#the skull paint is gone and replaced by full-coverage 'normal' looking makeup
mayasaura · 2 years
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#I lost half of that au whoops#serves me right#anyway#Gideon hasn't seen Harrow outside of tabloids or new footage for close to seven months#and barely recognizes the girl waiting for her outside her shitty halfway house#the skull paint is gone and replaced by full-coverage 'normal' looking makeup#her hair is still short by styled into a pixie bob to look.... cute??#she's wearing a cardigan#it's not even black#(this is all Magnus' doing Harrow made none of these choices herself - he's going for a 'poor innocent girl who was victim of a cult')#(Harrow will look very different once a jury is no longer part of the equation)#except for the makeup that was harrow's call she drew the line at having a bare face and they compromised#the offer Harrow has for Gideon is simple: she wants Gideon to testify on her behalf#she'll be eighteen soon and if she wins this case she'll have access to the remainder of her parents' estate#Gideon can then sue the estate for damages and Harrow promises to settle out of court for a good percentage#it's not worth it. she should not get involved in this#except....#with a bit of money she could go for that apprenticeship and a union carpenter can make $30/hr#and the last time she saw harrow was sitting ramrod straight in the back of a cop car#hands clenched white knuckled in her lap#refusing to acknowledge the tears running silently down her face and streaking her paint#looking like her world had just ended#gideon's caseworkers had refused to answer any questions about harrow and where she was#and now here she is looking Gideon in the eyes and ASKING her#she shouldn't say yes#but she does#Silas tries to flip her of course#first by appealing to her as a victim and then by threatening to charge her as a conspirator if she doesn't turn on Harrow#because that scene made a BIG impression on me and I think it was vital to cementing Gideon's loyalty to Harrow#it is here too
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