#the submarine episode vibe makes me want to watch balance of terror now
mylittleredgirl · 1 year
finally kept going on my strange new worlds watch! 1x04 memento mori. i don’t have much of value to offer about it at this hour of whenever this spits out of the queue but
i could not love uhura more!!
and her and hemmer bonding… 💙💙💙💙
SEN-SORS i love ethan peck more every time i hear it
m’benga and una are soul friends change my mind
I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT KYLE i forgot he was a legacy character for a minute 😰
shuttle galileo my beloved
thinking therapy should maybe be non-optional for some of these folks but maybe la’an just did a really great job at her Starfleet Bespoke Trauma Job Interview
i liked that moment between her and pike after the briefing room scene!
and the shuttlecraft mind meld scene was great too
i CRIED hearing michael’s voice 😢
i still quite literally do not understand the “the discovery crew had to be erased from history KGB style” thing either in or out of universe, to the degree that i mentally edited in the uss discovery onto spock and pike’s remembrance day pins
was spock so traumatized by it that he told starfleet command “this is the only logical thing to do [so i never have to talk about this again and legally no one can ask me to]” and they just rolled with it?
i’m sorry i will be annoying about this for the rest of my life it can’t be helped
i’m focusing
everybody was so moist the whole episode from space hot weather and yet the SNW uniform does not have an undershirt option so we can ogle them?? 👎 👎
i looked up the costume designer just now specifically to make this face ☹️
ma’am i love the rest of your work but bernadette croft you have let me down in this specific matter
lastly, whatever the Theater Audio Setting is on my flat tv speakers means i don’t think i experienced the awful sound effect that @sarnakhwritesthings kindly warned me about. that might be another episode? was it the creaking of the bulkheads in the gravity well? the tinnitus is already dialed up from the symptoms™️ so maybe whatever it was is at the exact same pitch 🤷‍♀️
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