#the sims 4 sheriff hat
aralenorimaki01 · 2 years
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TWD - Carl Grimes - Sheriff Hat
I only convert the hat. Credits for CC creator of the shirt
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surely-sims · 3 years
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Unpopular Opinion: Strangerville is my favorite pack.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'An savior' : an new chapter for "The woman with an strange name" is out !
Chapter Summary : After helping the gunsmith to make an delivery to 'Fort Hollister', Bell is returning to Redemption with him before the end of the day.....and the invitation to Adler's place.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart , @smokeywhalee (If anyone want to be added, feel free to tell me, same thing for my main fic "Redemption of an Spirit in an Cold War')
She did what she had to do but she never thought about what will happen during that protection of the gunsmith's wagon to deliver boxes filled with either guns, ammo or both at the same time to the US Army fort connected to Adler's gang. To say that in two days, she killed 3 person in legitimate defense....it was looking like the city of Redemption was maybe going to face more events like this that could change everything but for the moment, it wasn't the time to think about it.
It took almost more than 10 minutes for the soldiers to take out every box from the wagon and it was 10 long minutes for Bell & Woods, surrounded by walls & soldiers that were still curious about her presence here. Then, the two could finally breath freely as they were authorized to go away, leaving the fort behind them to go back to Redemption, an bit exhausted from the events of the day but for Bell, the day wasn't really over....she still has to go to that invitation with the sheriff to see the mayor....
"Woods." Bell started, wanting to have an talk with the gunsmith as they were at 1 kilometer from the city, she was curious about something that she heard about in the fort. Of course, she was still armed with the Winchester 1886 he gave her in case.
"Yes, miss ?" He said, looking in front of him at his seat, focused on making the wagon arrive at its destination.
"I have heard something about you in that fort that is making me curious." She told him directly, causing him to make an questioning face. "I heard the commander calling you 'Sergeant Woods'." She added, her eyes on her rifle before looking back at him. "You were in the army ?"
"Of course, I was." He replied, not sure if he needed to be proud or not about his service in the army. "I served in the army for almost 10 years and I resigned an year ago." He continued, giving her more infos about himself.
"I can see that war wasn't something to be proud of." Bell stated, seeing his face going slower to not be too proud of the army....must be the state of the army they saw back in the fort doing that.... "Why did you resign ?" She demanded.
"I was having enough about been ordered to do this, do that, you know." He responded as Bell was already knowing what he was talking about, Woods wasn't the man to like authority of his superiors and his voice....it was sure saying the truth. "It was at the end of the Spanish-American War that I resigned before coming here."
"You were born in here, maybe ?" She questioned but he shook his head.
"No, I was born in Philadelphia but I didn't want to return over there, it had changed too much, that civilization." He claimed, preferring the Old West than the modern technology except if it was about guns...there, he was liking it, the only exception...."And also because I wanted to stay with my friends : Lawrence & Alex." He added.
"The priest and the doctor ?" He nodded to her question, revealing two others veterans at her eyes.
"Yes, we were friends back in the days but war did change us : Mason had an troubled past so he became an priest to try to change things & Sims became an doctor, still staying in his domain like me." He expressed, an little smile on his face as the wagon was arriving in the city limits on an side road. "What about you ?" He asked her as for him, he was the one wanting to know now.
"I don't know if I can talk about this." She whispered as this subject was hard for her to talk about.
"Come on, I told you about me, talk about you." He pressed her to talk as the wagon was coming near his shop.
"Maybe later but not now." She affirmed again her opinion as Woods finally stopped the wagon in front of his armory, ending the ride back here. The two got off the wagon without any talks and they entered his shop, looking not sure to talk about this anymore.
"So, thank you again for helping me." He thanked again as she was putting the Winchester on the counter but he gestured to her. "No, you can keep it if you want, it's your reward." He explained, putting the rifle back in her hands even if she didn't have any holstler for an gun like that with her.
