had been long since established before should a situation like this ever occur. And so as much as they wanted to lunge and to bite, they gritted their teeth and followed the protocal.
But then the man took his chances by running at Sun, and all sense of reason left Bloodmoon as protective fury flashed through them in a split second. They dashed forward, faster than anyone else could react. The attacker had barely taken even a couple steps toward Sun before Bloodmoon tackled the human to the floor, pinning him there as their hands found his wrists including the one holding the knife.
Their sharp red gaze bore into the humans terrified ones, their grin stretching wide as their usually triangular teeth splintered into hundreds of needle sharp ones. Their wings spread open and wide like a hawk covering its catch, the thrill of a hunter having caught its prey.
But then a sharp scream rang out, snapping Bloodmoon from their prey drive as they harshly winced. One of the children must have gotten spooked by their actions or were simply overwhelmed by the situation. Either way, Bloodmoon recoiled from the noise as it shot painfully through their skull, bringing their hands up to their ears out of reflex.
A mistake.
They had a split second to process the glint of metal before it slashed across their one good eye, blinding them and Bloodmoon let out a yowl drawing back and falling to the floor, their hands clutching at their wounded eye.
There was more screaming, more yelling and Bloodmoon didn't know if it was the childrens or someone else. Pain shot through their skull, the sharp stinging from their eye mixing with the piercing shouts of others around them.
They saw movement from the corner of their remaining eye, weak and half blind as it was and they kicked out in feral panicked instinct, their foot connecting with something soft sending it flying. Bloodmoon scrambled to all fours, hissing and snarling at anything and everything that came near them, lashing out with their claws whenever they felt something brush them.
Everything was too much, too loud too bright. They couldn't see, everything was a blurred mess of shapes and horribly bright light. Their head was still ringing and even the smallest of sounds were too much for them.
Another movement and Bloodmoon lunged, teeth and claws bared. But something grabbed them before they could, and they swiftly found their arms pinned to their sides as another pair of arms wrapped around them and hoisted the crazed red cryptid off their feet.
Bloodmoon struggled and thrashed about snapping and hissing but the grip on them was strong. There was something whispering in their ears, but they could not decipher it as the excess noise only hurt their head more.
They snapped their head back to headbutt whoever was holding them, which they quickly regretted as it aggravated their wounded right eye and sent more pain throbbing through their skull. Their hissing quickly shifted into a pained whine as they flopped forward pathetically.
It was too much. Everything was too much.
One of the arms that had been wrapped around them came up to cover their face. Bloodmoon automatically snapped at the blurred blob, but it covered their vision making everything go dark. The painful brightness and blurred movement disappeared, and they went still in stunned silence as some of the pain in their head briefly receded.
But there was still noise all around them, and they start to weakly struggle again, this time more out of desperation to get away and to hide but the hold on them remains strong, carrying them away from the commotion.
They barely managed to process the sound of a click and then quite suddenly everything went quiet.
But Bloodmoon was still panicking. They were confused, their face and their head still hurting. The noises may have ceased, but something was still holding them, keeping them from escaping. But then a voice speaks, and it's one they recognise almost instantly.
'Calm down. Safe. I've got you.'
Raspy. Quiet. Soothing. Moon.
Bloodmoon relaxed almost instantly, but not completely. They were shaking and breathing heavily, their head still ringing and their injured eye hurting terribly. But they no longer feel the need to bolt and to hide, as Moon is here and they trusted him.
Now confident they were no longer going to attack, the lunar jester sets them down carefully, but Bloodmoon scrambles around to hold onto him, their hand finding his arm. Their left eye - the partially blind one - is currently the only one working and all they can see is a dark blue and white shape and a red glow where his face is. But they know it's Moon, and that is enough.
They sit there, wheezing heavily and clinging to the lunar animatronic as the adrenaline from before starts to wane and the shock creeps in. They flinch as a pair of hands gently grasp the sides of their head, Moon tilting their head up to face him.
'Let me see' he says quietly.
Bloodmoon can't see his expression, but the worry is evident in his voice. Despite how sensitive their face feels, they allow Moon to inspect the area of injury. They hiss and flinch back when they feel his thumb gently brush over the slash under their eye and they can just barely make out Moons gaze shifting to look at what they can only assume is his hand.
Were they bleeding? They hadn't felt any form of liquid on their face, but then they were in a bit of a panicked feral state before so maybe they hadn't noticed. Moon meanwhile shifts and stands, telling Bloodmoon to stay as he moves across the dark room.
Bloodmoon does as they are told, bringing their legs up and coiling their tail around theirself. They look around the room while they wait. It's dim and they cant make out any details, but they assume its the break room.
Curiously, they draw a hand up to their eye, flinching at the soreness but they manage to feel a gash just under their right eye, which they have kept tightly shut ever since the blade connected.
A hand grabs theirs pulling it away from their face and they squeak in alarm. Two orbs of blurred red fill their vision, and they recognise it as Moon.
'Stop that' Moon hisses, but not there's no real anger to his voice, only concern. 'You'll make it worse.'
Bloodmoon huffed in mild irritation. 'C-Can't… Get a-any worse than… th-than this' they stutter quietly.
Bloodmoon falls silent at the sharp tone. They didn't have the energy or will to talk more anyway, so they sit and allow Moon to remove their hat so he can wrap a bandage around their head and over their injured eye, his hands shaking as he does so. Bloodmoon wisely chooses not to comment on it, their single solid red eye flickering away as guilt builds in their chest.
Their gaze instead lands on a green blob next to the lunar animatronic which they assumed was a first aid kit. Other than the gauze, there wasn't much else in there that could really help them. Even the pain meds would be useless as they were intended for human children, not a cryptid disguising theirself as a robot.
Once he is done, Moon pulls Bloodmoons hat back over their head again before pulling them up onto his lap holding them close against him. Bloodmoon does not fight it and they even cling to Moon, feeling the faint tremors of the other under their arms. They were both shaking they quickly realise.
Suddenly a thought occurs to them and Bloodmoon jolts, the top of their head bumping into Moon's chin making him grunt.
'Sun! Is Sun-'
'He's fine.' Moon cuts them off. 'Dealt with the intruder.'
A pause, and Moon shifts his hold on them pulling them away so they are face to face. Despite Bloodmoon being unable to see his expression, they can tell he is giving them a severe look.
'Police have been called. We're staying here until they arrive. You will do as we say and let us handle the situation from here. Do you understand?'
Bloodmoon shrinks a little under the piercing tone, but they nod. Moons gaze holds them for a little longer before he deflates and pulls them back against him once again, his vents rattling in the robot equivalant of a shaky sigh.
Moon is clearly mad, and they don't blame him. They broke the rules and got theirself hurt in the process. But the way they can still feel him shaking also tells Bloodmoon that Moon was terrified, just as much as they had been. The guilt that had been building up overflows, and Bloodmoon shuts their remaining eye and presses their face against his chest.
'Sorry' they whisper softly.
Moon doesn't immedietely reply, instead burying his face into Bloodmoon's hat and squishing their ears.
'Idiot' the lunar animatronic hisses, his hold on them tightening. 'Never do that again.'
Bloodmoon remains silent, but they increase their hold around Moon a little more. This seems to be enough of an answer as Moon does not speak again after and they continue to sit in silence together.
After a couple minutes Moons music box starts playing, for his nerves as much as Bloodmoons who also appreciates the comforting sound of the tinkling tune. They stay that way, holding onto one another as they await the approaching sounds of the distant sirens.
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