#the slimecicle rewatch continues
crowfatherd · 4 months
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gu ys icant do this anymore together they make one whole card....
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autismandjrwi · 3 months
he's the worst person ever, I love him.
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albiorix-l · 11 months
Jrwitober Day 31- 5 years of jrwi
Ok, this one isn’t much of a writing prompt. Not like I know how to make todays prompts into one anyway. And for anyone looking at my account, yeah, I didn’t keep up with it at all. Everything’s been very busy and I just couldn’t find time unfortunately, especially as each one just got longer.
However, I just wanted to use todays little thing to express my complete love for this show and everything about it (except felipe, I want to strangle that guy).
I haven’t been watching since the start. More like the second half of 2022, when slimecicle left the Chuckle Sandwich podcast and, with that being one of my main comforts, lead me to search for other stuff he’d done.
Then I found it. I think I started with the Prime Force one shots, and fell in love with it, though I wasn’t very happy when I found out the rest was behind a paywall. The black rose one shot wasnt the most entertaining thing and I was a little worried to see what the riptide campaign was going to be like. Alas, I gave it a shot.
And. Wow. From the start I was so into it I couldn’t stop watching (doing 8-10 hours a day when I had a free day, I was so into it) and even when I had something else going on, the second I got home I just couldn’t stop. I caught up decently quickly, and after a couple months of rewatching old episodes, I sent my friend, who i had only known for a little while at this point, a BITB animatic. I thought it was cool and I get way too excited about it when I like stuff.
Thankfully, she liked it too, and we decided to both get the Patreon. That’s when I went absolutely insane. BITB, while I won’t go into depths, was amazing, and I finished it in 2 days. But Prime defenders, which id watched the free eps for a while, and that id read enough fics to vaguely be spoiled of s1, was so so so much better than I could’ve expected. Every second of it was incredible, and from May ish when I got it to now, i am continually enthralled by everything about it. I love bizly’s dming, the characters, the story, all the heartfelt moments that I even cried a good amount at.
Jrwi, and largely pd, have become such a big part of my life that I have to stop myself or I doubt I’ll shut up. And that friend I mentioned? We went from strangers to just enough friends I sent her that fateful video to practically siblings, all because I shared my interest with her. We were both the first people we came out to, helped each other through so much in the year and a bit we’ve known each other, and I love her like my sister.
All because of an animatic about a bug horror thing.
And of course, the community. The people I’ve met, mostly those in a jrwi fic server, are so talented and funny and they’re all amazing. I’ve had the chance to write and post on ao3 after reading it for I think 5 years, and the kindness in this community is so incredible it’s almost whiplash to go back to the real world.
So thank you, jrwi. For all you’ve done for me and everyone who watches you.
An inspired fan
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moss-and-marimos · 1 year
heard you had some thoughts you wanted to share on GILLION TIDESTRIDER, CHAMPION OF THE UNDERSEAS- 👀?
HERO OF THE DEEP!! its true its true, he makes me a little bit wild, I've been rewatching some of the earlier episodes and I just. god. I think about him so much, hes so autism to me. I already made the other post about the autism experience of realizing you've been the butt of the joke, but like the fact that its canon that he liked visiting loffinlot because he felt like he could finally read the tone there because everyone was laughing, only to have that like ripped away from him upon finding out its a curse and stuff, and jay and chip just like not quite understanding that. ow. to me chip has adhd and gill has autism or both autism and adhd and they just like dont super get eachother, and they dont communicate the best because of that like conflicting mental illnesses over here, idk they just. ough. like chip obviously doesnt mean to hurt gill with his 'jokes,' and as the audience we are intended to find them funny, and we do, because we have like everyones perspectives, but god in hindsight does it make me just kinda sad. gill doesnt deserve that. for the first time in his life hes been like allowed to express anger without real fear of punishment, but also he like doesnt have the, for lack of better term, friendship degradation mechanic in his brain, like a lot of adhd and autism people dont, and so like the idea that his fight with chip could have long term repercussions on their friendship doesnt quite register and so he tries to go back to things being like normal after they fight, and obviously chip isnt having that, and I just aaaaaa owwwww I just think about how even now gillion is still trying to find his place in the world and everything because of the prophecy, especially because of [info redacted so as not to be spoilers] in recent episodes and im grrgagrghajghgerghgh foaming at the mouth this poor guy. hes doing his damn best over here and he's gonna keep at it 'til it kills him. also?? the fact that gill did not/does not have the fucking hp to be a tank and still plays it anyway?? oh my goddddd. self sacrificial fish man. hes so. like there was a point when jay had more hp than him and he continued to be a tank, how much do you have to practice, to train, to be walking around under 10hp and pretending its normal and doing it so well your friends cant even notice. I do wonder sometimes how much even now that jay and chip like understand gill, because chip is in his own head a lot, and jay Is very focused on like circumstances I feel like, and so im like aaaaaa just like do they understand gill do they understand how he thinks even now? do they get it? im not certain they do but they try to be there for him anyway, but sometimes they do, and theyre all just doing the best they can and aaaaa im so. im so . guys. also Charlie and condi only recently like re-realizing that chip is 19 because of [redacted recent events]???? im so. im so . guys oh my goddddd. but yeah back to gill I just. slaps this fish this bad boy can fit so much autism in him. he gets it. Charlie slimecicle king of making autistic characters. god gillion makes me so sad and emotional all the time
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
I went on a TftSMP binge yesterday before watching The Maze for the first time and I thought it would be fun to rank them :D Thats it, lets start !!
