#the spoiler warning maintains. if i see any of you fuckers try and tell me about manga or even show spoilers the rabbit gets it đŸ‡đŸ”«
thegreatyin · 6 months
alright in honor of the second cour about to release i'm gonna fully catch up on dungeon meshi this afternoon. heard something big apparently happens after the episode 10 mark so lets fucking go gamers 👍
11 notes · View notes
boarix · 6 years
Wraith in the Ruins: A Fallout 4 Story Part XIII
Let Me Go
Trigger warnings: canon language/violence/gun, drug and alcohol use. Suggestive/mature content
Bloody mess warning!
Game spoilers!
Please enjoy
 “My dad’s old Highwayman would’ve come in handy right about now. Are we sure we’re still on ninety-five? I figured there would be a little more asphalt than this. ”
A week out from Sanctuary, Wraith’s caravan had been traveling in almost nonstop rain and the road was thick with mud.
“Was that a truck? I’d think we’d need some big tires for this slop, ya feel me?”
“Nothing can stop a Highwayman!” Wraith did her best impression of the spokesperson but then frowned to herself when she realized she was the only person to have actually ever heard the original commercial.
“I’d rather have a vertibird
 fly above all
 CRAP!” Falling over sideways, MacCready lay defeated and motionless as the ever helpful Dogmeat licked his face.
Deacon fished him out, smiling at the cork-like pop, “No thank you, I’d rather not.”
“How long, in a car would this trip have taken anyway?” Hancock crouched slightly, “You want me to give you a piggyback ride, MacCready?”
“Naw man, I’m all gross and
 very funny.”
Laughing at them, Wraith snapped her fingers, “I don’t even have the heart to tell you. A Blitz would have gotten us there like that.” She smiled as she reminisced, “Plus they had those really cool gull-wing doors!”
“What kinda doors?”
Raising her arms out to either side, Wraith bent her elbows and spread her fingers like pinions on a wing, “Like this.”
“I know what it means, sunshine. Wanted to see if you’d make a silly pose.”
“I’m not silly! I’m a majestic shorebird.”
A small smile twitched at the corner of his mouth as Deacon enjoyed listening to and occasionally joining the trio’s banter. However, while maintaining the Harley character he had to be careful about breaking into his establish Deacon-the-funny-guy routine; laughing too loud or too frequently. Successfully gaining enough muscle mass to almost completely change his physicality, along with a full, red beard and without his glasses, he was completely unrecognizable even since Valentine’s wedding. Hancock, MacCready and Wraith had been consistent with calling him by his alter ego and he along with the five synth refugees all remained safely anonymous.
“Yes general, this is the highway. Behold your tax dollars at work.”
 I’m gonna write my congressman
” Wraith slowed to walk next to Deacon, letting Hancock and MacCready move ahead. “Are we going to be able to stop in Baltimore? Or
 whatever it’s called now. Or do we have to skip it like Philly?”
“There’s not a whole lot to see if we do stop; there’s some small trading stations that pop up in the summer but we might be early yet.” Deacon’s smile broadened as Hancock, noticing Dogmeat struggling in the mud, hefted the pup and carried him against his chest like a child, “We might have left too early in general
 General. I haven’t seen spring rain like this in ten years.”
“Are we
 talking about the weather like old people?”
“The weather will do more than
 dampen our spirits. Time is a concern.”
“We wouldn’t want to get sick
 being under the weather would slow us down.”
“If L&L sent a party after us
 their rain of terror would
“Ugh, no! That’s stretching.” Wraith play-punched his arm.
“Oh? Couldn’t think of another one? I guess I won that round.”
Careful! Harley wouldn’t be this familiar. Tune it back

Making note of the sudden shift in Deacon’s body language and tucking her chin, Wraith whispered her concern from the corner of her mouth, “L&L, huh? I thought you found the last two
 MacCready had found a small rise that was relatively dry and despite the fact that it was still a good two hours until sunset, the caravan stopped for the night. After making sure the brahmin were sound, everyone was being fed and watch shifts were selected, Wraith broke away to meet with Deacon.
“Hey, that’s my trick!”
