#the suns shine brightly on you my boy // luke skywalker musings
dxsertsuns · 2 years
I know why Luke is stone faced in his confrontation with the emperor, he’s trying to be the perfect Jedi, but man do I want him to smile. Just grin that big, sunny grin in the emperor’s face- sharp and with teeth, right until the emperor loses. 
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mandochlorian · 4 years
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
For over a decade, Y/N Y/L/N has been in a relentless battle with the sinister FIRST ORDER, never getting close enough to destroy one another. After a messy history with the boy who was once known as Ben Solo, he and Y/N had parted ways. Neither sides will rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.
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The sound of a ship coming out of hyperspace makes Rey instantly perk up. Setting her food down, she stands quickly as if she’s rehearsed this a million times. Though she can’t see the ship, she runs towards the sound of it. Poe said that though Jakku is small and seemingly insignificant, this place is historic. It used to have a small Rebel Alliance outpost. You sense that this is where you’re supposed to be right now.
The light from the Jakku sun shines into your eyes brightly as you step from the ship. Gasping, you crawl from the wreckage, lifting yourself up just in time as the ship sinks further into the ground. 
“You made it.” Finn states, his shoes in front of your face.
“How long since we landed? I feel like I’ve been asleep for days.” You sigh, taking a breath before you stand.
“I think it’s been a day,” Finn admits, “When I woke up, the sun was just rising.”
Frowning, you turn to see the last of the ship roaring as it fades forever, “You were going to pull me from the wreckage if I didn’t wake up, right?” You muse, standing up with a cough. 
Finn doesn’t answer, just turns to face the massive dunes. You see him wearing Poes brown jacket, and without a word you glance back to where the ship once crash landed. You understand. 
Finn begins to walk south, you watch him struggling to find steady breath under the scorching sun. “The outpost is this way.” You alert him. Finn pauses, glancing at you for confirmation but you’ve already begun walking.
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Finn’s gasping for air, for water, searching anywhere for it. You watch him with furrowed brows as he spots a trough of water for animals. He drinks from the disgusting water and for once, you feel lucky being force-sensitive. Another perk is… you can feel someone’s eyes on you. Turning, you spot a figure watching you in the distance. 
A girl. 
You can’t help but let your eyes linger on her for a while, as she stares at you and Finn. You follow her downward gaze, seeing the orange and white droid beside her feet. And it sees Finn, who bolts to the left without a single word.
You let out a sigh, rushing behind him to see the conundrum unfold as the girl and the droid keep their sights set on the brown jacket. A loud thud stops you and you see Finn on the ground, though no one sees you yet. “Who are you?” Rey shouts, holding her metal staff to his chin.
“What? Who are you?” Finn responds, propping himself on his elbows to give the girl an incredulous look. BB-8 speeds up to Finn, holding his taser out and shocking the ex-trooper back to the floor again, “Ouch, okay!”
“That jacket, it was his masters.” Rey says sternly, “Where is he?”
“Yeah, P-Poe!” Finn nods to the droid, “He helped me escape the Order, I owe him my life!”
“Where is he?” Rey asks more forcefully.
“He didn’t make it.” You step in, holding your hands up in the air when Rey points her staff towards you, though it would do no harm.
“Who are you people?” Rey asks, curious and unsure.
“I’m…” Finn trails off, looking to the droid and then to Rey, “I’m with the Resistance.”
BB-8 doesn’t say anything, just gives Finn a sort of look. Honestly, the droid doesn’t know everyone int he Resistance… he only knows who’s not in the Resistance. And when it looks at you again, it emits a number of beeps that alert everyone in the room that you’re not a friend of theirs. “You’re right,” you respond to the droid, “I’m not with them. But I helped him and Poe escape.”
“Why were you on a First Order ship?”
“Ren likes to take prisoners,” you announce, “As I’m sure we’re all aware of. I’m sorry about Poe.” You tell the droid, who beeps sadly as he tilts his head towards the ground. Turning to Finn, you help him stand. He gives you a wary look, wondering why you didn’t tell them his true identity.
“Hey, you!” Before the trooper can even raise their blaster, you stretch your hand out, sending them flying backwards with such force that they don’t stand back up.
“Shit!” Finn exclaims, “We gotta get out of here. Now!”
Rey speaks up, looking to the group, “Follow me! I know a ship we can take!”
As she says this, the loud thunder of a large ship coming out of hyperspace makes you all look up into the sky. “Well, so much for not drawing attention.” Finn states, his dark eyes on the ship as it hovers above them in the air, “We gotta go. Now!”
Running with Rey by your side, a deafening noise shoots through the air and you suddenly see great green lasers lift the sand from its resting place. “TIe Fighter inbound. Watch yourselves!” You shout.
“What about that one?” Finn shouts to Rey, who shakes her head and continues leading everyone in a sprint towards a ship.
“That ones garbage!” She shouts back, halting just in time to not get hit by the immense blast of the fighter shooting the ship everyone had been running to. Rey pauses, her eyes wide. The ship is up in flames. “The garbage will do!” She shouts.
