#the silt verses spoliers
krowfaced · 3 months
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While it doesn’t suit the canon, I liked the idea of Carpenter’s fishhooks and how it would be so badass if she can’t take them out, so she had to rip them out to carry on her own path.
Actually, this is such a huge milestone for me; This is the first time in years I managed to complete an illustration in one day. I felt also relaxed and inspired while working, instead of finding each stroke to be a chore. Bless you Jon and Muna for writing such a wonderful story
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kassandrasdisciple · 2 months
~~~spoilers for the silt verses season 4~~~
I don't read the transcripts as I listen so bare that in mind, but when I listened to Carson admit to wanting to be a milkman I didn't believe him. It came off as just another way to spin sympathy, choosing an innocent profession from a better time in the idealic village of his past, a way to humanize himself from the twisted monster he's become.
But this isn't a dig at the voice actor or even the writing, it's an endorsement of it in fact. I cannot be made to believe Carson could tell the truth, even in face of his death, and that his character wouldn't spin his lies until his final breath. This is the culmination of a narrative that has made you paranoid of this lecherous politian and warns you to never trust a word he says.
Which is why what Val does next is immaculate writing, because I do believe her lie and so does Carson, we both fall in love with his unlife, his peaceful, love-filled, life and how he died surrounded by friends and his kindness lived on generations afterwards. And I thought, even if he lied about wanting to be a milkman, he wants this, even if it's a falsehood, it's been spun by a false god of lies into something true.
I've read the transcripts now, but I like my reading, where Carson stayed true to his nature till the end but Val still gave him exactly what he wanted, even when he himself didn't know it.
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