Wraith doubted that she had actually been able to sneak up on him. “You’re being kind.” Folding her slender legs under her, she propped her back against a wretched-looking tree, “How much will you tell me?”
Seating himself on the opposite side of the trunk, Deacon’s voice was low, “My contact in Underworld is Tulip. Captain Sally and The Bruiser are still at large.”
“I thought Hancock’s network had found them.”
“Shit happens.”
Not for the first time, Wraith berated herself for leaving the Railroad, “I should have stayed. Should have finished
“Not everything that happened or will happen is your fault, Pippa. Fuck’s sake!” Genuinely annoyed, Deacon leaned around the oak to glare at her, “Dial down your ego for two seconds and you’ll realize the Earth doesn’t fucking revolve around you!”
“Holy shit! What the fuck was that for?!”
With Wraith’s angry frown inches from his own, Deacon had an impulse to kiss her. Letting the image carry him away for far longer than was healthy, he felt heat on his face.
are you?” Clearing her throat, Wraith sat back on her heels, “What was that? Please, tell me what
“No, Wraith.” In one fluid motion, Deacon rose to his feet, turned and melted away into the evening shadows.
 The insects were becoming a problem. The rains had finally let up but the further south the caravan progressed the warmer it got and the swarms of bugs were insufferable. Ranging in size from annoying to lethal there was a growing concern over the amount of ammunition being spent.
“Goddamn bugs!” Hancock seemed especially agitated and would routinely spend his daily allotment of shells, “Someone take my gun from me; I can’t help myself!”
“You could always just stab them
“Hey, that’s right!” Brandishing his beloved combat knife, the ghoul licked the blade with a mad light in his eyes.
“Or, or you could take some Day-tripper and we could strap you to a brahimn for the rest of the trip.”
Hancock made a show of being torn between ending all bug life at the end of his knife, or enjoying a nice high, “Gee, Harley how will I ever choose?”
Surprised that he would play along, Deacon’s confusion mounted when the lanky mayor draped an arm across his shoulders, “What’s got you so
“Wraith’s been lower than brahmin udders since she snuck away to chat at ya.” Hancock pulled the other man close to whisper in his ear, “And you’ve been even lower, brother. You kids feuding or what?”
Alarmed to know that his mood was affecting his body language, he straightened his back. Feeling uncomfortable under the ghoul’s arm, mostly because he enjoyed the contact, Deacon shrugged and was able to side-step away. He chuckled, “Damn, you are just as dangerous as she is.” Still feeling the weight of Hancock’s touch and angry that he had liked it, he rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. “I told her about the L&L setbacks; the false intel
 more or less.”
“You tell her ‘bout the mole? About how I killed that fucker?”
“No Mr. Mayor, I didn’t. Because she’s not supposed to have to know about the Railroad and where I’m at or about whatever it is that I’m doing. I’m trying to give her one less fight and one less worry.”
“Well, you’re doing it wrong. Lyin’ has never worked with her.”
Annoyed, Deacon talked through his teeth, “Well, how exactly would you go about it?”
“Fuck if I know.” Folding his arms behind his head, Hancock walked away while whistling Keep a Knockin’.
 Hancock was whimpering. It wasn’t unusual for him to battle his demons in his sleep but it still made Wraith’s heart hurt. She pulled him closer to her and his eyes opened briefly. He smiled, thankful to be rescued and he laid his head against her chest.
“Fighting ninjas again?”
“Heh. Not this time, sunshine.” He yawned and nuzzled her breasts through her shirt, “MacCready and Dogmeat still on watch?”
“Yeah. I’ve gotta get up soon. We’ll do a swap-out so you won’t be alone for long.”
“Stay with me for a couple more minutes.” His voice carried a surprisingly high level of anxiety.
She kissed his head, “A bad one, huh? I can stay a little longer.”
“I’ve told you I love you, right?” His voice wavered, almost as if he had been crying.
“Yes, of course!” She squeezed him tightly, “And I love you. What was it?”
“Don’t wanna trouble you with it.”
“It’s no trouble. It was just a dream, right?”
 MacCready didn’t want to leave th’ Capital and you decided to stay with him. I
 I lost you both.”