Taking a breath in as you begin running, you watch the tie fighter zoom into the sky as it makes its way around and when it’s time to board the garbage ship… you can’t help but stop in front of it. The Millennium Falcon. Your eyes are wide and you can barely hear the sound of Finn and Rey shouting at you to get on board. Do you get on board? Or do you face Ren here and now? It’s going to happen eventually. 
Finn grabs your wrist, hearing a tie fighter landing far behind you. “You can either be in here or die out there!” Finn states, his brown eyes searching yours, “Now help me get this piece of junk into the sky.”
Giving him a silent glare, you head to the co-pilot's seat. The few seconds you’re left alone in here have you feeling like a child again. You look around, at the seats, the window, the buttons that come to life, and all you can think about is Ben...
The fire began within Ben and it spread to the Jedi temple, leaving ashes in its fiery wake. You remember the thrill of rebellion, the way you felt relief at taking revenge for their words. 
Running from the scene, you and Ben were stopped by your master. And for once, everything felt quiet. There was no fire rumbling, no buildings collapsing, no shouting. Luke just looked at you and you both looked at him.
Luke looks torn with guilt, knowing that when he called for the person inside the training room, it was the two of you. His heart aches at the words that he spoke of you, his youngest and brighter students. “Y/N? This… This was never planned for you. You were supposed to be on the light side-”
“You don’t get to decide that for me. I do.” You had cut him off, glaring at the broken man. He just let out a tired sigh as a tear fell from his eye. You would have felt shocked but it had not been the first time you saw an adult cry. And then you left him there, standing with his droid as you both left the temple to burn.
You were running through the halls, leaving a path of destruction in your wake when he stopped in his old room. You remember you had turned to Ben, knowing that you had proved yourself worthy of your talents and loyalty. No other padawan or Jedi could defeat you. “Now what?” You asked him.
Only he didn’t answer, he didn’t say a word as he let the blue light of his saber cast shadows on your young throat. “You really thought I would let you live, Y/N?” He inquires, his hand feeling as though it’s about to drop his weapon at any second. 
A voice inside his head is screaming at him to do it, to kill you, but for once he doesn’t let it manipulate him.
You looked at him, your eyes wide and betrayed. “I don’t understand… Ben, we’re on the same side.”
He just shook his head as if it were the simplest equation ever. He raises his saber, shakily, unprepared, wishing the voice would just shut up. “No, we’re not.” He tells you.
Before he can strike you down, you raise your hand and he’s being pushed away from you as the room begins to fill with smoke from the expanding fire. In an instant, your green saber is in your hand as you defended yourself. 
“You think you can beat me?” You let out a laugh, striking down but he blocked it with his own weapon, “I’m better than you in every way, Ben. Why do you think I’m Skywalkers favourite?”
He hit his lightsaber against yours and it shouts with agony as the two cyber crystals meet forcefully. “If you’re the favourite then why have you been abandoned by two families?” He smirks, his dark hair falling slightly into his eyes. 
Grunting, you both stumble back when you try to strike one another down but once again, you both anticipate the move that the other will make. Running into the hallway, Ben follows you but you swing around to hit him with your lightsaber. 
Dodging it by sliding on his knees, Ben swipes his at your ankles but you’re too quick, you jump over it and he rapidly stands.
A loud noise comes from above, making the two of you pause to look at the fiery ceiling above. Before it can fall on the two of you, you both jump apart. The ceiling, engulfed in hot flames creates a barrier between the two of you and you’re both left watching each other, chests rising and falling quicker than ever. 
“This won’t be the last time we meet, I promise you that.” Ben stated, his tired eyes gazing into yours.
“I’m counting on it.” You shouted back, placing your saber away before you both parted ways. 
And that was the beginning of the feud. You kept running, leaving the site with nothing but you and your weapon. From a far distance away from the academy, it looked like yellow lights shining from a city and you admired it for a few minutes before the cold began to settle in.
taglist: mitsuhkai antoniamarie1989-blog haylaansmi eilei-draws
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
Haha *blows dust off the blog* anyone want a starter?
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
Imagine if the sequels had let Luke Skywalker avoid the mistakes of his predessors.
Then Ben wouldn't have fallen (as far) and we could've had a double agent Kylo thing where he's honestly struggling with the dark side and his love for his family instead of Luke having tried to kill him.
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
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something you need it goes without saying that we all need love, but maybe that's a realisation you've had to have. and you don't just need it, you want it, don't you? i hope you know that you can allow yourself to believe that. you're allowed to want love, it doesn't make you greedy or needy, and there's nothing you have to do in order to be worthy of anyone's love. you're deserving just by existing as you are, you've existed enough and done enough to be entitled to a life of love. and you'll find it - maybe you already have! - i know you will.
tagged by: myself
tagging: @galaxycrxss @galaxyfcrged (for whoever) and anyone else who wants to do it!
