#the story is interesting and its not just another herobrine thing !!
ssluggishh · 7 months
genuinely astounded there arent more people into andrewgaming67's minecraft arg are you kidding me. PLEASE go check it out on youtube its so good
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derww · 2 months
Loosely inspired by this headcanon by anon. Thanks, anon.
It takes Ash a little less than a week to discover that Squiddo... is not just one person.
The second Squiddo looked like the first Squiddo and fell on his head during nether travelling. She, however, did not seem to know him personally, referring to him as "Funny Purple Guy" and complained that the portals refused to extinguish the damage from the fall. 
She gave him a strange-looking turquoise spear and an obviously living mushroom, which did not stop giggling and trying to hit him with its forehead. While he has not yet moved away from the stage where he swears and asks stupid questions, she said goodbye and was about to run off into the sunset, but fell off a cliff right into a lava lake. She had no death message. 
The spear was equally likely to either pass through objects or leave very unpleasant itchy burns, and the mushroom was called an Idiot and ran around spawn for almost a month until it turned over in the water and drowned.
This Squiddo – Ash started keeping a list after he met the third one, and in this set of squiggles, crooked drawings and blurred text, she was called the "Tourist" – she consistently looked in once a month, falling out of various types of portals, sometimes right in front of him.
She was always full of enthusiasm and desire to tell him the next story of her own adventure, she loved to bring some absolutely random things and died a lot and absurdly, managing to die even in the most harmless circumstances.
Another Squiddo – Squiddo the Wanderer, as he signed, adding a bunch of question marks and outlining in ink a strange squiggle of snaking holes in the wall – took it into the habit of teleporting straight to him. 
Once she scared him so much that he swung his sword, but it just went through her, as if she were not even here. This did not prevent her from dying in a surreal way – she was in the top 3 among all Squiddos in terms of the number of deaths.
Squiddo the Wanderer didn't remember much, so she got to know him over and over again every time. "Hi, I'm Squiddo," she said. "I don't know what I'm doing here. I usually explore the most remote places in Minecraft. I think I know you, but I do not know who you are." She never remembered who he was.
Next Squiddo, however, knew him all too well. "What's up, Ashswag?" she said when she appeared for the first time, coming out of a door that appeared in the middle of nowhere. "It was a hot minute, right? How are you?".
Then she mentioned a bunch of their adventures together, in which Ash had never actually participated, but for some reason she stood her ground.
It turned out they were hunting ghosts together. And they were running away from monsters. And they were surviving an apocalypse. "For some reason, it seemed to me that even different you would remember," this squiddo said. He called her the Ghost Hunter. "But at least you know me. This is already good."
She was the most calm Squiddo he had ever met. She weighed her decisions, almost did not die, and walked with her dog. She was plagued by oddities, glitches, and one (1) Herobrine, but was surprisingly calm about all of them.
Ghost Hunter sent him polaroids with all kinds of monsters and silly signatures painted with markers. He was present in the photo three times. Once, he had a human face. In another time, he had a gun.
Scientist Squiddo was the strangest of them all, because she could count to ten and knew what pronouns were. She always carried a wooden tablet and papers with her and wrote down anything. She was interested in everything about the server. Much more than she needed to know.
He began to seriously worry about her safety when she began to deconstruct the revive process in order to revive the local Squiddo if she died. He called her an idiot and said she had no idea what she was getting into and that she was risking everything she had, including her life. She grinned and said: "Bet."
At one point, he was seriously expecting admins on his own doorstep every fucking day – Scientist Squiddo, of course, settled in the same place where he lived. They never came. He couldn't decide if this was good news.
With all this, this Squiddo, Lifesteal Squiddo, did not go anywhere – she was like her other versions, constantly disappearing somewhere, but unlike them, she did not travel between worlds. She got lost, disappeared, and died a lot.
Lifesteal Squiddo didn't seem to be affected by the consequences of the deaths of all the other Squiddos; she was doing a great job of dying herself. And, among all the people, it seems that even Squiddo herself was on the list of those who did not know that there were many versions of herself on the server.
Zam fed apples to the Tourist and once even went on a trip with her, Planet communicated with the Wanderer using a language consisting of clicks and whistles, Spoke explored the mysteries following the Ghost Hunter with great enthusiasm, and Ro supplied the Scientist with calculations and data. 
