#the spam blogs are back. goddammit
irondad-defensesquad · 9 months
when i go to the irondad tag, i want to see irondad.
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Repeat (A Short Horror Story):
I found a movie called "Repeat" when walking home from school. It's in an old homemade VHS case. Can you believe that? Who has VHS tapes anymore?
I tucked it under my sweater it's the itchy one mom makes me wear. I don't know why. It's not even that cold.
I make it back home. And head into the attic the tape still hidden in my sweater. I rummage through mom's boxes, the ones marked "80s" and "90s", she should have a VHS player still.
The dust blows around a chill runs down my spine.  I pull the sweater tighter against my body. Something catches my eye and I dig it out. There it was, the VHS player. Dusty and forgotten with time. I blow on it and dust it off. I lug it downstairs nearly tripping. Goddammit this thing is heavy as hell. I find some way to plug it in nearly zapping myself.
I slide it from the box, it's had something written on the label in red marker but it's been smudged off.
I slide it in and press play. The screen goes static screech it's unholy symphony in my ears. I dive bomb for the remote. As I grab the cold plastic in my hand, the tv cuts to black. I look up. Bright lights flash before me. My eyes burn and tear up.  I yelp and can't pull away. It's like I'm paralyzed. It chants a secret language at me. I'm floating.. I'm floating... the blackness is warm.
I found a movie called "Repeat" when walking home from school....
ohhhh oh my goodness love you have really good stories
that was cool
I'm worried now that like 90% of my blog is me answering asks 😂 /lh
I really need to reblog some stuff lmao, I'm just kinda going to reblog spam now so. be warned
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nagito-kissmaeda · 3 years
alright as much as i love komaeda. i think i remember you say you had a soft spot for kazuichi as well (if this wasnt you im so sorry shksjdkk) sooo! any possibility we could get a fem reader with kaz nsfw? oneshot or headcanons, either is fine!! stay hydrated pwease 🥺
ミ☆ Aight! This ended up being huge, i hope that's fine sdkgjskdgjs. So yeah, have my first non-komaeda work on this blog aha. I do actually really like Souda, he's a dork <3
Contains: Fem Reader, No pronouns used, Explicit Sexual Content Word Count: 3932
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It’s cold, and it’s dark. Your heels are too tall to walk comfortably in, especially down the poorly paved back roads that lead to the train station. The moon hangs high in the sky and is your only source of light as you are rounding the final corner, you tug your shawl tighter around your shoulders, though the fabric is so thin that it doesn’t provide much warmth at all.
You hadn’t dressed for walking, you weren’t meant to be walking at all, but the night hadn’t gone as planned in more ways than one. You sigh shakily as you finally reach the train station, sitting down on one of the open benches and shivering as the cool air passes through you again.
The next train isn’t for an hour.
You can feel yourself starting to tear up, pressing the heel of your palms into your eyes to try and stop the tears from coming. A quiet sob escapes your lips and your shoulders shake.
Fishing your phone from your pocket, you quickly wipe your nose on the back of your hand and dial your best friend’s number. The dial tone rings hollow in your ear for a few seconds, and then he picks up:
You sniffle, “Hey, Kaz.”
“Oh! Hey!” He replies, you can hear his mechanical keyboard clacking in the background over some upbeat music, “Aren’t you meant to be on a date?” he spams a key frantically and then hisses out a quiet, “goddammit, fuyuhiko”
It’s game night. You would usually be playing with them if not for the disaster of a date. You, Kazuichi and Nagito play together once a fortnight, Fuyuhiko joins when he can, but he’s busy more often than the rest of you are. Everyone was upset when you said you wouldn’t be able to make it tonight, you’re upset too now, but hindsight is 20/20.
“I was on a date, it just uh…” you clear your throat, trying not to sound so sad, “it didn’t go so well?”
“Shit! Are you okay?” Kazuichi says loudly, “ah, fuck. One second -“ he starts talking to the others over the headset, “-yeah I have to go AFK for a bit, sorry. Everything’s fine, Nagito. stop getting so worked up. Yeah, I’ll be back soon” you hear his headset clunk on the desk and his old chair creak when he stands up. Kazuichi always paces when he talks on the phone. It’s cute, “are you safe? Did he try anything?” Kaz says quite seriously.