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
Hey just a reminder as I rewatch the Force Awakens that my Luke is only in hiding in his sequels verse because he’s training the jedi who survived Kylo’s attempted burning.
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
Also a big reason Luke is so ADAMANT that Darth Vader can come back from the Dark Side is his (slightly insightful, a lot biased) view of Darth Vader’s position. He sees the Empire and he equates them naturally to slavers on Tatooine. This would make Darth Vader a slave. 
A slave, in Luke’s mind, does not have much say in what he does and does not do, that is up to the master (in this case the Emperor) which makes Darth Vader sympathetic in Luke’s mind. He’s not committing atrocities because he’s a bad person, he’s doing it because he doesn’t have a choice. So Luke’s trying to give him a choice. There’s still good in him, he can break away from his master.
Now this is very biased thinking. Luke idolized his father growing up, the idea of the freed slave turned roguish spice runner, he idolized him even more once he learned he was a Jedi. Finding out he was Darth Vader HURT Luke deeply and he didn’t have time to process that grief. So he rationialized it. And he rationialized it in such a way that took away Anakin’s agency.
Because Anakin committed genocide, fell to the Dark Side, killed people he considered family. And while he was definitely manipulated and victimized into doing so he DID those things of mostly his own volition. He was not controlled, at least not then. 
Luke does eventually internalize and process this but it takes him until after his father’s death to do so.
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
While I personally believe Luke takes more after his mother, he is very much his father’s son. I think a large reason why Luke was able to resist the dark side and Anakin wasn’t (besides the gr**ming by palpatine which is a whole different can of worms) 
Besides THAT there is the fact that Anakin reacts to trauma with righteous anger “How DARE that have happened?” where as Luke weaponizes kindness as a defense. He’ll smile in his enemy’s face and not show a hint of fang, he’ll ask after his enemy’s health, their children, and he’ll geniunely CARE about the answer. He’ll respond to their goading with kindness. 
It’s a defense mechanism; people are unlikely to hurt someone they think is a friend or someone they think might follow their orders, he used this technique to get away from the slavers and water barons and Hutts on Tatooine. But it also tends to disarm his enemies emotionally and sometimes, SOMETIMES, turn them into friends. 
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
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you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
TAGGED BY: @amiidalla
TAGGING: @foundjarin @negociateur @commandsir @galaxycrxss (for echo?) @volucerrubidus​
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
Luke is kind, gentle and patient but do not let that fool you. He is his father's son as much as his mother's. He is exceedingly stubborn when he wants something and hard to talk out of an idea.
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
the rising underdog.
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why hello again dearie, I see you managed to help those frogs those children were kicking, hm? oh how much I can emphasize we are but the ghosts of our childhood passions. and, unsurprising enough, the hero to the trodden little creatures of the earth is now a rising golden savior to the masses. oh love, I said you'd go far, didn't I. for the good always prevail in the end, somehow, they do. you lived a difficult life, I know, but you never let that get you down. you took beatings with a grin, and dished back kindness in return. inequality and injustice made you outaged, and you strove to assist the hurting and abused. oh shining dragon, you are bathed in golden light. please keep being true. you have tasted blood and death, but you refused to force it down the throats of others. and that alone proves there is inchor in your veins, demigod. you will be struggling until the very end, battling for your comrades, your people, and yourself. never lose sight of your goal my dear. sometimes you needn't have one, except see the good, and protect it. that is all my advice can tell you. I implore, protect the goodness in yourself with everything you have, but never refuse to share it also. young hero, you are growing. you are destined for wonders even I may not live long enough to encounter. keep up the good work, and keep your head held high. you are bound to do the impossible, all because you see the truth. there is good in the world, and it deserves to be found.
tagged by: @frcebalanced
tagging: @volucerrubidus​ @negociateur​ @rebelfcrged @cauterisen @amiidalla​ and anyone who’d like to steal it 
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
You know i often forget Biggs Darklighter dies and I think thats really indicitive of how little his death did for the plot. In my canon he lives, Luke can have his bestie, as a treat.
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
As a child everytime Luke saw a sandstorm on the horizon he would run to Ben’s hut. Because Uncle Owen didn’t allow him to see Ben and Luke was so ENAMORED with the man, he thought he was the coolest, most mysterious man he’d ever met. So he would make sure there was absolutely no way Uncle Owen could come looking for him for at least a few hours.
And Ben got to babysit, unwillingly. 
(it gave him time to train up Luke’s shields and it helped that Luke listened to every story with rapt undivided attention.)
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
Please remember that while Luke is a sunshine boy the sun(s) can burn you too. Sunshine can and will hurt.
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
Luke speaks/understands four languages fluently and no one talks about it.
The Tatooine Slave Language
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
sometimes I get so soft over how badly Luke crave familial connection/affection. He’s always wanted a big family. He wants to love and be loved by so many people, he wants a family gathering so large they can’t all fit in one room, he wants people to know him and love him for who he is not what he can do. I weep for my lad.
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