Of course, Ash tried to tell Squiddo that there was a lot of her. She wrinkled her nose, giggled, and asked if he thought she was Sans from Underdale, clearly thinking he was joking. He didn't know what an Undertale was.
And then Lifesteal Squiddo got a call and disappeared. And he, surrounded by the reflections of her wandering around, wondered what kind of disaster it would lead to this time. But it was Squiddo. She was going to be alright. He would just visit her one day and ask how she was.
And when he tries to figure out where Squiddo is now, when they have only half an hour and an orbital cannon is aimed at spawn, alter Squiddo, whom he has not seen before, comes to him.
They look surreally like him. Their body is unstable, disintegrating into black smoke every now and then, and even through the usual orange glasses, an abyss seeps through.
"What are you doing here?" He tries, and they slowly, as if every movement was an effort, again and again stratified and coming together, point first at him, and then to the side.
Ash is staring at them. With hissing and gurgling gestures, Suiddo shows several numbers. Quadrant. Height. Limit. Corner. It clicks in his head.
– Thank you,– he says sincerely, and Squiddo, with a ceremonial bow, turns into a voidfog. He stares at the empty space for another moment, then takes off and calls the Foundation.
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scarlethyena · 10 months
Looking back on it as an adult, herobrine wasn't scary (at least for me) but I will admit I like the concept behind the character. Because an open world sandbox game like Minecraft can often feel isolating if you're on singleplayer, and during the early alpha/beta days of Minecraft, there was always a layer of mystery to it because the game didn't explain anything to you. Hell, Minecraft tutorials were a whole genre on youtube for a while for this very reason. So when you're playing a game like that, the thought of another presence within the game that you don't fully understand can be an unnerving thought.
While, personally, the fact that this is taking place in a video game takes a lot of the scare factor out of it (I mean what's the thing gonna do, kill my character? I get myself killed all the time I don't need its help) but that's just me. I do think the concept of some supernatural being manipulating computers is an interesting idea, especially since we've already seen similar concepts applied to radios and tvs. Idk, it's not even specific to Minecraft, just with any video game-based horror really. I think there's potential there beyond just "ooo hyperealistic blood and it kill you irl!!!" Personally I think NES Godzilla is the closest thing to what I have in mind in terms of a horror story, where at first the game just acts weird but you slowly realize that there's something very wrong, or that there's a sentient thing here and it knows you. The final chapter definitely fell short, but regardless, I think that's an example of how you could handle a game-based horror story.
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hall0wedwyrm · 1 month
intro post remake smile
HI! I'm Wyrm!!!
they/she/he - aroace - 20
I like to make loooong posts about things and I also reblog a lot of stuff lol. I love writing but also rarely do art. I consider myself a little bit of a theorist but also sometimes my ideas are wild.
Talking Tag = # wyrms can talk
my Ao3... thats kind of been abandoned a little but I'm working on things dw (Please read Void Crew its my passion project basically)
My unhinged fankids who i need to do more with (I'm also currently playing Miitopia with them, tagged as "fankids miitopia adventure" :))
My new years resolution (as of rn) is to make more fanfiction. I genuinely have so many ideas and i need to get into the habit of just writing stuff :(
I wanna also make... just craaazy OCs... like do a whole thing with them and stuff... That's something I work on sometimes maybe I'll eventually post them.
Main interests that I talk about a lot and frequently:
Sonic the Hedgehog! He is my top tag on here and idk if he'll ever be over taken. I am another annoying Sonadow enjoyer but I also like a lot of other ships too :)
Minecraft but also just Herobrine... I'm very normal about him
Five Nights at Freddy's - I'm in the minority but i love the Sci-fi elements introduced in the Novel trilogy... FuhNaff my beloved
Undertale & Deltarune (UTDR) are always rotating in my brain. I am a "Gaster is everywhere" defender.
