#the strange case of sir arthur carmichael
Short Story Tournament
THE STRANGE CASE OF SIR ARTHUR CARMICHAEL by Agatha Christie (1933) (link) - tw: racism, death
I dreamed of cats - I continually fancied I heard him. Now and then in the distance I caught a glimpse of that beautiful animal.
YELLOW AND THE PERCEPTION OF REALITY by Maureen F. McHugh (2020) (link) - tw: brain injuries, animal distress
I will never know reality. Wanda is proof. If she can’t handle it, no one can, But I have traveled through the gathering dark and come to her. It doesn’t matter that I will never know the vibration of quantum energies, never see them or touch them.
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curious if anyone has insight on a problem im dealing with - how to trigger tag for bigotry on the part of the author vs themes of dealing with bigotry? idk how to say it, that's the problem. for example, we're dealing with stories by old authors with... hurtful conceptions of race - see The Strange Case of Sir Arthur Carmichael - and i want to warn people that that story could be hurtful there. on the other hand like The Paper Menagerie deals with racism from the perspective of a Chinese American author - it contains racism but is not racist. presently im tagging both with tw racism, but should i differentiate the two? how? am i worrying about nothing?
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