  “That you, Wraith?” MacCready was staring intently through his night scope, “You picking up anything on your fancy wristwatch?”
“No. Why?”
 my neck hairs are up
 I don’t see anything but
“You feel.”
Lowering his scope, MacCready’s shoulders slumped, “That’s from that book again, isn’t it? You enormous nerd.”
Wraith gave Dogmeat a pat, “Puppy here seems to be relaxed.” She stuck her hand in MacCready’s back pocket to give his butt a squeeze, “Now, now. We have been through this; if you know what I’m talking about then you’re just as big a nerd.”
Returning the scope to his eye, he pretended not to notice her hand, “Darn it! I feel like I’m being stalked. Harley isn’t out there being a
 messing around, right?”
“He’s out and about but he’s taking this all very seriously.” She checked her Pip-boy again, “I still don’t see anything. You sure it’s not just a case of the jitters? Tell you what; I’ll go do a quick sweep. The bad vibes are coming from the east, right? Hang tight.”
Moving silently through the scrub, Wraith calmed her mind for peak focus. Stopping every few yards, she strained her ears to listen for any minute change in the night sounds around her. Crisscrossing back and forth, she moved east until she reached a swamp and ran out of solid ground. Slowly standing in the moon-cast shadow of a large bolder, she held her breath and closed her eyes.
You never thought that maybe Mac would want to stay. You never thought that up until a couple of years ago his whole life had been in the Capital Wasteland and maybe he prefers it. What if Duncan refuses to leave and Mac doesn’t want to traumatize him by forcing him? What if Carol and Greta convince him not to take his son? What if he had been in love with Morningstar and when he sees her he’ll realize that you’re not as good? What if

Dangerously close to hyperventilating, Wraith was able to snap herself back
 just as the deathclaw hit her.
“How?! We don’t have a generator with us, Mayor Hancock!”
As soon as he heard the deathclaw’s roar, MacCready had raised the alarm and he and the dog sprinted off into the night. Now, Hancock was left to organize the pursuit and was terrified that his nightmare was coming true.
“Lanterns! Torches! Fucking sake! Let’s GO!” When Deacon made as if to follow, Hancock stabbed his finger at him, “Not you! Stay and protect the camp.”
His jaw clenched as he ground his teeth but he complied.
 Get up! Getupgetupgetup!
Able to gather her legs beneath her despite her lungs being devoid of air, Wraith ducked and dodged as the monster did its best to bifurcate her. She felt hot blood streaming down her face and she realized she had forgotten her armored hood back at camp.
I am such a shitshow!
The moon was full and so afforded her enough light to evade the monster’s swinging talons. Injured as she was, Wraith knew that she would tire quickly and needed to get on the offense. She expected that her companions would hear the beast’s bellow and attempt to come to her aid but she had traveled fairly far from camp. Even with the moon’s light it would take time to find her. Options seemed to be limited

I need to slow it down. I don’t know how deep the swamp is but if I can get it stuck in the mud

Weaving through a small copse of trees, she gained enough distance to grab a syringe of med-X and the bottle of Buffout from her pack. Bolstered by the chems, she unsheathed Kremvh’s Tooth and sprinted straight at the creature. Diving between its legs, she slashed its Achilles tendon as she passed and rolled to her feet behind it. Ducking under its tail as it spun around to pursue her, she sprinted for the water.
Leaping to a fallen tree, Wraith ran along its length and turned to mark the deathclaw’s progress. It seemed oblivious to the fact that its left foot hung by a strip of hide and she watched in horror as it gathered itself to jump to her log.
I’m drowning here! The only way this could be worse is if there were two

A second deathclaw bellowed from her left.
Oh. Swell.
 Trying to keep up with Dogmeat, MacCready paid no mind to the branches whipping across his face. He was terribly worried that he hadn’t heard gun shots and he was attempting to convince himself that it was because she preferred melee weapons and not because she had been killed.
Has she lost her mind? Didn’t she learn anything from the last time?!
Man and dog rounded the bolder just in time to see the second deathclaw rear back and bellow its challenge. They then both watched in horror as the injured deathclaw leaped to Wraith’s log. She was catapulted through to air to land with an enormous splash, where she sank like a stone into the swamp’s dark waters.