You smile, it’s nice that he worries about you, “No, nothing like that, he was just a dickhead. He was also my ride home though, I’m waiting for the train.”
“No you aren’t.” He says decisively, grabbing his keys from by the front door. You hear them jangle in his palm as he heads out to his car, “I’m coming to get you, which station?”
“You don’t have to, Kaz! It’s game night!”
Kazuichi chuckles, opening the driver's side door and getting into the car, “oh yeah, you think that both Nagito and Fuyuhiko would be happy to hear I left you stranded out in the cold?” He turns on the ignition and you hear the car rev to life, “Nagito would get all passive aggressive and Fuyuhiko would get regular aggressive and I just don’t feel like dealing with that tonight.”
“Okay okay!” You reply, marvelling and how easy it is for Kazuichi to make you laugh even when you’re feeling miserable, “You’ve got me, I won’t make you suffer through that.”
“Which station are you at? I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
It only takes about ten minutes for you to see Kazuichi’s familiar car pull into the parking lot. The car itself is pretty old, but Kaz always manages to keep it running, he takes better care of it than he does himself and that’s a little sad honestly, but you shouldn't be one to talk. If it wasn’t for him, your own car would be stuck in a ditch somewhere, you’re useless with repairs. Maybe that’s why you’ve clung this close to him for so many years.
Kaz rolls down the window when you step closer, giving you a sad smile, “You doing alright?”
You return the smile, and open the passenger side door, “Yeah. I'm alright now.”
“Sure you don't want me to drive back there and punch him?.” you can see his fingers tapping on the steering wheel, you can tell that he’s only half joking.
“He’s not worth it. Just a total asshole.”
You don’t see Kaz without his contacts very often, only when he’s caught off guard. When he turns to look at you, his brown eyes catch the glow from the streetlight outside the car. His glasses are thick rimmed and his eyes are actually very pretty, you don't know why you haven't told him that. You don't know why you can't manage to tell him that now.
“Do you wanna talk about it...or?”
You shrug, kicking your heels off into the footwell and clicking in your seatbelt, “There isn't much to talk about. He just...I dunno…”
Kazuichi puts the car back in gear and starts reversing out of the parking lot, he sighs, “you dunno? Or you dont wanna tell me?” he pulls the car back onto the main road and starts heading towards your apartment, “you don't have to or anything, i just...i worry about you, i guess.”
“He said I was ugly.” you finally say, feeling yourself deflate a little at the memory, “It’s a stupid thing to be so upset about but, it just...hurt…”
“Wait. So did he just sit down at the table and call you ugly? Straight off the bat?”
You laugh a little, “No no! It wasn't quite that bad, his exact words were ‘not as pretty as the people i usually date’ and then he tried to pour me a glass of wine like he hadn't just insulted me.”
“Fuck, man.” Kaz huffs and runs a hand through his hair, “Are you sure you don't want me to punch him?”
“I’m sure, if we saw him again I’d probably punch him myself and then we would both get in trouble.” You sigh, lifting your hands up behind your head to work on undoing the elaborate updo you had coaxed your hair into before leaving home, “I tried really hard to look nice. I really did.”
Kazuichi swallows, eyes drifting to where you are sitting beside him. Sucking in a breath at the way the orange light from the streetlamps illuminates you in the darkness. The slope of your bare neck, the way your delicate fingers work to undo your hair.
“Yeah, well, that guy was an idiot.” Kazuichi breathes, and turns his eyes back to the road, “you look really good tonight.”
There’s a beat, and then he says-
“-I...I mean, you look good every night. Not just tonight or anything, I just meant that you look, like, especially good tonight. As opposed to normal, when you look good, but not like--”
“Kaz!” You exclaim, resting your hand on top of his on the stick shift. You can't help but wonder why the feeling of his hand under yours makes your heart race, “It’s fine, you don't need to explain it, i know what you’re trying to say. Thank you.”
His mouth curls up in a lopsided smile, and you pull your hand away as he shifts the car into fourth, “It’s going to be a bit before we get back to your place, you can hook your phone up to the bluetooth if you want.”
“Yeah, uh, thanks…” you say, doing as he said and connecting your phone to his stereo system. You pick something light to listen to, not really feeling like anything more than that, “Kaz?”
His eyes flit over to you, “Yeah?”
