#the summer i turned pretty s1 e2
Christopher Briney on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Conrad on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E2]
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rickybowensfever · 2 years
Brotherly Love - TSITP
Remember me? I’ve had such writers block but stories have been brewing my head. I just haven’t had a lot of passion to write this year, I’ve been really burned out creatively. But, I watched The Summer I Turned Pretty show and I have some Conrad focused sickfics I’ve been working on. In 2015, after reading the series, I actually wrote a Conrad sickfic on Fanfiction.net so I might rewrite it since I never finished it lol 
 Here’s the first one!
Jeremiah shines in this story as we see his nurturing capabilities be put to the test. I'm basing this story off of the episode where Conrad is hungover and Jere helps him recover.
Conrad wakes up with a stomach flu the day of Beach Day. Laurel and Susannah are out on the town while the kids go to the beach for the day.
CW: mention of vomit, not graphic
Posted on AO3 and Wattpad
Inspired by this scene in the gif below (S1 E2 Summer Dress)
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Conrad walked down the flight of stairs feeling lightheaded and sick to his stomach. He held onto the railing trying to balance himself and get to the kitchen all in one piece. He slept like crap all night, tossing and turning as nausea crept up on him around 5 o'clock in the morning.
As he made it into the kitchen, he was startled by his younger brother's tenacity. "Conrad! There you are! We're about to leave for the beach. You coming?" he cried, grinning with his pearly whites, standing by the counter in front of an open backpack.
Conrad looked at him trying to find the energy to speak. He closed his eyes briefly while holding onto the edge of the breakfast bar with his hands to regain his balance. He took a deep breath and re-opened them to see his brother still standing there waiting for a response.
Making eye contact with a perky Jeremiah, Conrad said "Nah, you guys go. I feel sick" running one hand through his messy hair.
Jeremiah's golden retriever energy immediately vanished when he noticed his brother's sluggish behavior and the color sapped from his face. Jere's smiley grin turned to a concerned frown as he observed Conrad's slow breathing and bright pink cheeks.
"Woah. You don't look good" Jeremiah said seeing his complexion closer, holding up his palm to feel Conrad's boiling forehead.
"Duuddee! Go lie on the couch. I'll take care of ya before I have to leave" he said all chipper racing over to the fridge to grab some water.
"Okay" Conrad whispered taking his time as he slowly walked over to the couch. His head and vision felt foggy.
He lay his head on a pillow covering himself with the only blanket he could find and closed his eyes. The sound of Jeremiah whispering to himself and the opening and closing of the kitchen cabinets made it impossible for him to relax.
Once he finally felt like he was about to sleep, he jolted awake. "Hey! Do you have a cough or anything?" Jeremiah hollered from the other room making a ruckus.
"No. It's just my stomach and head" he said softly.
"Ah, okay!" the boy shouted again. Conrad winced in annoyance.
Finally, it was silent. Conrad sighed feeling relieved as his head kept pounding. He started to rub his temples hoping to ease the pain when he felt a gentle shake of his arm. He slowly opened his eyes to see his brother squatting by the couch with a bottle of Tylenol, a thermometer, and a water bottle.
"Where's Mom and Laurel?" Conrad whispered. Jeremiah jokingly scoffed, "Am I doing a bad job already?"
"No, no. You're doing fine. I'm just asking" he muttered taking the cold water from his hands.
"Mom and Laurel went in town for the day. That's why we all decided to do a beach day. Bummer you have to miss out" he said sincerely, taking a seat on the edge of the couch looking up at his older brother as he chugged the water bottle.
"Thanks. I was super lightheaded" Conrad explained, putting the empty plastic water bottle on the coffee table.
Jeremiah held up a thermometer, "Alright, I've gotta go soon but I'll let Mom know you're hanging here" he said handing the small digital instrument to him.
"Thanks," he said before sticking it under his tongue.
Jeremiah sat looking around the room while they waited. He pulled out his phone to text his mother and Steven to tell him he was just finishing up at the house.
Jeremiah shot up from his phone jolting out of focus and leaned over to grab the thermometer from his brother's mouth.
"Yep, you're sick" he said examining the reading. Conrad perched his eyebrows waiting for the verdict.
"100.1" he announced, setting the instrument down on the coffee table and picking up the bottle of Tylenol. "Take this and get some rest. Text me if you need anything, I'll just be down at the beach" he instructed grinning softly.
Conrad nodded the blanket up to his neck.
"Thanks, Jere" he whispered and closed his eyes.
Once Jeremiah made it down to the beach, Belly's face lit up at the sight of him. "Hey!! What took you so long?" she asked.
"Conrad was supposed to come with us but he's sick" Jeremiah explained putting his backpack down on the blanket.
"Is he okay?" she asked looking like she'd seen a ghost.