Snarling as viciously as Dogmeat, MacCready quickly doubled back and climbed the bolder. Rifle in hand he sent shot after shot to the second deathclaw’s right knee as Dogmeat led it in circles around the rock’s base. The sniper cut through the beast’s leg like a lumberjack felling a tree and it collapsed heavily to its side. Dogmeat continued to worry it, preventing it from getting up and MacCready changed his target to the monster’s left knee. As soon as it was destroyed, the former merc whistled the canine away and tossed a grenade; finishing it off.
 Although her flight had been ungainly, Wraith had seen the deathclaw coming and so had been able to steel herself before being launched into the water. Unable to see through the silt, she swam to the bottom and headed back toward the shore, hoping to flank her foe.
The deathclaw had somehow tracked her progress and so dragged itself through the muddy water after her. Wraith surfaced right next to it and it lunged at her with its mouth open. Pulling her .44, she unloaded a full clip into its gaping maw. Her angle was bad however and so even though the wounds she inflicted would prove to be mortal, the monster wasn’t dead yet.
Frantically doing the backstroke, she was able to find footing enough to leap at the deathclaw with her blade leading the way. Landing heavily on its head she pushed the dagger through its upper jaw and pinned its mouth closed, roaring defiantly into its face.
The deathclaw plunged and shook; crow-hopping to try and dislodge her. With one hand on her weapon and the other on one of its horns, Wraith held on for dear life as the monster thrashed. Her substantial strength still augmented by the Buffout, it should have come to no great shock when the creatures horn came away in her hand. Losing her grip on her weapon’s blood-splattered hilt, she was once again flung into the water.
Moonlight reflected through the great spray of blood, clearly defining its crimson hue. The deathclaw stood with its head raised and arms spread wide, almost as if it was appealing to the moon for mercy. Then with a deep, mortal groan it fell dead.
MacCready stood motionless in complete shock. When Wraith surfaced, sputtering and cursing he realized he had been holding his breath, “Are
“GrrrrrrrAWWRRR!” Splashing and growling, Wraith kicked at the beast’s head before retrieving her dagger. Then, suddenly spent, she flopped onto her back in the mud, “Ugh. I think so.”
Dogmeat ran to her and setting his nose to her head wound, whiffled unhappily.
Wraith sheathed her weapon and reached up to run her fingers through the dog’s neck ruff, “I’m okay buddy. I
 I think.”
“NO! YOU ARE NOT! YOU ARE BLEEDING!” MacCready had his med kit out in a flash.
“You have a flare gun, right? Do that first, okay?”
 The relief Hancock felt when he saw the flare was dashed when he saw MacCready hovering over Wraith as she lay on the ground. Unconsciously gripping his chest over his heart, he walked with slow, heavy steps to stand next to Dogmeat. “MacCready
Taken aback by Hancock’s stricken look, the young man waved his hands, “She’s alive! She’s a crazy monster but she’s alive.”
“Who’s a monster?!”
“Have you ever seen yourself fight?” MacCready bent to kiss her, his slight shiver evidence of his fear, “My knock-out, monster woman
Hancock kneeled in the mud and placed a hand on Wraith’s blood-caked forehead, “Did you pick a fight with two deathclaws all by yer lonesome?”
 I’m ashamed to admit they got the drop on me.”
“I distracted you. Got in yer head. Shouldn’t have told you ‘bout that dream.”
“It’s not your fault! Don’t
 just don’t, please.” Wraith caught MacCready’s hand, “Don’t bother stitching me up; I have a couple of derma-fuses at the camp.” She sat up as the young man bound her head. “It’s a shame Bear isn’t with us; I’d have him skin these two
 deathclaw armor would be super cool.”
“The one I got was an albino too. That’s pretty rare.”
“What am I, chopped liver?” Hancock turned to one of the Minutemen escorts, “How ‘bout it Lloyd, you wanna help me set yer general up with some swanky new threads?”
“Do you have the right kind of knives for that?”
Placing his hand on his chest as if she had given him the greatest of insults, Hancock raised his voice to a falsetto, “Do I have the right kind of knives? ME?! You’re asking ME?!”