You sigh, combing your fingers through your hair, “Could I come back to your place instead, I know it’s game night but i--” you turn away from him to look out the window, “--I don't want to be alone. I’ll just replay the night over and over, all I will do is make myself feel worse.”
“Oh.” He clears his throat, “Yeah, sure! My apartment is kind of a mess though? I wasn't expecting company or anything.”
“What? No girls coming over tonight?” you tease.
Kazuichi laughs halfheartedly, “Yeah, no girls. It’s fine though, I'm sure Nagito and Fuyuhiko will understand when I tell them I can't play, and I can sleep on the couch if you want to take my bed.” he panics a little, “Or, you--you can take the couch. You don't have to sleep in my bed.”
It’s cute when Kazuichi gets flustered. You’ve always taken joy in riling him up a little, just to see his cheeks turn pink. In the dim light of the car, you can see that his roots are starting to grow back, it's probably been at least a month since he last dyed his hair. You feel...special. That you get to see him wearing his glasses and when his hair is still undyed. Not many people get to. There aren't many he trusts enough.
There’s a little bump when he pulls the car up into his parking spot and you shiver just a little when he turns off the ignition and the heating turns off with it.
Kazuichi notices, “Let’s get you inside before you freeze, huh?”
“Good idea.” You reply, opening the door and stepping out of the car. Kazuichi locks the car quickly and then starts heading up the stairs to his apartment, you follow behind him rubbing your arms to stave off the cold, “Thank you again, by the way, for coming to get me.”
He unlocks the front door and gestures for you to go in before him, “Hey, no need to thank me. What are friends for?” He closes the door behind the both of you, and you lean one hand against the wall for balance as you take off your shoes.
You’ve always liked his apartment. You like that none of his plates match, that his desk is always covered with nuts and bolts from whatever he has last been tinkering with. You dont think you’ve ever seen the overhead lights on, there’s a lamp in almost every corner of the room and he uses those instead. Kazuichi has always liked it a little dim, it's cozier anyway, so you don't mind.
“Do you want something to drink?” He says, toeing off his own shoes and putting them next to yours by the door, “I have tea, it’s Nagito’s weird herbal stuff though.”
You laugh, “If by ‘weird herbal stuff’ you mean chamomile, then that would be fine.”
“Yeah, that sounds right. I dunno, he just left it in my cupboard last time he came over.” He starts heading into the kitchen, but quickly turns back to face you, “Uh, do you have something else to wear, you probably don't, right?”
“Oh, yeah. I didn't really think about that.” you grimace, sleeping in the dress is the last thing you want to do, “Can i borrow a shirt or something?”
Kazuichi turns visibly pink, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, “Yeah, sure! You know where my room is, just grab anything you want from the top drawer, I don't mind.”
He turns to head back into the kitchen and you walk over to his bedroom door. It’s true that you have been in here many times, but something about the way it feels tonight is different. For some reason, seeing the mess of dark grey sheets on his bed makes your heart speed up, just a little.
You shake the thoughts away and head over to his drawers, rifling through to find something comfortable. There’s an old band t-shirt that looks at least three sizes too big for Kaz, but the perfect size for you to wear to bed. It smells like his laundry detergent.
“Everything okay in here?” Kazuichi asks, peering around the doorframe almost like he is too nervous to enter his own room.
You smile, “Yeah, all good. I’m just going to change now if that’s okay?”
He turns pink again, and his voice squeaks when he says, “sure! I’ll just be...in the kitchen…”
When he turns away, you bring your hands up to the zipper at the back of your dress, but are only able to tug it down half an inch before it gets stuck. You huff and continue pulling to no avail. “Hey, Kaz?”
He comes back to the door, “Uh. yeah?”
“I think my zipper is stuck, would you mind?”
Kazuichi swallows, “Oh, uh, sure.” He steps around behind you, and brushes your hair over your shoulder so it won't get in his way. You can feel his breath on the back of your neck, you can feel how shaky his hands are when they grab the zipper and slowly start working it down. Your heart is racing. Why is it so fast?
“I think...I think it’s unstuck now.” He whispers, the warmth of his hands is still present on your back.. The energy in the room has changed completely, there’s a weight of something you can't quite place hanging in the air. The way Kazuichi’s hands shake makes you suspect he is feeling it too.