The Beach Episode: Ive only watched this one once when it first came out and it was so boring and I disliked it so much that when it came time to watch it again as part of my rewatch(es), I just didnt. The premise is fun enough but the execution is really lacking and I really hate how it breaks continuity, I know its petty but that kinda stuff is really important to me. I dont have much else to say, I didnt like it very much and if it were up to me, it wouldnt be canon but it clearly is so. whatever
The Haunted Mansion: Again, the premise is fun and I like the idea of a tale taking place in like, the near future and still featuring some characters we know from the present day mixed in with original characters, but again, I thought the execution was lacking. TftSMP lives and dies by its characters imo and I didnt particularly like any of them. The twins were pretty cute and I always enjoy Schlatt's performance but idk it just wasnt enough for me
The Town That Never Was: Honestly, I keep forgetting this one and I wasnt sure if I should even watch it since I didnt watch it the first time around but I watched it now and I cant say I regret it. It does feel very disconnected and it does feel weird to count it as part of TftSMP but its a neat little episode 0-type thing (even if it does feel pretty out of character for Karl ngl lol)
The Village That Went Mad: Ah, the one that started it all. Im so glad the fandom looked at this one and collectively decided that Karl was a time traveller because without it we probably wouldnt have gotten the rest of the series without it! Its pretty neat, although I do wish they did a bit more roleplaying because the most entertaining parts were definitely the in-charcter interactions
The Lost City of Mizu: This is where TftSMP starts getting really good imo. Its kind of an interesting how it almost acts as a transition of sorts, from the more gamified format to more traditional roleplay. Ive already made a post about this, but I think itd be neat if they would remake this one, because the concept is so good and I really enjoyed the interactions between Cleetus, Benjamin and Ranboos character (I forgot his name sry) but the format and the need to rush through the story felt really restricting. I also really enjoyed the details about the lack of food and stuff going wrong with the oxygen system which I never really noticed on my previous watches but really came to appreciate this time. I also liked how clueless Ranbob seemed, I honestly dont think that was an acting choice I think cc!Dream was just actually inexplicably unprepared but I thought it was really funny. Like, it seemed like he wasnt given a name or didnt have one prepared so he just made it up on the spot lol
The Pit: The premise of this one was really fun! I am a little upset that we didnt get the Ran lore that was apparently planned but it worked fine without it. Honestly, I dont have much to say, the characters were fun, I do wish we couldve seen them interact among each other a bit more but I still liked it.
The Wild West: Full disclosure, The Masquerade has been a long time favorite of mine and I was very sure it was gonna be my top one and while I ended up being right, this one is still very high up the ranking and it is the funniest one for sure. There were so many funny and dare I say iconic moments, I dont think I could list them all but my top three moments were: "This is where I keep my mail and. wife", Percy's introduction and exchange with John John, any moment with Jack Kanoff. I also appreciate the reference to The Masquerade :D
The Maze: I was soooooo excited when I read the premise and I'd be a lying if I wasnt a little bit dissapointed at the execution. However, Slimecicle absolutely carried this entire thing on his back, I absolutely adored his performance. That ending twist was also just great, idk why it got me the way it did but it elevated the entire episode for sure. The lore it ended on was also really interesting, although a bit disappointing in retrospect now thats basically over. I hope they integrated some of the lore from TftSMP into the main storyline as well because I do think its very interesting
The Masquerade: MY FAVORITE :DDDDD I adore murder mysteries in fancy mansions and I adore masquerades so yeah, ofc I love this one. I loved everyones fancy outfits, I loved Techno as Sir Billiam III, I loved Karl flirting with Mason, I loved the twist UGHHH. I also thought this episode was really funny, even if not as funny as The Wild West. My standards for humor arent that high tbh, I just liked how they made fun of rich people lmao. I think my favorite moment was probably the one where Karl was hiding in that closet with Sebastian and he was getting murdered right next to him, it was surprisingly tense. All around great, I loved it
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