 It was the last night before the caravan reached the designated rendezvous at relay tower Kx-B8-11. MacCready and Wraith lay together in her bedroll and a nervous Wraith had not slept at all. Her mind was tormenting her with Hancock’s dream and she couldn’t shake the image of MacCready’s back moving further and further away from them.
“Wraith, you keep sighing
“Oops, sorry!”
Gathering her gently into his arms, MacCready kissed her temple, “What’s the matter?”
“What’s Morningstar like? Fahrenheit calls her a ‘beautiful giant’ but I don’t think it’s a complement.”
“No, probably not.” MacCready laughed, “It’s accurate though. She’s about as tall as Hancock but like two of him across. Maybe three
“Were the two of you friends?”
“No...” The pregnant pause suggested otherwise and it was his turn to sigh, “Maybe
 It’s kinda complicated.”
“Tell me a story, Mac.”
“Sure, fine. It’s not like I’m gonna get any sleep anyway.”
“Nyx is a nosy, goody two-shoes. She’s a busybody who can’t seem to leave sh
 stuff alone.” He rolled away from her onto his back and stuck an arm behind his head. “She came to Little Lamplight so she could get into a vault. I helped her out and then I couldn’t get rid of her. She said that she owed us. I told her to
 leave us alone.”
“You told her to fuck off?” She could see him smile in the dark.
“Verbatim.” His smile grew larger, “She didn’t listen, of course. She would bring supplies; food and clothes and stuff. When I turned sixteen and left she offered me a job but I was
 stupid and told her ‘no thank you’.”
“Fuck off, part two?”
“Yeah. I thought I could make more money, faster with the Gunners. Looking back
 I acted like such a idiot kid.”
“Mac, you were sixteen! That is a kid.”
“Not in the wasteland.” His smile gone, he looked sadly backward in time, “Then I found out that she had cleared Lamplight out and set up an orphanage in Megaton. I was so angry
 but I don’t know why. Honestly, it was pretty amazing what she did for those kids. She gave them a chance to be... well
 kids. That didn’t stop me though. I went and told her exactly what she should do with herself.”
“The return of fuck off, part three the sequel?”
“After Duncan was born, Lucy
” MacCready swallowed, hard, “Lucy said I needed to make peace with her. I
 refused.” A rim of moisture gathered at the corner of his eye, “I was still being
” Unable to continue, a large tear traveled down his cheek.
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to keep going.”
He sniffled and reached out to pull Wraith to his chest, “No, it’s okay. After I lost Lucy, I got
 dark. I would drop Duncan off at Underworld and take missions that
 I don’t think Charon would’ve done.”
“Charon is Morningstar’s
 bodyguard? Actually I’m not sure what their relationship is.”
“Complicated. I think at one point she owned him. They might be a couple but I honestly don’t know.”
“Owned?! Like
 not like a slave?!”
“Like I said, complicated.”
“After Duncan got sick I promised him that if he could hold out until I got a cure, that I would be a better person. I finally went to Nyx. She never even hesitated, just came to help me as if we were best pals. I took it completely wrong, like she was using this as another opportunity to show how much better she is. Ugh, I was such a bastard!”
“Stop being so hard on yourself.”
“You don’t understand. If you knew all the things I’ve done
“Hancock says that too. You both know perfectly well all the horrible stuff I’ve done.”
MacCready shifted himself and sat up, taking Wraith by the shoulders and looking in her eyes, “You two are different. You guys did that stuff to help other people. You both made sacrifices and hard decisions so that they could be saved. I did terrible things because I hated everything. I was joking when I called you a monster. I’m the monster.”
Matching his stare, Wraith cupped his cheek with her hand, “I don’t know if you’d ever want to tell me everything but I want you to know that I would listen. I love you. I always will.” She kissed him and gently set her forehead against his.
They sat that way, quietly for a few seconds until MacCready pulled slightly back. He stared, smiling into her eyes. His look morphed from adoration to lasciviousness and he ran his hands from her shoulders down her back.  Setting his lips against hers in a needful kiss, he tucked a hand in the waistband of her jeans to squeeze her butt.