"Oh, yeah. He'll be fine, Bells! We'll stay here while he gets some rest. But you stay with us. My Mom would kill me if you got sick before the Deb Ball" he said taking a seat right next to her in the sand.
"Oh my God, I'll be fine. Don't treat me like a baby" she said throwing a handful of sand at him. Jeremiah squealed and laughed, "Oh, you're on!" he said glaring at her. He packed sand in his fist and stood up to throw it on her head.
Belly yelped quickly shooting up and booking it toward the ocean laughing ferociously in the process as she made it to the water.
When Jeremiah returned to the house, Conrad was nowhere in sight. He looked around the living room anxiously to search for him. Where could he be in their average-sized house? he thought until he heard soft footsteps coming out of the bathroom.
"Oh, hey" Conrad said slowly walking over to the couch he'd been occupying all day.
"You okay?" Jeremiah said his pupils dilated, trying to process what was happening in front of him.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just got a little sick but I think I'm done now" he said nodding his head and sitting back down on the couch.
Jeremiah's hands flung in the air, "Alright... Well, I'm heading to the store. I'll pick up some more Gatorade and Ginger Ale just to have in the fridge. Need anything?" he asked nervously.
Jeremiah could handle almost anything. But puking was his one deal breaker.
"Sure, that sounds good. I think I have a stomach flu or something. So weird" he announced lying his legs down and throwing the blanket over top of him to get comfortable again.
Jeremiah grimaced shivering at the image forming in his head and grabbed his car keys, "Hm, weird. Be right back!" he said sprinting out the door.
Conrad slept disheveled on the couch snoring softly. His quiet nature following him to sleep when the back door shut loudly jolting him out of a sound sleep. He groaned as he realized the nausea still lingered and sweat stuck to his basketball shorts and t-shirt.
"Sorry" Belly whispered running through the foyer. Her footsteps were loud enough to fully wake him. She stopped in her tracks to peak over into the living room. "Shit" she muttered cursing herself for not obeying Jere's commands.
Conrad swung his feet over the couch and cocked his head to see her.
"Sssh" he said blinking his tired eyes at her.
She froze cursing herself knowing Jere was going to have some words with her if he knew she'd come into contact with his brother.
"I'm sorry!" she said.
Conrad perched his eyebrows and yawned.
The front door shut as Jeremiah walked into the foyer holding plastic bags. He was furious.
"Belly. What are you doing in here?" he barked in a whisper turning his head to see Conrad fully awake waving at him.
Jeremiah groaned. "What did I tell you!"
"I'm sorry. I really am. I just uh came in to fix my bathing suit."
"Fix your bathing suit and come right back down. We're going back to the beach. That's final" Jeremiah commanded. His face grew beat red and his eyebrows cocked in anger.
Belly nodded at Jeremiah's command running to the steps leading to her bedroom.
"Ugh. I told her to leave you alone. I'll be in deep shit if anything happens to her before the Deb Ball" Jeremiah explained to his brother.
Conrad chuckled, "It's fine. She didn't mean it" he said yawning.
"How ya feeling?" he asked
Conrad shrugged, "I've been better. My headache's mostly gone though" he said folding the blanket and leaving it on the couch.
"Nice, nice" Jeremiah said, plastic bags still in his hands. "I'll go put these away" he motioned to the bags turning around toward the kitchen.
"I think I'm just gonna go up to bed" Conrad said letting out a long yawn, walking into the kitchen to the extra pair of steps.
"Good idea. It's probably quieter. I hope we didn't bother you"
"Nah, you're good" he replied disappearing into the abyss.
After a much-needed day of rest and hydrating, Conrad's nausea finally subsided by the evening. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and pulled out his phone composing a much-needed message.
C: Thanks for being there today. Hope it wasn't too bad.
J: Dude np! anytime. That's what brothers are for :)
Authors Note: I love Conrad and Jere's brotherly bond. Jeremiah is so caring and has a big heart, so I hope I was able to capture it in this story!
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Lola Tung on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Belly on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E2]
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Gavin Casalegno on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Jeremiah on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E2]
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Jackie Chung on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Laurel on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E2]
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David Iacono on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Cam on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E2]
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Sean Kaufman on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Steven on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E2]
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Rachel Blanchard on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Susannah on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E2]
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Minnie Mills on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Shayla on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E1&E2]
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Alfredo Narciso on The Summer I Turned Pretty Season 1
as Cleveland on The Summer I Turned Pretty [S1|E2]
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Skam IT (Season 1) [4/11]
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Currently working on ...
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The A List (S1 E3)
The A List (S1 E4)
The A List (S1 E5)
The Summer I turned pretty (S1 E1)
The Summer I turned pretty (S1 E2)
The Mindy Project (S1 E3)
The Mindy Project (S1 E4)
Teenage Bounty Hunters (S1 E6)
Teenage Bounty Hunters (S1 E7)
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Skam IT (Season 1) [4/11]
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