"I don't know..." She chuckled, checking her rifle in her hands before nodding, taking it with her. "I will buy something for it tomorrow to hold it and some bullets along it." She said, an smile on her face as she hold the rifle with her right hand by its cannon.
"You will not have to pay it, I can offer it to you." He proposed to her about that.
"If you want but only tomorrow, I've got an invitation to honor." She announced to him but on his face, it was looking that he was aware of the situation about her, Adler & the sheriff.
"Yes, I heard of it, Adler invitating you & old Lazar to his house...that's an first." He exclaimed, going back on the other side of the counter to face her, biting her lips to think about the leader here, invitating an friend and an stranger to his house. "Anyway, I hope that you're good now."
"Yeah, I'm good." She confirmed before she decided that it was time to maybe go and leave him alone, her task now done with him. "Well, I'm leaving you now, good day, Woods." She make an sign with her hat to him as he salute her as he didn't wear any hat before she left the shop.
She didn't receive any money but that wasn't something she wanted actually, an talk was just all she wanted and adding to that, she received another gun from him : an Winchester 1886. It was almost making her the most armed person in town with 4 guns on her : two semi-automatic pistols, an revolver and now an repeater rifle. But she preferred to not have too much on her, she was good with her pistols & revolver for the moment.
At first, she decided to return to her hotel room, saluting the sheriff still at his porch along the way, to put her rifle in it, not wanting to keep it when she will have to go to the mayor's house, she knows that her guns are maybe going to be confiscated by Adler's men. Once she put it back on the only chair in the room, she didn't know what she could possibly do after helping the gunsmith to make his delivery.
Now, she didn't want to kill anyone else as her last job involved her to kill 2 mexicans thieves and she couldn't go back to the sheriff, preferring to talk to him once the two were ready to go to the mayor's house and like he said, there were other person in town than him. There were either the priest, Alex Mason or the doctor, Lawrence Sims to go talk to....she went for the second option as she wanted to know how was her horse for the moment.
"Doctor !" She started after arriving near the stables where she saw him working, the door were widely open and she entered the stables, seeing him near the box her horse 'Butterfly' was.
"Oh, hello, miss Bell !" He saluted her as he was cleaning the gloves he was wearing, removing them to shook hands with her. "I'm surprised to see you here." He claimed after the shake of hands.
"I wanted to know how my horse was." She told him clearly, gesturing to the box he was near before she arrived here.
"Your horse is fine with me." He explained, gesturing to her to follow him near the box where she could see her horse, still laid down but looking better than last day. "I gave her more meds and she's looking better but I think that she should stay here for an few days." He continued, crossing his arms on the box's door, an smile on Bell's face to see her horse.
"So, I have to stay here for an few more days...." She whispered, putting her hands on the door too. "That doesn't really bother me to be honest." She revealed to him, remembering the sad nodding he did with the sheriff an day ago.
"Really ? I thought that you were an bit disturbed by that ?" She shook his head to him.
"That's okay, I met fine people in town that make me pass the time." She affirmed, her eyes looking outside the stables and removing her hands from the door.
"Yeah, I saw that you came into help with Woods earlier." He said, also removing his arms from the box to look at her. "How did it goes by the way ?" He asked her.
"It went fine if we don't count the fact that we got attacked by an group of mexicans." She replied, not sure about how she could feel about them despite their attentions. "You know anything about that ?" She demanded from him even if she wasn't sure if he was going to give an answer to her.
"Not so much but I heard things from the few Adler's guys that come to get heal." He expressed, moving away to lean against an barrel as Bell was staying at her place, her full attention on him. "They said that the gang was having troubles with an mexican gang in the south." He declared, getting Bell's curiosity to the max.
"Adler's gang seems to be at war with them, according to what I heard from the soldiers in the fort." She recited, mentioning the few talks she was able to catch in that fort from the soldiers that was passing near her when she was still on that wagon. "To change, I heard that you, the priest & Woods were old buddies from war, is that true ?" She changed the subject, seeing Sims wasn't so comfortable with talking about Adler.