The Monsterverse / The Legendary Godzilla captivated me so much. I love the characters, the ideas, the stories. My favourite is Godzilla vs Kong, but i do intend to eventually watch them all (Ive seen King of the Monsters and GxK too)
Doki Doki Literature Club altered my brain chemistry forever
Hollow Knight is phenomenal
The Bendy Franchise is very important to me and I hold it dear to me
Other Things I love a lot: (This also updates when i find something cool lol)
Terraria has creeped back into my life and I'm working through it all again. Hoping to reach and Beat the final boss. Its so important to me <3
Super Mario is a place i like to visit sometimes but im not like... in the fandom??? I enjoy the characters alot (I got infected by the Bowuigi disease)
Resident Evil - I got into it with Village, and have since watched 7, 4 and 2. I hope to either see or play more in the future!!!
Welcome Home!!!!! I love the concept so much, and all of the passion going into it is amazing! I love Wally <3
The Amazing Digital Circus!!! I'm so invested and i can't wait to see where it goes next!! I literally love all of the cast but Caine might have to catch these hands if he pulls anything again iykyk
Lots of Indie Horror series. I'll list some of them here: The Walten Files, Generation Loss, Catastrophe Crow/Crow 64, KinitoPET, The Mandela Catalogue, Cooking Companions
I have a general interest in lots of like... cosmic horror themes and horror with interesting or unique ideas, for example SCPs and the like.
I also love supernatural and mythological beings because some of them are craazy. Favourites are definitely demons and vampires
Pokemon! I've been playing a lot of the old DS games over the past year or two and its so wonderful
But Yokai Watch is my childhood so its very important to me too
I played Pikmin 4 for Christmas 2023 and it was AMAZING and I hope to oneday play more!!
I need to catch up, but I like Doctor Who also. The silly.
Final Fantasy is neat but its genuinely JUST Sephiroth... he got me in a choke hold for like a week and I reeeeally like him.......
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ultravhasart · 2 years
Ohh angsty minecraft story line? yes please
Second anon I also love you omggg I’m glad you’re interested
So this is set in the same universe as the previous post, and Alex, Herobrine, and Steve are some of the first players to be in the universe. Steve is The First, actually.
They’re friends, everythings good, but it has to end at some point, and they all permadie eventually. Pretty standard stuff, in this universe.
Herobrine is the last to go. Except, Herobrine doesn’t die like everyone else. He restarts in another world, far away, of course, but he still has his memories. And because he has his memories, he still has all the knowledge, and therefore abilities, he had in his last life.
He’s confused, and at first doesn’t realise that everyone else forgets after they permadie. He tries to find Steve and Alex again, wondering why they never tried to find him. He can’t find them. He dies again, and keeps searching, and he can’t find them.
He doesn’t have any super powerful abilities at the start, of course, since he hasn’t lived long enough, but he never loses his memories when he dies, so he slowly becomes more and more powerful.
He finally finds Steve and Alex, but they don’t remember him, and it crushes him. he has no idea why they don't remember him.
There’s a lot of rumours going around about him, he’s a mystery, a fable. The more time passes, the stranger he seems in terms of his skill. At some point he starts to hide it.
He does a lot of shit, gets a little too drunk on power at one point, and he’s killed, again and again. But there’s no clean slate waiting for him, and he can’t forget his mistakes like everyone else around him.
He realised a long while ago that he must have glitched out, fucked up, whatever. He approaches Alex again, this time without mentioning their past, and its good for a while. Until she dies, again.
He keeps doing it, finding either Alex or Steve, befriending them, watching them die. Alex and Steve find each other a lot, weirdly. They always end up by each other's sides. He’s the only person in the whole universe who’s stupid enough to find his friends after a permadeath, but he’s also the only person who has enough power and time to do so.
Alex and Steve notice he’s keeping secrets, a lot of the time.
Finally, he decides that this time, he’ll tell them everything.
He sits them down, and explains it, and they’re not as scared as he thought they’d be, thankfully. He promises that he’s not looking for them to be like his old friends, just that they can be friends.
They die, eventually, of course. But he knows that next time he finds them, he’ll ask again.
That mightve been a little too prose-y for an ask sorry I’m just going crazy thinking about this everyday. I tried to add this as well and couldn’t fit it, but they have an alliteration thing going, where Steve is the First, Alex is the Friend, and Herobrine is the Fable.
Also, there's a universe-wide joke where you jokingly pretend that the other person is herobrine, because really, youd never know! And I think this’d be hilarious for herobrine to encounter.