“Mmmm, Mac
 We have to
” As her lover’s hands and mouth traveled across her body, Wraith barely had the presence of mind to protest.
“Think so? I can be quiet. I can be good and quiet.”
 It’s even
 more fun
 oh mmmm
 when you’re loud
 “Beacon has been activated
 Harley.” Wraith was genuinely regretful at not being able to make a rhyme.
“Acknowledged, general. The Morningstar escort should arrive in less than twenty-four hours. Was there anything else?”
“No. Thank you soldier, you are dismissed.”
Wraith frowned as she watched him walk away. She had made several attempts, during the last days of travel, to engage with Deacon. She understood the need for his alter ego but was disappointed that he was no longer allowing himself to be friendly.
I make jokes and laugh with all my people. Probably more than what’s appropriate but
 This is so different than any other mission. He’s so different
 even from when we left Diamond City.
 “General, Morningstar has been spotted. She should be here in about twenty minutes.”
“Thank you, Lloyd.”
The sun had barely risen the following morning but Wraith had been up all night. Both Hancock and MacCready had tried to calm her but her anxiety had turned Nyx Morningstar into some sort of boyfriend-eating gorgon.
And then she was come.
At well over six feet, she was perhaps the tallest woman Wraith would ever see. Morningstar wore heavy combat gear with a custom, lion-like helmet that was heavily inspired by gladiatorial armor. Lifting an arm, she waved as her group crested the hill. When she removed her helm her impressive mane of blue-black hair poured forth like liquid night. Her large, gold eyes smiled in a truly friendly manner as they surveyed Wraith’s group.
“Hey there, butt face.”  
MacCready stood, flanked by Hancock on his left and Wraith on his right, “Hey mungo.” Swaggering up, he stuck out a hand. Nyx clasped it firmly, then to his shock, pulled him to her and swept him off his feet to spin around in a whirling bear hug, “AAAAAAHHHH! PUT ME DOWN, YOU BEHEMOTH!”
After a couple more revolutions, she set him back on his feet, “I’m sorry R.J. It’s just so good to see you!” She turned her sun-beam smile onto Hancock and offered him her hand. “John Hancock, you old raisin! How are you?!”
Shaking her hand firmly he smiled, “Still sweet and wrinkly! You’re impressive as always, Morningstar. Speaking of impressive, may I have the pleasure of introducing Wraith, General of the Minutemen?”
Wraith lifted her chin and secured her face into her best I-need-to-win-over-this-jury smile, “I’m honored to meet you, Morningstar.”
“The honor is mine. And please, call me Nyx.”
“Only if you will call me Wraith.” Wraith turned her attention to the silent, tall sentinel standing slightly behind Nyx, “And you must be Charon. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” The entire hill top seemed to freeze as Wraith extended her hand to the mountainous ghoul.
To everyone’s shock he took her hand and offered her the tiniest of quarter grins, “The pleasure is mine.” Charon then turned slightly to Nyx with a slightly larger, tiny grin and a wink.
When Nyx saw Dogmeat her eyes widened and she took a knee, “Hello old man.”
The German shepherd sat and placed his paws on her leg. The two stayed in silent communion for several seconds before woman and dog rose to their feet.
Turning back to Wraith, Nyx was all business, “We should move soon. It would only be natural for my group to assist yours breaking camp. Lots of moving bodies can be confusing to those who may be watching.”
It suddenly occurred to Wraith that six of Nyx’s group very closely resembled Deacon and his five synth refugees. Nodding, she joined the throng of people and brahmin. Then, completely imperceptible to an outside observer, the two groups swapped costumes, as if by magic.
As the large caravan headed south, Nyx and Wraith walked together. Wraith’s mind was a whirl of questions but afraid that she’d be a pest, wasn’t sure where to start.
“Danse isn’t with you.”
Wraith jumped slightly, startled by the broken silence “No. I did ask him if he would like to come but I think he feels this chapter of his life is closed. Did you know him?”
“I know everyone.” Nyx’s smile somehow softened the egotistical declaration, “Not well, but I did meet him before Maxson whisked him away. I have a letter for him from former scribe Haylen.”