"That's true, miss." He responded in an low voice, taking an ledger in his hands to check something. "We were in the US Army and our last war we did....."
"Was the Spanish-American War." She completed, cutting him gently as his eyes went wide at hearing her. "Woods told me about it, said you were the best in your domain." She admitted, causing an little smile to appear on his face.
"Woods been Woods." He scoffed, putting the ledger away back on that barrel to walk near the stables doors, soon followed by Bell. "He did tell you why we installed ourselves here ?" He questioned her and she nodded despite that Woods didn't really tell her much.
"He said that he didn't want to return to the East." She said, leaning herself against the door frame.
"Yeah but also because the sheriff, the old Lazar, I'm an friend of him so we all decided to install ourselves here to be with him." He responded to her, giving more informations about how three old veterans decided to live in Arizona in that city. "Guess that it was the good choice even with everything that happened."
"Yes, seeing this city like that isn't very enjoying." She proclaimed, looking outside, seeing the few people walking on the main road, the few wagons and also, the armed men making patrols around the streets. "How long this is happening ?"
"Been months that we all live under occupation, an few days after we got here." Sims replied, crossing his arms, also looking outside. "We could have run away but we preferred to stay despite Adler ruling the city." He added.
"You did an good choice, maybe." She suggested as living under that state wasn't an lot pleasant to do but then....her eyes were focused on someone that was passing through the street with an red dress....Miss Park....she was walking alone with an little umbrella and even of the rules....Bell couldn't remove her eyes off her.
"Are you looking to her ?" Sims asked, seeing Bell almost in her thoughts and knowing that she was having her eyes on the only person it's forbidden to look.
"Well....yeah, I'm looking at her." She answered, not even ashamed of doing so, looking back at him for an second. "It's not because there's an rule about her that we can't resist to look at her." She exclaimed, giving her thought about that stupid rule in place but then, she could see miss Park getting diverted on her way by two men behind her between two building....something was off..."Uhm....I have to go, thanks an lot, Sims." She told him, making an sign with her hat.
"I do what I need to do, goodbye miss Bell." He saluted her, going back inside the stables as Bell was slowly walking into the main street.
She knew that something was off when she saw this two men behind miss Park, they weren't looking like Adler's men to her, very different and it was looking like an kidnapping, having seen the men holding each of miss Park's arms to get in an alley between 2 buildings. She looked around her, seeing no armed men from Adler around, meaning that she needed to do the job and to maybe help miss Park. She arrived near the alley they took, preparing her two pistols below her elbows.
"Hey, let me go !" Bell could hear Park's voice in the alley as she peaked her head to discover the two men, looking like undercovers mexicans, holding her with her back on the wall.
"Cállate, chica ! [Shut up, woman !]" One of the mexicans ordered, putting his hand on her mouth to avoid her to scream for help.
"Karla la necesita para un rescate, ten cuidado. [Karla needs her for an ransom, watch out.]" The other mexican warned to his friends, giving more informations about the situation about Adler's tensions with the said-mexicans to Bell. "Debemos llevarla sin ruido y sin lastimarla. [We need to take her without an noise and without hurting her.]" He added, Bell understanding everything as she was taking her two Modele 1899 in hands.
"Claro, pero nos lo pondrá más difícil si sigue moviéndose. [Of course but she's going to complicate the job if she doesn't stop moving.]" The first mexican expressed as he was trying to stop miss Park to move too much away from him but it was then time for Bell....
"Let her go !" Bell intervened inside the alley, aiming at the two mexicans with her guns and making them almost jumpscare from their spot, the first mexican still holding miss Park against the wall.
"Gonzalez, es una chica. [Gonzalez, it's an girl.]" The second mexican chuckled, his hand on the grip of his revolver and unadvertantly reveal the first mexican name.