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boesen02valencia · 5 years
How To Design A Map With Specific Dimensions And Biomes?
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Candy Crush clone, hoping to make its version of the match-three craze work. Flying through the sky, attached to various contraptions, looking to pop balloons and enjoy candy is what you’re meant to do in Ava Airborne! You’re in the shoes of Monsieur Phileas Fogg's attendant Passepartout, who must manage the expedition’s funds and find the fastest routes across the globe. Un Pas Fragile takes you through the story of Camille, a young frog who is currently trying to become a ballet dancer. If you are looking for challenging action RPG’s with an interesting story and beautiful graphics, Hyper Light Drifter will tick all of the boxes for you. Apollo: A Dream Odyssey is short, but the story itself is lovely and the puzzles, once you do get the hang of them, are fun to solve. After selecting your character, some gear to buff them up, and the melee weapon of your choice, you get thrown into the arena with 11 other gladiators, hoping to be the one that outlives all the others. There's also a few surprises along the way as you workout how to get big enough to eat all the things. It's as much about her finding her way through the world as it is the relationship she forms with a cello player named Krish. The clean aesthetic and simple way to play makes Reky a really polished and fun puzzler - paired with the sleek design and you have a game that’s hard to put down.
Once you’ve played for a bit, these characters that you are facing off against will start getting towards first place, so you will need to win, but often that’s not the main goal. Well, that’s basically what Monument Valley 2 does. Hutch clearly put a lot of thought and work into the game, and it’s really paid off. I want the scale of the Minecraft map to work out so that one day of walking in-game equals one day of walking in real life. I'm wanting to create a map that is essentially my local area. I imagine that my relief map and manual biom marking would be my input. I want to download a relief map from the internet that will provide height. Then I want to somehow end up with a Minecraft map that is pretty close to the real world. I imagine I would want to draw circles on the map to say "this is snow, this is desert, this is forest" and so on. Playing as a prisoner who has just broken free, you can end up building a team of heroes who just want to save the world they are in.
I want the tool to auto-generate the terrain based on my parameters. Often you can find one or two colors, which can be picked up by your black blob and moved to a new block. These two types of upgrades don’t seem to cost money, but the parts needed to take some time to find. There, you are able to purchase upgrades and new weapons, which can help you with your next run. You do have three lives and the ability to purchase new characters with different abilities to help you out. Each day, you have a timer going until closing. Some races can only be played once a day, others are easy cash, more challenging for higher rewards or boss battles to take on. Fighting to survive against another player, either online or a boss through the campaign, you must be one step ahead of them when it comes to playing the right cards to help your animals evolve with the upper hand. Not all cards are monsters, some are milk packs to give you a boost in attack, coins, or health packs.
Are there any tools for turning maps of the Earth in to Minecraft maps? What launched as the 'Pocket Edition' is now just Minecraft - the full game, on your phone. Minecraft Genie can then use food, the currency within the game, to update weapons and make characters more powerful. Taking on level after level, you must use your wits to figure out what needs solving. Once the tile has hit the dry grass tile, the grass will move to any tiles on its level - hopefully hitting the flower and allowing it to bloom. Water starts on one hexagonal tile, but you can move other tiles around the water tile, allowing the water to take over that space. You have to match numbers by sliding the appropriate tiles around the board. Herobrine's Mansion Minecraft Map ’ll basically have your own team of dogs who play football, and you will be swiping left or right to make decisions both on the field and off the field. Using different ingredients and shapes, you’ll need to find the right combinations to fulfil orders.
The basic idea is that you walk around your neighborhood - or the country, or the world - with your phone, using augmented reality (and a lot of mobile data) to find the pokemon hidden on the streets. With such smooth controls, a large amount of different ways to upgrade your car and so much to offer, I find it hard to fault Rebel Racing. You can also save up for a better car, but I spend most of the time upgrading my own until it’s the best possible car of its kind! It’s up to you and your team to take back the world. Fuel runs out over time, especially as you take on more races, but it does refill after a set time which is displayed at the top of the screen. It's a maze of top notch content, that will guarantee you good times in your pocket.Make waiting in line boring no more! There are many, many different types of enemies within the game; some like zombies that slowly walk to you, others that explode when you shoot them and some that just wander around aimlessly waiting to come across your path.
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