#the style is a lil different from my usual? my brain broke from that damn book and all i could think is shitty simple to-the-point sentences
a-gay-bloodmage · 6 years
Pairing: Sera x Female Trevelyan
Pairing Type: F/F
Words: 1,390
Warnings: Angst, Inability to Deal With Own Feelings, Bonding Between a Lesbian and a Very Small Cat, Hurt and Comfort, The Magic of Love and Actual Magic
Kiora was an idiot. She was a jerk, an ass, a terrible girlfriend. Sera threw another burnt cookie off the rooftop, watching it shatter into a million tiny crumbs on the cobblestones below and send birds scattering. She sniffled and threw another and another and another until the ground was covered in broken bits of cookies and she had nothing left to throw.
She wiped her nose, trying to ignore the stupid tears in her eyes. Why was she so upset over Kiora being a jerk? She should be angry, not sad. Well, she was angry, but she was sad, too. She was angry and sad and lonely and angry again.
She wanted to hit something, but there wasn't anything good enough to hit. She wanted to yell at someone, but nobody was around at this time of night. She stood up and walked back into her messy room, trying to ignore the bits of Kiora's stuff scattered among hers. She wanted so badly to gather it all up and throw it out her window, but she couldn't bring herself to.
Please, Sera, I don't want you to get hurt, she had said, in that stupid, weepy, whispery, adorable voice of hers. It'll just be two or three weeks, please understand, please, sunshine.
Sera had told her she didn't care. That if she didn't want her there she should just say so and stop making excuses. Kiora had told her that she was misunderstanding. That she was honestly just keeping her safe. Sera had called her stupid. Kiora had gotten such a sad look in her pretty violet eyes that Sera had wanted to apologize then and there. But she had been stubborn. She didn't apologize at all, and Kiora had just left, touching Sera's hand for just a gentle second before tugging on her satchel and walking out Sera's door. Sera had broken something in anger, but she couldn't remember what. It didn't really matter.
She fell into her small, messy windowsill bed, trying to ignore the fact that this was Kiora's favorite place to nap. It was Sera's bed, not Kiora's. She curled around a pillow, annoyed at how much comfort it brought. It was comfortable because it reminded her of Kiora, but she was supposed to be mad at Kiora, so it made her mad. But she wasn't all the way mad. And the longer she stayed curled up around that pillow in the dark, the more the loneliness overtook the anger. And then she was sniffling more, and then she was crying, and then she was burying her face in that stupid pillow that reminded her of Kiora, and she was sobbing all alone because she had driven Kiora away. Because she had been dumb and she had yelled at the only person who was ever only nice to her, and she had made the girl who was only ever kind and sleepy sad, and Kiora was never supposed to be sad. She was choking on her own tears and snot and it was gross and stupid and childish but she couldn't stop.
Only when she heard a faint scratching at the door did she lift her face from her snot and tear covered pillow. There was more scratching, and more, and a little more before the door was slowly pushed open an inch because she was too dumb to properly latch it. It was one of Kiora's dumb cats, the baby, Patches.
"Go away," she muttered, glaring at the kitten. "Stupid little bastard, go away."
The kitten just mewled sadly and jumped up onto the windowsill bed, shoving its stupid little face into Sera's. She didn't bother shoving it off. Patches seemed to understand she was upset, settling in beneath her chin and purring against her wet skin, trying to calm her. She took a minute before she sat up, picking the tiny little thing up in her hand like a doll. The kitten didn't mind, and actually seemed to like being held.
She held Patches to her chest as she walked back out onto the rooftop, sneaking along the ramparts and past any late-night guards as she made her way to the Inquisitor's chambers. She had to put the kitten in her sleep shirt's pocket for a little while as she scaled the wall to Kiora's balcony, but thankfully Patches knew not to move too much or try to escape her pocket. She made her way into Kiora's room, and slowly got up onto her big, too-soft bed.
Kiora had left a robe out on her quilt that she had probably started to pack but left behind because she didn't want to carry the extra weight and didn't mind wearing robes that were a little sweaty. Patches wiggled his way out of Sera's pocket, his tiny little claws poking her breast a little. She didn't have the energy to scold the dumb little bastard. He jumped down onto the robe, pawing at it and mewling up at Sera. He bit the black and dark purple fabric, attempting to drag it over to her, but not seeming to realize that he was not only far too weak to lift so much fabric, but that he was standing on it, too.
Sera picked him up with one hand, and the robe with the other. Kiora was kinda tall, and she was heavy, too, so there was a lot of fabric. Mages always wore impractical, flowy, decorative nonsense. She held the robes up to her face, and breathed in the smell of it. It smelled like the elfroot Kiora smoked, and the charms she wore that smelled like pomegranates. And it smelled like lavender, too, which was weird, because Kiora didn't usually smell like lavender. Sera took another deep breath in through her nose, and the lavender seemed to get stronger.
Her fists tightened up around the robe, and she heard a crinkle of paper. Patches was purring as he curled up in her lap, covered by the heavy fabric. She fished around in the mass of black and violet clothing. It was a little piece of yellowish parchment, covered with Kiora's soft, loopy handwriting.
My sunshine, it said. I'm sorry I had to leave you behind at Skyhold. I'm sure you'll be mad, and you deserve to be. I wouldn't be able to stand myself if I brought you along only to have you get hurt. I love you too much to put you in danger. Sera sniffled, wiping at her eyes. I knew you'd come to my room, and I only hope you find this note. I enchanted this robe to help you sleep in my absence. I love you, Sunshine. -Kiora.
Sera could hardly fathom what she could've ever done to deserve someone as fantastic as Kiora. Someone who took the time to make a robe smell like Orlesian flowers just so that Sera could fall asleep more easily while she was away. Sera fished Patches out from between her legs, holding him while she got under the thick, dark purple and black blankets. Everything Kiora owned seemed to be dark purple or black or both. She set Patches down on a pillow she pulled against her body, wrapping her arms and legs around it, the robe nestled between the pillow and her chest so that she could breathe in its scent. Patches was purring, his blue eyes gently shut as he fell asleep easily under the magic's influence. The magic probably only hardly touched his pink little nose before he was out for the night.
Her muscles began to relax, and she felt the warm, cozy, sleepy feeling of Kiora's magic wash over her. The pain in her back that had come from slumping over the edge of the roof and curling up into herself began to disappear, replaced by soothing warmth. She felt twice as heavy, her body sinking into the soft mattress.
As she dozed off, Kiora's wonderful magic running through her veins, she couldn't help but wonder if Kiora knew she was asleep in her bed. Because—however mad it would sound in the morning—she felt her blonde hair being smoothed and a kiss being planted on her forehead, and could hear—ever so faintly—a whispery goodnight as she breathed in the sweet scent of lavender.
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