"Vete, no es tu problema, chica.[Go away, that's not your problem.]" Gonzalez demanded, his voice trembling to be hold at gunpoint.
" ¡Tendrás problemas si no la dejas ir! [You will have problems if you don't let her go !]" Bell spoke up, using an perfect spanish accent to them, taking an step forwards slowly to advance to them. her two Modele 1899 aiming at each mexican.
" Hablas buen español, cual es tu nombre ? [You speaking well spanish, what's your name ?]" Gonzalez asked, his hands still on miss Park's mouth and her left shoulder as his friend was still frightened, his hand on his holstler.
"Me llamo Bell ! [My name is Bell !]" She replied, taking another step arriving at almost 2 meters from the group. "I'm not repeating myself, let her go !" She asked again, returing to english, pulling the hammer of her pistols down, ready to shoot both.
"¡Ven y tómalo! [Come get her !]" Gonzalez exclaimed, making an sign to his friend to attack while he was keeping miss Park away
"As you wish." Bell scoffed as the mexican was starting to charge at but the only thing he received was an punch from her with her pistol still in her right hand, causing the mexican to fall behind him on an wall. She got her left pistol back on her holstler, keeping her right one in her hand, moving to attack the mexican against the wall.
"Putà ! [Bitch !]" Gonzalez shouted, seeing his friend getting overpowered by an woman until suddenly, he screamed in pain, miss Park deciding to bite his hand that was covering her mouth, making him fall on his ass, holding his hand in pain before getting ready to pull out his revolver until....
"Don't think about it, friend !" An voice came behind him, revealing the sheriff Azoulay himself before he punched in the voice, breaking his nose and then, moving quickly to take Gonzalez's revolver off his holstler.
"Sheriff, what are you doing here ?" Bell questioned him as he finished with the mexican, throwing him aside next to Gonzalez.
"I saw you following miss Park and I knew that there were something wrong so I decided to see what was going on." He responded, moving to take the other mexican's gun in his hand as miss Park was taking an deep breath aside.
"You're alright, miss Park ?" Bell was the one to ask that question, worried about her.
"Yeah...I'm alright, thank you, miss." She replied, relieved to have been saved by these two person as Bell offered her hand, an bit trembling in front of miss Park in person.
"I'm Bell." She whispered in an low voice, blushing to be honest.
"I'm...Helen Park, thank you both to having save me." She said, bringing an smile on Bell's face as the two shook hands, the sheriff keeping the two mexicans on the ground.
"It's miss Bell that did the work, miss Park." The sheriff told her, not wanting to share the honors as he was just here to help, it was Bell who managed to get this situation to end better. "No need to thank me." He added before Bell moved to get next to him, still blushing from talking to miss Park.
" Dile a tu jefe que no buscamos problemas con la señora llamada Bell y sus amigas.[Tell your boss to not search troubles with the lady called Bell and her friends.]" Bell ordered to Gonzalez, still holding his nose in pain who nodded.
"Si, senora Bell.[Yes, miss Bell.]" Gonzalez chuckled, seeing the deadly glare on his face as his friend were slowly getting up along with him, scared by her and the sheriff.
"Ve o te la regalamos a Adler. [Go or we're giving you away to Adler.]" Bell threatened and the two mexicans nodded, quickly fleeing away out of the alley in fear, leaving the trio alone in it before suddenly, out of nowhere, Bell could feel lips on her left cheek, discovering miss Park making an little kiss to her, blushing to the maximum she could.
"Thank you, miss Bell. You're an real savior for me." Miss Park expressed, full of joice before she start to leave the alley too, to return to the mayor's house as she needed to do and when she left, Bell's eyes never got off her, still stunned by that kind of move from her, even the sheriff couldn't believe it, making an tap on Bell's shoulder to pull her out of her thoughts....
"Wow, it seems that she like you....it's time for our invitation to go to Adler's house."
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