You turn around to face him. His eyes are wide and questioning, one of his hands shakily drifting down to your waist and all of a sudden, you know clear as day what is going to happen next. Your gaze flits between his eyes and his lips, and you notice the distance between you is growing less and less but you can't be sure if it is you moving or him. You’ve never noticed how soft his lips look before now.
They are even softer when they press against yours. There is an urgency to it, his hand immediately jumping up to cup your jawline and yours tangling in the back of his hair. You tilt your head to the side, deepening the kiss and gasping into his mouth when you feel his tongue brush your lips.
“Is...is this okay?” he breathes against you, still clutching desperately at your waist, “I dont...I dont want to take advantage of you or anything?”
“Advantage of me?” You ask
“Y--Yeah…’cause of what happened with that guy earlier today, i don't wanna--”
You cup his cheek in your hand, his pretty brown eyes blink down at you from behind his glasses, panicked, “Kazuichi. I don’t want to stop.”
He laughs a little, “That’s a relief. I...I didn't want to stop either.”
His lips are on your again, open mouthed and hot as he guides you back towards his bed. You flop backwards, pulling him down with you and on top of you. He gasps a little, but his lips never leave yours, you can hear him breathing heavily against you as one of his hands starts working your dress further down your shoulders.
“Sit up.” You whisper, “It’ll be easier if you pull it up over my head.”
“O--oh, okay.” He stammers, sitting back on his heels and grabbing the hem of your dress. You lift your hips up a little to help him pull it out from under you, and then he slowly starts working it up over your torso. He chokes on a surprised noise when he pulls it over your chest and realises your breasts are bare underneath, “You...uh...you’re not--”
You smirk, “Losing your nerve?”
Kaz frowns and pulls the dress up the rest of the way, tossing it off the bed when it is finally completely off, “No! I was just surprised, is all.” he swallows, eyes softening, “You’re really beautiful.”
Suddenly, you are the one feeling bashful. You can feel your cheeks burning, “Th-Thanks, Kaz.”
He lowers you back down onto the bed, positioning himself between your legs, “I’ve always thought you were beautiful.” He whispers, taking one of your nipples into his mouth.
It feels good. It feels so good.
You manage to worm your hands between the two of you, panting and moaning as he alternates between sucking and licking both of your nipples. You feel his breath hitch against you when you grab the waistband of his sweatpants and tug them down his thighs.
“You’re excited.” You whisper, running your fingers over the hardened length in his boxers.
He splutters, “W--Well, Yeah! Of course I am!” you can feel his hand shaking as he slowly drifts it down your stomach and into your panties. He sucks in a breath as his finger slowly brushes against your clit, “You’re excited too…” he breathes.
“O--Of course I am.” You repeat, hips stuttering upward into his touch, “Kaz, I…”
His fingers freeze, “Do you want to stop? We can stop!”
You shake your head, sitting up on your elbows and leaning forward to press your lips to his. Gentle. Tender. You sigh gently against him, “I can’t...I just can’t believe I never realised.”
“Realised what?” He asks, fingers gently moving against you in your panties. So gently that it barely feels like anything, but it still makes your hips twitch.
“That it’s you I want.” You laugh a little, amazed at your own obliviousness. “That it’s always been you.”
His face breaks out in a grin and he buries his face in your shoulder. You can feel him laughing, “I’ve had feelings for you for like, the past three years. I never...I…” he lifts himself back up, smiling warmly down at you as he says, “I thought there was no way, you know?”
You kiss his cheek, “Keep touching me, please.”
“Okay.” He says, dropping his head back down to your chest and gently pulling your nipple back into his mouth. At the same time, the hand in your panties drifts lower, one of his fingers gently pushes inside of you and you choke on a gasp, he freezes, “you alright?”
“Yeah, aha, better than alright.” You swallow, tangling your fingers in his hair, “Your fingers are a lot longer than mine.”
He makes a little noise that might have been a moan, finger slowly pumping in and out of you. You mewl when he adds another, curling them in and gently stroking the inside of you. Your legs twitch, hips rising up off the bed to meet his hand. Kazuichi moans against your breast, and you can feel him pressing his hardness against your thigh to relieve the pressure.
“Hey, Kaz. That’d probably feel better if it was inside of me, yeah?”
He stiffens, you feel his hips jump forward a little, “Are...are you sure?”