“Ah. She did end up quitting then.” Wraith somehow felt even more awkward, “You might find this a strange question but, is she
“Wraith, to be clear; I am connected to the BOS but I myself am not an active member. I have an understanding with the elder. To be blunt, they owe me. A lot. As such, they understand that certain towns, settlements and people, are under my protection. Places like Underworld. People like the ghouls living in and around the Capital Wasteland. People like my super mutant friend, Fawkes. People like Haylen.”
The large women had unconsciously picked up her pace and Wraith had to practically jog to keep up with her, “Did they threaten her?!”
“Not at all. That whole
 debacle, was a huge embarrassment and setback for the Brotherhood. You remain public enemy number one but Haylen will be fine. I have her doing medical research for me and she seems to be happy.”
“Speaking of medical research, I have a gift for you.” Wraith, eager to change the subject, passed her a derma-fuse, “It’s Institute tech designed to close lacerations.”
Nyx’s eyes took on a greedy gleam as she accepted the device, “Fascinating! How does it work?”
“I don’t actually know how it works but what it does is localized cellular regeneration. Dermis only, hence the name. I actually brought you two; one to use
“And one to ruin, trying to figure out how to make more?” The two women shared a laugh.
“Well, glad to see you are getting along.” Returning to the group after scouting ahead, MacCready flashed them a roguish grin.
“What of it, R.J? Why wouldn’t we? I happen to be a super-fun person!”
He rolled his eyes, “Yeah, right. What were you two talking about?”
“About how you’re a huge dork.”
“Oh, I’m huge alright. In all the right places!”
“Does that explain your enormous head?”
“Big brain.”
“I think you mean big ego.”
Despite the harsh volley of words, MacCready seemed to be enjoying himself, “Well, you would be the expert on gigantism and egos.”
Wraith, feeling out of place, dropped back to her more normal walking pace. Suddenly finding herself side by side with Charon, her feeling of awkwardness intensified to new heights.
“So, I assume this is normal? For them, I mean.”
“Not to say it isn’t funny.”
“Well. I um
 guess I’ll go check on
 brahmin stuff.”
 Wraith’s passage through the Capital Wasteland left her feeling nostalgic and sad. The ruins of The Mall were particularly emotional. Her nerves frayed by the journey and the imminent face-to-face with Duncan, she held Hancock’s arm as they walked.
“You’re gonna be fine, sunshine.” The ghoul kissed the back of her hand, “We’ll be back, all together in Sanctuary before you know it. One big, happy family; lots of weird aunts and uncles for the kids.”
MacCready sought them out just before passing through Underworld’s doors. “Whew! Here we go.”
The caravan members distributed themselves between The Chop Shop and Underworld Outfitters as MacCready, Hancock, Dogmeat and Wraith climbed the stairs to Carol’s.  Just beyond the door, flanked by his ghoulette aunts stood Duncan.
“Daddy!” Giggling, the small boy threw himself into his father’s open arms. “Daddy I’m a big boy! I poop in the potty and can come with you now! Auty Carol says so! Daddy
 are you ‘kay? Daddy?”
MacCready had tried his best to hold back his tears, afraid that his crying might confuse or scare his son. Caught somewhere between sobbing and laughing he was making strange noises in his throat, almost as if he was being strangled.
“It’s ‘kay, daddy. Crying is ‘kay too.” Duncan had pulled back slightly and was now patting his father’s tear streaked cheek, “Daddy, does your tummy hurt?”
“He’s just very happy to see you, honey.” Tears ran down Carol’s face as well, “I’m Carol, you must be Wraith and Hancock. This is my wife Greta. Welcome to Underworld.” The ghoulette did a double-take, “Is that
 that can’t possibly
“Look, Daddy! There’s a doggy! It’s a good puppy?”
 yeah buddy. He’s the best puppy.”
  Deacon sat at a barstool waiting for Tulip. After their tearful reunion, MacCready and company had settled down for the night and he had separated himself to wait for his contact to close her store.
“Do you have a Geiger counter?”
“Mine’s in the shop.”
“Harley, everything is all set. The packages will be distributed by Morningstar’s courier service starting tomorrow.”