You smile, pressing your forehead to his, “I don't think I've ever been surer of anything.”
He squeaks. It's cute, “Okay. Let me just...grab a condom, okay?”
Kazuichi kisses your cheek before standing up and walking around to his drawers. Now that he is standing up you can see the insistent way his erection is pressing against his boxers. He flushes when he catches you looking, “Don't stare!”
You lean back, lifting up your hips so you can slide your panties down your legs, “Why not? It’s a nice view.”
He gulps at the sight of you completely naked on his bed, “Not as good at that view…”
You laugh, “Come over here, silly.”
He steps towards you, pulling his shirt up over his head and tossing it off into a random corner of the room. His boxers follow quickly after, and then he climbs up onto the bed with you, settling in between your legs. He’s really warm. He’s always really warm, Kazuichi has always been like a walking space heater. He sits back on his heels and rolls the condom on, you try not to stare, because you can tell it will only make him embarrassed.
He sucks in a breath, leaning forward on his elbows before taking off his glasses and tossing them up onto the bedside table.
“I really like your eyes, Kaz.” You whisper, cupping his cheek in your hand, “I’ve always liked them. They’re really pretty.”
He laughs nervously, “Thank you...I...I think your eyes are pretty too.” you can feel that he is worried he is going to screw this up somehow, his arms are shaking beside you when he asks, “So, are you ready?”
You nod, “Yeah. Ready.”
Kazuichi breathes heavily as he lines himself up, slowly, very slowly inching himself inside of you. Your eyes scrunch shut as you try to commit the feeling of each inch to memory, thighs shaking on either side of him when he finally bottoms out inside of you. Kaz hiccups a little, and when your eyes open, you can see the sheer joy on his face.
“We...we’re really doing this, huh?” He says
You return his smile, gently rocking your hips back into him, “We are.”
He bites down on his lip to silence a moan, and starts moving in earnest. Still slow, still careful, but he is starting to find a rhythm. His pretty brown eyes are glued to the way your breasts bounce with every thrust, with the way your brows crease in ecstasy whenever he pushes himself back in. The cute little noises you’re making, it's so much more than he had ever imagined. It's so much more perfect.
You whimper, wrapping your legs around his waist, “You feel so good, Kaz.”
“You feel amazing, I....fuck.” He speeds up a little, hand slipping down between the two of you and back to your clit, you gasp, “I’m probably not going to last long, I--”
“Me either.”
He’s a little out of breath, but still leans down to take your nipple back in his mouth, panting and gasping against you as his fingers frantically circle your clit. You moan, grabbing his hair and holding him in place against your chest. The stimulation is becoming too much, you can feel that you are almost there, unable to control the volume of your voice anymore as you meet his thrusts with your own.
“Fuck…” Kazichi hisses against your breast, biting gently down on your nipple, “fuck fuck fuck, I...I’m…”
That was it for you. Climaxing hard and pushing your hips up as high as possible, riding out your orgasm as he continues circling your clit with his fingers, “Oh god.” he mutters at the feeling of your clenching around him, pounding into you harder and harder.
“Christ, Kaz!” You cry out and he follows you over the edge. Legs shaking and moaning loudly into your chest as he finally finishes inside of you. The sound he made almost sounded like a sob, a relief, and he goes completely boneless against you.
You just lay there. Both of you breathing gently as the afterglow settles in. You comb your fingers through Kazuichi’s sweaty hair, and he traces the lines of your collarbones with his fingers. Fascinated with all the parts of your body he has never had a close look at until now. He kisses the hollow of your throat, your shoulder, the skin just below your ear. Absorbing all of you. Committing you to memory.
“That was a lot better than the first date I went on today.”
Kaz laughs, “not that it was a hard act to follow.”
You laugh too, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, “Thanks for letting me stay.”
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dittydipity · 4 years
i decided to sort of live blog(?) my thoughts while watching detroit:evolution like i did with d:a, and since i don’t want to spam the tag i put everything into one post, so watch out for the very very long post ahead
ok that’s a sick logo intro. always a sucker for neons
f in chat boys
nines: i’ll see in you court / gavin: let’s do it baby, i know the law
leave chris alone damn son
wait that was just the intro?? hello???
ooh i can tell this opening theme was inspired by the opening theme of dbh and the whole intro cinematic definitely reflects that. this theme does have an element of unease and suspicion that the original didn’t have and i think that’s great
ok right off the bat: nines using pavlovian conditioning on gavin to make him ‘behave’ is 100% canon
carla is killing it as tina, you go girl
gavin with braincells? big brain gavin???
nines @ dpd black market intel people: that’s illegal people can’t do that
wow nines really pulled a “what the fuck did you just say about me you little punk? i’ll have you know i’m the most advanced android model and i have a database in my brain with over 200,000 english words”
ada: hi / gavin: she was all over you nines
gavin: so are you two gonna fuck / nines: wuhhguhwh *red led* excuse me *offended noises* i do not have the capability to “””””fuck”””””
gavin: dude look it’s a suspicious individual that could be extremely pertinent to this case / nines: so tell me about your feelings
hi i both love and hate the fact that their positioning makes it so that gavin can’t see nines’ led
also i do love how every moment of this feels packed with importance. the silences, the pauses are just as important, if not more, than moments with dialogue and action. the acting from everyone and the micro-expressions are done so well that i sometimes forget that this is all acting and not the actual characters. the camera work accentuates all of this by focusing on things we maybe wouldn’t have noticed on our own, or things certain characters don’t have privy to that result in that sweet, sweet dramatic irony
ah yes i hate it when i accidentally drop a dismembered arm from my entirely inconspicuous crate. at least my bright glowing neon blue boa is here to keep me company and hidden from any possible law enforcement officers that may be on stake out
idk about you but if i was a seasoned criminal i too would be rocking sickass sunglasses and a feather boa. got to dress the part
me getting interrogated by the police for being found with a dead person’s body part on me: 😎 *finger guns*
gavin+nines: cool motive, still crime
dude michael how are your eyelashes so goddamn lush and long
gays in chat: T e n d e r
“this will all still be here in the morning”
buy one ‘this’ and get one nines free
gavin: i’m fine / narrator: he was not fine.
nines: i think i will give gavin a biology lesson as he recovers from a nightmare
music music m u s i c
gavin: please don’t remember that / [nines will remember that]
gavin: oh god oh fuck we can’t let him know we have feelings and emotions like a person
all these different parts, is someone building a super android with parts from specialized androids?
google how do i marry scene lighting
tina and chris are the only thing keeping this family together
ada sorta sus tho
hi welcome to therapy in an alleyway in front of a bar with nines. this will go very well.
ada very sus tho
nines: hey ada this extremely suspicious dark alley with a dead end isn’t the way back to jericho
oh god gavin has the braincell that’s why nines doesn’t oh no
f in chat bois
on GOD the lighting is incredible and the ambient music??
oh ada is amanda but shortened goddammit
o o f ada throwing nines’ words back at him
tina holds 99% of the dpd’s braincells. mvp
gavin: tina is no longer my best friend (still obviously friends), nines is now my best friend
props to maximilian for lying still for so long that’s impressive
gavin: pouring his heart out / nines: WAKE ME UP. WAKE ME UP INSIDE. CAN’T WAKE UP
“i hate you.” “you love me” OHOHO HOW THE TURN TABLES
kamski, making rk900: this prototype model can have a little ability to kiss. as a treat
and they bounce back so quickly i’m-
chris is all of chat
let tina be detective 2k38
chris: don’t- / gavin: imma bust a cap in her ass
get his ass kicked i guess
local detroit football coach commits tax fraud
octopunk gang said ace rights but also made a 75 minute movie to back it up
this credits music??? turn up for WHAT
once again the octopunkmedia crew has created an incredible work of art and film, shoutout to everyone in the cast, crew, and everyone who supported this production!
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boltxn-queen · 7 years
Me picking favorites in Game of Thrones
Sees Viserys: ooh okay, he's quite interesting, definitely hot and psycho, cool cool
Sees Joffrey: Okay so I bet nobody likes him but back off he's my trash son goddammit
Sees Petyr Baelish: He's so manipulative and intelligent, Aidan Gillen is amazing, and he's gorgeous as fuck, I love him
Sees Ramsay: Okay, that's it. This is my favorite character ever! I love him, I would die for him, lemme just dedicate an entire blog for him
Sees Euron: Pirate daddy af, I love him so much send help lemme just spam everyone with posts about how hot he is
Me: *In the process of realizing I need better character choices*
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