“Well, all things considered that went remarkably smooth. Kinda waiting on the other shoe
“It’s funny you should say that. I need your help.” Tulip lowered her voice and set her hand suggestively on Deacon’s thy. “Follow me back to the shop.”
Maintaining character, Deacon slung his arm around the ghoulette’s shoulders and leaned into her as if too drunk to walk straight, “Ohboy, I thought you’d never ashk me!”
Morningstar’s imposing presence seemed to fill the store and she leaned toward Deacon with a predatory look that reminded him of a hunting lioness, “The L&L gang is here! They’ve killed Watts.”
” Deacon’s mind whirled, “Who’s running the show?”
“I want you to.”
It made perfect sense. He hated it. His mind reeled back from it, “Why can’t you
“Don’t do that. You know why!” Nyx folded her powerful arms, “I’m way too high profile. It wouldn’t have to be permanent. We need you to whip us in to shape like you did for the Commonwealth branch. Tulip has her hands full and,” She cast an apologetic glance to the ghoulette, “she has no leadership experience. It’s you. Take a protĂ©gĂ© if you want. Train them
 but it’s you.”
 you got me over a barrel.”
“I promised General Wraith that I would make sure Duncan MacCready makes it safely back to Sanctuary. I will not go back on my word. I will go
 you will stay.” Her eyes softened at the pain in Deacon’s pale blue eyes, “I know you and Watts went way back. I’m sorry to throw this at you now but it just happened a couple of days ago.”
“Hancock’s network had been closing in. We knew they left but we had been misdirected north. Goddamn it
“You’ll do a lot of good for us here. I will make sure you’re provided all necessary resources.”
“Of that I have no doubt.” Squaring his shoulders, Deacon turned to leave, “No time like the present. I’ll be off to
“Headquarters are still at the late, great Manya Vargas’s. Let me know when you change location
 cause I know you will.”
“You’re not going to say goodbye.” All three flinched as Wraith stepped out of the shadows.
Nyx turned and took a menacing step, hands raised and ready to attack, “Bad move, General
“Wait! Wraith is Railroad! Or
 she was
” Deacon placed himself between them, “Whisper! Wraith was Whisper!”
Nyx calmed immediately. Looking back and forth between them, she seemed to have an epiphany, “Let’s go back to the bar for a bit, Tulip.”
“Fine. If you two fight, don’t go wreaking up my shop!”
The silence was heavy, like the pressure before a thunderstorm.
 Wraith, don’t

“Am I a child to you? Do you honestly believe you can protect me from
 why wouldn’t you have told me? Hell, lie to me about the reason but fucking tell me that you’re leaving!” Wraith still had her fists clenched.
“You’re giving me permission to lie?”
 I can’t

“I...” She seemed to deflate before his eyes, “I guess you’ve always come and go as you please.”
“You told me to leave. You told me once
“That was a mistake! I fucked up. Had I known better what I was doing
“No! You were right! You did everything and more for the Railroad
 for me. You were done. Turning your focus to the Minutemen was the best decision you could have made. Just look at everything you’ve accomplished!”
Wraith shook her head, “Look at all the lives I’ve ended
“STOP FUCKING DOING THAT!” Deacon’s eyes flashed fire and he took an unconscious step toward her, “STOP! Don’t belittle yourself. You are the single greatest thing that’s happened to the Commonwealth
 and to me.”
 you have no intention of coming back. Do you?” Tears streamed down her face.
“You don’t need me, Wraith. You have to let me go.”
“You’re like my brother! We
 you’re my family.”
“The time has come for us to part ways.”
She lifted her arms as if to embrace him but he backed away.
Don’t hug me Wraith. I’ll
 I’ll shatter. I’ll break if you hold me.
 you’re my friend. I love you, Deacon.” Her voice was barely a whisper.
“You don’t know me, Philippa. My name is not Deacon.” His face empty of emotion, the nameless man turned his back, opened the door and walked away.
Lie. Lie. Lie.
  Thank you so much for reading! Like what you read? Looking for more? Please search my Wraith in the Ruins tag in my bio. There is a link-tree master post with all of the chapters. Questions/comments/concerns, my ask is open (anon too). I appreciate any feedback. =^..^=
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